Their safe haven

By everlove2069

404K 8.7K 3.7K

After her mother's and step fathers death, Evelyn must move in with her 7 older brothers who she had no idea... More

More info...
Chapter one🫶🏼
Chapter two🫶🏼
Chapter three🫶🏼
Chapter four🫶🏼
Chapter five🫶🏼
Chapter six🫶🏼
Chapter seven🫶🏼
Chapter eight🫶🏼
Chapter nine🫶🏼
Chapter ten🫶🏼
Chapter eleven🫶🏼
Chapter twelve🫶🏼
Chapter thirteen🫶🏼
Chapter fourteen🫶🏼
Chapter fifteen🫶🏼
Chapter sixteen🫶🏼
Chapter seventeen🫶🏼
Chapter eighteen🫶🏼
Chapter nineteen🫶🏼
Chapter twenty🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-one🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-two🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-three🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-four🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-five🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-six🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-seven🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-eight🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-nine🫶🏼
Chapter thirty🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-one🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-two🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-three🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-four🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-five🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-six🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-seven🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-eight🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-nine🫶🏼
Chapter forty🫶🏼
Chapter forty-one🫶🏼
Chapter forty-two 🫶🏼
Chapter forty-three🫶🏼
Chapter forty-five🫶🏼
Chapter forty-six🫶🏼
Chapter forty-seven 🫶🏼
Chapter forty-eight🫶🏼
Chapter forty-nine🫶🏼
Chapter fifty🫶🏼
Chapter fifty-two🫶🏼

Chapter forty-four🫶🏼

3.1K 71 10
By everlove2069

Evelyn's pov

He left...again. I couldn't believe my ears as Luca tried to explain the situation calmly. "He said that he l-" I cut Luca off with a hand in the air and motioned for him to just stop talking which he did.

I got off of the couch and started to limp to the stairs, I felt a hand on my back but I pulled forward to get away from it. I tried to think of all the things I said or done but nothing added up to him leaving again.

Once I was alone in my room I let a few chuckles out, ones that were caught in my throat making them sound like a gurgling sound instead of a laugh. I picked up my phone which was on my bed and started to look through my pictures and videos.

As I was looking I got a sick and twisted idea that would hurt him very badly but he hurt me, tit for tat. I called someone who I know would love to do this with me and I waited for them to answer. Finally, she did after a few minutes making me smile in relief.

"Lilith?" I waited to hear a response and when I did, her response made me quickly let out a chuckle. "Ow, god damn sucking dick bitch!" I laughed and winced at the slight pain in my side. "Lilith I need help, are you able to pick me up?" I heard an evil chuckle and I mentally smiled with her. "On my way..." I was going to respond but she had already hung up.

As I was getting dressed I looked down at my wound which was now wrapped with gauze and I lightly touched it. It's funny how I hate the wound because it hurts but I also love it because it means that he is finally dead, finally out of my mind. That's a lie.

I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror one last time before grabbing my phone and house keys. My outfit consisted of black leggings and a hoodie, it wasn't much but I wanted to be comfortable and the leggings give my ass a good look.

I peeked out of my window and saw Zion's car hidden behind the gate. They are adorable together and I know they will be perfect. I blinked a few times and slowly opened my window, I only stopped when I felt my phone buzzing in my bra making me climb back into my window and reach for my phone.

My phone was lit up with a random number that made my stomach drop at the slight fear of Simons's men being able to trace me down. I pushed my fear aside and answered the phone, letting my breathing slow down for a bit I let the other line talk first.

"Don't you dare leave that house." My heart tightened as I tried to cling to his voice for a bit longer. Suddenly it hit me making my heart turn to stone, he left. "Fuck off." With that, I hung up and continued to climb out of my window.

My torso was on fire and my breathing was heavy as I tried to keep the painful tears at bay. A pair of large warm hands made me freeze in my off-positioned self. I was soon lifted away from the wall, the person being extra careful with my side which made me wonder if it was a threat or not.

I turned once I was on the ground and instantly went to throw a punch but he instantly grabbed my wrist and held it by my side. I thought for a few seconds before spitting at him, my heart still pounded in my chest as I watched him wipe my spit from his face. "You left, why can't you just stay gone." I went to punch him with my other hand but he caught that one as well and held both of my hands by my side.

I went to go speak again when his mouth cut me off, I hated the way his lips made my insides melt. He left you again. I opened my mouth and bit down on his bottom lip making him let my hands go to grip my face. He pulled away and I looked down at his busted plump lips. "Fuck you, Nico." I lifted my hand and went to smack him but I couldn't. I couldn't just hit him because I know that he would never hit me, just hurt me mentally.

He reached out and grabbed my face in his large hands, it was a loose grip and it made me wonder what he was thinking. "All because I leave does not change the fact that you are mine. Mine to kiss, mine to hold, mine to love. I love you." I want to believe him but after being hurt so many times it made me push away from him.

I reached my hand out and cupped his cheek, his soft skin warmed mine as I walked closer to him. Right as I was about to pull away his arms went around my waist and pulled our faces closer, our lips touching ever so slightly. "I love you Evelyn Leone, and I've loved you my whole life I just didn't understand it until now." I hated this, I hated looking into his eyes and seeing nothing but the truth.

I sighed and looked down at his lips before looking back into his eyes. "I can't keep losing you, my heart can't take it." I saw something break in his eyes, something that I never wanted to ever see, his heart was laying next to mine and no one made a move to grab theirs and return home, nobody wanted to.

When he was the first to move away I instantly snapped back to reality, to the cold night around us. As he was turning around something clawed at my heart as I reached out for his hand and waited for him to just listen. "Rain, I'm sorry." I saw his head move and before I could drag him back into me and give him my heart he pulled his hand away and began to walk to the front gate.

I pulled my phone from my hoodie and called Lilith to tell her that I was sorry for the waste of time and to just go home. Once I got it through to her that I was fine I turned to the front door and tried to face my demons as I walked over to the old-looking wooden door. I knocked once and a few seconds later Romeo opened the door and pulled me into his arms.

He didn't say a word as he started to walk towards the stairs with me under his arm, the weight brought tears to my eyes but I was quick to push them away. Once we got to his bedroom door he turned to me and held my face in his hands. "Are you okay, you are not in pain are you?" His face was so soft that it made me want to chuckle. He asked if I was in pain and I wanted to tell him that it was the type of pain that could not be taken away by anyone but myself.

"I'm okay, I went outside to see someone." I patted my pockets and I couldn't find my house keys, I mentally cursed myself and looked back at Romeo with a small smile. "Uh, be right back? I left my keys outside." I gave him a small smile and he leaned down at kissed the crown of my head before nodding his head and walking into his dark room.

I ran down the stairs and had to hold onto the door for a few seconds to let the pain in my side die down for a bit. Once it was bearable I opened the door and walked into the cold night, the wind pricked my skin as I walked to the side of the house. I bent down to check the bushes when I heard a rumbling sound coming from behind me.

I kept quiet and continued to look while keeping my ears open. I threw my arm backward when I heard the rocks behind me crunch under someone's feet. The person grabbed my hand I twisted it while getting up from my bent-over state. As soon as I looked at the person I instantly let go of his arm and pushed him away.

"You know when Nico said you were strong I didn't quite believe it." Kio chuckled and I shook my head while crossing my arms over my chest. "Why were you watching me? Was there something you needed?" I tried not to be snappy but I don't like when people sneak up behind me, it terrifies me.

Kio shook his head and pointed to the woods making me extremely confused. Kio sighed as if I was an idiot and pointed harder into the woods, I was still confused until I saw a small beam of light coming from way deep in the trees. "He has to give you something, asked me to get you but you were already outside." I didn't fully trust him but I also didn't fully trust myself at the moment so I nodded and walked toward the gate.

As soon as I exited the gate I heard a small sigh making my head snap over in the direction it came from. "You came, I- I have your keys." His voice was shaky and I'd heard the tone before and I hated it, he was vulnerable and upset. I nodded under the lamp and took a few steps forward.

Once I was close enough to his dark shadow I put my hand out and stayed quiet as I looked into his eyes. I heard keys jingling and when I felt the cool metal in my hand accompanied by a warm hand my heart pounded in my chest. "Nico I- Can't. I know." He cut me off but continued to hold my hand.

I took a step forward and grabbed his hand that was over mine, as I peeled it off it felt as if I was peeling my skin from my bones. I went to go thank him but he didn't let me talk before I was getting dragged towards him. I smacked his chest to get away but he held me in his chest and held the back of my head close to his chest, his heart raced against my ear. "Don't leave, not yet." His comment made me snap back into my mindset right before I wrapped my arms around him, I pushed away and took a step back.

"I asked you the same thing, you didn't listen so why should I? I cried for you because I loved you, sorry let me rephrase. I still love you, Nico, so don't make this harder than it already is." I felt the hot tears in my water line and I looked up to keep them in my eyes. I turned and started to walk away, telling myself not to turn around.

I tried to scream as Nico picked me up and held me to his chest. His heavy hand went over my mouth and his hand was on my hip, making sure not to touch my wound. I tried to get away but his warm breath that was coming out in pants stopped my movements. "You love the color sage green, you want a few tattoos but the biggest one you want is a Medusa on your back because you want to show others what you survived. You have a birthmark on your left ass cheek and you think Brussels sprouts should all be burned and sent to hell. You hate when people walk behind you and you hate the dark and fuck, baby you don't like when your water is too cold because you think it will turn into ice in your throat." He added a broken chuckle at the end and kissed the side of my neck as he started to walk further into the woods.

He uncovered my mouth and I was speechless, no words came out of my throat, and no words came through my mind. "I can't let you go, I did once and I thought I was going to die." I remained silent as he placed me inside of his black car, I had no clue what to say. I was so shocked that nothing came to my mind except one thing and that was how I was going to sleep tonight.

I looked up at him and my eyes followed him as he crouched down at my side and tilted my face toward his. "Let me kiss you, baby, let me show you how much I care about you please." I shook my head and tried to speak but all that came out was a very small 'no' and I'm not even sure he could hear me.

He seemed to have heard because he leaned back but kept my face turned toward his. Finally, my words found my brain and my mouth was finally able to move. "You don't get to do that, not anymore. Everything was going fine but once you tried to leave again, no." He tried to lean into me but I put my hand on his chest. "Rain, stop it. You are being rude and I don't like it. So just stop it, let me go so I can let you go." He stopped breathing for a few seconds as did I and I tried to keep my eyes on his but I couldn't so I broke eye contact and looked away.

"Fuck it." I sighed in relief, but all things are short lasting because my face was soon close to Nicos and his lips latched onto mine. This time I'm not sure if it was the moon or the planets but I kissed him back, I kissed him back with the same passion and love he gave, maybe even more. I tried to pull away but he groaned into the kiss and pushed on my lips making me let out a small moan.

"Rain...wait I have to-." I was panting as I tried to push him away to get air into my lungs. He soon tried to lean back in and I went to move my head but he gently cupped my cheek and pulled me close to his face, so close yet so far. "Don't you dare, don't say to leave. You and I both know damn fucking well that we can't live without each other baby." I didn't get time to speak before his lips were back on mine, pushing and nipping at my lips.

I finally gave into my heart and put my hands in his hair as he shuffled into the car to hover over me. I ran my hands all the way down to his shoulders where I lightly pushed him away. I kept my eyes closed as I felt his thumb trace over my parted lips. "Be a good girl and open your mouth for me." I opened my mouth and felt his rough thumb on my tongue, liking the feeling of his thumb and his hand that was resting on my throat, I moaned and moved close to his face.

My thighs squeezed together as I tried to get the burning ache from my stomach. He pulled his thumb out of my mouth and replaced the spot with his mouth. He ran his hand over the hem of my shirt and he soon tried to lift it but his hand caught my wound and I pushed away and groaned in pain.

I heard him curse under his breath as I tried to fan the wound to get some type of relief, nothing was working so I grabbed onto his hand and gripped it for a few seconds. "I'm so fucking sorry, come on baby I will take you back home and take care of you. I will take care of you I promise." He quickly got out of the car and went to lift me up but I squirmed in pain. I heard him cuss under his breath as he leaned into the car and cupped my face.

I leaned my head onto his hand and took a few deep breaths. His voice whispered for me to try to stay still but I didn't hear any of it because I was too busy lost in the warmth that his palm gave off. "Rain, stay with me. Don't leave me again please." I felt my nose burn with the sensation of tears forming in my eyes, his eyes gave away what he was feeling and I would never imagine myself saying that I was happy to see him sad and in disbelief. But I am. "Worm, you have me. I'm not leaving you ever again." I smiled and hummed softly while pulling myself closer to his face.

My lips touched his and he wasn't stopping me but he also wasn't making a move, letting me finally initiate a kiss. When my lips finally came down on his I felt his body relax as he instantly started to reciprocate the kiss back to me, his lips melted with mine and I never wanted to leave this heaven that was in my brain. The heaven that felt so warm, almost close enough to be hell but not quite.

He placed his hand on my chest and gently lifted my boob into his hand making my aching nipples harder. I moaned into his mouth and placed my hands in his hair as I pulled him closer to me. I pulled away for air and he pinched my nipple through my bra making me gasp, feeling the earth under me shake as his free hand slid up and down my thighs. "I'm taking you back home, you need rest." Fear planted itself into my soul and I held onto his neck for support from the ground that was trying to swallow me whole.

I looked into his eyes and pulled his head away so that he could feel how serious I was as I spoke. "If you ever try to leave me again I will fucking kill you, do you understand me?" His pupils grew as I spoke and his hand that was on my thigh went higher and higher until he cupped me through my leggings making me push my hips into his hand. "I love you too." He chuckled as he leaned back against my lips and gave me a sweet kiss while moving his hand up and down, grazing my clit with the fabric of the leggings that were stopping me from getting me to my fix.

Finally, he stopped by pulling his hand away and getting out of the car, I glared at him as he leaned back into the car and pressed a quick kiss to my lips. He drove back to the house which didn't take long and got out quickly, watching from the passenger seat as he rounded the car and opened my door for me. I went to get out but was stopped by a large hand that was gripping my ass, I was soon swooped up by Nico making me hold in a groan.

He walked to the front door but I stopped him, placing my hand on his chest I pushed myself away and he helped me onto my feet. I opened the door with my key and signaled for him to go to my room while I walked to Romeo's room. Rain held my waist and leaned into my neck to press a kiss to my neck before walking into my room.

I knocked on Romeo's door and waited for a response, soon I heard a small 'come in Evey' to which I practically ran into the door. As soon I was inside his room I went straight for his bed, laying on my back was a bitch but it was all worth it when I felt Romeo pull me into his chest and hug me. "How are you feeling kid?" I shrugged and looked up to see his face, calm and still as always.

My hand went to his chest where I felt his slow heartbeat, beating against my hand like a drum to a soldier. "You scared the piss out of everyone you know. We all wanted you to be safe and not get hurt but when the doctor said you lost a lot of blood we all thought the worst and that's what makes me angry. We didn't think you would make it." I smiled into his chest and shook my head while slowly wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I can't leave you guys without a fight." Romeo chuckled and pressed a kiss to my forehead. He pulled away and got out of his bed making my face hit the pillow. I looked up to glare at him but he simply shrugged, "go back to Nico, good night I love you." I smiled and slowly slid out of the bed, carefully due to my side.

I walked back to my room but I heard a door open behind me making me stop in my tracks. "Evelyn?" I turned and smiled at Mr.Brown and his tired state, he walked over to me and it was weird seeing my teacher in pajamas but it was a bit funny. Once he was a few feet away from me he reached his hand out and touched my forehead making me look up at him like he had grown two heads.

"Go back to bed, it's too late for this shit kid." I blew out a breath and chuckled while turning around. I started to walk to my room again and this time, I had no interruptions.

I placed my hand on my door and slowly turned it while trying to keep a smile on my face to hide the pain in my side. Once I was in my room I closed my door and locked it before turning around to my empty room. "Nico?" I heard the water in my bathroom running so I walked over to the door and knocked but I heard no response making me worry.

I backed away from the door and went to my bed, grabbing the gun behind my pillow I walked back to the door and grabbed the handle. I gave myself a mental countdown before swinging the door open. I gasped as I saw Rain in front of me with wide eyes. I quickly put the gun down and put my hand over my racing heart. "Are you fucking stupid or just stupid?!" I whisper shouted as I pointed the gun around in the air.

Nico walked forward and looked me in the eyes while grabbing the gun from my hand and putting it on the counter next to his. I sighed as he placed my head on his chest, he chuckled once and I looked up but he just shook his head while looking away. I poked his lips and he looked down at me, he has the face of a stone statue with his smooth features and largish nose.

I grabbed his hand that was on my hip and pulled away from him completely. "My side is killing me, I'm really sorry-" I was cut off by a hand over my mouth. I looked up and saw Rain's face starting to get closer to mine, in an instant I was swept from the floor and into his arms. "Relax amore mio, you don't have to say sorry for anything." I sighed against his chest and let my body drop into his arms.

I groaned in pain as he gently placed me on my bed, letting my body adjust to the soft feeling. He bent down to kiss my forehead and then started to trail his lips to my jaw and then to my ear. "I will see you tomorrow, try to get rest," I whined and grabbed onto his hand, I want him to stay, want him to hold me close to him as we slept together and woke in the morning by each other. I felt my heart race against my chest as I held onto his hand and slowly slid to the other side of my bed.

"Get in, you are staying." He started to shake his head but I pulled hard on his hand making him lose his balance a bit. He finally got into the bed and placed his hand around my hips as he turned on his side and looked down at me, my lips and body craving for his yearning touch. He answered to my body as he leaned down and covered my lips with his, letting me savor his lips like they are my last meal.

He pulled away and held my face in his large hand. I closed my eyes and felt my heartbeat slowly go back to normal, "tell me you love me." I opened my eyes and his eyes held a hint of sadness so I reached my hands up and cupped his face. "I love you, Nico." He hummed and leaned into my neck, nuzzling into it making me feel all of him closer and I wasn't going to complain.

Shortly after he was completely asleep I found myself falling into the darkness that held my dreams.

--(Fun fact: I want boba.🦋)--


Word count:4305

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