Worries and Preparations Chap.21

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After that day Cyno had began training the royal armies as much as he could, while also practicing his own combat skills, war was on Its way and the entire of Sumeru Kingdom was preparing and you were doing what you could to help, you aided in making sure there was enough food for the people as well as shelters If needed, and the gates to the kingdom were guarded twenty-four hours a day with lookouts In case there was an attack, but so far all was clear but tension was rising within the city as well within the palace, and you kept your composure on the outside but Inside you were very worried, worried about the fate of the kingdom as well as worried about Cyno's safety, lives were always lost In wars and you knew that but you didn't dare imagine if something happened to your husband, If anything were to happen to him you wouldn't know If you'd be able to go on, but you didn't dare to think of It 

due to what was happening now, you and Cyno agreed It would be best If you went back to the palace, although the Mansion was well guarded but he wanted you to be safer, so you agreed and had most of your things taken back to the palace for the time being, and Nisha asked to come along as well so you complied and made her your second handmaiden, In the time you lived In the mansion Nisha had become someone you trusted In just like Maharet 

you were currently sitting outside on one of the balconies, while Nisha was fanning you 

Nisha let out a sigh, "My lady, I must admit I've been frightened these last few days I never though war would come to the kingdom"

you nodded, "As did I, but...the Kingdom of Snezhnaya wishes to conquer all and so we're the first target"

"I understand, but aren't you afraid?"

you hugged your legs, "I am, I'm very afraid, there's many outcomes that could happen but I try not to think about the negative ones, I have nothing but faith in Cyno"

you then started thinking, you hoped that Cyno was taking breaks In between all of his training with the army as well as giving them breaks, so you had the Idea to go visit the armies training grounds and headed there with Nisha, It took a while to arrive but when you did you could already here the many voices and sounds of weapons clashing, 

you got out the carriage, and Nisha followed as you headed to have a look at the training field, there were at least a thousand soldiers out there, and standing not too far away was Cyno who was dueling his second in command Lieutenant Al Haitham, you watched as he fought against the grey-haired man with great agility and strength, but then Al Haitham knocked him down 

you brought a hand to your mouth, picking up your skirts as you started heading to his side

Al Haitham turned In surprise, before bowing "Your Highness"

Cyno looked to you, "My love what're you doing here?"

"I came to check on you, I was worried"

Cyno picked himself off the ground, and you took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his brow in which he smiled gently at the gesture, but then he held your hand 

"I'm fine, don't worry"

you started, "I know this is a crucial time, but please take time to rest and perhaps give them all a break as well"

Cyno looked to the soldiers, he then let out a sigh before he gestured to Al Haitham who projected his voice enough for them to stop fighting, and Cyno told them to take a rest and to get some water before you and him went inside of his tent 

"Are you doing alright" he asked

you nodded, "yes, I've been doing what I can to help in the city"

you folded your dress under you sat down, and Cyno joined you on the ornate carpet but then he laid his head down on your lap, and you smiled as you touched his cheeks with your hands

"This war hasn't begun yet...and I'm already tired" he said

"you've exhausted your mind with preparations and strategies all week, and now you're pushing your body to train"

Cyno closed his eyes, "True, but It must be done to safeguard this Kingdom"

you wiped his forehead free of sweat again, "I know"

Cyno then looked at you, "but no matter what I'll keep my promises"

Cyno sat up and caressed your cheek, you then laced your hands together, before you leaned and rested your head on his shoulder with him putting his free arm around you.

So is our love Everlasting, Cyno X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن