Temporary Affair (slow update...

By twistedivyyy_

129K 11.2K 4.4K

Formerly titled "dear you" ______ 32, Tremaine Maverick needed help around his office. Especially after his... More

c a s t
one | dose of caffeine
two | shell shocked
three | lack of better words (filter)
four | takin' shots
five | stylish trickster
six | the who's who.. pt1
seven | the who's who.. pt 2
eight | certain circumstances
nine | friendly invitation pt 1
ten | friendly invitation pt 2
eleven | clashing
twelve | up in the air pt 1
thirteen | up in the air pt 2
fourteen | livin' it up [filter]
fifteen | a amorous proposition
sixteen | deal breaker pt 1 (filter)
seventeen| deal breaker pt 2
eighteen | checkmate
nineteen | know your worth
twenty | peace offerings
twenty one | pushing thee blame (filter)
twenty two | leftovers
twenty three | truth be told pt 1
twenty four | truth be told pt 2
twenty five | night cap
twenty six | all night long
twenty seven | risqué
twenty eight | hide & seek
twenty nine | back to square one
thirty | take notice
thirty one | private show pt 1
thirty two | private show pt 2
thirty three | shot caller (filter)
thirty four | getaway
thirty five | foolish tiff
thirty seven | doing a good deed
thirty eight | date night pt1
thirty nine | date night pt2
forty| date night pt 3
forty one | opening up [short]
forty two | making it official
forty three | anticipation
forty four| taking chances pt 1
forty five | taking chances pt 2 (new)
forty six | uninvited guest (new)
forty seven| bringing out the best (new)
forty eight | rich $hit pt 1
forty nine | rich $hit pt 2
fifty | vacay mode
fifty one | airing it out
fifty two | in the moment (short)
fifty three - on the table
fifty four - setting the record straight
fifty five - not so alone (filter)
fifty six - in your arms (filter)
fifty seven - finding forgiveness
fifty eight - moments with you pt 1(filler)
fifty nine - moments with you pt 2
sixty - all about you
sixty one - lover's den pt 1
sixty two - lover's den pt 2
sixty three - lover's den pt 3
sixty four - temporary into permanent pt 1
sixty five - temporary to permanent pt 2

thirty six | an us-ship

2.1K 184 80
By twistedivyyy_

Stevie felt kisses on her face and lastly gently against her lips. Shifting a bit she began to wake up. Opening her eyes to look up, she saw Tremaine hovering over her. "Look I'm about to go visit my pops grave. I didn't want you to wake up and I wasn't here, so, I'll be back in about a hour or so okay?"

"Okay," She voice quietly as she yawned closing her eyes back.

Tremaine leaned down to ekiss her lips again. Stevie smiled as she puckered her lips, causing Tremaine to bend back down and kiss her again. "I see you over that lil' funky ass attitude from last night, but look we gotta talk once I get back,"

"Whatever," She tossed over on her stomach tossing her head away from where he stood.

He scratched through her scalp for a moment laughing at her. "Bye, mean ass, see you in a a bit," The black sneakers carried his 6'3 soma out of the room.

Leaving Stevie there to get in some more sleep. He took a sorrowful drive alone Collingdale, Pennsylvania to visit his father's grave at the Eden's cemetery. One he'd been honestly dreading to take since they'd arrived yesterday. But, he knew he needed to do it. The whole point of driving to Pennsylvania in the first place was solely for that purpose.

Tremaine opened the glover compartment pulling out a tape recorder. Sitting it on the seat next to him. He reached over pressing the play button down. It was something he treasured, he'd listen to the tapes he father would record of different things, and every year on his death anniversary, he'd listen to a tape just to hear his father's voice.

"Hello, John Harris Maverick, here and I'm happy to announce that I am a father, today! My wife, Trisha gave birth to the boys, twins! Would you believe it? I have to baby boys, Tremaine and Michael, my little Tre is a tad small, but if he's anything like me, he'll grow up big and strong! And that Michael, well he's a big one! Wow I can't believe it, they're finally here, ya'know when I started making these tapes? Trisha had just found out she was pregnant, now they're actually here. Wow, I hope I'm a great of a dad to them as I had, I hope my mistakes and faults don't hurt them, or deter them. Because I want my boys to be something when they're older, something that.. Oh! The babies are woke, means it's time to end this, well Tremaine, Micheal? I love both you boys!"

Tremaine smiled as he reached over pushing another button on the tape recorder. Before turning his attention back to the road.

"Alright! Alright, hey it's John Harris Maverick here. Just a small update, the boys are six.. No, seven months today? And boy can them boys eat, hear that? That fussing that's Michael, he's ready for his bottle! This fatherhood stuff ain't no jo
ke, but it's been the best experience of my life, Oh! Okay Trish I'm coming, woman, stop nagging!"

The recorder makes a funny noise causing Tremaine to look over at it, then back to the road. "Uh oh--" Coming to a stop sign. He grabbed the tape recorder up and pulled the tape out, reaching into the glove compartment he pulled out a unmarked cassette, meaning he'd slipped over it somehow and hadn't marked the year on it, thinking about it, he decided he wanted to give it a listen. Placing it into the recorder, he hit the play button.

"John Harris Maverick *coughs* here, and it's year 2018 and I got some bad news, doctors say I have something called prostate cancer. Doctors say I have one to five years of survival. Well at my age I don't think I have five more years left in me *laughs lowly* I don't know how the boys are going to take it, honestly I don't even know if I wanna tell them, I mean, they have their own lives ya'know? Tremaine is in New York busy, Micheal is married with a family, I don't want to burden them, but, I just ho.. hope... Hope,"

"No, no, c'mon don't do this," Tremaine sighed as he looked over at the tape recorder. "C'mon don't mess up," He grabbed the tape recorder up, shaking it with his left hand, he kept his right on the steering wheel.

"C'mon on you stupid fucking thing!" He hit it against the steering wheel.

"I..I just hope when I'm gone? That both my boys know I'm proud of them, and that I love them very much, though I sometimes had a funny way of showing it, I'd lay my life down for both my boys, and if you guys ever find this? I want to say though I didn't get the happy ending I wanted? I was happy in end, so Micheal, Tremaine? Listen to your pops, no matter where this life takes you? Or what it throws at you? The number rule on this earth is happiness, whether it come from you or someone else. Make sure you're happy, promise me that? That'll you'll choose happiness over anything, life's too short to waste it sad, and mad..."

The tape ended, Tremaine overwhelmed with tears. Pulled the car over to the side of the road. Getting out quickly, he gasped a harsh breath of air. Immediately sideswiped with grief. "Oh, man--" He cried to himself as he paced back and forth by the car.

Back at the house, Stevie, had gotten up, showered and got dressed for the day. While straightening up a little, she replayed the argument from last night in her head repeatedly, she felt a bit bad for overreacting, yet, something about that conversation struck a nerve deep down inside of her, which caused thee sudden sense of hostility.

Listening to the Etta James record on the record player she found while cleaning up, Stevie stood in the kitchen making lunch for when Tremaine got back, while singing along to the music, completely unbeknownst that he'd arrived just minutes ago.

"I would rather, I would rather go blind boy. Then to see you, see you walk away me, child, woo-oh," She sang waving her finger in the air.

Hearing the screen door hit against the frame, her head whipped around to see it was only Tremaine, sighing relieved, she smiled at his presence. "Hi, I didn't hear you pull up," She turned back around towards the countertop.

"Stevie," He stood there leaning against the counter. "Stevie --"

She glanced back at him, doing a double take. She noticed the tears trailing down his cheeks. Empathy washes over her, as she grabbed a towel to clean her hands. Moving around the island, she walked over to where he stood.

"What, what's wrong tell me," Her eyes wandered around his body making sure he wasn't hurt, when she reached out touching his cheeks. "Talk to me, what's wrong?"

Right away he grabbed her into his arms. Hugging her body tightly against his, she felt his breath on her neck when he exhaled. "I..."

Stevie wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's okay I'm right here, kid, I'm right here,"

She felt his body sag against hers, as his warm tears stained her shirt. Stevie palmed the back of Tremaine's head, she turned her head to kiss his cheek twice. "C'mon let's go sit down, c'mon," She tried pulling away but he wouldn't budge.

"Tremaine?" She lifted his head up to look at her. Staring into his teary eyes, she observed thee tears continuously drop down his cheeks, and then drip from his chin. "C'mon," She told him as she gradually pulled away enough to guide them towards thee couch.

Sitting them down on the couch, he balled over a bit. Stevie lifted her arm wrapping it around him neck, as he leaned over resting his head on he chest.

"I... I should've been here with him, Stevie, I should've done more, ya'know, I was just always so fuckin' busy! And for what, for what..." He cried.

"You can't blame yourself, Tremaine, you a had a life of your own. It wasn't like you didn't love him, I'm sure he knew you did. And we can should've, could've, all we wanted? But it wouldn't have changed anything. When God's ready for you to come home? Nobody can change that, whether we like it or not, must be thankful for the memories and time you got to share with him,"

"It just isn't fair," He whispered.

Stevie patted his cheek softly. "C'mon," Standing up she grabbed his hands helping him stand up to his feet. Together the two of them slowly walked through the home. Until they reached the bathroom.

Stevie turned the shower on, adjusting the temperature, she moved over to where Tremaine stood against the sink vanity. Grabbing the bottom of his crew neck sweater. "Lift your arms up," She pulled the sweater up over his head.

Dropping it to the floor. She then grabbed his tank top pulling it over his head next, dropping it to the floor near the sweatshirt. Lowering her hands, she moved to untie his sweat pants. Grabbing the rim of them, along with his boxer's, she pulled them down his lips to his ankles. "Step out,"

Doing as she told him he stepped out of his sweats, Stevie stood up to look at him. "Take a shower and get yourself together, take all the time you need, and I'm going to go fix you something eat. Just call me if you need me," She caressed his cheek.

Turning to walk away. Tremaine grabbed her wrist stopping her. Stevie glanced back at him. Maintaining direct eye contact with her for a moment. He leaned over kissing her lips. "Thank you,"

"Of course, go, go head and get in the shower," She smiled at him before she pulled away and exited the bathroom to give him time to himself.

Stevie was struck with an idea, so she spent the rest of the time Tremaine was in shower. Racing around the home, gathering thing's she needed in order to execute her plan perfectly.

"I don't like surprises, Stevie, you never know what to expect," Tremaine nagged as Stevie walked behind him guiding his way as she shielded his eyes.

Laughing she kissed his ear. "That's the point of a freaking surprise, Tremaine! You're not supposed to know what it is. It's, a, surprise. But just a little bit further we'll be there,"

"Stevie--" He groaned. "You said that five minutes ago," He smacked his lips.

"You're such a grumpy grouch right now hush up. Okay right here stop, one, two, three. Surprise!" She snatched her hand down from his eyes to show him the set-up. "I figured since you've never had one before, and I knew you needed some cheering up. So, I hope you like it,"

"You set up a picnic for me?" He asked, before his lips slowly pulled up into a smile.

"Yeah, I hope it's okay? I was out here just strolling around earlier while you were gone, cause' I was bored. And stumbled across this spot, nice, shady and very quiet. I figured this would be a nice spot to have a pic-- Ah!" She gasped when he turned around scooping her up from her feet.

Tremaine!" She laughed hugging his neck. "Put me down!" She giggled clinging onto him as he spun them around.

"Tre--" Stopping them from spinning, they stared in each other's smiling faces.

Their faces inches apart. Tremaine leaned in closer to her. His nose brushing against Stevie's, tilting his head a little, he firmly pressed his lips against hers. Feeling the softness and warmth of them. Breathing in one another, he could feel her calm exhales, against the top of his lip, as their mouths moved together passionately. "Mm--" He slowly lowered Stevie to her feet.

Still entrapped in the kiss. His hands nestled comfortably under her ears, as he inches her head backwards, allowing him to deepen their already fiery smooch. "Mm," Tremaine pulled away. Dropping his head to set quick pecks against her jaw, chin, and down to her neck.

"Tre--" She ravished in thee steamy affection. Sulking up every single one of his kisses. As heat settled in her cheek's. Bashfully she chuckled, as he continued laying kisses against her flesh. "Stop it, stop it, Tre, down boy!" She laughed pushing him away.

He leaned back over continuing to kiss all over her face and down her neck.

"Heel!" She laughed mushing him away.

"Mm--" He grabbed her in his arms. Dipping her he continued to laying kisses down her neck.

"Tre!" She burst out with childish giggles.

Pulling her up in his arm's. He kissed her lips twice. "Thank you,"

"C'mon let's sit down," Grabbing his hands she lead them over towards the blanket to sit down.

Tremaine kicked his slides off. Grabbing Stevie's hand he helped her sit down first. Once she was situated on the blanket he sat down across from her. "So I made us some mimosas, without the orange juice, I just used fruits," She laughed.

"So it's just fruity champagne?" Tremaine smiled taking one of the bottle of drink from her.

"If wanna say that, take a sip," She cracked the top off of hers. Extended her bottle towards him for a toast. "To...?"

"To.. happiness," Tremaine clanked his bottle against hers before they both took a sip of their drinks.

"Mm I like that," Tremaine took another sip of the drink.

"Mhm good right?" She smiled as She twisted the top back onto her bottle. Sitting it down, she moved to open the basket. "So I made turkey, swiss cheese and avocado clubs, I have carrot sticks and ranch, oh I made fruit salad--"

"Hey, Stevie," He touched her leg. "Forget about that for minute, I wanted to talk to you about last night?"

Sighing she closed the basket. "I want to admit I was wrong this time. I shouldn't have overreacted the way I did, Tremaine. It was stupid, and--"

"-- Stevie it's fine there's no need to apologize, ma. I get your frustration, and definitely thee concern. We're having unprotected sex, and we've spent quality time together. So of course feeling's will transpire between us, whether we openly express them or not. So let me be the first to admit it, I enjoy your company, Stevie. I like having you around even when you being a fuckin' bully,"

"I'm not a bully! You just be bringing shit outta me," She laughed rolling her eyes.

"Yeah whatever, but, it's just I don't do titles, Stevie, that's just dumb in my opinion, because the moment you put a label on something? It turns sour and down the drain it goes, and truthfully I don't want that to happen to me and you. So let's just consider this?" He pointed between himself and Stevie. "Two people who enjoy one another's company, make one another laugh, annoy the fuck outta' each other, and slut one out so, so disrespectfully. Because we do, because that's how we are. This is us, it's us, Stevie. And if you like this? And I like this, then we can call it an us-ship, which it's just me and you, nothing or nobody else,"

Stevie furrowed her eyebrows. Fluttering her lashes, she gnawed on the inside of her jaw. Her finger tapped against her lips. "So--" She voiced laughing. "What the fuck are you saying?"

"Stevie," He laughed shrugging his shoulders as he reached his arms out resting them on her legs. "We're in an us-ship. Meaning --"

Shrugging she rolled her eyes smiling, waving her hand she interjected.
"-- Meaning what exactly, Tremaine, you gotta give me all the facts here okay? cause' what the fuck is an "us-ship" is that a new word for sneaky link or some?"

"Stevie," He pulled her leg down towards him, in order to began to massage her foot. "No it's not a sneaky link, that would mean were sneaking around,"

"But we are--"

"No, correction, Stevie, we aren't sneaking around. It's just nobody knows that we.. Ya'know, fucking around, but, I have no problem with anyone knowing, I'm a grown man, that's point blank period. I can't speak for how you feel, but when I say us, I'm talking bout' me being the only one who gets access to your mean ass, and the same goes for me. Ain't no dates, hugs, kisses flowers, or shit from nobody but me. And that's vice versa, so, you peep what I'm saying, kitten?" He asked as he continued to massage her feet.

"So you want me all to yourself?" She asked resting back on her arms.

"Yeah if I'm being honest here," He shrugged.

"Say it,"

"Say what, Stevie?" He looked up from staring at her toes, to look down at her smirking face.

"Say you want me all to yourself, go head, I'm waiting, love," She encouraged with a teasing smile as she fluttered her lashes awaiting his response.

"I just said it,"

"No not like I want you to, Tremaine, now say it again like I said it, now," She stated in a superior tone of voice.

Tremaine laughed shocked as he shook his head. "Stevie, I just said--"

"-- I can't hear you," She shut her eyes laughing.

"Stevie --" He smacked his lips laughing.

"Nope," She popped her lips.

"A'ight it's true, I want your fine, mean ass to myself a'ight? Is that cool with you huh?" He pulled her foot up to his mouth to kiss it.

That caused her to open her eyes and look at him. "Tremaine! Stop doing that, that's nasty!" She laughed as he took her toe in his mouth.

"No it's not your feet are clean. Besides I'll put this whole fuckin' foot in my mouth, if I wanted to, you be smelling so fuckin' good, kitten, I just be wanting to devour your entire fuckin' body, head to toe," He placed another kiss against her foot, before dropping it back to his lap to continue massaging it.

Stevie tried to focus, but Tremaine's large hands applying pressure and kneading in her foot was pleasantly distracting. "Mm, that feels so good, baby," Her head dropped back.

"Yeah?" He smiled as he grabbed her other foot onto his lap to began to massage it.

"Oh.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that,"

"No it's cool," He smiled down at her. "I'm glad you opened up the door for us to say it. I actually almost called you baby the other night in the shower?"

"Well don't call me baby," She lifted her foot to press it against his chest. "It's kitten or nothing,"

"Yes ma'am," He smiled as he grabbed her foot lowering it back to his lap. As she laid flat on her back relaxing.

"Or... I could call you Ginger,"

"Ah! You--" She sat up as she lunged towards him shoving him onto his back on the blanket. "You... You think you're so fuckin' funny!" She straddled his lap as she wrapped her hands around his neck.

"Yo," He cracked up laughing. "You gotta chill, ma, you gone get me excited," His hands wrapped around her waist.

Tremaine managed to grab her hands off his neck. Pulling them behind her back, he sat up to look face to face with her. "I'm just playing," He moved to kiss her lips but she turned her head.

Kissing her cheek. He released her hands. "Let's play a game,"

"A game, what kind of game?" She inquired resting her hands on his shoulders.

"Hide and seek, I'll give you 60 secs to go hide. And if I find you? Which I will, you're going to get a punishment. Because I've let you get away with alot of shit without you facing consequences,"

"Punishment? What type of freaky shit is going on here sir,"

Heat surged through him and his eyes narrowed directly on her face. His tongue ran along his bottom lip, as he grabbed her cheeks between the palm of his hand. "Mm... Stevie, you have 60 seconds,"

"And if you don't find me? What do I get?" She asked.

"I will,"

"If, you, don't! What do I get, Tremaine?" She requested to know. Poking his chest with her finger.

"I'll buy whatever you want, thee most expensive purchase you can make,"

"Anything," She inquired intrigued with thee offer.

"Anything, Stevie, no questions asked,"


"Okay," He smiled.

"Okay so what now?" She asked clicking her tongue. Tremaine sat their quietly staring at her.

Lifting his arm he checked his watch.

"Oh! It.. Ah, Tremaine! That's cheating, man, you should've said something!" She screamed as she hurried to get to her feet. Running off she went to find somewhere to hide.


Update 😫 ...

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