Lotus pool Chap.13

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It was the last week of the fourth month, all was going well and the wedding preparations had started to begin, and all day you had been busy with your Mother and Candace, you had many dress fittings and jewelry selections to go through, not to mention you had to help welcome your relatives with your parents, you had a few celebration gatherings with members of the royal family In which you sang and danced, and Cyno was busy as well with getting fitted for his wedding attire as well and he was welcome with open arms by your relatives, which made you happy, during these days you hadn't had many chances to see Cyno or talk much

It was in the evening, you were getting ready to have dinner with your parents as usual, and Cyno as well, It seemed after the busy day you could finally take a breath and relax 

you changed your attire before leaving your bedroom, walking down the hallways as you looked out the open windows, seeing the sun was starting to set along the horizon, upon coming into the dining hall you saw Candace and your brother In law

you smiled, "Elder sister"

Candace smiled, and came to meet you as she brought you into a hug, you then went to go greet your brother In law before you all sat down, just as Cyno came into the room, he greeted all of you, but you spared him from the formalities of bowing to you, he then went to sit down at the table next to you and In fact you had started doing that for a few days now

"You look lovely this evening" said Cyno 

you smiled with a blush, "Thank you"

the royal chef soon came into the room with few servants, and they placed a few dishes onto the table, but the main highlight for dinner was butter chicken, you picked up your fork and picked up some, blowing on It before you had a taste and It was very good, you couldn't remember the last time you had It but It had been a longtime, you then had some mixed rice with It 

your Mother turned to Candace, "Candace, you must be careful with what you eat now"

Candace smiled, "I am aware Mother, the royal doctor told me so"

"It's been ages since there's been a baby within the family, you have to be careful my dear"

Candace touched her hand, "I will, please be assured"

for the rest of dinner your father asked Cyno some questions, mostly about matters with the royal armies, and while your father was speaking to your brother In law, Cyno leaned to you 

"Princess, would you like to view the lotus pond with me tonight"

you looked to him, a smile coming to your face and you gave a nod in response, which filled Cyno with a sense of happiness and relief, he was worried you'd decline as he had to talk to you about something Important later, soon after dinner came to an end you all enjoyed some baklava for dessert with some tea, and Cyno told your parents the funny story about the time he and the army trainees got lost but the map was with him the whole time, It was a fun time 

after dinner you bid your parents and sister goodnight, before heading to your bedroom as to get ready for bed like usual but you wouldn't go to sleep right away, after all you said you'd join Cyno to view the Lotus Pond after a while, It almost felt like you both were sneaking to meet

you sat down at your vanity and Maharet undid your hair, while you took off your tiara and jewelry, you looked out the window as you saw the moon was starting to rise in the sky

"the high princess will become a mother soon, though I know It won't be long before the same joy comes to you my lady"

you blushed, covering your face "Maharet"

So is our love Everlasting, Cyno X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now