Memorable Eyes Chap.5

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a few days had passed since Cyno moved into the palace, as he was now your Fiancé he'd  live with you until after your marriage, though not knowing him long you thought he was a very kind man, In the mornings he'd bid you good morning and at night he'd bid you good evening, but you spoke more than that during the day when he Invited you to have tea with him, he'd speak more about his Military escapades and tell jokes with a straight face which made you laugh all the more, he didn't talk much about his past but told you he was born In the Desert, and he had a somewhat difficult childhood, he was very easy to talk to and when he spoke there was a depth In his voice, but most of all you found yourself getting lost In his eyes, those eyes that reminded you of the sunrises In the palace, Cyno's Status had been elevated some since he was your Fiancé and after marriage he'd officially become a prince, and also he'd become the king In the future, but Cyno cared not for his status or the riches that came with It, he cared only for something much more Important to him.

you were outside on the terrace of the palace, It had a beautiful carpet with some cushions on It, you were sitting there as you took In the peace, feeling the cooling breeze come upon your face, Cyno had to leave the palace for a little while as to see to a matter with the army, 

just then you heard the sounds of ankle bracelets, you turned around to see Nilou 

you smiled, "Nilou, what brings you here"

she smiled, "I came to visit and to ask about General Mahamatra"

you gestured, and she came to sit down on the carpet across from you, 

you giggled, "Well, he's been-"

"I hope I'm not Intruding"

you turned, seeing your older sister Princess Candace, her dark blue hair In an updo and her attire matching a blue and gold color scheme with some red, and she wore fine jewelry, Candace looked more like your father with her Heterochromatic eyes, while you looked more like your mother, she had long moved out of the Palace after marrying one of the princes to a neighboring kingdom

you smiled, "Elder Sister!"

Candace smiled, opening her arms to you as you came onto your feet and you hugged her, 

"Sister how are you" you asked

she smiled, "I am well, upon hearing about your soon marriage I had to come home"

Nilou rose to her feet, bowing in respect "Grand Princess Candace"

"Lady Nilou It's nice to see you again, you may be at ease"

Nilou smiled with a nod before she sat down, and Candace sat down next to you

"Maharet, please bring some tea" you asked

she bowed, "yes my lady"

you turned to Candace, "how was the travel here"

"all was well, my husband has come too since we'll be staying until the wedding"

you smiled, "I'm glad you'll be here"

Candace smiled, "of course, I'd never miss my little sister's wedding for anything"

Maharet soon returned with some tea, and she filled the golden cups with some tea before handing them to you all, you had a sip of the fragrant tea before setting the cup down 

Nilou started, "so, how did you find the General?"

you smiled a little, "I well...he has somewhat cold and warm demeanor, he's a very handsome man"

Candace smiled, "do you like him?"

a pink flush came to your cheeks, "It's only been a few days, but I find him to be easy to talk to and very kind, he tells me stories about his days when he was just becoming a general,"

"oh, I see"

you then giggled, "he's even told me some funny stories, and jokes but without much expression on his face, and he has a charming smile"

Nilou smiled, "that's wonderful! see I knew you'd like him, that's surprising he rarely ever smiles around anyone"

Candace sighed, "this puts my mind at ease all the more"

"you were worried?"

Candace smiled, "of course, you're my little sister after all"

she touched your shoulders, "now that I've heard It from you, I believe that the General is the right match for you and will treat you well, I was worried I'd have to talk to him myself"

you laughed a little, "That won't be necessary Candace"

Candace patted your head, "alright, but I tell you this, if he hurts you in anyway, I will step into It"

you smiled, "he's only been here for a few days but I can see he's a good man, with a strong heart, not to mention his eyes are full of great mystery and purity, eyes that remind one of the sun rising In the desert, they're beautiful"

you then blushed as you realized all that you said, and Candace started to laugh a little bit, and Nilou giggled a little bit before she broke the awkwardness, by telling a story from the past.

(The Picture used is by, Hutaba_29 all credit goes to them)

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