The Tsaritsa Chap.44

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Later that day...

You were In your bedroom quarters but in your mind it was your jail, you hadn't spoke to anyone other than Anya whom you trusted the most since arriving in the frozen kingdom, you wondered how long you'd be there with your children maybe a year or two years but that was something you hated to think about, Sumeru was your true home and Cyno your husband who you longed for so much and missed but you knew by now he was probably coming up with a way to bring you back home, but you'd try to never let it seem that you were hopeful to leave as that could give away any Plan that Cyno was developing right now, you wished to be home sooner and back in his arms but for the sake of your children you'd bare with the situation right now

you'd just gotten done feeding the twins your milk, despite a wet nurse being sent to help you with the children which you didn't need or want, as you always took care of your children yourself and would always raise them yourself along with Cyno, so you dismissed her away

Anya started, "I believe Prince Ajax sent for the wet nurse"

you let out a sigh before shaking your head, just as Ahmanet started to wake up

she blinked her red eyes before she cooed, that made a smile come to your face as you lightly tickled her stomach and press a kiss to her forehead, just then Chakir started to get fussy and Anya brought him back to you as you soothed him until he'd stopped crying

"I couldn't imagine, having twin children" said Anya

you smiled, "It's not easy but...seeing them happy and healthy will always be worth It"

you held the twins close to you as you bounced them lightly, just as you looked out the large window with frost on It as you looked into the distance at the ocean, but then there came a rapping on the door of your bedroom chamber

you turned, "Yes?"

just then Nina came inside, "It's nearly time for dinner, the Prince and her Majesty the Queen will be expecting you"

you felt your stomach churn, but then you took in a breath "Alright, Anya please look after them for me, Nina help me freshen up"

Anya nodded, "Yes Ma'am"

you looked at Ahmanet and Chakir before giving them kisses on their cheeks

you handed the twins off to Anya and she carefully held them, you then went to go freshen up with Nina's help and she fixed up your hair for you too before you made your way, following Nina as she led you to the dining room all the while you told yourself you'd give the proper respect and be the princess your parents taught you to be, even though you were terrified you knew you couldn't go anywhere now so you could only keep your head high. Once outside the grand dining hall you were announced before you entered the room, seeing Prince Ajax there along with two other women sitting at the table but you could tell who was the Queen

The Tsaritsa wore an elaborate dark blue gown with a collar, and she had a crown that looked to be made nearly of crystals atop her head but despite the smile her eyes were cold as ice

you took a breath before starting to approach the table, just as you presented yourself to the Tsaritsa and you gave a polite bow to her In which made her gesture

"Rise child, come close let me look at you"

you took a step closer and lifted your head as she looked you over, "Very Lovely"

you bowed your head, "Thank you...your Majesty"

The Tsaritsa then motioned, "Relax my dear, please go sit next to my son"

you picked up the skirts of your gown and walked over to Ajax's side, folding your skirts underneath as you sat down but you only kept your eyes on the plate

"Princess (Y/n)"

you looked up, and she gestured to the grey haired woman who sat next to you wearing elaborate jewels and furs on her "That is Lady Sandrone, my Son's Wife"

you felt your stomach churn again, this man wanted you to be his while he was already married no less, you looked to Sandrone giving her a nod of Acknowledgement 

"How do you do" she said

you put on a smile, "I am well, It's nice to meet your ladyship"

you picked up your fork and picked up some potato before slowly bringing it to your mouth, you honestly didn't have the appetite due to how distressed and disturbed you were

the Tsaritsa turned to you, "I hear you've just given birth to twins?"

you nodded, "Yes..."

"If you should need anything please let me know," she offered

you faked a smile again, "I will, thank you for the kindness your Majesty"

just then Sandrone eyed your wedding ring, "That's quite's almost like a mirror"

"Yes..." you said

you then started to slice the meat on the plate before having a bite, but then you started to feel sick and you picked up the cloth napkin to place over your mouth 

the Tsaritsa furrowed her brows, "are you ill? what's the matter"

you removed the napkin, "I'm...I'm not feeling so well, your Majesty If I could please excuse myself"

"Go ahead"

you stood up and bowed to her as you started leaving the dining hall with hurried steps, you had no idea why you were so sick right now but you knew It was probably due to some change since coming to that place hours ago, after you rushed back to your bedroom Anya checked on you

"Oh goodness, are you alright?"

you shook your head, "No, I feel very sick..."

Anya went to put the twins down in the bassinet, before she came to rub your back 

"you've been through a lot, maybe your feeling pent up stress"

you brought a hand to your chest, "Perhaps...could you please bring me some water"

"right away"

Anya went to get some water for you, all the while you sat on the bed as you then laid back atop the blankets as you clutched the fabric of your dress all the while you felt more discomfort.

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