Chasing Dreams (a Vampire Dia...

By VeGirl

162K 5.1K 539

This is the third and last part of a story that starts with "Living my Dream" and "Unfolding Dreams", when Em... More

Out of Dodge
In the dark forests of Europe
Going Home
Back together
Life or death
Run away
Northern Adventure
Family affairs
Coming out
New Year and a New Life
Saint Emma
The Afterlife
The cure
Breaking and entering
He's back
Dinner party
Dirty Dancing
Witch help

Going out

4.5K 152 22
By VeGirl

Written 2013 by VeGirl

This chapter contains some steamy moments and if you are easily offended then perhaps you should skip this chapter. For all the rest of you; enjoy!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To straighten out our differences Elena and I decided to go out on a shopping-streak and called two girls in our close circle that would appreciate that even more than us.

We were standing by the town square and saw how Klaus dropped Anna off to meet me, Elena and Caroline in town. I couldn't help but to glance towards Caroline, who looked a little confused, or even jealous.

"Hi Anna, how are you?" I hugged my friend and so did we all, but Caroline seemed a bit chilly in her hugging.

"I'm fine." Anna replied, pretending not to notice Caroline's behaviour. "I'm actually having a great time at Casa Mikaelson." She joked. "Amariya and I have become really good friends."

"Maria?" Caroline had a suspicious tone of voice.

"Yes, Klaus sister; Amariya."


"You haven't met her?" I could hear the teasing tone in her voice and I wasn't clear in why she was provoking Caroline. "Yeah luckily not everyone in that family is a raging psychotic." Anna laughed and then she turned to Caroline. "You're gonna love Amariya." She flashed a blinding smile.

Oh, now I got it!

Anna was set out to play match maker and she wasn't going about it the obvious way, playing the jealousy-card. Good for her!

"Thanks' for calling me; I really needed some retail therapy." Anna laughed. "And so do you!" She told me and hooked her arm in mine and we walked ahead.

"Not necessarily, but it's great to have you in such a good mood!" She was even giving perky Caroline a run for her money.

"Good, let's go!" Elena hooked her arm in Caroline's and we walked towards the mini mall in town.

"I can't remember us shopping like this until you got here, Anna." Elena commented. "Not even you, Caroline." She added a smile towards her friend.

"No, it's good that you came back." Caroline said and even if it was a bit hesitant, it was obvious that she was honest. "It was boring when you were gone. How were you doing?" She asked.

"Do you mean the first time, when we were kidnapped by Kol and Klaus, or when we fled to save my life?" Anna asked with a perky tone, but made it clear that none of the trips had been on voluntary basis.

Caroline cringed a bit by the question and was quiet for a bit as we walked.

"Eventually we found out that Klaus was actually saving us, but it wasn't clear from the start." I started and the two of us started to tell little anecdotes from our trip through Europe.

"I was so impressed by Klaus linguistic knowledge; he spoke the local tongue in every freaking country!" Anna laughed and I totally agreed.

"And we ended up in an old house by a hill."

"It was more of a mansion." I interrupted and Anna laughed and agreed. "I've always been interested in history, and you couldn't have a better guide on a road-trip." She continued. "That gorgeous house had been there like forever."

"Yeah, he said they built the town after he was there last time." I said. "Like roman empire long ago." I giggled.

"Wow, look at that!" Anna interrupted, looking in one of the window displays, and the conversation was over.

"That's gorgeous!" Caroline said about the mentioned garment and suddenly the two of them hooked their arms together and walked into the store, leaving Elena and me to follow, slightly reluctant. I was relieved that this wasn't the same mall that Damon and I took Lexi to, but my mind couldn't help but to flicker to that moment. Perhaps I should go to some lingerie boutique for some delicacies?

Do you think I could bring Elena along for advice?

Okay, so perhaps not... but we did find some new jeans and matching tops, and we actually had a great time together. Elena and I hung back, while Anna and Caroline went totally bananas in that store. I was mostly glad that the two of them were friends despite that minor fact that both of them had their eyes set on the same guy.

"Hey Emma, this will look great on you!" I turned towards Anna who held up a short black dress with the skirt-part in black and grey tartan, making it look amazing.

"You know I'm not a dress-kind-of-girl, Anna." I laughed, but had to admit I wanted to try it on.

"Come on, humour me!" She had a wicked grin and Caroline stood beside her looking like she couldn't wait to see it on. I had both of them cheering outside my changing-room as soon as I had put it on and I was forced to admit I really liked it.

"Oh, and some really long boots to that; she's gonna look smoking hot!" Caroline exclaimed and I had to laugh at her enthusiasm and Anna agreed.

"Yeah, that'll make Damon drool, for sure!" Anna exclaimed and I accidentally met Elena's eyes at that moment. She was definitely not smiling.

We nearly walked past some dingy looking store when Anna just stopped and looked in through the window. "What is this?"

Neither of us could answer, but Anna was determined to check it out. When we walked in through the door it turned out it wasn't dirty at all, just poorly lit and gloomy. Bundles of tied herbs hung from the ceiling behind the cash register in the small boutique and there were abundant of things. The scent in there was pungent and strong and both Caroline and Elena had to get out of there with their highly sensitive olfaction.

Anna looked like she was in heaven and I was intrigued by the shelves with candles, crystals and pentagram ornaments. Behind the cash-register a girl with long black hair and a pierced face stood and her modern look seemed to be in conflict with the ambiance of an old apothecary. Anna spoke to the girl and they spoke of different herbs like sage and sweet grass and smudge and I tuned them out to look at the crystals.

The tiny bell on the door chimed and when I turned to look, it was Bonnie who walked into the store, looking surprised to find us here. "Emma, Anna?"

"Hi." I just said, surprised to see her and gave her a hug.

"Hi Bonnie, this is an amazing shop." Anna's enthusiasm was sparkling and she hugged Bonnie, no matter how she had been acting at our last meeting.

I happened to see Bonnie's face turn surprised and then puzzled as they hugged. She broke the hug and held Anna by her elbows to observe her face. "Anna, what has happened to you?" She said.

"I've been practicing." Anna smiled and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Did Klaus put you up to this?" Bonnie asked suspicious in a muted voice.

"No!" Anna exclaimed loud. "But I found out that this runs in my genes, and his sister's been helping me." She gladly told. "Klaus isn't forcing me to do anything, I assure you!" The smile on my friend's face turned like a child's on Christmas. "But have you seen all this?" She pulled Bonnie along towards the counter where she started to show her what she had picked out to buy and they started to discuss herbs.

I got a text from Elena that they were in a coffee house down the street and I told the two witches where it was and then I left the two of them to discuss smudge on their own.

* * * * *

Our mood was still high as we ended up at the Boarding house. Anna had managed to keep a positive attitude in the relationship with Caroline throughout the retail therapy.

"Perhaps we should all go out?"

"Go dancing somewhere, Yeah that'd be great!" Anna smiled. "But we need to keep an eye on the two of them." She nodded to me and Damon. "Last we went out; Klaus had to pull them apart." She smirked.

"Anna!" I yelped feeling humiliated, even if it had been true. "If only you had known when to speak and when to be quiet, things could have been different." I hissed.

I hardly dared to glance up to Elena and Stefan after that revelation, but all I saw was a dark look in Stefan's eyes that I couldn't interpret.

Damon wasn't at all embarrassed by that incident; he slid his arms around my waist. "I work hard not to drink this Pinot Noir every day." He said, leaving a trail of kisses along my neck line. The only way for me not to moan out loud was to giggle and twirl in his grip, but my increased pulse was probably audible for most of them.

Damn vampire hearing!

There was some bar in the other side of town with live bands, and it was filled with people when we got there. It was much bigger than the Mystic Grill, and I was wondering why I hadn't heard of it earlier. We walked up to the bar for some beverages and soon thereafter the others headed out to the dance-floor, glad and cheering wildly.

"I really like your outfit, did I say that?" Damon whispered seductively.

"Not in so many words..." I replied, glancing at him trough my eyelashes. He had those slim jeans on that I had seen him wearing in Sweden. "I love those jeans." I murmured. They hung low on his hips and were snug around the back.

When Damon wrapped his arms around me and we walked out on that dance-floor, all I could think about was the last time we had been out dancing. My heart started pounding and all I had to do was look in his eyes to know that his mind was at that moment as well.

"You have to think about something else, baby." He whispered something that made it even worse. Just his breath fanning over the skin beneath my ear tickled my skin, making my senses go on high alert and my breath caught. "So what is your opinion about...?

"What?" I stared at him.

He laughed. "I was just trying to get your mind on something else." He whispered, making me laugh out loud.

"You're only making me confused."

"Perhaps we should have a drink instead?" He twirled me around and with an arm around my neck we walked up to the bar where he ordered a whiskey; no shocker there... And he gave me a questioning look. "What can I get you, sweetie?"

"I think I'd like a big Margarita, only to see you carry it to the table for me." I teased him, making him quirk an eyebrow at me and then order a Mojito instead. I giggled, making him wrap me in his arms restraining my arms behind me.

"Who is the boss of you and me?" He asked superior.

I took a deep breath and straightened my back. "The most important question must surely be; who's the most delicious?" I said cocky.

He made a dark growling sound low in the throat making my whole body tremble. "I'm going to enjoy seeing you shiver beneath me." He used the dark seductive tone of voice that almost made me loose contact with reality altogether and with those piercing blue eyes penetrating my soul underneath the quirked eyebrows. He just smiled his trademark crooked smirk and my pulse was pounding hard.

The bartender showed up with our drinks and as soon as I grabbed mine I realized that Damon had no intentions in letting my arm go; he had it bent up on my back in some painful police-grip, making me not take one step from where he decided we should go.

"I think a booth would be best." he whispered, giving me inner pictures of him and me in an explicit make-out scene.

Oh boy, I needed to get a grip!

Damon placed me in one side of the table, and disappointingly enough himself on the other side, almost making me pout. He noted my sour face and leaned over the table. "Darling, this seems to be the only way for us to go out in public." He said in a low voice. "On each side of a table, at safe distance..." He leaned back at his backrest, sipping his whiskey with a peculiar expression lingering on his face.

We sat there for a moment or two, completely oblivious to everybody else at that joint, including the group of people we arrived with. Suddenly he leaned forward, still in the eye-lock we engaged earlier. "How are you doing?"

"Horny, how are you?" I said blunt.

He laughed right out, loud and barking and I thought about how his whole appearance changed in that moment. I could remember watching him on my TV at home, thinking he was as gorgeous as they came, even if he always seemed to being rejected by the women he loved. That last part filled me with pain and jealousy, and seconds later being replaced by the contentment of now having him here within reach, burning with desire for me. I just smiled lewdly at him, making his laughter subside and his desire-filled eyes shining deep blue at me.

That was the moment we were rudely interrupted by our friends.

"Hey, why aren't you up dancing?" Anna and Caroline slid into our booth on my side, forcing me to move further in. On the opposite side, Elena and Stefan did the same to Damon, who placed us now beside one-another, breaking our eye hold.

The others in our group didn't seem to notice what they interrupted and Damon and I barely dared to look up at each other. I knew for sure I'd be throwing myself at him. All we did was watching the others order drinks, while the electric current buzzed between us.

While the others were busy with ordering drinks, Damon put his arm up on the backrest, putting his fingers in my hair and starting to stroke them lightly against the skin of my neck. I exhaled hard feeling my pulse just picking up beat further.

The others in our party was chatting away when Damon took a firm grip on my neck and turning me to face him, he then crashed his lips against mine hungrily.

"Excuse me." He told the others that I now found were staring rudely at us. He motioned the others to move away with a flick of his wrist, which they did. "I'm gonna take this girl home now, and I suggest that you stay here for an hour or so, because this is going to be loud and rough."

I exhaled loud and started to blush immediately. I was just about to reprimand him for saying that, when he moved us both out of the crammed compartment.

"Damon, will she be alive when we get back?" I heard Anna ask.

"She will be more alive than she have ever been." He exaggerated and then we left them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hey guys,

I'm glad to see that you didn't hesitate to get into this chapter despite the little warning in the beginning. It wasn't too bad, I hope.

Thank you for reading! //VG.


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