Different | ✔️

By Beauty_queen2612

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One Psychopath • Multiple Deaths • One Goal ~*~*~*~*~ In a world where extraor... More

|| Prologue ||
1 | The News
2 | First Day in High School
3 | Aurora
4 | The Inner Beast
5 | Sparring Partner
6 | The Experiment
7 | I Will Make It Out Alive
8 | Outburst
9 | Alora
10 | The Lie
11 | Trip to Los Angeles
12 | Checkmate
13 | The Message
14 | A Friend
15 | Shane Grayson
16 | The Creepy Doll
17 | Wanted
18 | Psychopath
20 | His Death
21 | Scarlett Bates
22 | Strangest Dream
|| Epilogue ||
|| Acknowledgement ||

19 | Reunion

77 13 72
By Beauty_queen2612

There are days I feel lost, I feel a huge burden placed on my shoulders like the weight of the world is hanging on it, propelling me to crumble into pieces, and when it finally does, I'm left bereft, isolated, to gather up the shattered pieces of myself even if it takes eternity. I watch the smiles, laughter, and love mingle in the eyes and lips of the people around me, none sparing me a glance as I crawl on the bare, cold gravelled ground assembling up the portions of myself. Heart aching, yearning for affection but got none, hate prowling its way into my heart, vengeance fueling the animosity to birth a living human yet lifeless on the inside.

It's unacceptable! Why do I have to shoulder the burden of her mistakes? It's all Alora's fault yet partly mine to be brought into this vile world. The pain stung so bad I would give anything to rip out the heart in me. I no longer feel the subtle beatings of my heart, all I hear is the deafening silence that punctures my ear. Like an outcast, I wandered aimlessly in search of shelter but was chased away by their scornful glare and snickers.

I had a caring aunt, but now she's decaying away, ensnared underground, I can do nothing but watch as the dirt takes back what was rightfully it. I had... a friend, but now she's bound to death, the gift of life forcefully plundered away from the tip of her fingers. I had a sister... who is no more, I watched her breathe her last and couldn't do a thing. I deserved to be tortured for all eternity for the grief and shattered dreams I stole from the people I loved most.

Michelle, Aspen, Abby, and Ruby, I make a vow today on my life, I will make those that hurt you pay a thousand folds for their crime, I will be deprived of my peace until justice is served. My very hands will drip with their blood when I'm done. That, I promise.

With my head laying low and a cap shielding my face, I ambled through the sidewalk, in a haste to get home. The fear of being recognised by the strangers that brush past me creeps into my skin, irking my resolve. I broke into a jog in an attempt to be hidden away from the sight of their suspicious glares.

All my attempts to stay hidden crumble to the ground as a blonde lady bumps against my shoulder and doffs the cap off my hair. A gasp escaped her lips as she recognised the person staring back at her.

"A-aren't you the girl on the news..." her lips stay ajar, the thought of her statement registers in her mind. "I-I'm so sorry, p-please don't kill me, I swear I won't report a thing to the police!" Her lips quivered, moisture forming in her forest green eyes as she kowtowed and hastily ran. I stood rooted to the spot, "Ha! A false report and I'm forever labelled as a murderer."

I plucked my cap off the ground, grazing the dust particles affixed to it, and placed it back on my hair.

The sound of sirens from a distant alley wafted through my ear, "She informed the cops." I resumed my jogging at full speed not sparing a glance at the bystanders' whispers and horrid glares shot at me. I arrived at the porch of my house as I hurriedly sauntered in, latching the door behind me.

"I've been waiting for you." A voice came from behind, I swirled, a shriek eluding my lips at the person I saw. "Ahh!"

Dishevelled clothing, pale cheeks, bags lying beneath her red pair of eyes, dark curly hair that didn't seem to have been washed for days.

"Mom?" I muttered drawing nearer to her. As much as I have come to hate her, I couldn't stop my trembling legs from running to her, enfolding her into my arms as I sobbed-the last thing I expected I still had the ability to do, I thought I had dried up all tears left in me but seeing her in person once again, replenished it back as it silently flowed down my cheeks leaving a trail down my neck.

"I'm so sorry, my little gummy bear. I once again failed to protect you! I made a promise to your father to shield you away from any possible harm that might come your way... and I broke that promise! I'm so sorry, my love." She broke down in tears, her knee clashing harshly with the stone cold floor as she wept into her palms. I followed suit and reached for her hands, entwining them into mine.

"As much as I want to hate you, Mom... I can't. As much as I want to regret ever being your daughter... I still can't. You know why?" I raised a brow, staring at her moist eyes.

"Why?" She whispered.

"Because it won't let me, it won't let me hate you! It won't let me feel mad at you, it won't let me, Mom..."

"It?" She asked, confusion shimmering in her eyes.

"Yes, Mom... my love for you is still so strong... The one thing hate can never take away from me... is the love you gave me by bringing me into existence. That, I will always cherish." My lips curled up into a smile, a tear trickled down my pale cheeks as fresh tears found its way to her eyes.

"I love you too, my love."

I had always thought of various ways I would meet her and various ways I would hurt her for putting me through all that pain but never did I think, the moment I'd lay my eyes on her, all hatred or pain would evaporate into the air like it was never there, to begin with. How truly powerful love is...

"How have you been, I see you've grown up to be a pretty lady." She said as her eyes beamed with joy.

"Mn. Not so good... Michelle's gone and so is Ruby, while Adira's whereabouts remain unknown. Ever since you left, nothing has been the same. Don't leave me ever again Mom, please..." I blinked back tears, averting my gaze to the floor as I fiddled with my thumbs.

"I'm so-"

"Enough! Apologising won't alter the past... just promise me you won't ever leave, no matter what the case may be."

"I promise I won't... A-adira, how is she? I dragged her into this mess too, didn't I? Had I listened to him, this would have been prevented."

My brows arched, confusion growing within me, "Who?"

"Shane Grayson."

You've got to be kidding me.

"How do you know him? That liar contributed in all this mess." My heart ached as previous moments with him came to memory. Our laughter, silly quarrels, and... the undeniable affection that glimmered in our eyes that we both chose to dismiss...

"H-he made a wrong choice, sweetheart, don't point fingers at someone you know nothing about."

I veered uncomfortably on the couch, questions bubbling up within me, waiting for the right time to voice them out.

"He lost both his parents in a day, his abusive father mistakenly killed his mother, the whole scene unfolded in front of the little boys' eyes, fear of being reported by his son, his father attempted to murder him as well. He acted a second faster by jabbing a knife into his father's abdomen. From that day, the thirst for blood calls to him day and night. And that's when he met Scarlett Bates-the head scientist of the experiment I was forced to participate in." Her voice wavered as she took in a deep breath.

You didn't kill dad, you didn't kill him, Mom. The words got stuck in my throat, tears welled up in my eyes at the remembrance of my dad.

Before I could get the words out, she continued, "She promised to help him satiate his thirst but in return, he must pledge his life to her, he did according to all she requested, unknown to him, she was not only training him to conquer his thirst but to turn him into a slaying machine. As a result, he lost the ability to feel emotions; joy, sadness, love, and pain. He became numb to it all, he built up a perfect façade to delude those around him, whereas he's silently dying on the inside. He needs help, Aurora... he needs your help."

The same burning sensation wriggled through my chest, rage, fear, sympathy, I couldn't quite put a name to it, it felt like a rush of various emotions. Tears splashed on my palms, I looked up to Alora, she smiled warmly and scooted closer, placing one arm around my shoulder and the other grazing the stray shade of red hair off my face.

"I saw it, honey... the day at the coffee shop, I know you did also, it's real... I have never seen that look in his eyes before, until that day when he was bickering with a certain someone." Her chuckle danced across my ears playing a melodious tune, a tune I had once longed for.

"No. T-that's not right... I can't. I can't!"

Especially not with someone that murdered a person dear to me.

"That wouldn't change a thing, he chopped off her head like it was nothing, Mom! Does such a... monster still deserve love?" My right arm flew to my chest as I stared furiously at her, hurt seeping into my being.

"Yes, darling. Every human deserves love."

"He's no human, Mother."


"I just remembered I still have some important stuff to deal with... up in my room." Her hand slid off my shoulder as I rose, glancing down once more at her before scurrying my way to my room.

I know love when I see it and trust me, love is nowhere near him.

Whereas I knew deep, deep down, she was right and I was wrong. I guess sometimes we tend to believe lies hoping they would one day come true, only to one day face the reality that a lie will always remain a lie. Until the day I stand face to face with reality, I will still stand by my judgment.

I lay on my bed staring at the flowery patterns etched on the ceiling, reminiscing on the past. "I officially hate bugs." I cringed upon a certain memory that flashed through my mind.

I almost thought she became a zombie when I felt her body twitch, only to figure out it was a bug, sorry, bugs. Truly, I turned out to have inherited Flash's power, probably from my ancestor. 'Cause the unfathomable speed, I used to run out of that place wasn't human.

I jerked out of my bed, shoving the matelasse coverlet off my body, "I'm also officially the worst daughter ever born. I'm so stupid! Ahhh! How could I forget to ask about her health, after years of finally being reunited, I yelled at her face and ditched her, wait, what if... s-she left?!" My eyes flew wide open, I hopped out of the bed, sliding my feet into my flip flop as I hastily scampered down the stairs, almost missing a step, but thankfully, my Flash instinct saved me.

"Mom?" I called out, striding into the guest room, took a peek into the bathroom, but not a single soul. I hurriedly ran out of the room, attempting to look into the kitchen, until a certain figure walked out with two dishes in her hands as she set them down on the dining table and peered into my eyes. "Yes, darling, any issue?" Her heart-shaped glossy lips tipped up into a smile, showcasing her pearly set of teeth.

I stood dumbstruck, unable to peel my eyes off her, she looked completely different from when I first saw her. Her long, dark curly hair with a tinge of red, glowed under the light, as it swayed slightly beneath her shoulders. Her alluring red pair of eyes shone brightly, accompanied by the smooth features of her oval-shaped face.

"Y-you look beautiful, Mom." I didn't realise when the words slipped out of my mouth until her giggles swirled into my ear, jolting me to reality.

"I inherited good looks from my Mother and so did you." She said as she took a quick step into the kitchen to set out the rest of the meal.

I chuckled while walking over to assist her. "I remember dad being a strikingly handsome gentleman too, I'd have thought I got my looks from him."

"No worries, hun, take a seat, I'll set it out myself... your dad was not that bad, if anything, he was like that one star that glowed so brightly blinding the eyes of anyone that dares gaze at him. But as he grew older.. hm, well, I guess the light grew dimmer over time." She shrugged as she placed down the last set of the dish and took a seat opposite me.

"And yours didn't?" A peal of laughter was almost on the verge of erupting out of my lips at her absurd conclusion. I stood and served out her meal and mine before settling down on the chair.

"Don't I still look like a high school girl to you?" She said, twirling her hair around her finger and pouting her lips, trying to mimic I don't know who.

"Mom?" The laughter erupted from my lips, unshed tears clouded my vision due to the seemingly unending fits of laughter.

Surprisingly, she could actually pull off the whole, high school girl look if she smoothen out the titbit of wrinkles beneath her jawline and add a touch of makeup. But still, even without those, I could picture her as a college student which made me wonder...

"If I may ask, when did you and dad have me?"

She choked on her meal as she reached for a glass of water and gulped it down at once. "Honey, that shouldn't be any of your concern, should it?" She stifled an antsy laugh.

"I'm your daughter, I have every right to know." I declared, a smile attempting to pull up behind the scowl imprinted on my face.

She heaved a sigh, peering into my eyes before uttering, "Promise me you won't freak out."

"Oh my God, Mom! Were you sixteen?" I placed my palms over my mouth, acting astonished. I ruled out the possibility that my conclusion would be right.

"I-I was definitely not sixteen. What gave you such an idea." She sipped out of the strawberry smoothie situated beside her meal while avoiding to meet my gaze.

"Oh my freaking butt, I'm right, aren't I?" My eyes peeled wide open, pressing my hand against the tempered glass, I leaned closer to meet her gaze. She looked up at me and gave a sheepish grin.

"How did that happen, I mean was dad that impatient? Did he put a ring to it before-"

Alora piped in, cutting my sentence short. "Hold your horses, honey. Don't jump to any conclusion so fast without hearing the whole truth."

"I'm all ears, Mom." My eyes beamed in anticipation as I positioned my butt comfortably on the velvet upholstered dining chair.

Alora squirmed on the chair, tucking a strand of her loose curls behind her ear as her lips parted, "Uhm, well, I wouldn't say he was the impatient one‐"

"You were only sixteen, Mom! Besides, school should have been your concern, not s-"

She butted in, putting a halt to my sentence, "Don't school your mother, missy. I was in fact an A+ student, so rule that out, and yes we got married before we had you."

"You got married at sixteen?!" My voice came out high-pitched, a bit of sarcasm threatening to seep in. "Here I thought parents were supposed to set good examples for their seedlings, I would've followed your footsteps if I wasn't past sixteen." A smirk danced across my lips as I ladled a sweet potato biscuit into the hot pepper honey buttercream and slid a chunk into my mouth, I grazed my tongue across the remnants of crust on my fingers as I savoured the taste, snubbing off the death glares thrown at me.

"You remind me of your Father. Only that, you're the sassiest version of him. I didn't know a man could showcase such a level of sassiness in a minute until I met him. He was the only guy I had dated back in high school, not that nobody else had an interest in me, it was more like I didn't have interest in anyone until I met him. Most guys steer away from me the moment they see me, totally understandable after I mistakenly cracked open the balls of the football team's captain. He was a total dick-head, so he had that coming. From that day, I and the boys were like the two ends of a North Pole magnet-repelling each other. Except for one South Pole that snatched my attention."

I chomped down the bacon biscuits till only crust particles were left on my plates, before starting on with the strawberry smoothie. I drew a sip from it, relishing the delightful tingles in my taste buds as the cold, frosty smoothie meandered through my throat.

I gazed deeply into her eyes noticing the joy and love shimmering in them, her words tuned down as the only sound that reached my ear were her muffled voice and chuckles. Amidst all that, there was still a hint of fervor and hurt in her voice as she reminisced on the past.

Dad, we really miss you a lot, Mom needs you.

I knew she was hurting inside despite the smiles and laughter spewing from her lips but she chose to put her feelings aside and focus on mine.

Doing that won't take away the hurt you feel, Mom.

My lips parted as I was about to remark on her story until I was hushed by the chiming of my phone as the screen illuminated with different shades of blue.

Not again!

An unread message lustred across the screen, I hesitated, debating on whether or not I should open it. I decided to weigh the pros and cons of it.

Pros: You get to figure out what the message reads and your curiosity is satisfied.

Cons: Your curiosity kills you. You won't be able to relish the conversation with your Mom knowing that someone's life might be at risk.

I tapped the message on the screen, the eerie blue glow illuminating from the screen bedazzled my eyes, I squinted to read the message. My heart pulsated against my ribcage as the hair on my skin rose.

Unknown number:
What a pleasant reunion, too bad I wasn't invited ):

You've got one last chance to bring her to me, my patience is running low, Aurora, we both know what I'm capable of...

I contemplated my next course of action, and an idea suddenly sprang up in my mind.

... Location?


This was the longest chapter so far! Hope you enjoyed it♡

How do you think she knew about Aurora's reunion with her mom? (:

Do you think she'll sell out her mom that easily?

We'll figure it all out in the next chapter!

Lots of hugs and kisses from me, for reaching this far in my book!! T^T

Feel free to share your votes and comments on the chapter if you loved it and if you didn't, do point it out.

Love you!!!♡

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