The Frozen Kingdom Chap.41

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Time had passed but when you finally came to, you found yourself In a room but then you woke up more as you found yourself swaying, you sat up and realized you were in a ship cabin, but this wasn't a Sumeru ship at all and the events from before flooded back to your mind

you jumped out the bed you were In as you left the room, and you picked up your skirts as you ran to the staircase at the end of the hall to get onto the main deck, where you saw the same people from before whom you didn't recognize, they were wearing furs now though 

you shivered from the cold as you hugged yourself, just then you saw the man with glasses

you ran over to him "Where are you taking me! give my children back to me!"

he turned, "Oh? you're awake, apologies but I can't return your children to you yet but don't fear they're being taken good care of on this ship"

you didn't understand what was going on, "Where are you taking me"

"To the Kingdom of Snezhnaya, my brother Ajax wishes you to meet with him"

you remembered he was the one who killed Cyno before, just then you ran over to look out seeing you were out on the ocean very far away from Sumeru Kingdom now

Prince Pantalone came to stand beside you, "As long as you cooperate no harm will be done to you or your children I guarantee It, but I'm afraid you won't be returning home"

your eyes widened with shock as they filled with tears, and the first thing that flashed to your mind was Cyno along with your parents, " can't do this...."

"I apologize, but this is how my brother wishes to get back at your husband for the war"

you silently gasped, but then you felt something warm come to your shoulders and Pantalone had placed his fur trimmed coat onto your shoulders "Careful you'll catch cold"

he was about to leave but you gripped his hand and pleaded, "Take me back to my Kingdom I promise I won't let any Sumeru forces attack you or your kingdom! please!"

Pantalone looked down, "I pity you very much, but I'm afraid I can't do that I'd be betraying my brother"

he removed your hand from his as he brushed passed you, all the while you stood before falling to your knees as you covered your mouth to muffle your cries, but then you felt someone pick you up and you looked to see they light blue hair and red eyes

you started to hit his chest, "release me! put me down this minute!"

he smirked and you could see his sharp teeth, "Don't struggle...unless you want to see your children unharmed but for now I'll take you back to your cabin, your highness"

you silently gasped before you fell silent, the only thing you could do was obey them so they wouldn't hurt your children. The Strange man returned you to your cabin and for the remainder of the time all was silent as you lied down on the bed trying to think this was a nightmare

but it wasn't, you and your twins were being taken to another kingdom and you had no idea if you'd ever see your husband again, you felt tears come to your eyes again as you tried to stop yourself from being overcome as this situation was out of your hands.

Three days had passed since then and you were given things you needed like food and water, you weren't treated as terribly as you thought you'd be, but still you were a captive and you hadn't seen Ahmanet or Chakir either which made you worry sick about them

*Knock, Knock*

you looked to the door as Prince Pantalone entered "Pardon me, but we've arrived I have to take you to the Palace Immediately...I've brought your children to accompany you"

you stood up quickly as you saw a little woman carry them inside, you rushed over to them as you took them into your arms while you started to cry, kissing them on their foreheads 

"this is Columbina, she took care of them in your stead"

she smiled sweetly and bowed her head low

you looked to see the little women with black and pink hair, you didn't know what but there was something terribly off about he despite how innocent she looked

you held the twins closer to you, Pantalone brought a cloak to put around you as he the ushered you out of the cabin and onto the ship deck where you saw you had arrived elsewhere, you looked all around and In the great distance you could make out a castle 

"This way your highness"

you stopped, "Tell me your name before I go further"

he turned with a closed eye smile, "Prince Pantalone"

you nodded and brought the cloak further around to keep the twins warm, you then followed Pantalone off the ship before you were met with a carriage, It was different than Sumeru's 

Prince Pantalone helped you inside before he sat across from you, along with Columbina

you looked down at Ahmanet as she was now awake, but then she started to cry and you comforted her until she stopped, you looked out the window as the carriage passed through the town that was very different, all the buildings were big and dark also snow covered

"As soon as we arrive you'll be able to bathe and relax, before I present you to Ajax"

you wanted to say something but the words died in your throat, you didn't want to have words with your captors more than you wanted to, and the idea of meeting the man who'd "Killed" your husband made you very ill as well as scared you

you let out a sigh as you lightly patted the twins backs, Chakir was wide awake now while his sister was sleeping soundly, you gently caressed his cheek with your finger

Pantalone looked over to you, "I meant to say this before but you have beautiful children"

you mustered, "Thank you...."

"what are their names?"

you started, "Chakir...and Ahmanet"

Pantalone fixed his glasses, "I see, worry not I'll arrange a bassinet for them In your room"

the rest of the carriage ride was quiet until you soon arrived at the castle, It was huge and made of stone with torches lit to and fro, something about the place unsettled you a lot

you carefully stepped down from the carriage, and Panatalone ushered you inside of the grand Palace but you looked over your shoulder to the doors as they shut.

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