Tørtured Søuls [REWRITTEN]

By emiliavs

31.8K 994 498

Loki drifting into the abyss where he finds Thanos. A mad Titan that tortured him until a girl came along. Th... More

The Mad Titan
A Strange Girl
Who Are You?
Trial and Error
Giving In
God of Thunder
Release the Beast
The Plan
New York
Don't Resist
Bombs Away
Behind Bars
Blood and Tears
Hidden Secrets
Running Thoughts
New and Old Encounters
True Faces in the Dark
The Aether
Odin's Firstborn Child
Past Memories
God of the Wind and Seas
The Sceptre

Death and Despair

163 10 10
By emiliavs

-Your POV-
We were currently on a plane headed to London as Elliot kept moaning in pain after they removed the bullet from Elliot's abdomen.

"It's too tight," Elliot groaned dramatically while Reid wrapped a bandage around his younger brother's waist. "I...can't...breathe!"

"Sorry," Reid replied while loosening the bandage some.

Elliot sighed in relief as Reid was done. Meanwhile, Matthew was out asleep.

"What are we going to do once we get to London?" I asked, hugging my knees to my chest as I sat on the couch in the private plane.

"We are going to stay at a hotel for a bit and then move to another plane," Matthew mumbled as he grunted from being halfway asleep.

I became confused. "Why are you still awake? I thought you fell asleep?"

"I would be asleep if Elliot would've stopped moaning in pain from having a bandage wrapped around his waist," Matthew sighed tiredly.

"Shut it before I make you moan in pain," Elliot teased, sticking his tongue out at Matthew, "I'll sucker-punch ya!"

Reid wacked Elliot across the back of his head as Elliot acted like he'd been deadass stabbed in the chest. Holding his hands to his chest in a stabbing motion, he rolled out of his seat and sprawled out on the floor. I giggled at Elliot's dramatic self as Elliot had the biggest grin on his face.

"Elliot the second we get back to the base you need to remember to take your medicine," Reid commented as he was getting his clothes together to go change into sleepwear.

Reid was concerned for Elliot as he was showing early prodromal symptoms, meaning a manic episode was most likely coming up fast. I'm convinced it's already here and has been these past few days; Elliot's been changing from hyperactive to impulsive moods. When we escaped the lab he was impulsive and got himself shot and nearly hurt in a fight with Pulse—except Elliot had just decided to shoot him. Now he was just hyperactive and behaving like a child would.

Reid was worried Elliot was going to do something irrational and impulsive like spend all his money or speed whenever he had to drive and etc. since Elliot's done that before. However, Reid made sure all of Elliot's money was put away from him along with any car keys. Reid knew this pattern, almost as if it were a normal routine—which in his reality it was. Same for Matthew. He knew what to make sure Elliot didn't have access to when he was manic. These things would be drugs and alcohol. The only thing he was allowed to have was his cigarettes.


Hours went by as we only had one day left on the plane ride to London. Reid was helping put some medicine on some of the cuts on my face, arms, and legs. He handed me a heated rag for the bruises I had on my arms and legs and for the few I had on my face. I only had a bruise on my cheekbone and around my neck.

I didn't really care about all the cuts I had as I was too concerned about how much my body ached. I had been beaten to hell and back for almost 2 full years—first being Thanos and the Black Order with the second being Hydra. I hoped maybe things would get better.

My mind drifted off to thinking about Loki as I wondered if he was doing alright.

"Hey Reid," I started, unsure if I should tell Reid about what happened to Loki and me when we went missing for almost a full year.

Reid hummed in response while bandaging a cut on my arm.

"Can I tell you something," I whispered, scared of saying what I was about to say.

Reid looked me in the eyes and ruffled my hair as he said, "Only if you're comfortable with talking about whatever it is on your mind."

Matthew and Elliot were curious as to what I wanted to say as I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"Do you think I'm a bad person?" I barely whispered, hugging my knees to my chest again.

Reid got up from crouching in front of me and moved to a seat across from me. He sighed as he explained, "I personally don't think you are. Remember that I said I believed your actions in New York weren't truly you."

Matthew and Elliot agreed as I smiled for a second in relief.

"I want to tell you guys what happened to me the year before New York," I mumbled while nervously fidgeting with my hands.

Matthew sat up from leaning back in his seat as Elliot made himself attentive to me. I felt like I was about to tell a forbidden secret to imaginary older brothers.

Inhaling a shaky breath, I began. "About two years ago I was in Italy, trying to find somewhere to sleep for the night."


About an hour or so passed until I fully told Matthew, Reid, and Elliot the trauma that happened to me in the last two years. They stared at me in shock as I buried my face in my hands as I began crying more than before. I've never spoken my feelings to anyone so it made me nervous and upset.

"And I know I should hate Loki for calling me out to the guards but I can't bring myself to. After all we've been through, I miss him," I sobbed.

I felt Matthew, Reid, and Elliot staring at me with pity as I felt multiple arms embrace me. I held my breath for a second, never having a hug before. It felt nice. Reid rubbed my back to make me feel better as I continued to sob. Elliot kept his arms wrapped around my waist as he refused to let go despite Reid telling him to. Matthew got up and patted me on my shoulder to reassure me everything would be fine now.

It had been so long since I had a mental breakdown that everything poured out within this moment. I was crying so much I was slightly shaking. Reid and Matthew sat close by to assure they were there for me while Elliot was rocking me back and forth with him.

I finally calmed down as they all hugged me again, ruffling my hair in the process as they began teasing me.

-Third Person POV-
Back on Asgard, the prisoners continued to fight while Loki sat calmly in his cell reading. Almost immediately, Thor entered and everyone turned to look at him.

Thor said calmly, "Return to your cells and no further harm will come to you. You have my word."

However, right when Thor finished his sentence, one of the prisoners punched Thor in the face.

"Very well, you don't have my word," Thor said as he punched the prisoner back, starting to fight with the other prisoners.

Meanwhile, Odin was in his throne room as he ordered his guards, "Send a squadron to the weapons vault, defend it at all costs. Seal the dungeon."

Frigga entered as she looked at Odin. "Odin."

"Frigga," Odin replied before looking to the Asgardian guards, demanding, "Go!" Looking at Frigga and Jane, Odin reassured, "It's a skirmish, nothing to fear."

Frigga sighed. "You've never been a very good liar."

Within that moment Jane noticed Sif as she walked past them. She noticed how brave Sif was just by the way she walked, feeling a bit insecure about herself with Thor compared to the other Asgardian women.

Interrupting Jane's thoughts, Odin told Frigga, "Take her to you chambers, I'll come for you when it's safe."

"You take care," Frigga responded.

"Despite all I have survived, my queen still worries over me."

Frigga retorted, "It's only because I worry over you that you have survived."

Odin ignored Frigga's comment as he hurried off while Frigga led Jane away. As Frigga and Jane were walking, Frigga took a sword from one of the guards.

Frigga stated while looking at Jane, "Listen to me now, I need you to do everything I ask and no questions."

Jane replied quickly, "Yes ma'am."

Heimdall stood in his usual guarding post. Suddenly, he heard something turn, running out onto the Bifrost Bridge. He jumped onto one of Malekith's ships cloaked in invisibility, making it now visible. Heimdall managed to send it crashing into the sea, but he soon realised that a giant ship was behind him, releasing smaller ships to attack Asgard. Heimdall activated a shield to protect Asgard but Algrim managed to deactivate it, sending a ship to crash into the palace. After Malekith's ship had crashed into the palace, the Dark Elves started attacking the Asgardian soldiers, killing them all.

Malekith left the ship and went to look for Frigga and Jane. Odin arrived to find all the soldiers killed.

Odin muttered in worry, "Frigga."


Malekith managed to avoid Hela as she was massacring a good portion of the Dark Elves. He found the tower where Frigga was hiding Jane as he entered the room.

Frigga demanded, "Stand down, creature. You may still survive this."

Malekith simply replied, "I have survived worse woman."

Frigga interrogated, "Who are you?"

"I am Malekith, and I would have what it is mine."

Malekith walked closer to Frigga as she struck him in the face with her sword. Malekith took out his blade and started fighting with Frigga. Frigga was holding her ground, putting up a good fight until Algrim showed up. Algrim came to Malekith's aid and subdued her, holding her in a chokehold. Meanwhile, Malekith walked towards Jane.

"You have taken something child. Give it back," Malekith ordered, standing in front of Jane.

As Malekith reached out to grab Jane, Jane disappeared and Malekith realised that the Jane he saw was just a hologram. Malekith turned to Frigga in anger.

"Witch! Where is the Aether?"

"I'll never tell."

"I believe you," was all Malekith said before Algrim suddenly stabbed Frigga in the back.

Right when Frigga was stabbed, Thor entered, rushing in and shooting a lightening bolt at Malekith. He shouted no from seeing his mother get killed. Half of Malekith's face got severely burned from the bolt. Malekith and Algrim ran to escape, jumping out the window as they landed onto their ship. Thor couldn't catch them.

Odin arrived to find Frigga dead. A look of sorrow fell upon Odin's face as he held her body in his arms.


Thor and Jane looked on at the sea before them; a funeral was held for Frigga where all the Asgardians mourned her as her body was pushed out to the sea on a boat—the boat burnt by a flaming arrow. At the same time an Asgardian soldier was heading down to the dungeons to inform Loki of his mother's passing.

-Loki's POV-
I was walking back and forth after all the prisoners were either killed or thrown back into their cells. I had heard the Dark Elves had invaded Asgard and wondered how Thor and Hela and Frigga were. I could care less if Odin died. Though, I wondered why they would attack Asgard. Was the Aether's host an Asgardian? No, judging on which pockets between worlds open up, it must of been a mortal. Was Thor or Odin foolish enough to have found the Aether's host and bring them here?

It was probably Thor's doing.

I turned in my cell to see an Asgardian soldier. I was about to comment some snarky remark but they spoke to me quietly, almost as if it were some secret topic not to be spoken of.

Once the news was presented to me, I felt like time stopped. I had a sick feeling deep down in my stomach as I trembled in fear. In disbelief. I kept denying what was said to me; telling myself that this was just some sick twisted joke but deep down, sensing how quiet Asgard was, I knew it was true. I hadn't seen any of Frigga's maids this entire time as it was also said that all her maids were assumed to have been slaughtered for standing guard outside her tower.

I felt like I was about to be sick thinking about how young Isla was. She was maybe no younger than 900 years. I didn't even get to apologise properly to her or even forgive her.

I thanked the guard for informing me of the situation as I excused them to leave. Once they were gone I walked to the centre of my cell and stopped. I closed my eyes, repeating the words spoken to me in my mind as I felt defeated. Out of anger and grief I made all my furniture fly across my cell as it crashed against the barrier. I made an illusion cover the barrier so no one could see me vulnerable.

I told them to take the staircase to the left...that's where Mother's chambers where. That's where Isla and Mother were-

I stood there as my thoughts rambled on faster and faster. I began putting pieces together as I began hyperventilating, realising it was basically my fault they were dead.

No...no, no, no...It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault that they're-

I grabbed the broken chair I had and threw it across the room while I shouted in anger. I began breaking every piece of furniture I had as I didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve any of this hospitality from my mother or Isla when I just got them killed in cold blood. I didn't even deserve to call Frigga my mother at this point since I was the son that had basically killed her. I may as well had driven the sword through her at this point!

I'm an abomination to Asgard, to everyone. I've let everyone I ever cared for down with my foolish actions and desires.

I threw plates across my cell in anger, screaming as food flew everywhere.

I fell to my knees as I leaned forward. My forehead touched the ground as I began silently sobbing. I hugged my sides as I've lost basically everyone I ever loved with my whole heart besides Thor—though I'd never admit that to him.

First it was Lorna, it was my fault for her being taken back to the hell that awaited her on Earth. Then it was Isla, being slaughtered for protecting the Queen of Asgard. And lastly it was Frigga, being slain just for protecting some stupid mortal that held the Aether.

I'd rather the Dark Elves have the damned Aether than Isla and Frigga to be dead right now. I walked across the my cell as I stepped on the fruit that was given to me this morning, prior to the attack on Asgard. I made it to the wall of my cell as I leaned against it, barely holding myself up. I felt weak, tired, and exhausted. I wanted to die right then and there, not deserving the life I was given.

I crumbled to the ground as my back slid down the wall. I leaned against the wall thinking of every memory I had with Frigga and Isla. Then the negative memories came to mind; the arguments and the fights I had with them, the crude comments I made to them out of anger and disappointment I had received from them.

I took a deep inhale before I leaned forward and screamed. I put every emotion into that scream as I didn't care if anyone heard my shout at this point.

I slammed my back against the wall. I glanced down at a shattered mirror as I saw how pitiful I looked. My hair looked like a wreck as my face just screamed the word misery. I looked absolutely pathetic and I deserve to right now.

I fell asleep with tears stained on my face as I woke up confused. Then it all came crashing down on me like a tsunami would to a city. Anger spiked through my mind first but then it was just mere grief and depression. I felt so lonely. More so than ever that I lost Frigga and most likely Isla.

I could just lay over and die at this moment but something caught my attention. I glanced up to the ceiling as I heard shouting from the throne room.

Thor and Odin are already trying to rip up each other's throats out. Interesting.

I leaned forward, trying to see if I could make out a mere word they were spouting at each other. I couldn't however as I heard Thor rush out the throne room, making his angry steps known to the whole palace.

Some time passed as I just sat against the wall, letting every negative thought consume my entire being. At this point I wasn't even guilty anymore, I didn't care. I couldn't care less for anyone and anything because I'm too tired of it all. I just wanted to give up and sleep for eternity but the footsteps emerging down the stairs caused me to quickly put up another illusion so no one could see how much of a wreck of a person I truly was right now.

-Third Person POV-
On Malekith's ship Algrim spoke in their native tongue.

"I need your strength to reclaim the Aether. And when you wake up, you will kill them all."

Meanwhile in Asgard, Jane was sat in her room when suddenly the power of the Aether surrounded her and everything around her turned red for a moment. Then Volstagg entered the room with two guards.

The Asgard Lieutenant said, "Jane Foster. You need to come with us."

In the throne room, Fandral and Odin inspected the damage to the palace where Malekith had crashed his ship.

"We are still unable to restore the palace shields. Our artillery cannot detect them, even Heimdall cannot see them. My King, we are all but defenseless," Fandral reported.

Thor approached them angrily.

"She's your prisoner now?!" Thor spat. Looking to Fandral, Volstagg and the guards, Thor demanded, "Leave us."

They all started walking off as they left Thor with Odin.

Odin sighed, "I do not wish to fight with you."

Thor replied, "Nor I with you, but I intend to pursue Malekith."

"We possess the Aether, Malekith will come to us," Odin said confidently.

Thor retorted, "Yes, and you will destroy us."

"You overestimate the power of these creatures."

Thor snapped, "No, I value our peoples lives." Thor paused, "I'll take Jane to the Dark World and draw the enemy away from Asgard. When Malekith pulls the Aether from Jane it will be exposed vulnerable and I will destroy it and him."

Odin threw Thor's comment right back at him. "And if you fail, you risk this weapon falling into the hands of our enemies."

"The risk is far greater if we do nothing. His ship could be over our heads right now and we'd never even know it."

"If and when he comes, his men will fall by ten thousand Asgardian blades."

Thor spat, "And how of our men shall fall on theirs?"

Odin shouted, "As many as are needed! We will fight! Until the last Asgardian breath, the last drop of Asgardian blood."

"And how are you any different from Malekith?" Thor sneered.

Odin chuckled. "The difference my son, is that I will win."

Odin turned and walked off.

Hela overheard their conversation as she smirked to herself. Hela was betting that Thor would commit treason than listen to Odin .

Meanwhile, Lorna, Elliot, Reid, and Matthew were all exiting the plane as they landed in London. Lorna put on some shades and a mask to conceal her identify in case anyone recognised her from New York.

-Your POV-
I walked off the plane with a disguise currently on as I didn't want to be attacked or recognised as the mutant from New York. Elliot held my wrist as he led me to follow Reid and Matthew. Everything was bustling with people as it was a bit overwhelming seeing this many people after being isolated to only seeing a few people everyday.

I became nervous and Elliot noticed. He moved his hand to hold my own as he gave it a squeeze in reassurance that everything will be okay. I held his hand a bit tighter to show my thankfulness as we continued to get through the crowd of people at the airport. We left the airport as we walked and caught a cab.

Reid payed the driver while Matthew gave instructions on what our destination was. We sat in the car in silence as I fell asleep.


I woke up to Elliot nudging my shoulder as I had fallen asleep on Elliot's shoulder. He seemed more calm than before as I just felt more tired.

We began walking to the hotel we were staying at as Reid paid extra money for a room with three beds. Reid said he would've gotten me my own room but he felt like it would be safer if I were in the same room as them.

I flopped down on the bed as I felt tired, mostly empty though. The funny part was I was actually going through a depressive episode these past few weeks while Elliot was going manic these past two weeks.

I revealed to Reid and Matthew and Elliot that I was also bipolar but I had bipolar II disorder. That meant I had more depressive episodes than manic. I was diagnosed when I was in the lab as a child but I mostly had manic episodes then. Now everything was just mostly depressive. Basically my episodes were mostly days to weeks worth of depressive episodes with maybe only a few days of mania.

{in the comics, Lorna Dane is bipolar though I'm unsure if it's bipolar I or II but I'll go with bipolar II since I can describe it more from some personal experience relating towards these episodes. I know some won't like this but I wanted to add this to show what mental illnesses can look like from different perspectives}

Reid was aware I knew how to handle my depressive and manic episodes pretty well as I was basically a high functioning depressive person. Reid had nothing to worry about with the exception of me isolating myself and trying to sleep the days away. Meanwhile, Elliot was happy to relate to someone though he felt bad someone else had to experience what he did, but at least we weren't alone.

However, I currently felt like I was dead inside, like my soul was physically tired and somehow lonely. I was surrounded by great people yet I still felt like something was missing.

I miss Loki...

-Third Person POV-
In Asgard, Thor sat alone when Heimdall walked up to him.

"You're not in Odin's war council?" Thor questioned.

"The Bifrost is closed by your father's orders. No one is to come or to go." Heimdall took off his helmet and placed it on the table. "We face an enemy that is invisible even to me. Of what use is a guardian such as that?" Heimdall asked as he sat down looking defeated.

"Malekith will return, you know this. I'll need your help," Thor commented.

"I cannot overrule my King's wishes, not even for you."

"I'm not asking you to. The Realms need their All-Father strong and unchallenged, whether he is or not. But he is blinded, Heimdall, by hatred and by grief."

Heimdall added, "As are we all."

"Well I see clearly enough," Thor responded.

Heimdall warned, "The risks are too great."

Thor explained, "Everything that we do from here on is a risk, there is no other way."

Heimdall hesitated before replying, "What do you require of me?"

Thor warned Heimdall, "What I'm about to ask of you is treason of the highest order. Success will bring us exile and failure shall mean our death. Malekith knew the Aether was here, he can sense its power. If we do nothing he will come for it again, but this time lay waste to all of Asgard."

Thor then held a meeting with Sif, Fandral, Volstagg and Heimdall. "We must move Jane off world."

Sif stated, "The Bifrost has been shut down and the Tesseract is locked away in a vault."

Heimdall commented, "There are other paths off Asgard, ways known only to a few."

Thor paused. "One, actually."

The others suddenly realised he meant Loki.

Volstagg quickly said, "No."


Thor walked up to Loki's cell where he is standing looking well kept and clean.

-Loki's POV-
"Thor, after all this time and now you come to visit me. Why? Have you come to gloat? To mock?"

"Loki, enough. No more illusions."

I decided to lift my illusion as Thor now sees how truly pathetic I look. Thor saw my cell was a mess, everything had been thrown around while I sat on the floor, looking unkempt and messy in the other corner of my cell.

"Now you see me brother," I stated.

Thor walked up to the other side of the cell to be closer to me.

I hesitated to ask but decided to ask anyways. "Did she suffer?"

Thor quickly stopped me. "I did not come here to share our grief. Instead I offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament."

By now I was interested. "Go on."

"I know you seek vengeance as much as I do. You help me escape Asgard and I will grant it to you, vengeance. And afterward, this cell."

I chuckled as I sighed. "You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me?"

Thor replied, "I don't. Mother did. You should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me and I will kill you."

I smiled. "Hmm. When do we start?"

"Yeah when do we start?" Hela asked as she revealed herself from the other side of my cell.

She had a big smirk on her face as she walked over to Thor. Hela pulled out her sword and slammed it into my cell. The barrier broke down as Hela quickly grabbed me. She yanked me out the cell since I didn't feel like getting up.

"Now," Hela started as she claspered her hands together, "shall we begin?"

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