You and Me!

By kay343

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Todoroki and Midoriya were Class 1-A's top couple of the school. Everyone was eyeing them; some of them were... More

Movie Night
Strawberry shortcake


194 5 9
By kay343

Sero's POV:

I fucked up.

Ohhhhhh, I fucked up really bad.


I should have known those two nosey-ass friends of mine would have been eavesdropping on our entire conversation!

Damn it!

Roki is gonna be pissed!

Oh yeah, I told them.

I told them everything.

And you're probably wondering, ' You could have just told them it's none of their business.'

Have you not met Mina?

She is like my tia, you know?

The one who will not stop bothering you until you give them what they want.

Plus, Mina is hella scary when she gets mad and Kiri threatened to tell Denki which is hell itself.

So I was basically forced to tell them everything and as much I may regret it, I was...also relieved.

I mean, I wanted to share my happiness with my friends, but I could understand where Roki was coming from since well...everyone stuck their nose into his first relationship. And we just started dating like last night and I already fucked it up.

Mina and Kiri gave me their word that they won't mention this to anyone else, but I know for damn sure they're going to start blackmailing me.

However, I was kinda surprised they weren't mad. I mean, I did explain why Roki didn't want to tell them so they couldn't get really mad so...

It still sucks that I already broke my promise and haven't dated him for a full date!

Soy tan tonto!

( I am such a dumbass)

I sighed but stopped when I heard a voice.

" Um sir, it's $20.50?"

I snapped out, I looked ahead to see the delivery boy in front of me looking at me as if I was crazy. Damn, Roki has got me looking like a madman.

I'm not complaining though.

" Oh, uh sorry. Here," I awkwardly handed him the cash, plus a tip.

He swapped the food for the cash, I told him to keep the change and closed the door. I took this chance to smell the delicious food I have in store for me and Roki.

So, I decided to get some empanadas, for mi amor, and for me, I decided to get some Lomo Saltado, that shit is good.

My friend from Peru introduced me to this, and after since then I'm obsessed.

I made sure to get a big size so I can share it with Todoroki. Then, I wanted him to have some chicken fajitas.

I need to get some Hispanic food in him.

I walked back to the common room, there were people there. Sato and Denki were using the TV for their game and they were loud as hell.

Tokoyami and Shoji were watching them and Jirou and Hargakure were talking on the couch.

I wanted to go unnoticed, however...

" Yo Sero! Whatcha order dude," Denki loudly asked.

Damn it.

" Um, some takeout."

I heard him scoff, " Why didn't you eat what Bakubro cooked? He may be a jerk but he knows how to cook."

" I have my reasons," I simply stated.

I have to play it cool.

He glared at me, and he was going to say something else, but an angel called for my name.

" Hanta?"

I looked ahead to see Todoroki in a red sweater and some black sweats, he may be dressed in simple clothes but he looked fine as hell.

The way his face looked like a perfect picture I want to look at...but I can't.

He's just so damn beautiful!

As I admire his beauty, he continued walking toward me.

And he kinda looked pissed.

Maybe he won't be totally mad.

" Hey Roki-"

" Did you pay for that," he cut me off.


I gave him my famous smile," Yeah but it's no big deal."

I let out a nervous chuckle once I saw how serious mi amor's face had gotten, but that quickly faded away and was replaced by a sad calmer look.

" Why didn't you let me pay for it?"

" Because I wanted to, and plus. I also ordered some stuff for you to try Roki," I showed him the bag.

He blinked before looking at the bag, " You ordered more food?"

" Yep, and we can try them together," I grinned.

Roki's curiosity took the best of him because he peaked his head in the bag, I couldn't help but laugh at this.

I always compared him to a cat that likes to explore new things, yet he has some sass to him.

Don't judge me.

" Can we have some," Denki asked as Sato walked up to us.

I hugged our food, " Y'all just ate."

" So? That smells good," Denki wiggled his eyebrows as he nudged his arm into my stomach.  He tried to put his hands in the bag but I moved it away and gave him a glare.

" Esta es mi comida, perra."

( This is my food, bitch)

Sato and Denki stared at me with confusion, I smiled while I felt a light hit on my arm.

" Hanta."

I looked over to see mi amor giving me a stare, oh yeah.

I forgot the first week of our Spanish lesson I taught him certain words first, now he knows curse words.


" What? It is," I pouted.

Roki rolled his eyes as he looked over at the idiotic duo, " Sorry Kaminari and Sato, I don't think we have enough for the four of us."

" But-"

" Denki, leave them alone," a wild Mina appeared.

I looked over to see Mina and Jiro walking down into the living room. I sighed with relief, thank you bestie.

I smiled at her as she walked over to us, however as she soon came closer my smile fell.

Based on that look on her face, I knew she was going to start some shit.

Damn it bestie.

" He ordered out without us," Denki whined out to Tia Mina.


" Let him be, and let Todoroki hang out with our Sero alone," she smirked out at me.

I gave her a look but she just stuck her tongue out at me, I rolled my eyes and looked over at my boyfriend.

" Come on Roki."

I saw him nod, I started to head towards the elevators and I heard Roki saying goodnight to the others.

As I was walking, a wild Mina jumped on my back. I let out a yelp as I almost dropped my food.

" What the hell-"

" Make sure you and Shoto baby have a good time," she whispered in my ear.

My face heated up, and I pushed her off of me which caused her to laugh. I gave her a pissed-off look even though I know my face is blushing like crazy.

" You're sick."

" And you're a simp," she winked at me.

I scoffed, I was going to say something but my beauty caught up to us and I instantly smiled.

" You ready?"

" Yes."

" Have fun you two~ And Sero, remember what we talked about," Mina pitched my cheek, which hurt like hell.

I hissed but she let go and gave me her quick Mina hug before skipping back to the living room. I sighed as I rubbed my cheek.


She is scary.

" Hanta?"

" Yeah?"

" Is she always like that?"

I blinked with confusion but I swept that away to push the button for the elevator, " What do you mean?"

" Physical," he answered as he entered the elevator.

Ok, this is weird.

What kind of question is that?

Yet, I didn't ask, although I said this.

" Um sometimes, I mean she always sneak attacks us. I mean, she jumped on Denki before which scared him so much it caused him to cut the power off," I laughed at that dumb memory.

The way Denki's face was so shocked was too funny, Mina kept apologizing all day and even got him his favorite dish.

" I see."

I looked over to see Roki just staring at the elevator doors, I raised my eyebrow.

Sometimes, no scratch that, most of the time it was very hard to read mi amor's emotions.

I mean, I can tell if he's upset, anxious, or calm.

Yet, there's so much to uncover with him. It makes me fall deeper and deeper for him because I want to know what he's thinking.

Why is he the way he is?

Is that a birthmark on his face?

Why does he seem so cold?

I want to figure these questions out and hopefully, he'll give me a chance.

The little elevator bell rang, meaning it was our floor. I snapped out of my hopeless romantic thoughts.

I let mi amor get out first and I followed behind, I assume we're having a movie night in his room and I'm freaking the hell out!

All those other times, we're always in my room but now.

We're going to the next level, and we've been dating for a day!

This is a game-changer!

I took a deep breath, ok. I just need to be myself and not be a complete idiot.

As mi mama said, " Solo encontrarás la grandeza si lo intentas!"

( you'll only find greatness, if you try)

So, I'll try not to fuck up and act like a complete idiot.

" Hanta?"

" Si," I asked as we arrived at the door of his bedroom.

" You always say to communicate to one another right?"

" Of course," even though there was some confidence in my voice but deep down I'm hella nervous and confused about what was going to happen.

I notice him taking a deep breath before looking me dead in the eyes and saying to me, " I want to communicate with you and say that, I don't necessarily like it when Mina jumps on your back after you were training."





" I'm sorry, but huh," I was genuinely confused.

I guess he was frustrated because he does this cute little huff whenever he's mad or something.

" I just don't like it when she jumps on your back, especially when you just got done with your hero work."

I blinked before I hummed, even though we didn't have hero training today.

I was doing some patrols at my work studies, which I had to swing and swing for like 10 blocks in like 4 hours.

And I guess I was complaining about my back after my patrols to mi amor and he kinda got...jealous or something.

I don't know what's happening right now, but like...

Why is Roki being jealous is lowkey kinda cute?

Ok maybe I'm too delusional but in my mind, he was jealous.

" No no Roki, my back doesn't hurt that bad and she doesn't mean it," I play it off with a small laugh.

I guess my laughs weren't enough because he just sighed as he grabbed his keys, " I still don't understand."

I shook my head but didn't say anything. As soon we entered, the smell of vanilla filled my nose.

My body cringed when he suddenly turned the light on. As I was blinking to get my vision back in order, his room was clean and spacious as hell.

Didn't we get the same dorms?

How the hell did his room get bigger?

" Sorry for the mess, I'll clean it up," I heard my novio voice.

I looked around, " I don't see a mess, you're room is spotless Roki."

" My bed is very messy," Roki complained as he walked over towards his bed, I looked over and saw his pillows were just neatly in the middle of his bed.

He calls this messy?

I couldn't help but chuckle as I place the bag of food on his desk.

" So what episode are we on?"

" 12."

" Oh! The last one of the season, cool," I chipped as I look through our food.

" Yes and we still have season two."

" Awesome," I voiced out as I placed our food on the other's desk. The different species and the cooked vegetable smells were filling up the entire room.

Ah, the smell of this foot got me very excited.

" Esto huele muy delicioso~"

" It smells good," I heard Roki ask, I turned around to see him walking over towards me. He came over to look down at the food, I could see him sniffing it and he even did his cute confused face.

" It smells spicy."

" That's right Roki, there's some stuff in here that makes your tongue burn with excitement," I cheered.

" I thought burning hurt?"

I blinked, Jesus my man is kinda dense but I still love him.

"Never mind that, here are your empanadas."

I handed him his meal, I could tell he was a little excited base on how big his eyes had gotten as soon as he got the meal. He then gave me a slight bow before grabbing his meal.

He walked over to the TV while I grab my food and drink. I walked over to my boyfriend who sat in front of the television.

I sat down next to him, I looked over to see him munching on his empanadas. I hear him hum into it every time he's eating it, I'm really happy that he's enjoying it.

That makes me happy.

I smiled before I grabbed the remote, " One Punch Man coming right up."

I clicked on it and the show started playing, as it was planned I wanted things to get like...romantic.

So I go over to turn the lights off, once the only light source was the TV it was Romantic Sero time~

Time to show Roki why saying yes to being my boyfriend has its perks.

I fixed my hair up real quick and cooly walked back over to him. I sat down and scooted over right next to him tonight is the night I have to show Roki that I am the king of romance.

Sure he's hard to read, but this is a perfect opportunity to learn more things about himself and also help open that cute shell of his.

As soon as I leaned over to him, the beauty next to me looked over at me.

" Hanta?"

" Yes?"

" There's something that's been on my mind and I wanted to ask you about it."

I leaned back, great.

No shine for me, but regardless I gave mi amor my endless attention.

" What is it?"

" Why didn't you tell me about your feelings at the coffee shop?"

My eyes widen.


" You said you had feelings for me since the sport festival. So, you had feelings for me at the coffee shop, why not tell me then?"

Oh wow, Roki is not mincing his words here, isn't he?

I leaned back and scratched the back of my neck, "Well, I didn't know if you like me that way or not also...I was being a pussy and didn't want to tell you."

Roki's beautiful grey and blue eyes blinked before he hummed, " Why then tell me it was your " Sero-ness" then?"

Ok, no romance tonight.

" Because...I didn't know how to handle things not going to lie. Also, I...I was also scared of how you would react you know? I mean, I didn't want to say something that would make you uncomfortable."

Right after I said that, looked at the other's facial expressions, which made my stomach squeeze into multiple knots.

I shouldn't have said that.

I don't know why....wait no. Scratch that.

I know why I feel intimidated by him. His eyes were so icy and cold, his looks could even make a grown man cry. 

I'm pretty sure he did make grown men cry but regardless he was hella terrifying.

I still get these shivers every now and then,  if it's not too cold. I still have shivers just thinking about that day.

The look he gave me before I was trapped in that ice wall and basically traumatized. That look he gave me scared the ever lasting shit out of me.

It was as if he knew he was going to beat me but it was a whole another level of arrogance. He wanted blood.

Now, I know most people think I'm crazy to even talk to this dude after what he did to me but there's something about him that makes me so drawn to him.

Yes he's hot as hell, but I don't know what's going on in his head and that makes me feel even more interested in him.

And I know that coldness is all an act and I want to know that real Shoto Todoroki.

Still, he's scary as hell.

" I understand."

I blinked when I heard him, I saw him contained eating his meal as he looked at me with those gorgeous eyes of his.

" I apologize if I come across that way, I may come across as rude or stand-off-ish but that's not how I feel at the moment. I know you and the others may think that's how I feel but that's quite the opposite sometimes. It's just hard to show how I'm actually feeling."

I frowned at this.


I know he may have a resting bitch face but damn. I didn't know he actually heard the others about how he comes off as.

I didn't think he'll care to even listen.

Now I feel shitty, he's not like that at all.

He's kinda the opposite, I mean not that much because I always said he's kinda like Bakugou but less...loud and less um...violent but all in all.

Todoroki isn't mean, sure he's blunt but he's not an asshole.

He's just a beautiful, wonderful, strong, amazing-

" Hanta?"

I snapped out of admiring Todoroki's beauty for the hundredth time when I heard my love's voice interrupting my thoughts.

I looked ahead to see him frowning at me.

" What's the matter Roki," I softly asked.

" I just...I don't want you to think I'm mean. I try, I really try and I'm sorry you couldn't tell me and-"

" Hey, look at me," I softly cut him off before he gets worked up, I could tell since his breathing was pacing up a bit and saw a little flame from his left hand.

He looked up at me and I gave him a soft smile, "You're not like that."

" How do you know?"

Sero blinked, he sighed out softly, " Because, whenever we talked you were nice to me. Whenever someone in our class is in trouble you're there to help them. You even kept apologizing like two weeks after you froze me."

I saw him look the other way with an unsettling look, ok. Shouldn't have brought that up, let's try something else.

" But I do know this mi vida," I whispered as I guide his chin so I could have him look at me. I don't know where this bold move came from but it's still coming.

" I like you because of how you care for others. Sure your quirk is strong, but you as a person is wonderful Roki. I know we haven't gotten a chance to hang out more before all of this but. Whenever we could talk, you're one of the nicest people I have ever met. You didn't call me a dumbass when you were tutoring me for math, remember?"

When I saw a little smile on his face, I sighed with relief.

Ok nice, we're getting somewhere.

" I like you, ok? I like you for you and I didn't tell you this because I was afraid, not because of you...well kinda but I was afraid of rejection. That's all."

I did an even bolder move and cupped my hand onto his smooth face, at first he tensed up but as soon as I started rubbing my thumb on his cheek.

He relaxed again, I leaned up and place a kiss on his soft lips.

I was going to lean back but then I felt him cupping my face with his hands and he kissed me back.

I was taken aback since he wasn't the type to start the kiss.

He was going at it for a little while before he leaned back, I opened my eyes to see his face beaming red and a little flame coming out of his hair.

I smirked, for someone who's known for being cold. He sure gets flustered a lot.

" I-I um apologize, that was rude of me," he coughed out as he looked down.

" No no, I liked it."

His kisses are too good for this world.

" You don't think I was um, being too forward?"

I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit, he's something alright. I leaned up and gave him a peck on the lips, when I did that I looked into his eyes and smiled.

" No, you're just perfect."

I saw his eyes widen as fire and ice emerged from his head, I blinked before he calmed down and looked ahead at the television.

" I will never understand your tease."

I blinked, but I couldn't help but smile. I leaned back, I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, and watched the show.

I grabbed one of his empanadas and I could feel him lean on me and laid his head down on my shoulders.

I sighed happily, this is the life.


No One's POV:

After the couple watched their show, or should I say talked during the entire show. The two wanted to still get to know each other better and Sero would flirt here and there.

Most of the time Todoroki wouldn't understand he was flirting but when he did it, he would get so annoyed with his hot face.

Sero thinks whenever the other gets like that it's cute.

Now the two were cleaning up their mess and calling it a night.

" Wow Roki, that fight scene with Saitama and Boros would get you hyped up Roki," Sero chuckled.

Todoroki blinked before he gave the other a soft smile, " It's my favorite."

" My favorite was when Terrible Tornado flung those rocks down at those aliens. That was so awesome!"

Todoroki hummed, he walked over to his boyfriend who was putting all their trash into the bag.

He blinked, he wanted to show some physical affection, but Midoriya's past words started to reappear whenever he tried to touch him suddenly flew into his mind.


" Man what a day, I am so beat," the green-haired boy huffed out as he flopped down on his bed.

Todoroki saw this, he hummed. So he got up from his seat and he walked over to the other's bed. Midoriya let out an exhaustive yawn but stopped when he felt the other sitting down next to him on the bed.

" Do you want me to make you something?"

Midoriya lifted up his head to see his partner giving him a calm expression, he sighed as he laid back down.

" No thank you."

Todoroki frowned, but that only lasted a quick second before trying again.

" Do you want me to put something on the TV? We could watch something together."

" I"m kinda tired right now Sho," Midoriya awkwardly chuckled.

" Oh."

Midoriya adjusted his position on his bed, exhausted from his training with All-Might. His mentor went in today, so his body is exhausted.

He wanted to train more but his mentor and as well as his friends and boyfriend told him he'll over do it.

Yet he wanted to do more, he wanted to work for his quirk. He wanted to show that just because he was gifted with this powerful quirk, doesn't mean he wasn't going to work hard for it.

He wanted, no he needed to do more, but his body was at its limit

Plus he had done a lot of different exercises at hero training today, so he was completely exhausted.

He wanted to rest up since tomorrow he has to cram for the upcoming test he has to take.

As soon he was going to close his eyes, he felt the right of the bed sinking in. He looked over to see his current boyfriend looking at him as he was holding his arm.

It wasn't tight or anything, it was just the peppermint haired boy holding his arm.

Midoriya's face turned red and his eyes widen. He swallowed his awkwardness and mewed out.

" Sho?"

" Yes?"

" What are you doing?"

" I heard from Kaminari that whenever people in a relationship they would do this thing called 'cuddling.' I think I'm doing it right?"

Midoriya blinked before he let out a nervous chuckle, " O-Oh that's nice Todoroki but um...I don't think-"

" Am I doing it wrong?"

" I-I-"

" Hm. Maybe this way."

Right after he said that he started to hug the other's torso and tangled his feet with the other.

This caused the green-haired boy to squeal out, as Midoriya was full-on panicking, Todoroki had the same calm expression on his face as he was tangled with the other.

" How about now?"

" T-Todoroki?"

" Yes?"

" C-Could you please* cough*  u-um...let go?"

Todoroki's face dropped, " Oh."

He slowly unwrapped himself out of the other's whole when he did. Midoriya quickly got up from the bed and could finally breathe normally and started taking deep breaths.

" Did I do something wrong," the younger of the two whispered out, Midoriya was calm enough to hear still.

The green-haired boy just shook his head as he waved his hands, " N-No um...well maybe, wait no! You didn't do anything wrong, it's's um...not what I'm used to. I've never been in a relationship before and um I'm not used to you this."

Todoroki's eyes dimmed, " I see."

" Yeah, c-can that not be our thing though? I mean, for right now at least. I-It's just, I'm not used to it you know," the green-haired teen chuckled.

But that's not how the other teen was feeling, instead, he feels...hurt? Or maybe embarrassed by his actions?

" I'm going to change real quick, are you staying here," the green teen asked as he stood up on the bed.

The red and white-haired teen looked up to see his boyfriend staring at him with those emerald eyes that helped him during rough times.

Yet, those emerald eyes also caused him to question himself.

" Todoroki."

" Todoroki?"

" Roki?"

The two colored-haired boy snapped out of it, he looked ahead to see Sero's concerned facial expression.

" Are you ok?"

Todoroki blinked multiple times to make sure this wasn't a dream when he knew it was, he took a deep breath before nodding his head.

" Yes, I'm ok."

Sero raised his eyebrow as he placed his hands on the other's shoulders, " Are you sure? You've been spaced out for a couple of minutes."

" Yeah, I'm ok Hanta."

Sero sighed with relief, but that was short-lived because he knew the other was lying.

He saw sadness in his eyes and he was doing that thing where he would breathe quickly and his quirk would start to show a little.

Sero could proudly say, Todoroki's quirk is based on his emotions and whenever his quirk is flaring up, his emotions are heightened.

But he snapped out of those thoughts when he had an idea.

" Roki?"

" Yes," the other asked.

" May I dance with you?"

Todoroki was taken aback by the question, " Huh?"

Sero expected it, he means. He's a sucker for romance cliches and he's going to use every single one of them because well...he loves Todoroki that much.

Sure they only knew each other for a short amount of time, but Sero admire and cared for the younger deeply, so why not?

" I'm sorry but...the moon kinda got me in this romantic feeling," Sero twirls as he pointed at the window, with the moon shining bright in the room. Making it a perfect light for the two of them.

Todoroki stared at the other with confusion, " I don't understand."

Sero turned around to see the other's facial expression and he sighed with a smile.

" You see, in my culture. Dancing is...another way of showing appreciation for another person. Especially someone you care for, other than cooking of course," the black-haired boy winked.

Todoroki's eyes slightly widen, before he could get something out. He felt the other grabbing his hand. He blinked, and he tilted his head as Sero typed something on his phone.

" Hanta?"

As soon as he called his name, music starts playing. He blinked, and he saw Sero tossing his phone onto his bed. Then seeing the other's playful smirk and a hint of tease in his brown eyes.

" This is my favorite romance song~"

" Oh?"

Sero nodded as he gently wrapped his hand around the other's waist and held the other's hand in a dance position.

" Si."

Todoroki's eyes widen at how close the older was to him, but he didn't do anything. He just let the other hold him in this way and looked up to see the taller's handsome face.

As he was inspecting his face, he never realized how much tanner the other was compared to him. To Todoroki, he looks like a ghost compared to Sero, yet the other's face really...allured him in some way.

" Look how she lights up the sky
Ma Belle Evangeline
So far above me yet I
Know her heart belongs to only me
Je t'adore, Je t'aime Evangeline
You're my queen of the night
So still
So bright~"

Todoroki blinked, " What is this?"

Sero smirked, " Have you not seen Princess and the Frog?"

The other shook his head, which caused Sero to sadly sigh.

" We gotta get you into some Disney classics."

The two started moving with the beat, or should I say Sero moving while Todoroki stumbling over and stepping onto the older's foot.

" I don't think I'm doing this right," the red and white boy mumbled as he looked down at his feet.

As he was looking down, he then felt his chin being lift up by a finger. He was forced to look up at Sero's face which was covered with a soft smile.

" Roki, don't overthink it. Just watch me, ok?"

" Hanta-"

" Please."

Todoroki eyes widen at that plead, he saw the look in the other's eyes and just got lost in them.

Those eyes caused him to be...calm in a way.

Calm enough to relax his shoulders and just did what he was told.

He tried to follow the other's moves, he stumbled here and there but not as much.

He was just staring at Sero's chocolate eyes while tape teen was doing the same but with his infamous smile of course.

" You're doing it Roki."

" I am," the other whispered but not losing his focus on the other's eyes.

" Si mi vida, you're doing great."

A warm sensation hit Todoroki's cheekbones as he continued staring at the other's eyes.

" You're a great teacher."

Sero's eyes slightly widen with excitement as his cheeks started to reddened. He grinned as he moved the pace a little bit

. Todoroki was following his lead but had a little trips here and there.

Sero would sometimes twirl the younger around who would just smile a little and followed along. The two weren't even dancing anymore, they were doing their thing and both enjoyed it.

Hanta got to see the younger smile, like a genuine smile too.

It was beautiful, and he hopes he can see more of his grin too.

" Love is everything, do you agree?
Mais oui!
Look how she lights up the sky
I love you, Evangeline."

After the last second of the song stopped, the two of them stopped with a soft look on their faces. They panted a little bit but their smiles never left their lips.

" You're pretty good, but not as good as me though," Sero teased.

Todoroki let out a small laugh, he hasn't felt like this in...years.

He never got to experience this and he never relaxed his body like this before.

He felt

So free that he was going to do something he would have never thought of doing.

He slowly walked up and wrapped his arms around the older's neck and give the other a peck right on the lips.

Sero was genuinely surprised by this, Todoroki is never the one who initiates affection in the relationship.

Sero, of course, makes sure he's comfortable whenever he does like physical affection but this is a shocker.

He obviously kissed back and he savor every moment of the softest kiss that he has ever felt. When the two was done, Sero looked down to see the other's bright red face.

" What was that for mi vida?"

Todoroki bit his bottom lip before he mumbled out, "Well, we're boyfriends...aren't we?"

Sero blinked before he realized what the other was getting at. He then giggled at how the other got shy after his actions.

' Cute.'

Sero grinned, " Why of course."

Todoroki nodded before he let go, " Even though I already said yes to you, I...can't wait for our date tomorrow."

" Oh Roki, you're going to be surprised."

" In a good way or a bad way," the younger softly asked with a hint of concern.

Sero leaned in and kissed the other on the cheek, " I hope good Roki."

Todoroki's whole body felt like it was on fire, he bit his bottom lip before he had the courage to look up at the other's gaze and said.

" I just want you there with me."

Sero saw how the other's facial expression changed and he wanted to scream, ' MARRY ME,' but they're literally freshmen in high school so...

" Of course, estare contigo hasta que te canses de mi!"

Todoroki blinked for a moment to try to understand what his boyfriend just said, " You will be with me until I get sick of you?"

Sero's eyes sparkled with happiness, " Si! You're understanding of Spanish is getting so much better Roki!"

Todoroki's cheeks turned a light pink before he looked the other way, " You have been teaching me for almost two months so."

" Still~ You're getting it," the older wrapped his arms around the other's waist as he gave him a engulfing hug.

Todoroki couldn't even say anything at this moment, he just melted into the tape boy's hold and just relaxed his entire body. He was happy, he was genuinely happy at his moment.

No one has ever shown him this much affection before.

And...he's slowly liking this.

' I'm not alone anymore.'

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