Ancient Wife Marriage

By Kessho_Yuki

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COMPLETED Alternative Title : 古代娶妻记 Author : 恶魔笑 Liang Han did not expect to cross to another world, and beca... More

Chapter 1: This Liang Han is not the Liang Han
Chapter 2: Don't worry about food!
Chapter 3: Peace with the Encounter!
Chapter 4: Zhang Qingzhu!
Chapter 5: Looking for Rapeseed!
Chapter 6: Uncle Liang!
Chapter 7: Sleeping Problem!
Chapter 8: Come and beat you!
Chapter 9: The Legend of the White Snake!
Chapter 10: Harvest the melons and plant vegetables!
Chapter 11: Stay for another five days!
Chapter 12: The Fourth Brother Has Arrived!
Chapter 13: Play the Game!
Chapter 14: Zhang Qingzhu Goes Home!
Chapter 15: Zhang Qingzhu's Family!
Chapter 16: Quiet and Chaotic!
Chapter 17: Borrow a Car!
Chapter 18: Uncle and Nephew Consultation!
Chapter 19: Shopping in the County!
Chapter 20: A Blood Case Caused by an Egg!
Chapter 21: Bet!
Chapter 22: Sprouts!
Chapter 23: Count You Smart!
Chapter 24: There is no money for anything!
Chapter 25: Let's go to the county town together!
Chapter 26: Bean sprouts sell well!
Chapter 27: The fish is actually delicious!
Chapter 28: Persuasion!
Chapter 29: Discover it soon!
Chapter 30: Need to increase production!
Chapter 31: Someone is following!
Chapter 32: Gloves!
Chapter 33: Uncle Liang's Plan!
Chapter 34: The Loser!
Chapter 35: Beggar!
Chapter 36: Too Much Helplessness!
Chapter 37: Do Good!
Chapter 38: Dew Filling!
Chapter 39: The Seller!
Chapter 40: Copper Coin Flashes Blind!
Chapter 41: Tangled into a twist!
Chapter 42: Give the Money Back!
Chapter 43: The Road to Chasing His Wife Is Far Away!
Chapter 44: I'm telling the truth!
Chapter 45: Pick Up Another Child!
Chapter 46: What do you think of Liang Han!
Chapter 47: Prepare for the New Year!
Chapter 48: Xiao Bao is leaving!
Chapter 49: The Customs of the Waxing Moon!
Chapter 50: You come and go at the dinner table!
Chapter 51: The Secret of the Little Stone!
Chapter 52: Rumors: Brother Zhang Sange Divorced His Wife (I)
Chapter 53: Rumors: Brother Zhang Sange Divorced His Wife (II)
Chapter 54: Go to the Lantern Meeting!
Chapter 55: Zhang Qingfu: Third Young Master Lin has a good memory!
Chapter 56: Lantern Storm: Lose Your Child!
Chapter 57: The Untouchables Still Have to Be Grinded by the Wicked!
Chapter 58: Liang Han: Buying cattle, in fact, I have a crush on horses!
Chapter 59: Third Brother Zhang: Get married before you!
Chapter 60: Liang Han: Relatives can probe the mouth wind first!
Chapter 61: Liang Han: Blame me, there is no door!
Chapter 62: Liang Han: The Sun Strikes the West and Comes Out!
Chapter 63: Family Affair Has a Chance!
Chapter 64: Prepare to Kiss!
Chapter 65: Night Dark Wind High Revenge Night!
Chapter 66: Family affairs must be guaranteed!
Chapter 67: Liang Han: I'm a little excited about the next hire!
Chapter 68: Zhang Qingzhu: Your little pig has vegetables to eat!
Chapter 69: Spring: Yuqian Steamed Vegetables!
Chapter 70: There is a shop for sale!
Chapter 71: Another Business!
Chapter 72: Liang Han: Cave House Flower Candle Night!
Chapter 73: Tomatoes taste good too!
Chapter 74: Summer Story!
Chapter 75: Honeymoon Meets the Dead!
Chapter 76: It's a honeymoon!
Chapter 77: Make a Good Friend!
Chapter 78: Zhang Qingzhu: Stuffed, Honestly!
Chapter 79: The Man Who Came for the Potatoes
Chapter 80: Happy Events!
Chapter 81: Be nice to him too!
Chapter 82: The County Master Visits!
Chapter 83: Let's go into town!
Chapter 84: The potatoes are ripe!
Chapter 85: Potato Harvest: You've done a great job!
Chapter 86: Everybody's Scheme!
Chapter 87: Thieves in the middle of the night!
Chapter 88: Prepare Before Opening a Store!
Chapter 89: The Opening is Good!
Chapter 90: The Opening is Good!
Chapter 91: There really are people who don't want faces!
Chapter 92: Cut Hu!
Chapter 93: A Rare Benefit!
Chapter 94: The Problem of Succession!
Chapter 95: Yunyun is the Fang Family Little Young Master!
Chapter 97: Milk Doll!
Chapter 98: The Day of Being a Daddy!
Chapter 99: Little Tangyuan!
Chapter 100: Xue Chunlian: Let me go back to Zhang's house!
Chapter 101: Something Clear!
Chapter 102: Another Year!
Chapter 103:EXTRA: Three Years Later (1)
Chapter 104:EXTRA: Three Years Later (2)

Chapter 96: Lin Xi's Identity!

388 17 0
By Kessho_Yuki

"Alas!" Liang Han sighed, he could only comfort himself in his heart, "Ancient times are ancient, if you don't want to be treated as an alien, some rules still have to be observed."

Seeing that he was so depressed, Zhang Qingzhu explained, "Don't be angry." It's not that we can't solve it. If you can't let the little stone into my house, you can't. The matter was solved. Later, we will have a child in our name. There are small stones, and we are not afraid that no one will retire.

For the children's affairs, Zhang Qingzhu is very open. When he decided to get married, he never thought of having a biological child. Even if the little stone can't be in their name, it's not still around them. Although they did not give birth, they raised them with their hearts, and they did not worry that the children would not be filial to them in the future.

He also understood why Liang Han was so angry. The matter that could have been justified in accepting children was set up so that no one was happy. He was also angry in his heart, but Liang Han was already huffing, and he wanted to follow along, and the two of them were still so angry that they could not break the plate.

Zhang Qingzhu got up and hugged Liang Han and kissed him on the face: "Don't be angry." Think of something else to go for.

Liang Han laughed, pointed to his lips and said, "It's too perfunctory to kiss your face, so you have to kiss here."

Zhang Qingzhu smiled and pushed his face: "Don't take an inch." Your beard is so prickly, it's good if I'm willing to kiss it. Saying that, he put his hands on his face and rubbed his beard, "Look at your lazy these days, without shaving, you are about to grow into a bear again." Hurry up and fight yourself, the day after tomorrow we will officially move, when the time comes, many people will have to burn the bottom of the pot for us. You have a bearded face, how can you see people.

Liang Han hugged him, let him sit on his lap, and leaned his face over to deliberately prick him: "You still dislike my long beard." What are you afraid of with a long beard, what a master I look like.

Zhang Qingzhu retreated and said with a smile: "You are as strong as a bear, even if you don't have this bearded face, who can treat you as a man." Hurry up and shave clean, it's okay to be short, grow a beard when you eat, and it's an eyesore to watch.

Liang Han can touch his chin: "The beard grows too fast, I just didn't repair it for a few days to grow like this." "The beard is good-looking, but it is too long and has no style, and it is troublesome to eat.

Zhang Qingzhu urged him: "Go and go, shave quickly." Didn't you say you'd have to go to the store later? And the new dish made with fish balls, have you thought about it?

Liang Han: "This is simple. We don't have fish balls here, plus the special chili sauce in our store. If you don't get anything else, just boil it in a spicy soup, and it tastes pretty good. What boiled fish balls, grilled fish balls, there are quite a lot of ways to eat.

Zhang Qingzhu thought for a while, and felt that Liang Han thought about most of the things he thought about was quite reliable, so he said: "Then sell and see first." If everyone thinks it's delicious, add the fish balls. But if it sells well, the fish balls are also troublesome, do we have to hire someone? The two of us are busy making potato flour every day, plus fish balls are afraid that they can't be busy.

"Please. Someone must be hired. "Not to mention making fish balls, even potato flour Liang Han is bored." If you can't sell well, you are worried that you won't make money, and if you sell well, you have to be busy half to death. He was really looking forward to the day when everyone planted potatoes so that they wouldn't have to make potato flour secretly.

"I've thought about it, don't we have four upside-down rooms in the front yard?" If the fish balls are done well, let's find a few people to chop the fish mince. Moreover, fish balls can also be sold as semi-finished products to other food shops, and I think this business can be done.

Zhang Qingzhu asked: "It's not difficult to make fish balls, it's just a little effort." After we sell it, others will do it when they look at it. At that time, there will definitely be many people stealing business.

"But we have corn starch, others don't." And corn flour can also be used as a vegetable hook, if it weren't for the spicy taste in our store. I want to add shredded fish and sweet and sour pork ribs. That taste, don't you and Little Stone both say it's delicious.

"The shredded fish is delicious. Especially served with rice. Zhang Qingzhu said, "Then you can cook a fish-flavored shredded meat at noon." Let's steam the rice and eat. "Okay. This one is no problem. In the afternoon, try out various ways to eat fish balls in the store to see which ones are suitable for selling in the store. When we get the name of fish balls out in the store, we can go to some food shops to sell fish balls.

"The business thing, you can do it when you think about it." Zhang Qingzhu got up from him and patted him: "Hurry up and shave." I went to the carpenter to look at the pattern of the bed and decided on a book with him. "To decorate the study room for small stones, books are naturally indispensable.

"You take the drawing of my desk and ask him to make the kind with drawers." If he can do it, the bookshelf will be in his place. 


Two days later.

When moving to a new house, relatives and friends should bring gifts to celebrate, commonly known as the bottom of the pot. It means that the fire will be reopened in the new home on this day, which means that the future will be prosperous.

Originally, the two of them thought it was not a big deal, and when the time came, they would set up firecrackers and set up two tables. Anyway, they are not outsiders, and they can be served well if they have fish and meat.

But the night before, after the two of them calculated the number of people who would come that day, "There are twelve people in your family, the family of the eldest uncle and the little uncle on my side, plus the two grandfather's family, and the grandfather's family, and the two married aunts don't know if they will come." That's a lot of people.

"This is just relatives, and there should be people from the clan who will also come." We don't have many friends, and Xiao Dong and the two of them should also come. "They all came on the day the store opened, and they would definitely come when they moved," you should calculate how many tables are appropriate.

"Set up six tables, and prepare two more tables of dishes, so that there are not more people coming when the time comes."

"Prepare more, at least let the guests eat." Thinking like this, Zhang Qingzhu sighed with emotion, "To make this one, the cost is worth a wedding banquet."

Liang Han smiled and asked him: "Do you think that life is quietly getting better and better?"

"Which is quiet." But it's getting better and better. Needless to say, his and Liang Han's life is naturally getting better and better. This made him particularly emotional: "It feels like the days are changing so fast." A few years ago, it was not easy for me to eat stew, but now I can buy it whenever I want. In the past, I was most worried that my brother and they would not be able to marry a daughter-in-law, but now that several brothers have agreed on their relatives, they are waiting to get married.

"It feels like everything is getting better." Zhang Qingzhu looked at Liang Han, "It seems that after meeting you, everything is getting better and better."

Liang Han smiled: "Do you think it is particularly blessed to meet me."

Zhang Qingzhu laughed: "You are really immodest. A compliment to you will be revealed. Hurry up and go to sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow to work.

Early the next morning, Uncle Liang knocked on the door.

The family drove two ox carts with four tables pulled on them.

"I pulled four tables over first. When your uncle comes, he will pull four tables, and I calculated that eight tables are enough. Liang Xiaoshu waited for Liang Han to remove the threshold, this is his first time, looked at the red gate, and said, "Your yard is good."

It is not easy to find a green brick house in the

village, and his nephew now buys a yard in the city. It is still a courtyard in the south city, but it is not those dilapidated courtyards.

Liang Han beckoned them to enter, "Xiao Shu, did you set the table in this courtyard when you saw it, or did you set it in the courtyard inside?" Liang Xiaoshu looked at the yard and thought it was really good. Hearing Liang Han's question, he said: "They are all close people, if the yard is open inside, let's put it inside."

"Okay, then let's put it inside."

Zhang Qingzhu washed his face and came out to help move the table, "Auntie, you haven't eaten, have you?" Let's eat together later。

Liang Lei and his sister Hongdan also came together.

Liang Hongdan said, "Brother Xiaozhu, you haven't made breakfast yet, I'll help you burn the fire."

Because Zhao Cui'e has a body, it is the first three months, so she is generally not allowed to do heavy work: "You guys are busy." I went to cook.

She asked, "What are you going to eat for breakfast?"

Zhang Qingzhu said, "You look at it and do it casually."

Liang Hongdan said, "Sister-in-law, I'll go with you." I know which is the kitchen.

Several people put the table in the yard, and Liang Xiaoshu looked at many rooms in the yard and said with a smile: "Although this courtyard is not big, there are many rooms." So many houses, enough for three generations.

Jiang Shi looked at the east and west compartments: "Add a younger brother to the little stone, two rooms and two branches are just right."

With this house, children will not have to worry about housing when they marry in the future. People in the village give children and daughters-in-law, and in addition to the bride price, there is also a problem of building a house. Liang Han bought this yard, and there was no worry about this. If nothing else, just by virtue of this yard, the little stone can be picked up by the daughter-in-law in the future.

Zhang Qingzhu said with a smile: "If you have two children, the room is enough." In the future, when you come into the city, you can also rest on our side. I can also stay here for a few days.

As for Liang Han, in his opinion, after his son marries his daughter-in-law, he should go out to live. Even if the parents here are not separated, then he has to get a few yards for them to live their little life. He and Zhang Qingzhu lived their own little lives.

They are all married to daughters-in-law, and he is too lazy to continue to take care of them.

After breakfast, Zhang Qingfu also came over. Because Liang Han moved today, the business in the store was rested for a day. There was also a sign at the door that read: "The shopkeeper is happy to close for a day."

Zhang Qingfu pulled Zhang Qingzhu to speak, seeing that his brother's life was getting better day by day, and Liang Han's kindness to his brother was also obvious to all. I'm very happy for him.

Zhang Qingzhu said to Zhang Qingfu happily: "Seventh brother, what do you think I will leave my father and mother to live here for a few days?"

"Don't think about it, the third sister-in-law needs someone to take care of her." Our mother will definitely not worry, she will not agree to live with you. "Their family can finally hope for Tim Ding to import after so many years, and her mother is more careful. Only by watching her third sister-in-law can I rest assured.

Zhang Qingzhu heard his third brother say this, and could only give up the idea of letting his father and mother live with them for a few days: "Then there is no way, and the third sister-in-law is not suitable to live in our house."

Zhang Qingfu said, "Let's wait for the coming year." After the third sister-in-law is born, the father will be free.

"How could it be. When the third sister-in-law gave birth, the mother had to help take care of the child, so she couldn't leave. Zhang Qingzhu thought like this, and felt that the idea of letting his father and mother come to live for a few days had to be postponed for some time.

Zhang Qingfu smiled: "What if I don't come to live with you?" If you want them, just go home and see them. They can't come to you, you can go home and stay for a few days.

"Let's go for a while. Our family is busy building a house now, and it is not convenient for you to live there. When the house is built, it will be convenient to live in.

Zhang Qingzhu: "Hmm." When the busy days are over, we will go back and take a look. See if it can help something not. He said with a smile, "When the mother and they come, I have to ask the sixth brother if the family affairs have been decided." If you say yes, it's time to kiss you.

"I'm not in a hurry. Wait until they finish their family affairs for our brother.

Liang Han saw them sitting under the corridor talking, so he took two apples and came over: "Come, eat the fruit."

Zhang Qingzhu stretched out his hand to take it and handed it to his brother: "Seventh brother, give." Then he took a sip, "The apples I bought this time are quite sweet."

Zhang Qingfu took it and said to Liang Han: "The fish balls have sold very well in the past two days, how many do you still have here." I thought I was free this afternoon, so I could recommend it to other restaurants.

For this matter, Liang Han is not too anxious: "Let's do it in a few days." After the fish ball thing slowly spreads, you will spread the news by the way. See if you can wait for them to come to the door.

Liang Han said his plan: "If those restaurants plan to do fish ball business, we won't sell fish ball dishes." If anyone wants to eat it, they can cook it with hot and sour fees.

Zhang Qingzhu was curious: "Why?" Fish balls are very good for everyone to eat, don't you say that there are several ways to eat fish balls, and by the way, it's not good to sell two more dishes?

Zhang Qingfu knew Liang Han's thoughts better and said to him: "Most of the food shops in the city have been operating in the city for more than ten years. People are more rooted. If we rob their business too much, we are afraid that they will make trouble for us.

"Our store now only sells chutney sour powder, and the price is not cheap, so we can't share much of their business." If they sell more dishes, they can't eat them in other shops, and they will definitely rob their business. At that time, it is good to be broad-minded, and if you have a crooked mind, who knows what will be done.

Zhang Qingzhu was worried: "Just because of scruples about them, the money that should be earned will not be earned?"

Liang Han explained to him: "More things are better than less." "From ancient times to the present, cutting off people's wealth is like killing parents, Pingmo City is so big, he robbed all the business, I don't know if he offends people, "Even if we don't add dishes and sell fish balls to them, the money we should earn can still be earned."

"Moreover, our store is called hot and sour powder, and we only sell hot and sour powder, which not only does not bring a big impact to other people's stores and makes them reject us, but also can leave a deep impression on everyone." Liang Handao, "If we have enough manpower in the future, we may be able to develop into a chain store."

Zhang Qingzhu was curious: "What's the chain store?"

Liang Han explained to them simply: "In fact, it is to open some shops in other cities that are exactly the same as our store." The shops are called hot and sour powder, and the stores only sell hot and sour powder. When the time comes, open a dozen or twenty rooms.

Zhang Qingzhu felt that the shop was so expensive, but it was not so easy to buy. Moreover, the more prosperous the city, the more expensive the shops. A dozen or twenty rooms, how much does that cost. He didn't think about it for so long.

Zhang Qingfu was thoughtful. I think that as long as there is a shop, the business of hot and sour powder will definitely be able to be done. Liang Han's idea may be possible. Even if you can't open many rooms, some nearby cities can open and try.

Liang Hongdan ran over: "Brother Lobby, Brother Xiaozhu, there are guests."

Zhang Qingfu said to his younger brother, "Liang Han, Xiaozhu, go to the front yard to greet the guests."

"Well, it's also time for the guests to arrive." Zhang Qingzhu got up, "I don't know when they will arrive."

He said to Liang Han: "Go, let's go to the door to greet the guests." When the sun rises, guests arrive. The whole yard began to lively.

People from Dongluo Village, everyone was curious about what the yard bought by Liang Han looked like. So after greeting Liang Han with a smile, they each looked around to see what the courtyard in the city looked like.

After reading it, it was naturally a lookof praise.

Jiang and Fang helped Liang Han greet the guests who came in.

Of course, Father Zhang and his wife brought their sons over to congratulate Liang Han.

Liang Xiuxiu greeted them with a smile: "Little uncle, Uncle Han."

"Xiuxiu." Seeing that his family had arrived, Zhang Qingzhu hurriedly smiled and leaned over, and said happily: "Daddy, you are here."

Liang Han, as a son, wanted to show more enthusiasm than Zhang Qingzhu: "Daddy." Then looked at Zhang Qingshan and their seven brothers, "A few brothers-in-law, quickly enter the house." Father Zhang looked at the yard and knew that it was good, and he was happy for his youngest son. Liang Han was even more satisfied, and said to him with a smile: "Let Xiaozhu greet us, you continue to welcome guests here."

"Okay, Xiaozhu, you take your father and mother and them to look around." Then go inside and sit down and drink tea.

"Hmm." Zhang Qingzhu happily led his family to the courtyard, while saying to them: "Dad, how are you in good health recently?"

Father Zhang smiled and said, "Okay, all good." Looking at the door leading to the second entrance, "You guys are two courtyards, right?" Looking at the green bricks and red tiles, "This yard is built strongly."

"It's two-in. The original family in this courtyard was also newly built for many years. Zhang Qingzhu led them inside, "The yard here is not as big as our yard, and the room is covered a lot."

Zhang Qingyuan said: "After all, this is a city, how can it be as big as the yard in our village."

"Your yard is really good. People say that living in a green brick house is a good life. You're living now.

Zhang Qingzhu said with a smile: "He said to buy it, I didn't expect it to be so fast." He does everything fast. When he told me about buying a yard, I didn't take it too seriously, but within a few days, he took a good look at the yard and said he wanted to buy it. I almost ran out of money to buy this yard.

Zhang Qingyuan asked him in a low voice: "How much did you spend on this yard?"

Zhang Qingzhu said in a low voice, "It cost three hundred and sixty-five dollars."

Zhang Qingyuan was surprised: "So much!" With so much money, if you build a house in the village, it can be better than this yard. It's still Liang Han Kuo. For ordinary people, there is so much money will be saved, how willing to take out so much money to buy a yard in the city.

Zhang Qingzhu explained to him: "He said that he bought a yard in the city, and it was convenient for Xiaoshi to go to school, and I also felt so." It's good that it's hot now, and if it's cold, it's too bad to run the children back and forth to the village. I was also very reluctant to pay so much money at that time, and I didn't come to pay for it, for fear of feeling distressed to watch.

Jiang Shi said with a smile: "This house is worth buying, and it can still live in the city, which is good enough." Don't mess with Liang Han because of spending money.

"I won't." Zhang Qingzhu took them to look at the room, and the elders of the Jiang family brought Father Zhang into the hall.

The Zhang brothers were sneaking around in the yard to watch.

Zhang Qingzhu came to Lin Xi's side and asked in a low voice, "Brother Lin Xi, have you and my second brother booked a date?"

For this topic, Lin Xi did not look shy, and said with a smile: "It's booked, the sixteenth of next month." 

"Great!" Zhang Qingzhu was very happy to hear it, but when he thought that it was next month, the time was a little tight, "Next month, will the family's house be in time?" Let's get married and live in a new house.

"Just in time. Kiyoki said, build a room first. After we got married, the family continued to build a house. Aunt Jiang said, this year I will handle all the family affairs of your fourth brother, fifth brother and sixth brother. Lin Xi said with a smile, "Aunt Jiang said, if it weren't for the fear that others would say that we would pick the door, let the three of them become relatives together."

Zhang Qingzhu felt that it was okay to become relatives together: "It's good to be married together." Bride, how lively! Drinking three cups of daughter-in-law's tea a day, my mother will definitely be happy.

"Don't be afraid of people saying let's pick, make the money for three wedding banquets into one, the dishes are better, get more hard dishes, you can block their mouths."

Lin Xi said with a smile: "You are quite happy to be so lively, but it is really rare to do so."

The more Zhang Qingzhu thought about it, the more he felt that it was good to become relatives together. The three brothers got married together, and it was really lively at that time!

"I'll talk to my father and mother later, and we'll do it together when the time comes." If it is done well, it will not be a door-picking, and it may still be a beautiful talk.

Zhang Qingmu came over to hear the little brother's words and asked, "What beautiful talk?" What are you two muttering?

Lin Xi said to him: "Xiaozhu feels that it is more interesting to let the three of them become relatives together in Qingyuan. He also said that it could become a beautiful talk.

Zhang Qingmu smiled: "What a beautiful talk." When the time comes, it will definitely mean that our family picks the door and wants to save things, so the three brothers will become relatives together.

Zhang Qingzhu: "Let's make the banquet more sumptuous, there is nothing to say."

"Then we can still explain to outsiders one by one, the dishes we use are very good, not to save trouble?" Zhang Qingmu told him, "After all, it is a happy event, and it is not good to be gossiped by everyone." Or one by one married and stable.

Zhang Qingzhu could only stop the enthusiasm in his heart: "Okay." I originally wanted to make it particularly lively, but it seems that there is no chance.

Zhang Qingzhu: "You can't be particularly lively at once, it's good to make a few more noises."

While Zhang Qingzhu was talking to his brothers, Liang Han greeted a guest who surprised him at the gate.

Liang Han looked at Han Ceteng in front of him: "Young Master Han, fortunately I will be lucky."

Han Ceteng said with a smile: "Congratulations to Brother Liang on the joy of housewarming." If you come uninvited, Brother Liang won't mind.

Liang Han smiled and said, "Of course not." Come on in.

Because Han Ceteng's identity was not ordinary, there was no suitable person to help entertain him. Liang Han accompanied him into the courtyard.

In fact, he and Han Ceteng are only close to each other, and I really didn't expect the other party to know that he moved. And I came to congratulate him.

After waiting in the living room, Yuan Mo offered a congratulatory gift. Han Ceteng pointed to something in the hands of another servant and said, "This is a housewarming gift from Lord County Ling to Brother Liang. In the living room there were a few old people and elders such as the village chief. Therefore, seeing such a different character as Han Ceteng appear, everyone felt curious, and the living room instantly became quiet.

Upon hearing it again, the county lord also gave Liang Han a gift. Each was surprised in their hearts.

Zhang Qingzhu knew Han Ceteng, and he was not surprised to hear him mention the county order. After all, this person had been to their house with the county master.

Therefore, Zhang Qingzhu also stepped forward to say hello.

Han Ceteng smiled and exchanged a few words with Zhang Qingzhu, and surprise flashed in his eyes when he saw the person coming in at the door. Curious stepped forward and asked"Chuan Feng, why are you here?"

Lin Xi was taken aback and took a look at Han Ceteng's clothes. I was afraid that it was someone who knew him, so I hurriedly said: "Sorry, my name is Lin Xi." I'm afraid you've identified the wrong person.

Han Ceteng looked at Xia Linxi, and he was also puzzled in his heart. Lin Chuanfeng really shouldn't appear here, but is there really someone who looks like this?

Lin Xi gave him the feeling that he was not the same person as Lin Chuanfeng at all, and Han Ceteng was also a little unsure: "I'm sorry, because you look too much like someone I know."

Liang Han and Zhang Qingzhu were both taken aback when they heard Han Ceteng call Lin Xichuanfeng. Han Ceteng obviously knew Lin Xi. As for admitting mistakes, how similar will it be to admit mistakes?

Zhang Qingzhu is nervous, his second brother will marry Brother Lin Xi next month, it's not that something goes wrong at this juncture. Then what about his second brother!

"Fortunately, Brother Lin Xi didn't admit it." Zhang Qingzhu breathed a sigh of relief, and then gave Liang Han a look. He wanted Liang Han to inquire about Lin Xi's identity with Han Ceteng.

His eloquence is not comparable to Liang Han, and he is worried that if he inquires about his identity, he will be in trouble if Lin Xi's identity is exposed.

Liang Han understood what he meant, so he said, "It's not too early, let's start to sit down."

Liang Han said to Han Ceteng: "Young Master Han, let's go and sit outside." The banquets are all set up in the courtyard.

Han Ceteng had some doubts about Lin Xi, and planned to let people check it out. Liang Han said this, and followed him out.

Liang Han said casually: "Young Master Han, you seem to have recognized Xiaozhu's second sister-in-law as someone else just now.

"Second sister-in-law!" Han Ceteng was surprised, but felt that it was unlikely to be Lin Chuanfeng.

"yes. His name is Lin Xi, and he will soon marry Xiaozhu and his second brother. Liang Han asked curiously, "Is he really so similar to the Chuan Feng in your mouth?"

Han Ceteng did not hide it, "The appearance is indeed very similar." However, the demeanor of speech is very different. If a person has amnesia, whether his personality will change, Liang Han is not clear. After all, he had not encountered a precedent in reality, so he still decided to inquire in detail: "Then, dare to ask, who is that Chuan Feng?"

"The Lin Chuanfeng I'm talking about is the third son of Shangshu of the Ministry of Ceremonies." Han Ceteng also wanted Liang Han to inquire, "I don't know who are the parents of this Lin Xi Gongzi, where are the parents?"

Liang Han naturally couldn't tell the other party about Lin Xi, so he continued to ask the question he was most concerned about: "I don't know. Young Master Han, has that Shangshu's beloved third son become a relative?

"Got married." Han Citeng said, "I just got married at the beginning of the year.

As soon as he heard him say this, Liang Han was relieved: "Then Lin Xi is definitely not that Young Master Lin."

Han Ceteng heard the message in Liang Han's words: "Oh? Listen to you, is there something wrong with Lin Xi's identity.

Since Lin Xi is not that Lin Chuanfeng, Liang Han naturally has nothing to hide. So he said to him, "Lin Xi came to Zhang's house around November last year. He lost his memory, didn't know who he was or where he came from. I haven't fully recovered my memory yet.

"October? Then it must not be the same person as Lin Sanzi. Han Ceteng thought thoughtfully. Can two unrelated people really look so alike?

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