Starting a Garden Chap.17

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A few days had passed since the move to your new home, the mansion was beautiful and well furnished with everything needed, the servants were very friendly and Maharet had become the head maid of the whole household, it wasn't as much a surprise but you and Cyno had gotten comfortable with sharing a bedroom together now and in the mansion he even had his own room for armory and or his polearms, you were getting used to living there but there was something missing In your eyes and you thought It was a garden, so you decided to have one put together for the estate and so you asked for Tighnari's help along with Collei, Cyno had revealed that he knew Tighnari for a longtime and that they were good friends

you were currently Inside the mansion, sitting as one of the maids fanned you with a fan made of cloth instead of feathers, Cyno was currently away and was busy with his General duties 

Nisha started, "Your highness, doesn't the prince's being away sadden you?"

you turned, "It would be a lie to say I don't feel lonely, but he's the general of my father's armies so he has duties to see to, and respect that"

Nisha gave a nod as she continued fanning, just then one of the guards came into the lounging room and he bowed, "your highness, Sir Tighnari and Collei have arrived"

you smiled, "alright thank you"

you rose onto your feet before you started heading outside to greet them, and upon coming outside Collei immediately waved happily to you "Nice to see you again Princess!"

you smiled, "It's good to see you again too, I hope you're both well"

Tighnari bowed his head, "We're well thank you"

he then looked around, "Is Cyno around?"

you started, "no he left for his duties with the army"

Tighnari nodded, "I see, well I hope marital life is going well for you both"

you smiled, "It is,"

Tighnari smiled, "that's good to hear"

you gestured, "this way I'll show you to where I wish the gardens to be,"

Tighnari and Collei followed you as you went outside to the back of the mansion, and It was filled with just grass or dirt, Tighnari had a look around "Barren I see, alright what kinds of flowers do you want to have planted"

you thought, "perhaps Sumeru roses, and maybe some Kalpalata"

"alright, I'll draw up and idea for how It'll look but please tell and I will change It"

you smiled, "alright, but I trust your judgement Tighnari"

"really? well thank you very much Princess"

you all then went back inside while Tighnari drew out a sketch, showing his idea for the gardens and it turned out to be very pretty, so with your approval he started preparing the grounds at once with enthusiasm and Collei helped out as well, Tighnari sent Collei into town as to get the seeds that were needed and Tighnari asked that one of your people go with her, so you sent Nisha along with her to make sure that she'd be alright, after an hour or so Tighnari had finished making the plot for the Sumeru Rose seeds and Collei returned with what he needed too 

as you watched you thought you should do something, so you went to go offer your help and Tighnari Insisted you leave It them but you didn't listen, and helped them as they planted the seeds in which upon seeing It Tighnari found himself surprised and Impressed

"Princess are you sure you want to, It can be dirty work" said Tighnari

you smiled, "I am aware, but It's only right that I help you both"

you then continued planting the rose seeds, much to the surprise of the servants who were watching and Nisha even wanted to stop you, but Maharet told her you were always like this and after another while of planting you offered to take a break with some snacks and cool drinks

Collei happily sipped her chilled tea and enjoyed the Padisarah pudding, 

she turned to you, "Thank you Princess!"

you smiled, "your welcome, even the hardest workers should take a rest"

Tighnari sighed, "It would be a miracle if your husband would listen to your words, Cyno's always been stubborn"

"What about me?"

you turned seeing Cyno, a smile coming to your face as he walked over to your side, you stood up as you shared an embrace and you smoothed his white hair, kissing his cheek

"Welcome home" 

Cyno smiled, and kissed your hand just as he then turned to see Tighnari 

"Tighnari? what're you doing here"

Tighnari set down his cup, "I'm here per her highness's request to have a garden put In for the mansion, and she's been helping us to plant the seeds"


Cyno looked to the work that the three of you had done, "I see,"

you started, "I wanted to tell you about the Idea, but I knew you were busy so I didn't want to bother you"

Cyno shook his head, "please don't worry about It, whatever you wish to do I support you, I was actually thinking something would be nice to have back here"

you guided Cyno to come over, and he sat down with you all while you sat In the shade enjoying some chilled tea, and Cyno even started telling some his jokes in which made Tighnari shake his head, but it seemed you and Collei were the only ones who could laugh

"Goodness..." Tighnari sighed

Cyno then turned to you, "my love, there's somewhere I'd like for us to go the day after tomorrow, it's a special place that I'd like to show you"

you smiled, "a trip? It sounds nice, I can't wait to see where we'll go"

Cyno looked to the sky, "It's an special place to me at least, I went there many times when I was training by myself after my parents passed, I mostly trained in the dessert but every so often I would wonder to the forests as to calm my mind"

Cyno picked up his golden cup having another sip of the tea, and after the break you soon resumed planting the rest of the seeds with Tighnari and Collei until It was finished, and so now all the garden needed was to be watered manually everyday 

you smiled, "thank you Tighnari"

"I should be thanking you too Princess, you helped us a lot today, please let me know If something doesn't seem right you both take care," said Tighnari

"Tighnari, Collei you take care as well and come back anytime you'd like"

Tighnari smiled, "thank you Princess"

Collei then waved to you and Cyno as she started walking away with Tighnari, and after they left you and Cyno went to sit back down In the shade, you rested your head on his shoulder while he held you within his arms.

So is our love Everlasting, Cyno X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now