Recovery Chap.37

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A Day later....

you were laying In bed alongside Cyno as you slept peacefully, but then came the cries of your twins which woke the both of you up, you sat up and started getting up but he stopped you 

"The doctor said you can't get out of bed yet love, you're still healing"

Cyno kissed your cheek, "get some more rest I'll go"

you gave a nod, he then helped you back into bed as he tucked you in once more before he went to the cradle, Chakir and Ahmanet were crying as their little faces turned red 

Cyno crouched down, moving the cradle "There're alright Papa's here"

Cyno smiled warmly as he smoothed their hair, continuing to rock the cradle gently before he picked them up and brought them over to the bed, you smiled and sat up a little bit 

"Good morning my loves"

you gently took Ahmanet Into your arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead as you then rocked her as she started calming down a little bit "It's alright..."

Cyno held onto Chakir as he came closer to you, putting his arm around all of you as the twin calmed down, and you noticed Chakir was playing with Cyno's hair but then he pulled It

Cyno chuckled, "Ouch! No pulling, little rascal"

Cyno lifted him up a little before he nuzzled his nose, you giggled and caressed his little cheek with your finger as he started falling back asleep, It was still early within the morning so you knew It wasn't time for them to be fully awake yet

"I still can't believe they're here...they're so precious" said Cyno 

you smiled, "I know"

Cyno then handed Chakir to you as you patted their backs, Ahmanet was still very much awake though unlike her brother who was already out,  

"Her eyes are like yours's but they have a redder hue"

Cyno smiled, "I noticed, maybe she gets that from her grandmother"

"Grandmother? do you mean your mother"

Cyno gave a nod, "Yes, my mother's eyes were In fact a red color"

Cyno lightly stroked the little white hairs on her head, but then she let out a little yawn as she then closed her eyes, you then fixed the blankets that the twins were swaddled In before pressing kisses to their brows, Cyno then took them back over to their Cradle to let them sleep

Cyno then got back into bed with you, wrapping his arms around you as you snuggled together In the position you were In previously in as you rested against his chest, 

Cyno then quietly spoke, "are you In any pain?"

"Not right now, I'm getting better though"

Cyno nodded, he then breathed In and out as he rubbed your back while you started wondering now what the future might hold for your children, but you only hoped them to be happy.

So is our love Everlasting, Cyno X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora