Promise to the Stars Chap.7

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Later On....

It was now the evening, you'd just gotten finished having dinner with your parents and the General, dinner went really well and Cyno had very much Impressed your parents, as well as you yourself, your Father said so himself that he was proud to have him as his soon In law, you found yourself smiling more than usual when In his company and the same could be said for Cyno, but whenever he looked at you or touched your hand a warmth would come to your cheeks, and your heart would begin to beat faster, Maharet teased saying that It was love, you didn't believe what she said and left It alone, each day you spent In his company you felt like you maybe could get on well as a married couple, though you didn't know each other long you trusted him 

you arrived back In your bedroom, walking over to sit at your vanity table, Maharet soon came as she started to take down your hair, while you started taking off your earrings and necklace, 

Maharet smiled, "dinner went well"

you smiled a little, "mhm,"

Maharet removed the adornments from your hair, and started to brush It out as you took off your bracelets and when finished, she brought over a bowl of warm water with a cloth and you wiped your face clean of your little makeup, you then handed the cloth back to Maharet as you rose onto your feet, going to get changed into your night dress, Maharet then went around to blow out the lamps In the room lit by flame, you smoothed your hair as you sat on your bed 

"Well, get some sleep my lady" said Maharet 

she bowed before you got into the bed, and she then left your bedroom closing the doors behind her, you brought the blankets over yourself as you turned over In bed, at night the weather was a little cooler so It was pleasant to sleep, you looked out the nearby window as you saw the moon was full tonight and the stars gleamed in the sky, you took In a breath as you closed your eyes trying to get to sleep, but after ten minutes of trying you just sat up In the bed

you couldn't fall asleep at all so then you decided to get up and walk around the palace a little bit, you put on your shoes once more as you started out of your room quietly, 

It was dark with only a few lamps lighting the hallways, you guessed Maharet must've went to her own quarters and was asleep already, you walked through the hallways as you looked around, when you were a child the palace halls were a little scary at night, but you'd gotten used to it now and could walk around without any fear, but then as you started walking by one of the balconies you saw Cyno sitting out there, you stopped before quietly walking out there 

Cyno sensed a presence and turned, but then he relaxed upon seeing that It was you,

he hopped off the ledge, and bowed "Princess,"

you lowered your voice, "please rise General,"

he nodded and stood up, you then walked over to his side as you looked up at the starry night sky, and Cyno looked up as well, "It's late, what're you doing awake Princess"

you sighed, "I can't seem to fall asleep, so I came to star gaze a little"

Cyno looked up, "I see, they are beautiful tonight"

you smiled, "Indeed"

Cyno then shrugged off his black cloak, putting It around your shoulders which surprised you 

"It's chilly tonight, take care not to get sick" he said

you blushed, "oh...thank you General"

Cyno then sat back on the balcony stone ledge, you held the cloak around yourself a little more as you walked forward a little more, Cyno looked at you for the moment seeing the stars shine In your eyes, he felt a gentle smile come to his face before he looked back up 

you started, "what are your parents like?"

Cyno was surprised a little, he then started thinking "Well, my mother was kind, she'd always keep me close to her when I was a child, and my father he was a little stern but he loved my Mother and I very much until the day he died"

you were shocked, "he...he died"

Cyno nodded, "yes, my father was a general himself and he died on the battlefield"

you placed a hand to your mouth, "I'm...I'm so sorry"

"he was an honorable soldier, back then I was too young to understand what It meant when someone died, but then a year later my mother fell sick and she too...passed away"

you silently gasped, Cyno let out a sigh "and I was...left alone, so I had to raise myself after that and I did the hardest work so I would be able to eat, I had no one anymore and so I decided that I'd have to get stronger from then on, even though my parents left I still hoped that I'd make them proud someday and I wonder...If I achieved that"

you saw his eyes gloss over, you thought he might cry but he didn't and just stared at the moon, you felt your own tears form in your eyes from his story, with one slipping down your cheek 

Cyno turned, "I'm sorry, I didn't wish to make you cry"

you wiped your cheek, "you endured a lot"

"I have, but I must keep moving forward"

you nodded, "Indeed, well all do"

you started, "General, I believe your parents are proud of you, you worked hard to become the man you are today, and after all the times you've protected this kingdom, I know they'd be"

Cyno was surprised, he then blushed, "do you mean that"

you smiled, "I do,".

Cyno got down from the balcony ledge, he then turned to you "thank you"

he then held out his hand to you, "I promise right now, I'll never let any sorrow come to you or any harm, will you trust me to take care of you In the future"

a blush came to your cheeks, but you placed your hand in his "I will,"

after that, you felt as though your view on General Mahamatra changed all the more, and as you stood on the balcony together Cyno told you the constellations and taught you how to find them, it was a lot of fun and you felt that this night had brought the two of you closer.

So is our love Everlasting, Cyno X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now