Cyno's Plan Chap.42

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Nisha and Maharet caught up to Cyno but much to their shock he was out cold. It had taken few hours for Cyno to come to, and in the meantime your parents worried that he'd been hit in a vital spot but they summoned the royal doctor who checked to see he was alright, and he answered all of your parents panicked questions about where you and the twins disappeared to, 

Queen Devika nearly fainted, "oh, my child...and grandchildren"

Cyno stared at the blanket as he sat up in the bed, before he gripped it tightly 

"It's all my fault...If I had known they were plotting something under our noses....!"

Cyno threw off the blanket and rushed to get out of bed but your father tried to stop him

"Cyno calm down a moment this is no one's fault,"

Cyno stood there for the moment as he had a flashback to hours before, seeing Pantalone

"He said...his brother wants to get even with me"

your father turned, "What?"

Cyno looked him in the eye, "I know who took them...It was the eldest of the Tsarita's sons"

your mother turned, "You mean...they were taken to.."

"Yes, and without fail I will bring them home" said Cyno

he started past you father but then your mother rushed in front of him

"Cyno you've just recovered you have to be careful!"

Cyno moved past her, "Mother there's no time to waste! this is Prince Ajax trying to get revenge against me by bringing them into his clutches...I don't know if....I don't know what he'll do"

he turned to Nisha, "Send for Al Haitham now"

"Yes right away"

he started out of the bedroom and down the hallway as your father caught up with him

"Cyno just a moment, what is your plan" 

Cyno stopped, "I and Al Haitham will go to Snezhnaya"

King Xavier gave a nod, "you have my full support take as many of the ships and soldiers as you need"

"Thank you...but for this It should only be the two of us, If I show up with the fleet it'll give away our arrival which would put (Y/n) In danger...along with the children"

your father let out a breath, "I understand"

just then one of Cyno's subordinate's brought his Helm, cloak and Polearm, he put on his Helmet and cloak as he then took his polearm in hand as he felt his power surge

"Good luck to you"

Cyno gave a nod before he continued on and soon met with Al Haitham outside the palace,

Queen Devika came to give Cyno a hug, "Please...bring them home"

"I will I promise you, don't worry"

Devika wiped her tears from her cheeks before she gave him a motherly peck on the forehead, and she started to pray for Lesser Lord Kusanali to look after the both of them, Cyno and Al Haitham ascended down the staircase to the horses that had been brought for them

"This is risky" said Al Haitham

"I know...but I don't care, I might be walking into a trap but as long as they don't know we're coming everything will be fine"

Cyno looked to the sun In the distance as It was starting set, his eyes became fierce "Ajax wants to get even...then this time I'll be the one to strike first"

Cyno mounted onto his horse, grabbing hold of the reigns before he it galloped away from the palace and Al Haitham was not too far behind, he knew how driven by emotion Cyno was which worried him about this plan but he was the Lieutenant and he'd see this through till the end

Cyno furrowed his brows, *Wait for me my love...I'm on my way, I'll end this once and for all*.

So is our love Everlasting, Cyno X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now