My New Hero

By KenleyCopeland

11K 220 80

Taking place shortly after the events of it's prequel; My Old Hero, Izuku and Katsuki agree that they want to... More

1: Plot Line
2: You're Pitiful
3: Sting
4: Hurt and Pain
5: State of my Head
6: Cry me a River
7: Caught in a Lie
8: God sent me as Karma
9: Sweet Chaos
10: When the Rain Stops
11: A Little Space
12: Unnatural
13: Inferiority Complex
14: Line 'Em Up
15: Lucky One
16: Blind Love
17: Effort
18: Good Luck, Bad Luck
19: Savior
20: Learning
21: Good to Me
22: Warning!
23: From Hell with Love
24: Fighter
25: Damage
26: What Can I Do?
27: Yours
28: Shivers
29: Electrified
30: The Feels
31: Nightmares
32: Torture
33: Demons
34: I'm Here
35: Fever
36: Think About You
37: Say Me Cute
38: Privacy
39: Icy
40: Blind and Frozen
41: Lovin' You More
42: Wet
43: Earned It
44: Christmas Day
45: Hot Enough
46: Troublemaker
47: Facade
48: I'm Gonna Show You Crazy
49: Playdate
50: Reason
51: Clockwork
52: Dice
53: Sunshine
54: Fearless
55: Doubt & Trust
56: Vicious
57: Resonance
58: Turn Back Time
59: Beastmode
60: Odd Sense
61: Alive
62: Strike Back
63: Invincible
64: Reason
65: Finesse
66: Paradise
67: Touch
68: Suspicious Camouflage
69: Villain
70: What I Want
71: Mr. Blue Sky
72: Step Up
73: Superhuman

Epilogue: The Feels for My Crush

196 2 6
By KenleyCopeland

It's been years since the battle against the notorious Gem Industries, but ever since that entire debacle, the Bakugo/Midoriya family is still together and happy. The time has flown by quickly that now it's an important day for the couple's kids; the U.A. Sports festival!

"Katsuma~ Are you ready for today? Hm? Katsuma?" Izuku peeked her head into her oldest son's room to see her teenage blond, at the age of 17, sitting on his bed not dressed yet. 

"Katsuma? What's wrong sweetie?" she asked as entered the room and sat next to her son who remained silent. 

"Are you nervous about today? You shouldn't be, this is your last year of doing the sports festival, and you did really well your past 2 years. You're just like your dad and have gotten first both years while being in the Hero Course." 

"It's not about the festival." 

"Hm? It's not, then what is it about, Katsuma?" Izuku asked. 

"It's... Mom?" 


"Did you confess to dad first?" Katsuma asked, looking up at his mother with earnest. 

"Ah- That's quite strange for you to randomly ask, but it was your dad that confessed to me first, but I was the one who asked him out first." Izuku answered.


"Mn. Ah~ Now I get it, did you make another bet with one of your friends that if you lose the sports festival, you have to confess to the person that you like?" Izuku teased, which made the blond blush. 

"I-It's sort of like that, but I have to confess if I'm in the top three for the festival." Katsuma mumbled. 

"Then it sounds to me that you're nervous and want to lose, hm?" 

"I-I- I don't wanna lose, then dad'll be mad at me, but... but I don't wanna lose this chance to finally confess to the girl I like." Katsuma explained. 

"I see, you're torn on what to do. Hmmm... Let your heart decide then." 


"By the time that me and your dad were having feelings towards one another, we were both scared of the outcome of what would happen around, but we got through it together. So do you really wanna hold in those feelings forever?" Izuku asked. 

"Well... no." 

"Then go out there and do your best, hm?" 

"Mn! I will. Thanks mom." 

"You're welcome sweetie, now get ready before you're late."

"Nii-chan, hurry up!!!" Izuki whined as she and her twin brother–Izumu who are both at the age of 15–were waiting outside for their big brother. 

"Are you guys gonna be there to watch us?" Katsuma asked. 

"Of course we are, sweetie, for you and your brother and sister." Izuku answered. 

"Remember all the training we've done, got it, my little Dynamite?" Katsuki reminded him as he messed up his hair. 


"Now get going. We'll be there in a little bit." 

"Bye mom, bye dad!" 

"All of you please be careful, and do your best!" 

"Don't hold back!"

"Katsu-nii, do I really have to do the sports festival, it's scary." Izumu mumbled. 

"Mu~ if I'm doing it, then you have to!" Izuki huffed. 

"Why~ I'm not even in the Hero Course like you are Ki~, do I have to~?" Izumu whined again. 

"Then if you don't want mom and dad to be proud of you, it's not my fault." Izuki groaned. 

"Erm- That's unfair, Ki~ Huh? Katsu-nii, what're you doing?" Izumu asked, causing Izuki to look behind them. 

Katsuma was standing a few feet away from there and he was looking at his watch. 

"You two go ahead, I'm waiting for one of my friends." Katsuma answered. 

"Nii-san, don't tell me you're waiting on Mitsuka again~?" Izuki complained. 

"She's my friend, so I'm gonna wait for her. I'll see you guys at the festival, so go ahead." Katsuma responded. 


"Good luck, Katsu-nii." Izuki and Izumu answered as they left their older brother behind.

As he stood there waiting, the blond kept thinking back to what his mom told him earlier that morning. 

"Let your heart decide then." "By the time that me and your dad were having feelings towards one another, we were both scared of the outcome of what would happen around, but we got through it together. So do you really wanna hold in those feelings forever?" 

'Mom's right, I can't keep hiding my feelings even if I win or lose the festival today. Right, I'll make sure to confess today!' Katsuma thought. 

"What's with that weird face?" 

Katsuma recognized the female voice from behind him to see a girl with tri-colored hair of Red, Black and White with Blue eyes standing right behind him. There she was; Mitsuka Todoroki, daughter of Shoto Todoroki and Momo Yaoyorozu, AKA; Katsuma's best friend. 


"Why're you so surprised to see me, don't tell me you were waiting for me again." 

"W-Well, you're my friend, why wouldn't I wait for you." he mumbled with embarrassment. 

"Let's just go before we end up late for the festival." 


"So are you still accepting the bet we made?" Mitsuka asked. 

"O-Of course I am! I don't decline a single bet, because my dad would tell me that I know I can win one!" 

"Uh huh, but just remember that if you win, you have to confess." 

"I know that!" 

'And I'll make sure that they know the confession is from me for sure!' Katsuma thought. 

"Didn't you say the girl you like is from our class?" 

"Yup! She's in the Hero Course with us." 

"She must be so~ lucky, not like I really care who it is." Mitsuka huffed. 

'Believe me, Mitsuka, you'll be surprised who I'm gonna confess to.' 

"Oh yeah, are you gonna confess to the guy you like if you lose the bet?" Katsuma asked. 

"Yeah right, there's no one in our class that I like, and I'm friends with you since both our parents know each other so well." she replied as she tried to hide her blushing cheeks. 

"T-That's true." 

"Let's just get this festival over with so I can watch you confess to the girl you like and humiliate yourself." 

"I-I'm not gonna humiliate myself! Just watch!" 

"Sure sure."

"And it looks like Katsuma Bakugo has earned First place at the Sports Festival for a third year in a row!!!" Present Mic announced. 

"Way to go, Nii-san!" 

"Katsu-nii really is the best!" Izuki and Izumu exclaimed. 

"Why am I not surprised that he won again?" a girl named Tetsua–daughter of Tetsutetsu and Itsuka Kendo–muttered. 

"Hey, don't hate! He's always been better than us!" Jin–son of Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro–joked. 

"Hmph, doesn't matter, he still lost the bet." Mitsuka muttered. 

'I actually pulled it off! I mean yeah, I lost the bet, but I still won the festival!' Katsuma thought.

"Well done, Katsuma." 

Katsuma looked up and his eyes widened when he saw both his parents walking out on the field and up at him. 

"M-Mom? D-Dad?!?! What're both of you doing down here?!?!" 

"It seems the Number 1 hero; Dynamite, and his wife; Deku, have come down to the field to present the medals to the winners!!!" 

"Since we figured that this was your last year in the festival, we wanted to make it special." 

"You mad that we're down here?" Katsuki teased. 

"N-No! I-I just-" 

But he was interrupted when his mother hugged him. 

"We couldn't be more proud of you, Katsuma. You will be the next Number 1 hero, I guarantee it." Izuku stated sweetly with tears in her eyes. 


"I knew you could do it, kiddo." Katsuki said as he rubbed his son's hair again. Though he wanted to be embarrassed that his parents were making such a scene, the thought of the bet came to his mind and he had no choice.

"Alright, let's give you your medal, and we'll be off to-" 

"MITSUKA!!!!!" Katsuma exclaimed, and everyone froze in their chairs and went silent. 

Mitsuka flinched from hearing her name being called, and she watched the blond on the field. 

"Um- Katsuma, what is this-" 


Katsuki and Izuku were completely frozen in shock to hear their own son's confession, and everyone else wasn't sure what they just heard. 

"Ha?!? He's confessing, who in their right mind does that? Right, Mitsuka? Huh? Mitsuka?" Tetsua asked, as she looked over at Mitsuka whose face was Bright Red. 

Mitsuka's heart was pounding and she had to cover her blushing cheeks from embarrassment, as she never thought that her friend would be confessing to her. Katsuma grit his teeth and then ran off the field as he knew that what he just did would most likely hurt his reputation. 

"W-What just... What just happened?" Izuku stuttered. 

"I... I have no clue." Katsuki answered, still trying to process what he'd heard.

Katsuma was panting in the waiting room as he knew he would most likely become the new laughing stock in the school. 

'Why'd I do that? I should've just confessed to her when we were alone, but I couldn't keep it in any longer! I couldn't wait, I just had to! Arg- But why'd I confess to an entire crowd?!?! I'm so stupid!' he thought with frustration. 


The blond flinched, and he whipped his head around to see Mitsuka at the door. 

"Mitsuka- Ah-" 

Before he could say any more, he noticed that the girl's cheeks were flushed and how she was averting her gaze from him. 

"Mi-Mitsuka, I-I-" 

"D-Don't try to save yourself!" Mitsuka yelled. 

"B-But I-" 

"Of all the people in our class, I was expecting you to really like someone else, but... But I never thought it'd really be me! Why? Why do you like me, when I've been so mean to you?" Mitsuka asked.

"B-Because..." Katsuma paused as he tried to think of what to say, and thinking back to his mom's words gave him courage. 

"B-Because I can't hide it anymore!" 

"W-What?" "It's true that I only thought of you as just a friend growing up, but eventually... Eventually I started having feelings for you, and I couldn't control them. So yeah, I really like you, Mitsuka, and I'm not gonna change my mind!" Katsuma exclaimed. 


Katsuma looked at her and noticed how nervous she appeared and how she was rubbing her arm. 

"I-I guess... I guess I can't hide my feelings either." she mumbled, and Katsuma felt his heart stop. 


"Katsuma..." she paused as she took a deep breath and looked directly at him and said; 

"I like you too, so I'll accept your confession!"

 It took him mere seconds to understand, and once he did, the blond leaned back and passed out. 

"Ack! K-Katsuma, wake up! Can you hear me?!?! Why'd you suddenly pass out like this? And you're supposed to be the next Number 1 hero!"

"Hmph, looks like we've got nothing to worry about." Izuku whispered. 

"Yeah, but I didn't think he'd be so weak in the knees like this." Katsuki whispered back. 

"I'm surprised I didn't pass out when you confessed to me all those years ago, Kacchan." 

"Yeah, well, things happen." 

"Should we try and help them?" 

"Nah, he'll wake up soon." 

"But Kacchan, he's our son." 

"Who's making big choices for himself clearly, and it's not like he's alone." 

"I-I know that but-" 

"Why don't we go home and wait for the kids, and maybe when we get home, we have a little fun?" Katsuki suggested with a smile. 

"K-Kacchan, do I look the age to do 'fun'?" 

"You won't know till you try." 

"Hah- you just don't know when to quit." 

"Nope, cause my wife makes me this way."

Thus ending another wonderful story about trust, having faith and caring deeply about family. It was a fun ride and certainly an adventure that clearly has a happy ending and a bright future, so this has been My New Hero



Hello My Little Emeralds!

I have successfully completed writing this sequel; My New Hero! No matter how many times I've done this now, I'm always proud of myself for pushing myself to finish a story, fanfic or not, and I couldn't have done any of this without you guys! This is now my fifth completely fanfic and I can't complain because it's made me want to write for you guys more!

Unfortunately, I do have a bit of bad news to give you guys as I will be taking a bit of a hiatus from Wattpad for the rest of this year and won't be posting anymore stories or fanfics until next year! The reason I say this is because ( and I've announced this before ) I will be focusing on my first book; The Emerald Demon's. I've posted the beginning of the story on my profile, so you guys are more than welcome to read it, but of course it will not be exactly the same once I publish it. 

The Emerald Demon's is a story that I started writing back when I was 13, so clearly I've been wanting to publish this story for a very long time, and I'm finally gonna do it! Hence this is why I've been basically pushing myself to rush and finish writing and posting My New Hero so I can have more time to write and edit The Emerald Demon's, and it's a relief to say that I actually completely writing this fanfic before October, which was the goal. Another thing to add is that I've actually edited the cover of The Emerald Demon's and will be showing it to you guys right now to show this will be the official book cover, so here's the new updated cover!

Tada! It's slightly different, but yeah, this will be the official cover of my first book, so I'm excited!

Anyway, I won't be spoiling you guys on the next fanfic I will be doing next until I've published this book and the new year comes. But I do hope you guys will be looking forward to my book and my future fanfics, because I have a lot of ideas still!

Thank you guys so much for all the support you give me, and I hope that I'll be able to give you guys some great fanfics next year!

Happy happy happy Reading from me, My Little Emeralds!

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