You and Me!

By kay343

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Todoroki and Midoriya were Class 1-A's top couple of the school. Everyone was eyeing them; some of them were... More

Movie Night
Strawberry shortcake


202 8 11
By kay343

No One's POV:

" No exam party~"

" OH HELL YEAH," the entire dorm cheered out, except for the good- two-shoes squad.

The entire 1-A class was celebrating the fact that their entire class doesn't have to take a winter exam.

Also, the fact they made their teachers proud of their progress and doing their work studies really made them happy, they're glad their teachers are acknowledging hard work for their trainings.

Now, they decided to throw a party to celebrate, even though they still have school.

" Party time losers," Denki wrapped his arms around Shinsou and Kirishima's shoulders.

The class decided to invite some other peeps from the other classes.

But half of the 1-B class didn't want to come because Monoma wouldn't shut up and went on a tangent about his classmates going to their 'enemies' party.

However Kendo and Tetsutetsu said fuck it and actually were cool with 1-A, so they decided to come with a couple of their classmates such as Shoda, Pony, Honenuki, and them.

Shinsou decided to come because Denki wouldn't stop blowing up his phone so he just popped up. Even though he wants to go home but Denki wouldn't let him leave.

Mei Hatsume stopped by and she won't stop pestering people about their costumes.

Now it's a full-on party in the class 1-A's dormitories. Mr. Aizawa basically didn't care but his only rule is don't do anything stupid and the party has to end at 11:30. Which the teens were cool with, even though Iida has been policing them the entire time. Like on their ass about everything, well...not everything.

Since Kirishima's good old pale Tetsutetsu brought some beer and weed to make the party interesting.

But they're in their own little corner of the party, like their own party.

Which consisted of Kirishima, Denki, Shinsou, Sero, Mina, Jirou, and Bakugou.

Bakugou didn't want to come, his boyfriend begged him to come and he was making sure the idiot doesn't anything stupid, plus he doesn't like the idea of having alcohol.

" Dude, this is lit as hell," Denki hiccuped as he took a sip of beer.

" I know right, I'm surprised you managed to get these in here," Jirou looked at the sliver quirk teen.

Tetsutetsu just smirked at her, " I have my ways you know~"

Kirishima laughed, then his sliver-haired friend offered him a drink.

" Drink?"

Kirishima's eyes lit up, he was going to grab it but he felt a pain in his ribs. He hissed out, he started rubbing his rubs as he looked over to see his boyfriend glaring at him.

He whined out," What?"

" Nothing you dumbass," Bakugou hissed as he looked away.

Kirishima blinked, but he realized.

Bakugou is a goody two shoes.

He sighed before he looked ahead and just shook his head. Tetsutetu just shrugged his shoulders before chugging the entire cup down.

The red-haired sighed, he was going to ask his boyfriend what's his deal, but he looked over to see Sero vaping as he sat in his spot sadly.

The red teen frowned, he knew whenever the other vaped something either bad or his anxiety was acting up. Otherwise, he would never vape, especially not in public.

" Sero?"

" Hm," the other blew out a ton of smoke which made Mina and Denki cough.

" What's up man, you have been moody all night," Kirishima asked as he took a sip of water, Bakugou made sure of it.

The black-haired teen just shrugged his shoulders, Mina saw this and got annoyed, so she scoffed.

" Ok, so when Sero was hiding from Bakugou in my room. Todoroki came in and-"

" I FUCKING KNEW IT," the blonde gritted his teeth as he pointed at Sero who was unbothered as fuck and Mina was just over it.

" Anyways, Todoroki came in and said some things and I asked him if he sees himself dating Sero and he just ran out of the room."

" Ouch man, that gotta fucking hurt," Tetsutetsu chuckled as he took a sip of beer.

Sero just rolled his eyes as he vaped, and Kirishima frowned.

" Oh Sero, I'm sorry."

" There's no need to be sorry Kiri, I'm good," the tape boy told them.

The entire group stopped and looked at him with shock.

" Really," Jirou asked.

" Yeah, I mean look. Why would someone like him go for a guy like me? I'm not the brightest and I'm sure as hell not as a goodie two shoes or not even remotely as powerful as Midoriya, so what's the point," the other spat out as he puffed out the smoke.

Mina and Kirishima looked at each other with a frown while Denki shook his head, " Fuck him, you don't need him, man. You just need someone who will actually like you back and not leads you on."

" I don't think he was leading him on Kaminari," Kirishima tried to defend the bi-colored-haired boy.

" The fuck you mean he wasn't," Bakugou timed in.

Everyone looked over at the blonde and his boyfriend was confused, " What are you talking about Kat?"

Bakugou blinked before he groaned, " Do I have to explain everything? Ok look, icy-hot claimed he didn't know what the hell he was feeling but he fucking admits he found that tape faces loser attractive, which he knew what he was doing."

" For once I have to agree with Bakubro," Denki loudly stated.

Kirishima rolled his eyes at his clearly drunk friend as Mina placed her cup down, " I don't know you guys, the boy looked highly confused when I told him why he was feeling like that."

" Thank you," Kirishima clapped his hands.

Denki huffed as Sero coughed out smoke, " I-It doesn't fucking matter anyway. He doesn't want to date me, so what if he founds me hot or whatever. That still doesn't mean he founds me compatible enough to fucking date."

Kirishima frowned, " Sero-"

" It's fine Kiri, and like Denki said. I need to find someone who actually likes me back," the tape teen ranted as he took a small sip of beer, he's more of a smoker than a drinker. He placed the cup down but still receive sad and concerned stares from Mina and Kirishima.

" That's what I'm fucking talking about," Denki cheered as he hugged his neck.

Sero coughed out as Kirishima sighed, he then saw his sliver-haired friend smoking weed and he was going to ask but he remembered how much of a goodie-two-shoes his boyfriend was.

He huffed which caused Mina to giggle and Bakugou to shake his head.

" You guys are fucking idiots."


The party went on and the class was having fun, well not everyone.

Two people specifically weren't having the greatest time of their lives.

Sero was having the worst day of his fucking life. His day went from almost getting killed by Bakugou, almost confessing his true love for Todoroki, to getting rejected and now dealing with his drunk friends.


Todoroki on the other hand was having a battle in his mind.

After his talk with Mina, his head has been spinning none stop. He suddenly kept picturing Sero in these weird dreams.

He kept picturing hangouts with the older that never happened.

Such as reading together, watching animes, and even holding hands together.

It won't stop.

It's like he can't stop.

Now all these weird feelings were clashing with his thoughts and it was honestly giving him a headache.

He didn't know how to answer Mina's question, it's like whenever she said they will make a 'cute couple' it just triggered something in him.

Those were the exact words he was given whenever he and Midoriya first started dating. All of their memories started crashing down and that's why he needed to get out of there.

Especially their breakup started replaying in his mind over and over, it was taking a toll on him.

His mind just went into a spiral just thinking about Midoriya and how their relationship turned out.

And just imagining being in a relationship with Sero and thinking about how Sero could break up with him made him just break.

He couldn't possibly think what if Sero would leave him just like Midoriya did.

That would honestly be the last straw in his mental state so he had to leave. He locked himself in his room and had to calm himself down.

Although if he was honest, he went by Sero's room and wanted to have him calm him down but he wasn't there.

So, he did the next best option.

Sero gave him a playlist on his phone to play whenever he's feeling like this.

It was soft some Spanish lullabies that Sero used to listen to whenever he was younger.

Something Todoroki wasn't used to since he never heard a lullaby before but these lullabies kinda soothe him. Not as much as Sero's presence but it was sorta helpful.

During this, he realized how much he does care about the older, even though they had just recently started hanging out.

To him, it was kinda weird and also refreshing to have those feelings again. As he said before, he hasn't felt these feelings since Midoriya yet now.

These feelings were way more severe.

After long debates with himself, he needs to talk to Sero about his feelings and confusion.

He's been trying to find the older one and talk to him all night but he couldn't find him. It was like the older was avoiding him and he doesn't know why.

He sighed as he played with his juice-filled cup, which caused the dark bird teen next to him to raise his eyebrows.

" Are you alright Todoroki?"

The red-and-white-haired boy looked over to see his friend looking at him. The two of them were hanging in the back of the party since they're not party people themselves.

He was going to say he was fine but a certain tape boy's disappearance was making him not fine at the moment. He looked down as he shook his head.

" No."

Tokoyami hummed, " Is this about Midoriya?"

Todoroki snapped his head up and quickly shook his head, " No."

Tokoyami was surprised at his answer, he looked down as Dark Shadow took a sip of his cup. The younger of the duo sighed and he looked ahead at the party.

" It's Sero."

" What about him," the dark teen asked.

" It's just...I very much enjoy his company and he's very nice to me but..."

Tokoyami tilted his head at the other's hesitation, "But what?"

The other blinked before putting his head against the wall, " It's just that, the more time we spend together. The more scared I get because I very much find his presence very welcoming and...I just don't want to push him away like..."

He stopped when he saw a certain green-haired laughing and smiling at his group of friends.

The smile was shining brighter than the lights filling up the room, that smile used to make his heart rate go up but now.

His smile doesn't do it as it did a few months ago, another smile was filling up his mind. A warm smile that processed beautiful chocolate eyes started popping into his mind.

" You must not let the old memories prevent you to make new memories."

Todoroki blinked, he looked back down at his cup. Honestly, now that Tokoyami said it. The fear he was feeling during his hangouts with Sero was the fact he was scared of pushing him away like Midoriya.

He didn't want to drive another person he cares about away again.

Midoriya will forever have his heart, but he wants to make new memories too.

And now Mina mention it, it would be nice to see Sero in a more...different light.

The thought of holding his hands made him feel warm fuzzy feelings and when the other held his hand earlier, it felt...amazing if he was being honest.

After realizing he was so mad at Bakugou for interrupting the two of them, he wanted the older to hold his hand more and smile at him more. He just wants to be with the older more.

Maybe...Mina was right, maybe he does see Sero in a different way.

" Ayo! Look at my boy Sero!"

The two looked up to see the tape boy on the coffee table with something black between his lips as he was dancing.

" Fuck it up," Mina and Hagkure cheered for the dancing boy on the table.

Everyone else was cheering for him, except for Iida who tried to get him to come down but Sero didn't care.

They were playing his song, ' Eres Mia', he doesn't know who or how they knew this was his song but it didn't matter, this was his shit.

He continued dancing as he lip-syncs some of the words, the crowd went wild as they cheered him on.

Tokoyami tsked at the others' behavior, " Typical."

Tokoyami was looking but his quirk started moving his head, he gave him an annoyed look.

" What is it Dark Shadow?"

" Look~"

Tokoyami rolled his eyes, he looked over and saw his bi-colored-haired friend staring at something in awe.

He leaned forward to see the other's face red. His eyes looked like sparkling diamonds and his mouth was slightly opened.

The bi-colored-haired teen looked ahead to see Sero still moving his hips as he danced with the vape in his mouth.

He shook his head, " He sure is capable of causing you to like him huh?"

Todoroki didn't hear him or cared, whenever he saw Sero's moving so smoothly caused him to be in a trance.

Not like the trance, he was in the other day, he was in a trance he didn't want to get out of.

Something about the older just...lit a fire in him, and that fire is slowly getting bigger and bigger.

' Hanta...'

" Get down from there!"

He snapped out of it when he heard Iida's loud yelling, which caused Sero to jump down from the table and playfully frown at his class rep.

" My bad Iida."

Iida growled which caused everyone to laugh, but one laugh, in particular, caused Todoroki to lose all his focus.

Sero's smiles were the only ones he was interested in.

His smiles were warm and welcoming, something that Todoroki needed and dare he say...wanted.

Mina made points that made him realize how much Sero impacted his life.

He guessed he was staring at him too much because the two made eye contact. Todoroki's eyes widen as Sero stared straight into his soul.

Todoroki didn't know what to do or how to react. Those chocolate eyes were causing him to lose all focus, his eyes were only on his mind.

But sadly that was short-lived when the older stopped looking at him and went into the crowd.

This made him frown, he missed those eyes on him.

" Wow."

Todoroki stopped frowning when he heard chuckles, he looked over to see Tokoyami and Dark Shadow smiling, well more of Dark Shadow laughing at him, and Tokoyami just giving him a small smile.

" What?"

Tokoyami shook his head, " I think you know what you want Todoroki."

Todoroki's eyes slightly widen as he looked ahead at the crowd.

' Maybe I do.'

He knows he and Midoriya aren't going back and he wants to make more memories, especially with Sero.

He knows that Sero won't probably think of him as much as he does but he just knows he wants Sero in his future.

He hummed, and he quickly looked over at his friend.

" Thank you Tokoyami, I highly appreciate it."

The bird teen slightly bowed, " Of course, I just want to see you happy my friend."

" Now go get your man," Dark Shadow teased.

Todoroki let out a small smile, but it quickly faded when he realized another problem. Of course, Tokoyami noticed this and he sighed as Dark Shadow shook his head.

" What is it now?"

" I can't find him and I need to talk to him."

Tokoyami sighed, " Dark Shadow?"

" On it~"

His shadowy friend looked ahead and scanned the room, even though it was sort of dark there were still LED lights filling up the area.

He was going to call it quits until he saw some smoke coming from a corner.

He hummed mischievously and he whispered something in his master's ear. Todoroki leaned forward as he blinked while Tokoyami tsked as he looked back down at his cup.

" He's at the corner next to the doors."

Todoroki blinked, " Really?"

" Yeah, but if they offer you a drink. Decline it."

The younger was confused but he didn't ask any questions. He just mumbled a 'thank you' and started heading over towards the designated area.

He had to walk through a couple of his classmates to get on by as well.

It was a party after all.

After saying 'excuse me' numerous times, as he was bumping into people he finally managed to go to the corner where his friend was originally talking about.

When he got there, he saw a group of people sitting in a circle and it was a weird smell filled his nose.

He let out a sneeze before he walked over and he could see Mina loudly laughing at Jirou who was just taking it in. Then he sees Kirishima talking to Tetsutetu as he held Bakugou by his shoulders.

But everything stopped as his eyes widened when he saw the person he was looking for talking to Shinosu holding, which assume a sleeping Denki on his lap, as some smoke came out of his mouth, and started coughing.

The red-and-white-haired boy let out a gasp and panicked, he was going to activate his ice quirk but that wouldn't work.

So he quickly looked around for something, and when he found it. He quickly grabbed whatever was in Kirishima's cup.

Kirishima let out an annoyed 'hey' while Todoroki threw the drink on Sero.

Everyone around him gasped and jumped back while Sero quickly got up.

" What the hell!?"

Todoroki slightly flinched at the other's yells and everyone looked over at the group as Sero got up, now covered in beer.

While Todoroki just stood there with the empty cup in his hands, confused and shocked at the other's reaction. The entire group was giving the bi-colored-haired boy confusing looks.

Tetsutetu looked up, " Dude? What the fuck are you doing?"

" I um-"

" Man, this was my good shirt," Sero whined as he looked down at his now-stained cream shirt.

Todoroki just gulped, while Bakugou mumbled out 'idiot' while Kirishima let go of him so he could look at the red-and-white-haired teen properly.

" What the hell man," Kirishima asked Todoroki, who just stood there all confused.

" I just thought-"

" What in the world is going on over here," Iida marched over toward their group with the other students.

Jirou saw Momo and quickly spat out whatever she was drinking back into her cup while Tetsutetu and the others, except for Bakugou, started hiding their beer and other non-kid-friendly substances.

All this movement woke Denki up who started rubbing his eyes.

" Huh?"

The purple-haired insomniac sighed, " I'm too old for this."

" Hey guys~ Loving the party," Sero let out a cheeky grin as he hid his vape behind his back.

" What in the world is that smell? It smells awful," Iida chopped his arms.

Momo took a smell of the air and when she realized what the smell was, she gasped, she looked down at Jirou who let out a nervous grin.

" Hey, Momo~"

The vice president glared as the others students were confused as well, but stopped when they realized what the others were doing. They all groaned and glared at the group, Todoroki was standing there all confused.

" Oh snap, someone's in trouble," Mineta wiggled his eyebrows.

The Bakusquad glared at the purple pervert. The other students started whispering and such, and this caused Tetsutetu to stand up.

" Alright, alright it's nothing to see here. We're just having fun that's all."

" Yeah, having stuff like that is going to get us in trouble you idiot," Kendo smacked the back of her classmate's head.

" Ouch!"

He started pouting as the orange-haired girl humphed, everyone started arguing while Todoroki looked at Sero with pleading eyes, but the older just avoided eye contact by looking in the other direction.

Todoroki's whole body stopped at this,  ' I did it again.'

He looked around to see everyone in Sero's friend group glaring at him or giving him looks.

This was too much.

Before his breathing and emotions would get the best of him, he took a step back before walking out of the living room and heading towards the elevator.

Sero watched his figure retreating and he groaned, "Damn."

" I don't care who brought them, just get rid of it," he heard a very loud Hagakure yell.

" Yeah," Uraraka and Tsu cheered.

" Alright damn!"

Tetsutetsu grumbled as he grabbed his beer cans and Jirou took one more sip before getting her cup snatched by Momo.

" Really Kyoka?"

Jirou's face turned red as Mina started nudging her arm, " Ohh~ Someone's in trouble~"

The purple-haired girl glared with her red cheeks, " Go choke on a stick."

" Rude," Mina grumbled.

Kirishima rolled his eyes before looking back at his classmates, " Sorry everyone, we'll get rid of them. Enjoy your party."

Everyone started complaining and such before Denki got to his senses and got up on the couch.

" Come on~ Let's fucking party~"

" Kaminari language-"

But Iida was interrupted by the entire teens cheering back, and the class president groaned. Yet he was soon hugged by a cheery Uraraku and Mineta started up the music.

The bass of the music started filling up the entire place. Now, this was a party, the music was loud and the teenagers were having a good time.

Keep in my this is a Thursday night and these children have classes in the morning but they didn't care.

Denki was proud of his work, so he got down from the couch and started walking over to his friend group. He then witness Jirou being dragged by an angry Momo into the kitchen, and he laughed.

He made it to his friends and wrapped his arms around Shinsou's broad shoulders.

" Let's just go to my room and get fucked up."

Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck, " I don't know man, our classmates were pretty pissed. We don't want them to get in trouble because of us."

" Come on dude~ When was the last time we were able to have this much fun," Tetsutetsu wrapped his arms around his red friend.

Kirishima blinked and he saw his friend's face, so he sighed.

" Never."

" Exactly~ So I say we go to my dorms where I have the good stuff and we can have our own party there~"

" Ohh yeah! That sounds fun," Denki cheered.

" I don't know guys, we just got out of punishment," Mina tried to reason.

" Come on Mina, we'll be fine, and plus think about it. We'll make sure our classmates won't get in trouble and most importantly, we will make sure that we won't get in trouble," Denki whined.

Mina playfully rolled her black eyes before she smiled, " Fine."

" You coming Kat," Kirishima asked his boyfriend.

" As if, I'm not going to stay with you pothead losers. I'm going to fucking sleep," he grunted as he headed toward the elevators.

The red teen loured, he was going to after he but Tetsutetsu pulled him back. He looked back to see his silver friend giving him a look.

" Come on man, let him go."

" But he's my boyfriend."

" Yeah, a boyfriend that just called you a quote-on-quote 'pothead loser' and he said he's going to bed. I mean come on man."

The red teen hummed, he looked over at Sero who was staring off into space. He blinked, he tried calling for him but the other was still out of it so patted his back.

" Sero?"

The tape boy blinked out of it, " Huh?"

" Dude, are you that buzzed," Shinsou chuckled.

Sero shook his head, " Nah man, I'm just hella confused."

" I would be too, I mean what the hell was that? He just threw a drink on you," Mina asked the boy who was also clueless.

" I-I don't know, I made sure to avoid him but he just..threw his fucking beer on me."

" Actually it was my drink," Kirishima innocently corrected, but he only received a glare from Sero which caused him to nervously chuckled.

" My bad."

" Whatever the hell it was, it got our asses busted. We wouldn't have to go to Tet's place if only he wasn't acting fucking weird," Denki ranted.

Shinsou chuckled, " Damn sparky, you're more cutthroat than usual, that's hot."

Kaminari's face got flustered as he looked in the other direction. Mina giggled at this while the silver and red duo started teasing them. Denki told them to shut up but they continued doing it, meanwhile, Sero shook his head.

" Y'all go ahead. I'mma go change."

" Ok dude, you know where my room is right," Tetsutetsu asked.

"," Sero laughed.

" I got you man, come on. Let's go before it gets too late," Kirishima looked at his phone.

Mina bounced on his back, and he caught her but was surprised.

" Don't worry Kiri, it's like 9:40 and the party doesn't end until like 11, let's go~"

" Yeah!"

The group started heading out while Sero chuckled, he looked down at his shirt and frowned. He sighed and started heading toward the elevators. When he got on, he laid his head back and sighed.

' What in the hell is happening?'

Like what the hell?

Sero doesn't understand what's going on right now, I mean look. He gets rejected by his crush and now he got a drink thrown at him as if he's in a drama flick by his crush too!?

He didn't even do anything, he means. He made sure he escaped Mina's room without him noticing and has been pretty much avoiding him all night, so he doesn't understand why the other would throw a drink at him.

" Maybe someone told him I was in her room or something."

Whatever it is, it just keeps making Sero's day an absolute hell.

Once he was on his floor, he started heading over to his room. When he got there, he saw Bakugou walking in his pajamas, which Sero was highly confused about because how did he change that fast but whatever.

Another thing that got him confused is, why was he out here?

" Hey um Bakugou, what are you doing-"

" Shut the hell up and listen," the blonde cut him off.

" Ok," the other quickly closed his mouth.

" Two things. One, are you going over to that sliver asshole's place," the other walked up to him.

Sero leaned against his door and gulped, but he was confused, ' Sliver asshole?'

He thought about it for a moment until he realized the blonde was talking about Tetsutetsu, " Y-Yeah?"

" Make sure Shitty Hair don't do nothing or take nothing you understand me?"

Sero blinked before he tilted his head, " Why are you-"

" I don't want him being fucking stupid because of you idiots, now do you fucking understand me," Bakugou yelled in his face as he grabbed his collar.

" Y-Yeah," Sero quickly nodded his head.

Bakugou growled before he released him, Sero let out a sigh of relief however that was shortlived once the older was glaring at him.

" And one more thing, I swear to fucking All-Might himself, if he gets in trouble for covering your dumbasses. I will make sure I'll chop up all of your bones and make sure no one ever fucking finds them you hear."

Sero's eyes widen as his face turned white and he gulped, ' H-Holy fuck.'

Sero has never been terrified as he is at this moment, he was fucking trembling at Bakugou's threat.

Who knew Bakugou of all people would be dating the golden retriever of the group?

He guessed he was too frozen in fear since the blonde started walking away. Sero could finally breathe again, he released some air as he placed his face in his hands.

" Goddamn."

" Hey Tape Face?"

Sero flinched, he looked up to see the blonde walking away.

" Tell Icy-Hot to stop freezing his goddamn room. It's annoying," the blonde turned around to hiss out.

Sero's eyes widen, and the blonde tsked and walked back toward his room.

Sero quickly got up from his spot and started knocking on Todoroki's door.

" Roki? Roki!"

He continued knocking on the door, but as he was doing that. The door got colder and colder, he hissed as he grabbed his hand.

" What the-"

Sero stopped himself when he looked down to see ice forming through the cracks at the bottle of the door. Sero quickly glanced  down and saw the ice was escaping from the other's room.

He gasped, so he started banging on the door.

" Roki, come on man. I need to talk to you."

He went to lean his ear on the door, but the door was ice cold. He quickly leaned back and sighed.

" Roki, I...I'm sorry for my reaction. I was just surprised and honestly confused about why you threw beer at me. I mean...I just don't understand. I thought we were um...good."

He didn't hear anything, which made him groan.

" I know I have been an asshole and I should have talked to you. I...I honestly don't know why I have been avoiding you and that was a dick move from me and I'm sorry."

Sero huffed after that rant, he looked at the door and nothing has changed. He slowly stepped forward and not caring if the door was cold, he lends his cheek to the door and closed his eyes.

" Todoroki, I'm going, to be honest with you. I're fucking amazing. I think you're like...super talented and smart as hell. And I just feel like you're way too good for me. No, better than that. I know you're way too me. I mean look at me, I'm barely passing my courses, I vape and smoke weed and I'm not as powerful as you or anyone in our class...well except for Mineta but that's not the point."

Sero bit the bottom of his lips as he leaned back from the door. He knew his cheek was freezing cold but he didn't care.

Whatever he's going to do, is going to be more painful than his cheek at this moment.

" Roki, before Bakubro interrupted me. I was going to say how...important you are to me. I mean, I know we've only been hanging out for a couple of weeks and I know you just went through a breakup...I just want you to know that you make me feel fucking excited to be loved or be in a relationship."

' There's no going back now.'

He took a deep breath before continuing, " Todoroki, I want to let you know when we spend time together...I fucking love every moment of it. I love when we read mangas together, I love when we watch animes together, I especially love it when we learn Spanish together because... tu voz es tan suave y tersa como las olas del mar."

( Your voice is as soft and smooth as the waves in the ocean.)

Sero couldn't stop himself now, he was already in too deep. He knows these next few words are going to change everything. He might be too high to care or the adrenaline was causing him to not stop.

He looked down and gritted his teeth, " Todoroki, I want to say. You're incredible and undeniably gorgeous and I wanna say that...I like you ok? I fucking like you! There I said it! I liked you the moment you freed me from your ice prison or some shit. I like you so much that I can't even sleep without thinking about taking you out on dates and just being a part of your life. I like how calm you are, I like how smart you are, I like how blunt you are and I especially like how caring you are. You're amazing Todoroki and I can't stop thinking about you! You take over my mind dude! I thought I wanted it to stop but in reality, I don't! I want to be there for you, I want to hug you, I want to call you to mine and I especially want to be with you. I. Just. Fucking. Like, You."

He panted as he stared straight at the door, the more he realized what he just said, the wider his eyes got.

Ok, now his anxiety was through the roof.

" H-Holy shit, I can't believe I said that," he coughed out.

He honestly wanted to pull out his vape but he remembered the hallways were filled with cameras. He cursed out as he tried to control his breathing.

' Ok Sero, you just confessed to your ever-lasting crush in the most uncivilized way possible. Great, now I'm looking like fucking loser standing outside of his room with a beer stain on my shirt, with my vape, and about to have an anxiety attack. Great Sero, just great.'

Sero was about to say fuck it and just pull out his vape until he saw water on the floor. He gasped as he took a step back.

" What the fuck-"

But he was interrupted when the door opened, he quickly looked up and saw red and white hair poking out of the door. Sero's eyes widen as Todoroki slowly stepped out of the door.

Hanta noticed the other's eyes were watery and the other's breathing was irregular. His eyes went wide as the younger of the two looked at him with his heterochromia eyes.

" Do you really mean it?"

Sero's heart was pumping through his ears and his hands started sweating like crazy. He slowly nodded his head with a disbelief smile on his face.

" Every word Roki."

' Damn, where is this going,' Sero internally panicked when he saw Todoroki just staring at him.

It soon turned into a staring contest between the two of them, it was as if whoever moves just disappears.

Neither one of them was moving and neither one of them cared if they were just staring at each other.

They are just there as if they were the only ones on this planet.

Sero's anxiety got the best of him though and he opened his mouth to say something else but the younger ran up to him and hugged him. Sero coughed as the other clashed with him as he squeezed his torso.

Sero blinked with confusion, ' What the?'

He looked down and he felt the other trembling, he frowned as he ran his fingers through Todoroki's hair.

" Roki?"

" I-I just don't want to be alone anymore," he heard the other mumble through his shirt. Sero frowned at this statement, he sighed as he rubbed the trembling boy's back.

" Oh Roki."

Meanwhile, Todoroki's mind and walls were breaking down.

Everything was just leaking out of him and he couldn't hold back anymore. Just everything kept crashing down when he saw the other's disapproving look on his face.

Memories of Midoriya, his classmates, his father, his siblings, and his mother started resurfacing, and adding Sero's face to the mix has caused him to feel and act this way.

" Hey."

Todoroki blinked out the incoming tears as he looked up towards the other's chocolate eyes.

He didn't care if he was crying in front of him, he already cried and Sero didn't judge him so why would he now?

" You won't," Sero softly whispered as he softly ruffles the younger's hair.

" H-How do you know," the other softly hiccuped.

' Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it,' Sero repeated to himself before he wiped the other's tears off his cheeks, " If you let me, I'll be there for you."

Todoroki's eyes widen and his face got hot, but he had a serious expression on his face as tears streamed down his cheeks.

" How will I know you won't break your promises?"

Sero frowned for a split moment before he rubbed the other's cheek with his thumb, " Because Roki, I'm Sero remember and I haven't broken any promises yet so why would I start now?"

He booed the other's nose whose eyes widen even wider as Sero had a soft smile on his face.

" Roki, you'll never have to worry about me leaving because, siempre estaré pegado a ti hasta el final de los tiempos y me aseguraré de que siga siendo así."

(I am forever stuck to you until the end of time and I would make sure it will stay that way)

Todoroki stopped for a moment before he raised his eyebrows, " You're stuck with me until...time?"

Sero let out a soft laugh, " Close, until the end of time and I'll make sure it'll stay that way."

The younger just watched his smiles and just felt those warm feelings controlling his body.

' I want this.'

The stronger teen buried his face into Sero's neck as he hugged him tighter.

Sero's face turned a bright shade of red as his eyes softened. He doesn't know what the hell is going on but NOW he can officially say he can die in peace.

Sero blinked as he wrapped his arms around the other's waist, which was surprisingly board. He placed his chin on top of Todoroki's head and sighed.

" Roki?"

" Hm?"

" Why did you throw your drink at me?"

" I thought you were on fire."

Sero opened his eyes, he looked down which caused Todoroki to look up at the other's face with his glossy eyes.

" Why would I be on fire?"

Todoroki tilted his head, " You were coughing smoke and I was trying to put it out. I didn't want to use my ice because that could harm you so that was the safest option."

Sero just stared at him with confusion, he thought about it before he understood. He let out a loud laugh, and Todoroki just watched him laugh.

" What's so funny?"

The older teen continued laughing his ass off, Todoroki just blinked.

' Why is he laughing so much?'

Even though he doesn't mind the older's smile but he doesn't understand why the older was laughing so much. Sero couldn't resist, the younger one was so cute it was too funny.

" D-Dude y-you *laugh* you thought my vape made me be on fire," Sero giggled as tears came out of his eyes.

Todoroki was confused, " Vape?"

Sero just waved his hands, " Nevermind that, I wasn't on fire dude. I was just coughing from my anxiety helper thing."

The younger let out a small 'oh' before hiding his now red face into the other's shoulder. Sero saw this and he giggled as he ruffled his hair.

" Don't get embarrassed Roki."

He heard the other mumbling but he couldn't really hear what he was saying because he was talking through his shirt. Sero sighed as he placed his hand on the other's shoulders and gently pulled him off of him.

" What was that?"

The reddened teen looked at Sero's chocolate eyes before looking down and mumbling, " I like this."

Sero's eyes slightly widen, " Like what?"

" Being with you," Todoroki whispered as he laid his eyes on the older.

Sero's serotonin levels skyrocketed through the fucking moon and back. A wide grin took over his face and his eyes closed.

" I like being with you too!"

Todoroki let out a soft gasp before a small smile was soon placed on his face. He gently contacted his hand with the older's bigger hand. Sero opened his eyes to see the most beautiful smile in the world.

" I would like more of this."

Sero's heart started pounding and pounding as he tightened his grip on the other's hand and he walked closer to him too.

" Me too."

Todoroki's eyes glistened and his face was warmed up as the older was very close to his face. He could feel his fire quirk emerging from his hair and ice was forming on his foot.

Sero gently lifted up the other's chin and had the sweetest smile on his face, " May I do something?"

" Do what?"

Todoroki tilted his head out of curiosity and with a bit of unease. Sero blinked as his cheeks turned bright red. Even though it didn't show on his face, Sero could see in his eyes that he was nervous.

But he knew that he couldn't live with himself I he didn't do what he wanted to do.

" Kiss you," the tape answered in the lightest tone, light as a feather.

Todoroki's face started to furiously heat up, everything in his mind went blank after those words escaped from the tape boy's mouth. Nothing in the world matters.

He felt like he wasn't in control anymore, he felt disconnected from his body. So disconnected that he didn't know or even feel himself slowly nodded his head.

The half-colored-haired boy didn't know what was going on, or how was this happening. When he heard the words, ' Kiss and you,' his mind went blank and all he could feel was a rushing heat controlling his veins and face.

He was going to panic until a pair of delicate lips connected with his. His eyes widen as his quirk was growing bigger and bigger. He looked ahead to see the older's eyes were closed as he continued pressing his lips onto his.

Todoroki didn't know what to do, he was just frozen in place. He hasn't gotten a kiss ever since...Mid-

No, he's not going to let him control his mind anymore.

He wanted to make new memories and worrying about the past and such isn't going to make that happen.

He felt the other's lips latching off of his. He just stood there in shock, when he looked up to see the older's face.

It was in full panic.

Sero quickly leaned back and waved his hands in defense, " I'm so sorry dude! I didn't know what came over me! Maybe it was the weed or something but I just thought we had a moment and my dumbass just thought-"

Sero was the one being off when he felt the same pair of soft lips on his as well as his face being cupped. His eyes lit up when he saw his crush closing his eyes and kissing him back.

' Am I dreaming? Did I die? Am I so fucked up that I'm imagining this shit?!'

All these questions were filling in Sero's mind yet he didn't pull back. This kiss felt too good and too real to resist. He closed his eyes and snaked his arms around the other's waist to kiss back.

Sero could feel the younger's flames and ice brushing by his cheeks but he didn't care.

He was kissing Shoto, freaking, Todoroki!

At this moment, both teens' hearts were pounding rapidly in sync. Their lips felt like they connected like a completed puzzle. The two teens were moving in sync.

Sero was living his best life at this moment while Todoroki's emotions were all over the place.

He doesn't know how to take this but he knew one thing, he wanted more of Sero.

After having their moment the two let go of one another and were breathing heavily as their red faces matched each other.

Yet their eyes stayed on each other, their faces were close enough to kiss again.

Sero saw how the other's cheeks were bright red as he stared at him with his beautiful eyes and Todoroki saw how the other's chocolate eyes were shining.

" Whoa," Sero whispered, and Todoroki could smell the mint and other fresh smells coming out of his mouth.

" Yeah," the bi-colored-haired teen mumbled.

" So...what are we," Sero slowly asked, nervous about the other's reaction.

Todoroki blinked, " What are we?"

" You know, like are we friends...something more or...even friends with bennies," the other teases at the last part which caused Todoroki to tilt his head slightly.

" Bennies?"

Sero sighed with a little annoyance,  " What I mean is, are we a-"

He was stopped when he felt a hand covering his mouth. He glanced up to see Todoroki smiling at him.

" We are us."

Sero's face softened as Todoroki let go of his face. The taller grinned brightly as he held the other's hands.

" You know, I was kinda dreaming about this moment."

" Oh really," Todoroki playfully smirked.

" Duh, I mean. Sure you imprisoned me in that ice hell and I'm still scared of being cold thanks for that but."

Sero stopped and laughed at Todoroki's face dropped, while the younger soon let go of the older and turned his back on him. Sero let out a loud laugh as he wrapped his arms around the other's waist.

" I'm kidding, kinda but yeah."

Todoroki looked over at his shoulder to see the same warm chocolate eyes wiggling its eyebrows. He rolled his eyes as he looked down.

" I will never understand your jokes."

" Come on mi vida, my jokes make the people around me smile," the older winked at the younger as he pitched his cheek.

Todoroki just sighed as his face heated up, but he then realized what the older just said. He turned around and pointed at him.

" You said my life. Did you call me your life?"

Sero's eyes widen, but nervous and awkward laughs escaped from his mouth.

" What..."

Todoroki got into his face, " You said my life. You call me your life."

" I don't think-"

" Please say it again."

Sero stopped when he saw the serious expression on his face. He leaned back and he ran his fingers through his hair, he gave the younger a small smirk.

" Eres mi vida y espero queue aceptes mi oferta de convertirte en mi noivo."

( You are my life and I hope you will accept my offer in becoming my boyfriend)

Sero let out an awkward grin after saying that, Todoroki noticed this and he blinked. He tried to process what the older said, he put his hand on his chin to think.

" You are my life and...accept your something and my boyfriend?"

Sero facepalmed, " Oh Dios mío."

" Oh my god?"

" Would you be my boyfriend Roki," the older quickly asked.

Todoroki's eyes lit up as Sero bowed his head, " It would be an honor and you will make me the happiest person ever I know. And I know we haven't spent that much time together but you make me very happy and I just want to show you how amazing you are and-"

" Hanta."

Sero stopped, he slowly lifts up his head to see the younger's red face as he crossed his arms.

" You're rambling again."

" O-Oh," Sero's face turned red due to embarrassment.

Todoroki saw this and he hummed, " You like to do that huh?"

" N-Not really, I just don't know why but I know why this time and-"

Again, his mouth was covered by the other's hand. He looked down to see the other giving him a bored stare.

" I don't like it when you ramble."

Sero muffled a sorry, he was going to ramble accidentally but Todoroki tippy-toed up and gave the other a peck on the cheek.

The tape boy blinked out of bewilderment as the stronger teen released his hand and gave him a soft look.

" Still, I will love to be your boyfriend."

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