Cyno's Birthday *Bonus Chapter*

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-Wait to play music if you want

It was the day of Cyno's 30th birthday which would be another milestone for him besides his many Military achievements, you and your Mother had been planning a grand Celebration for him without his knowing as he was one for surprises which you already knew, but not just that he'd told you he wasn't expecting much this year as he was just becoming older but he did express that he'd love whatever kind of gift you'd give him. so you decided to work on something special besides the birthday party for him with Candace's help, you also expressed to the children not to tell him In which Ahmanet pinky swore with you same with Chakir 

Your Husband was currently out of the Palace for some of his Kingly duties, but you knew he'd be back home just In time for the party, you were overseeing how the decorating was going for the throne room and grand hall as the servants were going about their preparations 

Ahmanet and Chakir were also by your side helping as well, you were excited and hoped that Cyno would like the surprises that you had planned for him tonight

"Your Majesty,"

you turned, "Yes?"

"How many more of these Gauze shall we hang?"

you looked around at what they did so far, "Hm...Maybe a few more and don't forget some more Padisarah's on the banquet table"

she bowed, "Yes"

"Mama! when is Papa coming back" said Chakir

you smiled, "In a while and then we'll get to shout Happy Birthday to him"

Ahmanet came over and sat on your lap "Mama! I wanna wear my new dress"

"You will later on don't worry, I know Papa will think it's pretty" you said

Ahmanet clapped her hand's with a smile on her face, just as Candace came over 

"(Y/n), The halls have been finished and the cook's are nearly done with the food" she said


you smiled and stood up as you picked up Ahmanet, "Oh, there's one last place too...did you make sure the Lotus pond was finished?"

Candace smiled, "Don't worry It's all done, now we can all relax"

you nodded as you let out a sigh, then looking around the grand hall It was now finished just as Maharet had told you that Cyno would be on his way home at the time you had predicted.

Later On when the sun was beginning to set, the preparations for Cyno's birthday had been completed and now you were getting dressed into your new formal attire for the party, Nisha was finished with the twins and now she was trying to finish Ahmanet's hair 

your dress was long and the sleeves sheer, It was a dark blue and It sparkled with silver detailing all over and you put on a diamond like choker to match along with dangling earrings, Maharet put your hair into an updo as she then slid your crown into your hair to finish the look 


you turned to see Candace, "Yes?"

"The Banquet table has been finished and all the guests are nearly here"

you smiled, "Good, alright we'll be there In a little bit"

you put some more bracelets on as Maharet finished your makeup before you stood up, just as Ahmanet did a spin as she giggled happily because of her dress "Mama Look!"

you smiled and went to pick her up "It's so pretty, now come we must hurry before your father comes and remember we all have to stay quiet"

Chakir looked to his sister and motioned her to stay quiet, which she then mimicked as you all left the bedroom and went to the grand hall where it was bustling with family and guests 

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