A Temporary Goodbye Chap.22

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It was now a day before the Army of Snezhnaya would reach the border, and today was the day that Cyno was to leave with the royal armies, he wished to stay by your side longer but he couldn't as he had to prepare to leave but he'd make sure to give you a proper goodbye later, he pressed a kiss to your brow before he left and called for one of his attendants, not too later you woke up to feel the sun on your face but you could no longer feel your husbands arms, you turned to see he was no longer at your side and you sat up as you knew that today was the day, 

you smoothed your braid over your shoulder, before you called for Nisha and she soon came 

"you called my lady?"

you got up from the bed, "has Cyno left yet"

Nisha shook her head, "No"

you nodded and let out a sigh, then heading to bathe and get ready for the day, you undressed from your night attire before getting into the waters, washing your face with Nisha helping you

"are you alright my lady?"

you looked at the water, "I am,"

you gathered some of the Kalpalata petals into your hands, you said you were alright but that was a blatant lie, you'd kept your worries and fears hidden well for the past weeks a tear streamed down your cheek with It dropping into the water, you wiped your cheek quickly as you held back the rest of your tears as you had to be strong for the kingdom, and for him 

after you finished bathing Maharet came to take over for Nisha, and you dressed up as usual but you wore something different for today, it was a red and gold dress with elbow length sleeves, Maharet then helped you do your hair but she put It half up and half down, you put on your usual jewelries of bracelet's, earrings and necklace, but while Maharet did your bit of makeup she noticed a saddened look on your face In which made her feel bad,

Maharet started, "It's going to be hard for a while, Isn't It"

you let out a sigh, "yes, but It's what has to be done for the safety of Sumeru"

she gave your shoulder a few pats, you slipped on your shoes and rose onto your feet as you started leaving your bedroom, walking down the halls as you made your way to the dining room to have breakfast, Cyno wasn't there as he was still very busy with preparation to leave 

you greeted your parents like usual and went to sit down, just as the royal chef brought out the usual breakfast with you starting to eat, and your parents noticed how quiet you were 

"My Little Flower, are you alright?" asked your Father 

you looked up, "Yes I'm alright,"

Queen Devika looked to you, she then sighed "It's alright to be sad and feeling longing already, as well as fear, Cyno will be away fighting for this kingdom at the border and there's no telling when he may return"

"I know"

she nodded, "good, but you shouldn't try to bottle It up inside"

you picked up your cup of tea, having a sip of It before you got back to eating In silence, when finished you wiped your mouth with the cloth napkin, just as Al Haitham came to the room 

he bowed, "Your Majesties, your highness please excuse me, Princess the Prince wishes to see you right now, the army is In position to soon move out" 

you nodded, and stood up "alright, thank you"

Al Haitham escorted you to the lotus pond where Cyno waited, and once there you saw he was dressed in his uniform with some armory, Al Haitham bowed and left, you then started walking over to Cyno's said and he turned to you 

"not too long ago It was here that we shared our feelings" he said

you smiled warmly, "yes, I'll never forget that night"

he took your hand in his, "It pains me to leave you,"

you nodded in response before you wrapped your arms around him, and he held you closely while hugging you a bit tighter, while a few tears streamed down your cheeks 

"Darling...please take care, I'll wait for you to return" 

Cyno ran a hand through your hair, before he parted from you a little to wipe your tears with his thumbs, he gave you his usual smile which never failed to melt your heart 

"I know you're scared... but I promise everything will be alright my love"

you nodded and sniffled, "I know It will, I believe in you...I love you"

"I love you too"

Cyno smiled but then he took out something, it was a red rose in which were hard to grow In Sumeru Kingdom, he slid It into your hair as his own eyes gleamed 

you then touched foreheads with each other, and Cyno cupped your cheeks as you shared a deep kiss, but then you parted for air before you kissed again and Cyno pressed a kiss to your forehead, just as Al Haitham returned "your highness, we must leave"

Cyno gave a nod, he then turned and held out his hand to you with you placing yours in his, you then left the lotus pond hand In hand, walking through the hallways together all the while your hands were locked and not separating until you came to the entrance of the palace, and the doors were already open with your parents waiting outside along with Al Haitham 

your mother came to Cyno, giving a motherly touch "May Kusanali watch over you"

Cyno bowed his head, "Thank you Mother-In-law"

your Father patted his shoulder firmly, "the fate of Sumeru Kingdom is in your hands now"


Cyno then looked to you, and you embraced each other one more time 

"I will wait for you, no matter how long..." you affirmed 

Cyno smiled, "and when I return...I will hold you again just like this"

you soon parted and reluctantly released your hands, just as Cyno took his helmet from Al Haitham and placed It onto his head, signaling as they started down the stairs to their horses just as there came the sounds of drums, at the bottom of the stairs Cyno mounted his horse and took a firm hold of the reins as he looked back to you, and you smiled at him giving a nod 

he returned It, before he made the horse turn and the army started to chant before Cyno signaled them to go forward with them setting off away from the palace, the army of ten thousand made its way slowly but surely away from the palace and through the city, as you watched him go your mother came to place her hands on your shoulders 

she gave them a squeeze, and you turned to run back into the palace without a second thought as you ran to the eastern wing of the palace, the sounds of your jewelry rang through the hallways followed by your breathing, you hurried to the balcony as you came to a stop and watched the army still leaving, at the front you could just barely see Cyno anymore.

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