one piece x reader one shot l...

By sandycake8

166K 2.5K 1.1K

now this book my look familiar, wattpad deleted my fucking story and were fucking shit getting it back, as in... More

Embarrassment (bdsm sub ace)
Good Boy (sub Ace)
blood bound (soft dom god law)
Flirting (dom ace)
quiet (sub rosinante)
Equations Part 1 (teacher shanks)
Equations part 2 (soft daddy dom shanks)
Studies part 1 (dom law)
Studies part 2 (soft loving law)
Stockholm (law forced)
Onii-Chan (shy ace)
Tiger stripes (dom zoro)
undying love (yandere vampire mihawk)
Sick (soft law)
poker (sub nami)
Hide & seek (soft dom luffy)
Bad girl (soft dom sanji)
Asshole (coach smoker)
Never regret (vampire Bartholomew)
Mine (jealous Alfa zoro)
Lakehouse (rich jock ace)
Little mouse (dom Doflamingo forced)
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Captains whore (hard dom law)
?needed? (Soft mihawk)
Forgiving (young sub shanks)
Obey me (bdsm sub Kidd)
Books (daddy mihawk)
Nesting part 2 (omega law)
iRobot (android law)
day by day (daddy ace)
Mate (dom siren shanks)
Better (dom luffy)
Dinner Time (sub thatch)
Heat (law forced)
Obedience part 1 (bdsm hard dom law)

Nesting part 1 (omega law)

3.1K 56 3
By sandycake8

Being an alfa woman isn't that unusual. What is unusual is for one to blantly refuse to mate with a male alfa or beta. I'm the unusual one. I refuse to have a male alfa look down on me like I'm less then alfa. I'm a pure alfa, which mean my mom and dad were both alfas. It's a thing that if a woman is born an alfa to have them mate with another alfa to keep the blood pure. But fuck that shit, when you mate you mate for life and I don't what some alfa dickhead thinking he can tell me what to do. They have been pissing me off lately, they keep fucking stealing my shit. If they think I'm going to come crawling to them for it they must be crazy. It's not even stuff that's worth a lot like a hat, a scarf, my hoody, my favorite stuffed animal. They had to go in my purse to get that one, didn't take any money or anything, just my little panda. What pisses me off more is I asked the librarian who went in my bag to get it and she just smiled and giggled telling me I should read a book and handed me one on omegas. So here I am reading about how mated omega take things from their alfas when nesting to help them with their upcoming heat cycle...... the problem there is I HAVENT MATED WITH AN OMEGA.

"God damnit Deb, this doesn't help me" I said slamming the book down making the beta flinch.

"The more that I thought about it, why didn't your omega tell you she was taking things for her nest" I rubbed my face getting annoyed with her.

"That might be cuz I haven't mated with an omega, | haven't mated with anyone" she looked at me confused then her face was like a light bulb went off. She pulled a book out from under her table and slammed it on top of the other one.

She opened it so fast i thought she would rip the cover off until she got to a part with fated pair in bold at the top.

"An unmated omega will take their f-"

"Wait, why dose it say their and not her, omega are only ever women" she held up her finger and looked at me before she went back to the book.

"That's the thing. And unmated omega will take their fated pairs items for their nesting. They may never have met before, but the scent will draw the omega to their fated alfa. Fated pairs are the rarest mates. Their bonds are the strongest of mates. When an omega looks into the eyes of there fated alfa for the first time they will go

through the symptoms of being in heat without being in heat. When an alfa looks into the eyes of their fated omega for the first time they will go though the symptoms of being in rut. The fated alfas rut will be overridden if the alfas omega is in danger."

"I know all this crap. But tell me in all of time has a man ever been an omega. Everyone knows that fated pairs are opposite genders and I'm an alfa woman. Men are only ever alfas or betas." She flipped more pages.

"Will you just stop and listen y/n. There has only been one omega male documented. Look here, it saids that the male omega nested with his fated alfas belongs cuz her sent was on them. It saids that he didn't realize he was doing it till she claimed him. It saids that he described when he went though heats that he had the need to empty himself. Scientists said that when the male omega went though a heat cycle, instead of being at top fertility like female omegas. That his sperm count went up drastically needing him to empty his testicles" she stopped and looked at me.

"What i-"

"No" I cut her off as I felt a tear roll down my cheek, she flinched back at me using my alfa voice.

"Don't fill me with false hope. I have been here for 29 years and I have never found a mate. Nor will I ever find one, omegas heats don't effect me like they do the other alfas. There is no way there is some male omega alive to be fated to me" I closed the book on her and walked out of the library with my hands in my pockets. I know all about the fated pairs, I grew up believing that I could have one. Then the world slapped me in the face with the fact that for me to have a fated mate they need to be a male omega. They don't exist, that guy probably just wanted attention and lied. Damnit, I miss my panda. I would play with it every time I'd get upset and angry. Who's making coffee out here. I picked my head up to look around me and see if there was a vendor brewing some, but all I saw were people selling clothing and trinkets.

"That's odd.." in my peripheral something twinkled. When I turned my head I saw a guy holding a sword over his shoulder, and what looks like... no, it is my little panda tied onto the rope coming off the hilt. Just then the wind blew blowing his long coat back to show he had a.

no it was my orange scarf in his back pocket. I went to walk over to the guy in the white spotted hat when the same gust of wind that blew his coat back hit me making me freeze. I was overwhelmed with that smell of finely roasted coffee and a little bit of something metallic, it made me lose my footing a bit and start coughing, out of reflex I covered my mouth and nose. Even though that was the most amazing smell I have ever smelled, it was almost... no, it was arousing. Once I got my coughing under control I got punched in the face with the same overwhelming sent, but this time it was all around me. Just like. just like when an. omega.... is in.... heat.... I lifted my head up to look at that guy. The pieces were there, my stuff going missing, all of it being cloth that can hold in my sent well, being assaulted with this exotic smell, and it all seem to point at one thing. I lifted my head and I saw legs shaking that were covering with spotted jeans, a delicious tan heaving tattooed muscular chest, and it all lead to this breathtaking face with messy black hair and nicely groomed facial hair. My mouth started to salivate, I was going into rut. All my thoughts were confirmed and what I thought for a long time was proven wrong. I, an alfa woman looking into the grey stormy eyes of a male omega. My body started to tingle and get hot as a growl reverberated from the back of my throat. Not loud, not even intentional, but with the way he closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side as his sword came down to meet the ground to work as a cane to hold his weight, I could tell he liked it. I didn't even need to look at his getting tighter... his pants are getting tighter?

My eyes trailed down to his covered crotch to see he was starting to get aroused. However my glorious view of what all is mine was blocked by a few known alfas.

"What is this, a male omega? I didn't even know one was real. Coming out here in heat no less"

"GET AWAY FROM CAPTAIN" a really big buff giant guy, who I'm sure isn't a giant but he's massive yelled as he punched that alfa in the face that was just about to touch the male omega... my omega.

"C-captain it's not that time, why are you in heat" a big white bear got by him to help him away. However the alfas betas came out to hold back the omegas crew. I wanted to do something but my rut was making it hard for me to breath.

Damnit omega, calm down, your pheromones are crazy.

"Screw having a woman alfa, I want the rarest male omega" he grabbed the omegas chin and tilted his head back to look at him. He opened his red watery eyes with a pained face as the alfa went to kiss him, and that's when I broke. I have never been so full of rage before then in that moment. I ran over to the alfa faster then I though was possible. I grabbed him by the hair roughly as my fingers to my other hand pushed into his wrist so hard it made him let go of the omega making him fall to his knees panting.

"Get your filthy hands off my omega" I growled in a booming alfa voice that made everyone in the area flinch and take a step back. I let go of his wrist and grabbed his jaw and I jerked his head making a sickening crack as his body went limp and fell to the ground.

"Get out of here now, and take your trash with you" I growled in my alfa voice as I kicked the alfas lifeless body making everyone flinch and the other alfas and betas ran taking the alfa I just killed. The omegas pheromones were still going crazy and I could tell with how he was panting that he was having a hard time breathing. I got closer to the omega and took my shirt off showing my black bra. The fastest way to calm an omega is skin on skin with their alfa. I got on my knees to then sit on the ground in front of him I reached out and pulled his coat off his back and layed it down with my shirt and put his sword on top of it. I reached my arms out to bring him into my chest when the bear opened his mouth.

"D-don't touch C-captain" I stopped and turned to look at the omegas crew with a stern hard face.

The bear fell to his knees in a bow saying sorry over and over. I swept my gaze over the rest of them making them either shriek saying how much scarier I was, or look down at the ground. I looked back to the trembling omega in front of me and smiled lightly as I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Nho n-no i-i d-don-nt" I gently brought him to my chest.

"Shhhh shhh I'm not going to do anything to you, just calm down and breath. Focus on my heart beat, we don't need you attracting more alfas now do we" when he was finally flush with my chest and resting his head in the crook of my neck I was overtaken by a burning fire all over my body. I needed him, I needed this omega beneath me and crying out in ecstasy. I need my omega. No y/n, calm down. I started to take deep breaths in and out to calm myself and he slowly started to do the same. I gently caressed his back and ran my figures though his hair.

"What's your name omega" he moved slowly in my arms so he was now sitting between my legs, his legs over top my right and to the side with his shoulder against me, he still had his head in the crook of my neck and buried in my h/l h/c hair.

"L-law" he said in a deeper lightly strained voice, I'm guessing this one is closer to his actual one. I growled softly from the way his breath sent tingles down my back when it hit my neck, I tried my best to cover it as a hum. He still whimpered, but instead of pulling away he snuggled closer to me.

"Law, I like that name. My name is y/n. Tell me law, you're a pirate correct. How long have you been on this island." He started to trace his fingers up and down my arm as I rubbed my hand up and down his side to hold him in my lap.

"Th-three week-ks" this time I laughed softly.

That was about the time my stuff started to go missing. I rubbed my head against his as I hummed.

"Well then, can you tell me why you have my panda tied to your sword or why my scarf is in your pocket. I'm guessing the other things that have gone missing are on your ship, perhaps in your bed" he stiffened just like the rest of his crew around up watching the interaction.

"I-i-¡-'''he was starting to panic and his pheromones were skyrocketing again.

"C-calm *cough cough* calm down dear omega your pheromones are s-strong." I closed my eyes and gripped his body a little hard to help try and control myself making him whimper slightly.

"I'm not mad, I want to see if you know why you're doing it" I could hear him swallow before he took a few more deep breaths.

"I-i like the way t-they smell" I smiled as I rubbed my head on his with my eyes closed.

"Is that why you're nuzzling your face in my hair? *chuckle* you don't have to answer that, I know the answer. Do you know why you're using my items for nesting? Why my smell brings you comfort?" He didn't answer me, instead he decided to fiddle with my scarf hanging from his pocket. I brought my hand down from his head and down to the small of his back making him whimper and lean into my touch. I brought my other hand up to put my finger under his chin to look at me as I turned my head to him and looked into his clouded eyes. His mouth was parted with a little bit of drool wanting to fall out and tears pricking his eyes.

"You gather my things because I'm your fated alfa law, and you're the most gorgeous omega I have ever seen" I whispered as I ran my thumb over his bottom lip, catching myself getting closer to his face to kiss him I realized we were still in the middle of the street gathering a crowd from his pheromones.

"How about I take you somewhere you're not going to attract alfas with your pheromones hmmm" it wasn't really a question. I shifted and adjusted my hold on him so I could stand up holding him bridal. Due to the omega alfa transfer when omegas are vulnerable, I had his strength added to my existing making it easy to carry the 6'3" man.

"Bear, where is the ship so I can take law to his room"

"Yes, yes, this way, this way" he jumped up and started to walk off with me following right behind and his crew behind me. Law started to run his hands up my chest passing my boobs and started to caress my neck making me breath heavier and close my eyes for a little. When I opened them I saw a bright yellow submarine with the same symbol that law and his crew had on them. The big buff guy that I still think is part giant held out his arms to me.

"I can take him from here" Law seemed to dig his fingers into my skin a little as I stared at the guys arms before walking around him and on the sub. I started to walk to the open door to go down the hall when a guy that was on the deck got in-front of me.

"S-stop there and g-give our captain to u-"

"The next person to get in my way and try to take MY omega from me is going to have their spine ripped out of their ass before they can even beg for their mother. Now, get out of my way before I shove my boot so far up your ass you'll be picking rubber out of your teeth" the guy started to shake and sweat from my alfa tone. Law whimpered and moved to now have his chest closer to mine with his hands now tangled in my hair as he dug his face into my neck more.

"A-alfaaa" he whimpered against my neck making my legs give a little before I caught


"I wouldn't be tempting me like that omega. I'm holding to the last piece of control I have to not just fuck you right here, and I will law" he whimpered and shifted slightly with his pheromones getting out of control again making me growl. The guy in front of me didn't move so l kicked him to the side not hard enough to really hurt him, but enough to fling him to the railing. I was walking down the hallway in search of his room but it was getting harder now that he started to lightly kiss my neck with his pheromones getting even more unbearably delicious. Luckily before i could ask where his room was I saw a door that said captain on it. I quickly opened it and closed it behind me. I couldn't lock it and I couldn't care less if it was locked or not right now. As I walked over to his bed I was filled with warmth seeing an abundance of my things in and around his bed, clothes that I was getting rid of, a blanket I thought was in the wash, some books I thought I put down somewhere and forgot about. I layed him down in his bed, or is this a nest now. I never actually saw one before, only the omegas alfa would be allowed to see it... or be in it. His hat must have fell of when I was carrying him here. His face was red, his mouth was agape, tears pricking his eyes. I was leaning over him, still standing to the side of the bed. I trailed my eyes down his chest to see his tattooed hand clutching his chest as he breathed heavy with his face buried into my blanket. I growled when I saw the hard bulge in his jeans. Fuck, he's tall, tan, tattooed, fucking sexy as all hell. How the hell did I get this work of art as my fated omega, hell. I would have wanted him no matter what he was.

"Alfaaa" he whimpered breathlessly with his hands out stretched to me.

"Touch mee" he whimpered making my head fill with pressure and before I realized what I was doing I was dragging my tongue up his chest as I climbed on top of him. I moved his legs to my sides as I was bent over him between them. He moaned as I kissed his Adam's apple and hooked my fingers in his waste band.

"I need you to tell me what you want law, because if I continue to touch you I won't be able to stop. So if you don't want to mate with me tell me now before I keep going" he ran his hands up my chest to my shoulders making me growl as layed my forehead on his neck. His hands cupped my cheeks and he rubbed his thumbs on them making me hum.

"Y-y/n" I lifted my head to look into his eyes.

"I want my alfa to clam me as her omega" his begging voice with his half lidded eyes and the little bit of drool on his lip made everything that I was holding onto fly out the window. I grabbed the side of his face as I pulled myself flush against him with the hand that held his waistband and slammed us into a heated kiss that traveled throughout my body. My teeth were clanking with his as I fully dominated his mouth with my tongue. I started to rub my crotch against his hard on making him grip my back and moan in my mouth. That just sent more heat though my body making these cloths on me a pain in my ass. Speaking of cloths, law needs less of them on him. I leaned back on my knees and ripped my bra off.

"Though you look good in these, they need off now" I growled as I quickly unzipped his jeans, making sure not to hurt him as I pulled them off his legs with his briefs. I threw his shoes somewhere in the room so I could get him fully nude under me. He sighed and arched his back when his swollen, leaking cock was free. I wrapped my arms around his thighs and pulled him closer to me as I arched my back over him and took his cock fully in my mouth, down my throat all the way to the base making him gasp and cry out as he arched his back and his hands found mine. I swallowed a few times making him twitch before I pulled him out my mouth and nibbled the inside of his thighs. He looked down at me and I winked at him making his face go red as he put his forearm over his eyes laying his head back down.

"You taste as good as you smell" I mumbled against his leg as I pulled my one hand from him to take my shorts and underwear off. Once I kicked off my shoes and pulled the rest of my clothes off I layed down on my belly and started to pump him in my hand as I licked his smooth shaven balls.

"Were you waiting for me to find you and take you or are you always this well groomed. I would have done this if you weren't." He was bucking his hips and had his hand buried in his hair with his face in my blanket, his other hand was digging into his thigh. I hummed as I licked up his shaft and gave the base of his head attention with my tongue as I intertwined my fingers with his hand on his thigh so he wouldn't hurt himself.

"A-al-ways-s" he whimpered as he gripped my hand harder. I moved my other hand to start playing with his balls and coat them in my spit as I started to suck and nibble on his cock again. Once I felt my hand was covered in enough of my spit I slowly pushed a finger into his ass and pushed his prostate making his whole body arch as he cried out loudly and his hand that was in his hair flew to my hair giving me a hard yank. I grazed my teeth on his shaft as I growled taking him out of my mouth to lick up and down his shaft, continuing to rub his prostate I took the thumb to that hand and rubbed his balls.

"Just checking to make sure this...." I pressed harder into his prostate making him cry out as his holds on me got tighter.

"is healthy, do you want me to stop... you seem to be enjoying yourself" I continued to roll my finger on his prostate as I pushed the tip of my tongue into the little hole of his cock making him suck in a breath and pant when I started to bob my head and suck him again.

"A-alfa-a d-dont s-stop don't stop don't stop dontstopdontstop aLFA ALFA PLEASE PLEASE AAAHHHHH" he yelled out as I moved faster making him get louder. Finally I felt him fill my mouth with his hot cum making me roll my eyes in bliss with how delicious he was before I swallowed it all. I pulled away from him to wipe my finger off on my shorts that were right next to the bed. As I was doing so I admired my sexy, sweaty omega spread before me. His hand that was on my head slide off when I pulled away to then land on his belly. His other hand was now laying next to him on the bed with his palm up. His face was turned with drool running down his cheek as he breathed heavily. I watched his balls shift as his cock got harder before my eyes making me lick my lips remembering what I read in that book. I tossed my shorts over my shoulder before I climbed up laws body. I moved my legs so I was now straddling him with my legs hooked around the back of his thighs to help keep my balance as I hovered over him. I licked his neck up to his ear making him moan and arch his back into me rubbing his shaft against my glistening folds making him gasp and open his eyes wide.

"Do you want to taste your alfa law" I growled in his ear as I grazed my teeth on it. He swallowed and shook his head up and down. I drug my lips over his cheek as he started to turn his head to face me. I took my one hand and dove two fingers into my folds and coated them in my juices before I pulled them out and brought them up next to me.

"Open" I commanded as I brushed the thumb of my other hand on his lip. He looked at me with half lidded eyes as he opened his mouth and flopped his tongue out.

"That's my good omega, now lick them clean" I said as I stuck my fingers into his mouth watching as he twisted his tongue around my fingers. I cupped his face with my other hand and rubbed my thumb on his cheek making him close his eyes and lean his head into my touch as he brought his hand up to lightly wrap around my wrist. I lowered myself to rub my folds up and down his shaft having it pinned between us. He opened his mouth wide with a moan as he rolled his head sliding my fingers out of his mouth.

"Do you want to be inside your alfa, do you want to be inside me law" his grip on my wrist got tighter as his other hand grabbed my hip as he shook his head up and down biting his lip.

"Ah ah, use your words" I said as I brought my hand up to gently pull his lip from his teeth.

"Y-yes y/n I want to be o-one with my a-alfa" he rushed out as more drool ran down his cheek. I leaned down and licked the drool off his cheek and flicked his lip with my tongue.

"Then kiss me like you need me" I growled using my alfa voice by accident. Before I could close my eyes thinking I fucked up he wrapped his arm around my back pushing me flush against his burning chest with the other going to the back of my head pushing me down into a wet, sloppy, needy, crazed kiss that made me lose my mine. I gripped the shoulder of the arm wrapped around me as my other hand went to the top of his head as I pushed his cock into me going all the way to the base making me whimper in a little bit of pain but mostly bliss. He pushed me into the kiss harder as his arm got tighter around me preventing me from moving. He ended the kiss and layed his head back down panting.

"A-are you ok, i-it dost hurt anymore r-right" he asked with his face still flush with caring eyes.

"J-just a l-little" I cleared my throat since I didn't want to keep whimpering and I leaned down to lick his collar bone.

"But I like the pain almost as much as I like you begging for me" I growled as I started to roll my hips on him making him slide in and out of me and my throbbing clit to rub on him. His back arched as he cried my name with his tongue flopping out making me hiss through clenched teeth. He ran his hands up my sides to cup my boobs and run his thumbs over my nipples.

"Hiiinngg, you feel so good inside me law" I whimpered as I started to slam my hips down on him so he would hit harder and deeper inside me. He was now watching me through half lidded watery eyes as he ran his gentle hands around my body. His pheromones spiked again making me loose my balance over him and nuzzle my head into the side of his as I wrapped my arm around his back and my other hand on his peck. I licked from the corner of his jaw, up his cheek, and ended at the corner of his eyebrow.

"You're just doing that on purpose now" I whimpered as I layed my forehead on his to gaze into his eyes. My body was starting to shake from his pheromones and me getting so close.

"Y/n, y/n, don't stop, don't stop" he begged as his hands traveled to my hips.

"Are you g-gonna cum baby, g-good. I-i need you to help m-me ride you" he gripped my hips and helped me bounce on him driving me higher making me wrap my arm around the back of his head.

"Ohh I want you to fill me up law, please cum in me, please, I want it, I want it, I'm gonna c-cum" a cool feeling washed over my body as I came whimpering. My hold on law got tighter as my muscles clenched and that was the moment that he slammed me hard on him one last time.

"IM CUMING ALFA" he cried with his mouth hanging open. I stuck my tongue in his mouth to caress his as he pant, he did his best to return the gesture. He slowly stopped shaking as I started to pepper light kisses all around his face. I slowly lifted off him to have him slide out of me making him whimper from the feel. I was going to get up out of his nest but he wrapped his arms around me lazily and buried his head into my chest as we now layed on our sides. Wrapping a leg around both of mine he pulled me close to him as he quickly fell asleep. Playing with his hair I smiled closing my eyes happy that I finally have an omega to call my own.

"l'Il love you for the rest of my days law" I whispered as I kissed the top of his head.

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