Arranged marriage

Bởi Lauvlytwice231

4.9K 236 68

Jin was forced to marry nayeon and that made jin furious.Jin and nayeon doesn't always see eye to eye and alw... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Introducing some new characters
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
I'm back!!!
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 15

134 5 3
Bởi Lauvlytwice231

Sana's pov

Me and dahyun's friends were at a cafe.I'm still thinking where tzuyu is she was right behind me the entire time but she just disappeared all of a sudden.It's impossible for her to go home without her parents right? Right? Wait am i talking to myself? Oh freak i am shoot.

"Sana unnie are you okay?"Dahyun asked me she might have notice talking.

"Oh y-yes."Freak why am i stuttering?

"You sure?"

"Yes i am so what are you guys talking about?"

"Oh sana unnie our manager think that you should be a model and she's wondering if you wanted to join and tzuyu too i showed her some of your pictures, you should join us sana unnie I'll tell tzuyu if she's going to join."

"Oh my god are you sure?!"

"Eww you a model?"I heard a familiar voice behind me and it was

"Taehyung?what are you doing here?"

"Well baby girl i wanted to follow you cause who will be your companion if you go home right? Shouldn't you be thanking me cause i'm concerned about you?"

"Well if that's the case taehyung i don't need a companion to go home i can easily dial my driver and i don't need your concern i am already mature enough to take care of myself."

"What does maturity do anything about this?"

"Oh shut up taehyung it's so tiring to explain something to you."

"Excuse me?!"

"Are you two dating?"Eunwoo asked.



"No we're not dating can you shut up taehyung?"

"Oh right we're not dating but i heard you have a crush on me."

"Who told you that?!"

"So you do have a crush on me?"

"Guilty."Dahyun and mina said in sync.I glared at dahyun.

"Dahyun!"She just chuckled at me ugh she's a fake friend.

"You two bicker a lot are you enemies?"Jimin asked.What kind of question is that?!

"Yes."I said bravely.

"Your mad at me?"He pouted like a homeless puppy ugh i hate this guy.

"Awwww that's so cute."Mina and dahyun said in sync.AGAIN.Eunwoo and jimin glared at them.

"Chill babe don't be jealous."Dahyun said kissing eunwoo's checks.

"Why are you mad?"Mina asked jimin.


Jin's pov

Nayeon and i decided to go home cause it's getting late we bid goodbyes to our parents and got in the car.The trip was silent but not awkward just kidding it was freaking so awkward i'm gonna die.But i broke the silence and just say something so random.

"How was your drink?"


"Oh uh nothing."What the fuck? What was that! Ugh i'm gonna die right now it was so embarrassing.So i just stayed silent after that.

We arrived at the house and i opened the door for her wait why am i being sweet to her all of a sudden? The act is over right? So i just closed the door in her face HAHAHAHA.

"Yahh!! Seokjin what the hell?!"

"Deserve!"I quickly ran to my room and locked it.

"Ughh i swear seokjin I'll get my revenge someday!!"

"You will never!!"I laughed victoriously.

"Ugh i hate you!"I heard her slammed the door oh she's so mad i'm gonna get killed.

Nayeon's pov

Uhm he was so sweet back there oh right we had a deal i forgot about that but still that was so childish of him ugh i hate him even more i'll get my revenge soon.

It's so boring here i just wanna call a friend so i just called momo.

Hirai momo

Nayeon's bestfriend since middle school she's always there for her when nayeon needs her she's truly a great and loyal friend.And she's also a singer they auditioned together.


Momo lets meet up at s
convenience store i'm so bored.

But nayeon i'm in a date with
my boyfriend.

Since when did you have
a boyfriend?!

Since yesterday you know the
guy i've been talking about?

Jhope? Your already in a
relationship? Ugh why didn't you
tell me earlier?!

Sorry nayeon but i promise i'll
meet up with you tomorrow ok?

Ugh fine i'm just bored here.

Why don't you watch a movie?
with jin?

I would never watch a movie
with that childish man.

Are you two fighting again?

Yes but i'm not the one who
started it this time.

Ahhh why would i be surprised?
i think it's normal for the both of
you to bicker everytime.

Ughh i don't care i just hate
that man so much.

Maybe you'll end up falling
in love right? I believe in the saying
The more you hate the more you

That's the most cheesiest thing
you ever said momo.😭

How dare you ugh it's no use to
chat with you anyways gotta go
i'm still on a date with jhope bye.
Good night.

Ugh fine good night to you too.

To be continued....

Sorry for not updating for days
I got busy of school works i hope you understand.
Votes and comments are highly appreciated! Thanks for reading byee.

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