Don't Be A Fool

By Kdogg6417

9.9K 297 46

Alice Branagh is the twin sister of Robin Branagh. One night they get new neighbors, the twins sneak up the c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 19

274 7 1
By Kdogg6417

Today was the first day, of Vlad's alchemy journey. Alice and Robin were down in Renfield's lab.

"Rule number one of alchemy," Renfield giggled as he walked around the room. "Pick good ingredients." He turned on a machine making the light in the room dim a bit. "First, carefully select your rats' tails." He held up a jar of them.

"Lovely," Alice commented as she tilted her head. Renfield put the jar down, he began to lick the tail.

Count suddenly appeared behind Renfield, sticking his fingers in his ear. "Stop showboating, Renfield. 

"Immediately, Master," Renfield agreed; he continued on with the lesson. "Having prepared your gut mixture, carefully lay out the tails. Then gently ease in the power." He put on a helmet; before pulling the handle. They watched electricity strike between two poles The two rat tails started to change color; by the end of it the rats were alive." They squeak, walking around the tray. 

"Wow," Robin lit up.

Renfield put a jar on the table, grabbing the rats. "Come here, my little beauties. "You turn, Master Vlad." He put a lid on the jar as the Count encouraged Vlad to go forward. Vlad opened the jar, he pulled out two rat tails; Renfield started to make groaning sounds. 

"No way," Vlad immediately denied. 

Count went to Vlad. "You know, my boy, when I was your age, I grew a whole troop of three-headed killer monkeys." Robin and Alice looked at each other. "Happy times." He tapped Vlad. "Make me proud." Vlad looked over at his friends, they nodded at him. Vlad then placed two rat tails on the tray. Vlad pulled on the lever; the tails fried instantly.

"Your kids, Dragan and Jana are not going to make it as vampires with Vlad as their father," Robin whispered to Alice; she grabbed his ear. "Ow, ow, ow, ow." Vlad looked at his father, Count was not very happy. 

The adults went upstairs, leaving the other three in the alchemy room, Alice and Robin were flipping through the book together.

"I mean, look at this," Vlad began. "Heads with necks heads without necks, lizard entrails." He sighed, walking away from the cabinet. "Alchemy's just the same as everything else to do with bein' a vampire. "He played with the lever. " Just another excuse to get up to your elbows in blood and guts."

Robin grabbed the book in excitement. "Vlad, check this out."

Vlad continued on with his rant. "And I hate it when Dad gives me one of those looks. Vladimir, I'm very disappointed in you." Robin put the book in Vlad's face. "Bride of Renfield."

"Oh, oh, oh not that," Robin said as he flipped the page. "That!"

"Potion 666, Transforming a Vampire into a Mortal," Vlad read. 

"Do you think it'll work?" Alice asked looking back.

"Only one way to find out," Vlad answered, looking back at her. He flipped the page; his face fell when he looked back at the book. "Where's the list of ingredients?"

Renfield walked in. "I found some bees bums; I thought you could start with growing something small, you know? Build up your confidence."

"Renfield, I think there's some pages missing from this book," Vlad pointed out.

Renfield's mood changed a bit. "Ah, that's my dad's book. He likes to keep all his secrets up here. He was a great alchemist. Rotten dad, but a great alchemist."

"So, he didn't pass any of his secrets on to you?" Alice asked as she joined the table. 

"He didn't get a chance, did he?" Renfield reconciled. "He disappeared suddenly, like a ghoul in the night, never to be seen again." Vlad closed the book in frustration. After a trying bee bum, they went upstairs. "He can't have just disappeared. "We need to find out what happened." They looked over to see Zoltan reading the paper. 

"Hey, Zoltan," Alice greeted as she walked over, the boys followed. 

Zoltan looked at her. "Miss. Alice."

Alice put her hands behind her back. "I was wondering if you knew anything about Rendfield's dad?"

"Whatever you've heard, it's lies, all lies," Zoltan answered in a bit of a panic. 

"He sounds nervous," Vlad said he and Robin looked at each other. Zoltan let out a fart. 

"He smells it, too," Robin groaned; he waved the air by his nose. 

"Oh, is that the time?" Zoltan asked. "I think I'll just go and stretch my wheels."

"Spill, Zoltan," Vlad ordered. "I want the truth, or I'll let Ingrid put itching powder in your stuffing again."

"Master Vlad, you wouldn't," Zoltan said in disbelief. Vlad raised his eyebrows; Zoltan sighed. "Renfield Senior had this habit of sulking outside the castle. You have to remember I hung out with a bad pack of hellhounds in those days." Vlad, Robin, and Alice glanced at each other. "Anyway, one moonless night, my muchachos and I ambushed someone by the south tower. By the time we realized it was Renfield Senior, all that was left of him was what's in my basket." They all looked over at the basket; they all let out a groan. "Oh, no, that's a little accident I had earlier. The bone." Vlad picked it up.

"So he took this secret to the grave," Robin gathered. 

"No longer a problem," Vlad said. Robin quickly realized what Vlad meant, soon they were back in the lab.

"This is so what I want to do when I leave school," Robin wished. "Muah ha ha ha ha ha!" He stopped when Vlad looked at him. 

"I enjoy science...but I prefer biology," Alice admitted as she looked at the book with Vlad. "Maybe a Wildlife expert...or a teacher." Vlad looked at her.

"Don't do this, Master Vlad," Zoltan pleaded. "Renfield Senior was mad, bad, and dangerous to know. And when he sees me, he's going to want revenge."

"Maybe you should nip to the card shop," Robin suggested. "See what they've got in the sorry I accidentally savaged you to death section." 

"Shut up," Vlad ordered as he looked at Robin and Zoltan. "I need to concentrate. This is dark alchemy."

"Are you sure this is wise?" Alice asked. "You are average in science."

"I'm sure," Vlad said as she looked back at her, then at the others. "We're gonna bring back Renfield's dad." Vlad started to turn on the machines, as Robin and Alice poured in gut juice." At some point, all three of them were running around putting the alchemy recipe together." Vlad's hair was all over the place, he was playing with the electricity.

"That's it," Robin confirmed as walked over to Vlad. "Ready?"

"We're gonna need a bigger bolt," Vlad admitted. 

"Bolt?" Alice repeated as she and Robin looked at each other.

"Of lightning," Vlad confirmed.

"We could be waiting months for a storm," Robin reminded Vlad. 

"Not when your dad's Count Dracula," Vlad smiled a little. Vlad then made his way upstairs as Alice flipped through the pages some more, Robin was pacing back and forth. 

"Zoltan, are girls allowed to do alchemy?" Alice asked. "Or is it just for boys?"

"I'd say it's just for boys," Zoltan began. "But I don't think that's ever stopped a girl should look more into chemistry than biology, Miss. Alice."

"Cool," Alice smiled. There was loads of shouting, some lightning.

Vlad's footsteps were heard; Robin went over to the lever. "Everything ready?"

"Check?" Robin confirmed.

"Good," Vlad smiled as he went over to the lever; he started to put on his lab coat. "Now, all we need to do is wait for the big--" There was a lightning crack; Vlad got excited.

"Easy," Robin advised. "Don't fry him like those rat tails." Vlad rolled his eyes before pulling down the lever. Instead of the bone getting fried, the electricity began to make the bone grow, and more bones and muscles began to form on the table. Zoltan started to whimper as everyone watched. 

"This is so much cooler than biology," Alice admitted. Moments later, a naked, slimy, man lay on the table, Alice immediately turned around. 

"It lives!" Vlad cheered. 

"And it's naked," Alice pointed out. 

"Sorry, Alice," Vlad grunted, he grabbed a coat, throwing it on Renfield Senior.

"It's okay now, Alice," Robin said as he put a hand on her shoulder. Alice glanced back as Renfield walked in. 

"What have you done?" Renfield demanded. "You..." He left the room whimpering. 

"Who are you?" Renfield Senior demanded. "Where am I?" He grabbed onto Robin.

"Do something!" Robin cried out. 

"I'm Vladimir Dracula," Vlad announced. "I'm your master! Release him!"

"Again, I don't think he hears you," Robin pleaded as he tried to get free. 

"Release him!" Vlad ordered.

Renfield Senior did as he was told, he slowly sat up; popped his neck into place. Then turned to Vlad. "Greetings, Master Vladimir. Renfield Senior, at your service."

Vlad started to laugh. "Am I good or am I good?"

They got Renfield Senior some clothes; he popped teeth into his mouth. "So, you want to avoid becoming a vampire, Master Vlad?"

"Exactly," Vlad confirmed. "And I need to do it before Dad finds out. So let's get on with creatin' the potion."

"Immediately, young master," Renfield Senior nodded. He walked away.

Vlad went over to his friends. "Cool."

"Vlad, you rancid little worm, I'm going to kill you!" Ingrid growled, marching into the room. She looked at the stranger in the room. "What is that?"

Count suddenly appeared in the room. "Renfield, where is my dinner?" He seemed thrown off. "Have you done something different with your hair?"

"No, your majesticness," Renfield Senior denied. "It is I, Renfield Senior."

"Oh," Count breathed. 

"I was temporarily killed, but now I'm back," Renfield Senior explained, Alice noticed that Zoltan had disappeared.

"Thanks to me and my alchemy skills," Vlad boasted.

"Excellent, Vlad," Count complimented. "Not quite the troop of killer monkeys, but not bad."

Renfield came into the room. "I'm sorry dinner's late, Master."

"Quiet, whelp," Renfield Senior ordered. "I'll be getting the master's dinner."

Renfield walked up to his father. "He's my master, not yours."

"You wanna bet?" Renfield Senior growled. 

"Nice going, garlic breath," Ingrid said. "You really think it's good having two Renfields stinking up the place?"

"Enough!" Count hissed. "Ingrid's right for once." Ingrid became smug. "I can't possibly have two of you loathsome creatures infesting my home. One of you will have to go." Renfields looked at each other.

" If I might be so bold, your enormity, let Master Vlad decide," Renfield Senior suggested. "He'll be head of the house one day."

"With Alice here as his servant," Count informed, Alice slightly lifted her hand.

"It'll be good practice for him," Renfield Senior added. "I'll sure he'll make the right choice." He shook a bottle of liquid.

"Very well, Vlad," Count agreed. 

"Sorry, Renfield," Vlad apologized. Count waved at Renfield.

"But I've nowhere to go," Renfield began to tear up. He looked at his dad; moments later Renfield was getting kicked out of the castle; had his belongings. Alice went home before he left; she was sitting on the couch reading a magazine when the doorbell rang; she got up and opened it to see Renfield and Barbara.

"Alice, love?" Mum asked as she walked over. "Who is it?"

"Renfield and Barbara," Alice answered. Mum helped out Renfield as Alice went to the library with Barbara.

"So who was that again?" Barbara asked as they walked down the aisle. "He was so smelly."

"You get used to it; at the same time you don't," Alice answered as she stopped at a shelf.

"But who was that?" Barbara asked as she pulled a book down. 

"Renfield," Alice answered as she pulled a book down. "He lives with the Counts...sort of like a butler."

"Oh," Barbara breathed slowly; she looked at the book. "Chemistry...I thought you were more biology?"

"No harm in looking at other branches of science," Alice defended herself. "What are you here for anyways?"

"Vampire Academy book," Barbara answered.

"You are beginning to sound like Robin the weirdo," Alice said looking at her best friend. "You called him, Batty Robin for the past...since primary school." They started to walk down the aisle again. 

"Alice, he called the police about a UFO," Barbara reminded her. "Besides, it's not like I'm going around proclaiming vampires are real...that would be nutter."

"Nutter," Alice agreed as they turned the corner. After being out for a bit, Alice came home to crying from the kitchen with food smells that come normally from the castle next door. She walked into the kitchen to find everyone crowded around the table. "Mum?"

"Come eat, Alice," Mum encouraged as Alice walked over. "Renfield was kind enough to make us roadkill stew."

"Oh, apologies," Alice said. "If I had known Renfield was going to cook, I would've skipped grabbing a bite with Barbara after the library." She looked down at the bowl of roadkill stew.

"Oh, how continental," Mum commented.

"Something just moved in there," Robin commented.  Renfield knocked it out with his spoon. Alice went up to her room, she heard her walkie go off.

"Vlad?" Alice asked. 

"This is Renfield Senior," a voice responded. "Master Vlad would like to see you...said he wants you to teach him how to drive."

"Be right there," Alice agreed; she grabbed the keys, then headed downstairs. "I'm heading back to Vlad's."

"At this hour?" Dad asked. "Don't you think it's a bit late?"

"Hush, Graham," Mum requested. "Have fun sweetheart. If it's alright Mr. Count, just stay the night if it gets too late."

"Alright," Alice agreed, she kissed Dad on the cheek before heading out. Alice was able to keep the car she stole from Van Helsing at Stokely Castle. A few changes have been made to the car, such as rid of garlic; a pink and orange polka dot wheel cover. There was a hello kitty pillow and skeleton blanket in the back. Before Alice could ring the doorbell, Renfield Senior could open the door. "Oh...Hello."

"Master Vlad would like to speak to you in the crypt before your driving lesson," Renfield Senior answered. 

"Oh," Alice said as she glanced back at the car. "I was really looking forward to this."

"It's just a small conversation," Renfield Senior said as he led her inside. "Shouldn't take too long." He then began to take her down to the crypt. "So, Master Vlad said you and him one day might tie the knot."

"Yeah," Alice huffed as they got to the bottom, but no Vlad. "Vlad?"

 "He should be down here in a bit." Renfield Senior informed before he left the room.

"Can't see why Fang Brain couldn't just talk to me whatever it is over the walkie," Alice said as she looked into an open coffin. She turned around to see Renfield Senior right behind her, he pushed her into the coffin, closing the lid. Alice started to pound on the lid; there was a sound of the coffin being locked. "LET ME OUT!" Alice spent about an hour down there, yelling for help. It was pitch black, she was starting to get sweaty. The coffin lid was off, and staring down at her was Vlad, relief filled his face. "Vlad!" Alice sat up.

"I'm sorry" Vlad apologized as he pulled her into a hug.

"Next time, for your driving lesson, just meet me at the car," Alice suggested, Vlad pulled back; still hold of her arms.

"Driving lesson?" Vlad repeated.

"Renfield Senior said that's why you wanted to see me on the walkie," Alice answered. 

Vlad let out a sigh. "He tricked you." Alice tilted her head, Vlad then explained what went down between Renfield, and Renfield Senior; what almost happened to Robin, and what happened to Ingrid. "Dragan and Ludmila were definitely not going to happen if Renfield Senior succeeded."

"Jana," Alice, Vlad tilted her head. "Dragan and Jana."

Vlad put a hand on her face. "I never meant for you to be put in danger, truly Alice....but why were you so scared about being in the coffin? You've been in one before."

"Because I had you last time," Alice answered; Vlad took Alice's hand and kissed it.  


Vlad got changed out of his alchemy clothes; Alice was given clothes to change into out of the super sweaty ones. Alice walked into the main room to find Renfield, Zoltan, Robin, and Vlad sitting with each other.

"Nah, I think I'm going to give alchemy a miss," Alice heard Vlad say. "Thinking of which, how's lunch?"

"Even better than before," Zoltan answered with a bone in his mouth. "Slightly chewier, and a bit more tang." Robin, Alice, and Vlad all smiled. "Renfield Senior must have had pizza for dinner." The three laughed; Count suddenly appeared in the room. 

Renfield started laughing, going over to the Count. "Master, I'm home!"

"Shut up, Renfield," Count ordered as he walked away. 

"Oh yes, master!" Renfield cheered, as he followed. 

"How come he's back?" Count asked. "What happened to the other one?"

"He sort of disappeared," Vlad answered as Zoltan looked at metal items in his basic. Ingrid then walked in.

"Ah, at least he managed to silence you before he left," Count chuckled.

"Think again, Daddy," Ingrid smiled wickedly. 

Count closed his book, pulling Renfield close. "You gave her the antidote?"

"That's right, boys," Ingrid said, she dropped to Robin and Vlad's level. "I'm back."

"Run," Vlad ordered, he and Robin took off.


During the night, Alice and Vlad were out on the outer edge of Stokely, Alice was giving Vlad that driving lesson. She was in the passenger seat as Vlad was in the driver's seat. The full moon was making its presence on Stokely. 

"Vlad!" Alice shouted as she grabbed onto the wheel; as the car almost flipped.

"You know, I never really did ask for a driver's lesson," Vlad reminded her. "So why am I doing this?"

"'Cause Bat loser, you almost got my brother killed," Alice answered. "Kill him and I might just take the stake under the carpet in the back, and slit it across your throat."

Vlad laughed nervously "Your death threats can be so vivid at times."

Alice crossed her arms. "Good, now continue." He did as was told. 

"Dad would be so mad if he saw me right now," Vlad said. "We are vampires, Vladimir, we do not drive like peasants."

"Well, you are technically breaking the law," Alice informed. "Can't get a license till you are 17; this is a stolen car." Vlad laughed lightly, as he flip on the left blinker and then made a right turn. Vlad realized what he did, then looked at Alice. "Strike 13th."

"So people like driving around like this?" Vlad asked as they started to go up a hill.

"Yeah," Alice confirmed. "Especially on late nights when nobody else is on the road. Dad used to take Mum on a load of late-night drive that tree stop at it like it's a stop sign."

"What is important about a stop sign again?" Vlad asked, as Alice reached over and fixed the wheel. 

"It helps keep speeding under control," Alice answered.

"Unless you are racing to make sure Van Helsing doesn't kill my dad," Vlad noted.

"It helps reduce traffic accidents and reduce any driver delay while navigating traffic,"  Alice finished her answer. 

"What happens if you were to go past a stop sign?" Vlad asked as he glanced at her.

"Well, you could get a ticket if a cop sees you do it," Alice answered.

"Having policemen show," Vlad nodded. 

"You can miss something important," Alice answered. "Stop signs are more than just doing all the things I listed."

Vlad came to a stop at the top of the hill, the moonlight shined directly onto them. "Well, what is this important thing?" Vlad looked at her, but before he could process what was happening Alice kissed him on the lips, Vlad was in complete shock as he kissed back. A powerful energy wave shot out from them, shaking the town of Stokely, but neither of them noticed. 

"Always make sure to stop at the stop signs" Alice advised once she pulled back; Vlad was completely speechless. "Let's head back." She looked over at the moon; Vlad could not take his eyes off her. "The moon sure is pretty." The car still hadn't moved. "Vlad, if you are too scared to drive back, I can take over."

"No," Vlad answered as he finally snapped out of his daze. "I-I-I will drive." That lasted about five minutes, Vlad almost crashed them into a tree for the 10th time. Alice threw Vlad out of the driver's seat so fast.

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