So is our love Everlasting, C...

By T3u8e2

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ROYAL AU, a princess of the Sumeru, you'd come of age so your parents thought It best for you to get married... More

About you
The Life of a Princess Chap.1
Dinner Shocks Chap.2
Talks with Nilou Chap.3
Meeting In the Garden Chap.4
Memorable Eyes Chap.5
Kingdom Outing Chap.6
Promise to the Stars Chap.7
Cyno's Truth Chap.8
The Lotus Ball Chap.9
His Bravery Chap.10
Certain Feelings Chap.11
An Intuition Chap.12
Lotus pool Chap.13
Wedding Day Chap.14
Wedding Night Chap.15
A New Home Chap.16
Starting a Garden Chap.17
Love In the water Chap.18
Cyno's Summons Chap.20
Worries and Preparations Chap.21
A Temporary Goodbye Chap.22
Having Hope Chap.23
Letters and Visits Chap.24
An Omen Chap.25
A Stormy night Chap.26
Broken Heart and Visits Chap.27
Doctor's Visit Chap.28
The Will to Try Chap.29
A Mother's Care Chap.30
Miracle Chap.31
Celebrations Chap.32
Night Comfort Chap.33
Cravings Chap.34
Tender Love Chap.35
Giving Birth Chap.36
Recovery Chap.37
Calm days Chap.38
Childe's Resolve Chap.39
In the Night Chap.40
The Frozen Kingdom Chap.41
Cyno's Plan Chap.42
His Threat Chap.43
The Tsaritsa Chap.44
The Rescue Chap.45
A Showdown Chap.46
The Coronation Chap.47
Our Life Chap.48 END
Cyno's Birthday *Bonus Chapter*
*Bonus Bonus Chapter*

Visiting Nilou Chap.19

1.6K 43 4
By T3u8e2

A Few Days later....

Cyno was away from home once more as resumed training the new soldiers In the royal armies, so you thought to head into town, and you decided to go visit Nilou as It had been a while since you'd last seen her, you started having nostalgia as It had been many years since you last went to her home, she was an only child and her mother passed away when she was little so Nilou was often lonely growing up, but she forgot these feelings through dancing which brought her joy until she met you and you became the best of friends, and you were always like sisters 

the carriage made It's way into the city, and Into the capital where many of the noble families or Officials lived, and that was where Nilou grew up as her Father was an Important official on your Father's council and was a treasurer for the Palace, he thought of you like a second daughter 

you looked out the window as you saw the familiar sights, and soon the carriage came to a stop outside of a manor house much like yours but smaller, the driver came to open the door and you held to his wrist as you stepped down from the carriage, "Thank you, please wait nearby"

"yes your highness"

you started walking towards the entrance, and upon seeing you the two guards outside bowed In respect before letting you pass to the door, and you rapped on It a few times 

and soon the door creaked open, and there you saw one of the household servants 

"Ah Princess, I'll inform Lady Nilou of your arrival"

you smiled, "Thank you, how are you Samira?"

she smiled, "I am well thank you your highness"

you waited while she left and you stepped inside more, looking all around as you recalled the times you'd played there until your parents kept you always in the palace for your safety, 

just then you heard the sounds of bangles and ankle bracelets, looking to see Nilou dressed up In her usual blue and white attire with her head veil,

you smiled "Nilou"

she smiled, "I didn't know you'd be coming, it's so good to see you"

she walked over and you shared a hug before she gestured you to follow her, you went to the lounge room of the manor and she asked Samira to prepare some tea 

Nilou let out a sigh, "It seems Father has to be away more often now, so I'm mostly here by myself these days"

you nodded, "I understand that, my husband tries to be with me at home as often as he can"

"you and his highness are such a match, I honestly envy you (Y/n)"

you smiled, "He and I love each other deeply, but speaking of husbands I heard that you've received many proposal letters, find anyone that you like?"

Nilou hid her face In her hands, "It's true, but they're almost drowning me you know and no not just yet It's too hard to decide"

you giggled, "don't let It overwhelm you, just take your time getting to know them"

"I'll try, though I actually don't wish to get married just yet I very much value my independence right now"

you smiled, "I did too though I never thought much about marriage either, I did It for my parents and the kingdom at first but...I thought maybe I could have a harmonious marriage, and I fell in love for the first time with Cyno"

Nilou smiled, "so sweet, I've never seen a couple more in love before"

you giggled a bit, thinking of Cyno and a warm smile came to your face but then you started wondering if he'd remember to take a break today, you hoped so, you came out of your thoughts as Samira returned with some tea and she poured some into your cups 

"please, enjoy"

Samira then took her leave, just as Nilou admired your dress for today 

"that fabric is beautiful, where did you aquire It?"

you started, "It came from one of the vendors In town, I bought It a while ago when Cyno and I went into town to look around together"

Nilou gave a cheeky smile, "otherwise known as your first date"

you blushed a little, "Nilou"

she giggled, "I tease"

you shook your head as you then had a sip of your tea, "Oh, Is this Chai"

"Yes and It's not sweet, I wish It was though"

you smiled, "It's good, we have this with breakfast sometimes"

for the next hour you and Nilou continued talking until you decided It was time to head back home, and Nilou saw you off to the door but then Maharet had come inside

"Maharet? what're you doing here"

Maharet bowed, "apologies my lady, but I had to tell you the General was called away from training to an Important meeting with his Majesty, as well as with the council"

 "I see, thank you Maharet let's head back to the estate"

Nilou started, "His Majesty and the council, It must be serious"

you nodded, "I believe so too, but It's probably nothing worrisome"

"I hope so, take care I'll visit soon" said Nilou 

you shared a hug before you turned and started out of her home, heading outside to the carriage and Maharet followed as you wondered what was possibly happening for the council to come together, when that happened In Sumeru Kingdom It often spelled trouble.

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