All I Want

By allijuana15

98.9K 2.4K 712

Rory Gilmore grew up in a loving , happy, middle class home with her mom Lorelai in the quaint town of Star... More

- All I Want -
Field Trip
Ego Central
No Looking Back
Damn You Rory
Simple Truth
We're Not A Mistake
Trouble with a capital T
Friday Night Fight
It's Clear To Me Now
Pros and Cons
Four Weeks
Crashed into You
Magic Number
Author's Note
Simple or Complex
Bring it on
One Last Question
Foregone Conclusion
Tristan's Turn
Redlight - Greenlight
That Girl
Picture This
All In
Answer Me
Spilling The Tea
The Deed is Half Done
The Extra Girl
Silent Treatment
Stupid Game
Do You Trust Me?
The Pact
Face The Facts
Against All Odds
Epic Moment
It's a First
Not The Best PLan
A Quarter For Your Thoughts
Front Page Rumor
I Promise You
Dancing on a Fault Line
Give Me Your Hand
Party of Two
Past Bleeds Into Future
I Like Me Better
That Was Not My Detention
Friendship Experiment
Repairing the Past
Happy Birthday Paris
Because I Like You
One Date
It's A Date

Just Walk Away

393 14 1
By allijuana15

Sitting on the wall in front of Chilton Academy covering his ears all Tristan could thing was 'this is not happening.'

The music emanating from the gym was loud enough to reach him and it wasn't helping his growing anxiety at all. He didn't want to have a meltdown anywhere, but especially not here surrounded by his peers who could be cruel. He was thankful now that he hadn't fought his mother on taking medication before leaving for the night as it did seem to be keeping his stress to a level he could still handle, but it still embarrassed him when he could feel the control being drained from him and the need to get away overtake him. 

Inside the dance Rory was a mess and Paris was conflicted. Part of her wanted to stay and help Rory process all that had just happened, but she was also conscious of how abruptly Tristan had left and she knew why. In fact, she was probably the only one who did - the only one he'd confided in.

"I'll be right back," Paris said decision made. 

"Where are you going?" Rory asked streams of black mascara caked on her face.

Paris contemplated lying to Rory and decided it was a bad idea. "I'm going to go check on Tristan." 

"Will you tell him... I'm not upset with him," Rory asked her request hitting the right notes with Paris. 

"I will." 

Nothing about the way this night had panned out was Tristan's fault and for the first time in a really long time she felt sorry for him. Jeremy and his evil sidekick Kennedy had finally gotten their hands on the pawn they needed to get back at him and the resulting attack had been swift and vicious leaving a trail of intended and unintended victims. 

The fresh air of the night was starting to help. Tristan was beginning to feel more in control of his mind and body. But with clarity came the memory of what had transpired tonight. 

The atmosphere at the dance had been nothing short of magical with Henry and Lane falling deeper for each other, and he and Rory spending every second in each other's arms. 

Paris however was experiencing a much different dance. She had joined their group about an hour into the dance after her date had bailed on her with his ex-girlfriend. 

Tristan and Henry had both promised to dance with her and she had been more than a little grateful to be saved from the embarrassment of wallflower status. 

It was a night that seemed as if nothing could go wrong, but it only took a second to turn the magic of the night into an unexpected nightmare when Paris had taken the stage to announce the Valentine King and Queen.

"Can I have your attention please?" Paris asked her voice barely coming through the static of the microphone. 

As if on cue Cedric from the AV club came out to the stage and quickly unplugged the mic, played with the cord a bit and plugged it back in. "Testing, one two three, testing. Sounds good," he said as he stepped back behind the curtains. 

"Okay, let's try this again," Paris said the microphone now sounding much better. 

As the music began to lower the students all began to turn towards the stage in anticipation. Everyone knew that this was the moment that the King and Queen of the Valentines dance would be announced and the buzz of excitement on the floor was palpable.

"Tristan, as the past years King I'd like to invite you to the stage to usher in this year's King of the Valentines," Paris said gesturing him to follow her instructions. 

Standing behind Rory his arms wrapped around her Tristan gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before heading up to the stage where Paris handed him the crown. 

"Normal Chilton tradition states that the reigning King crowns the new one but it looks like you're going to have to crown yourself because by a unanimous vote our King of the Valentines for this year is Tristan Dugray!"

Tristan laughed through his shock. This part of tonight had not been shared with him. 

"Wow, okay... thank you everyone!" Tristan said donning the gold crown as the audience began to clap." 

"Now on to what you've all been waiting for our Queen of the Valentines, which I will be presenting as our former queen was not available," Paris said reaching for the heart shaped card that was sitting on the podium. 

 A card that she was inches from grasping when a hand shot out and took it before she could.

"Not so fast princess," Jeremy said wielding the card like a shield in front of him." 

"What the heck do you think you're doing Jeremy?" Paris asked reaching for the card only to have Jeremy pull it closer to him.

"I'm giving the former queen her due honor. No new queen wants sloppy seconds," He said pulling aside the curtain behind him to reveal a stunning brunette." 

"Will you please come on stage and take your place," Jeremy said as the chatter on the floor began.

- oh my god she's back, she looks amazing, damn poor Tristan... oh man... etc. -

It had been the trigger for Tristan's impending panic attack as he watched her walk past him and giving him a smile in passing. 

On the floor Rory was more than a little confused. Everyone seemed to know who this girl was, but she had no idea. What she did know was that Tristan's face had paled instantly at the sight of her. 

But Rory being a smart girl quickly pieced it together -even though her mind refused to believe it... it couldn't be - could it? But deep down in her gut Rory knew it was and the next second confirmed it. 

A stunned Paris walked over to the brunette and handed her the Queen's crown. " Well, this is a surprise Presley. I don't think any of us expected you to come back for this." 

"Feels good to be back," Presley said taking the crown oblivious to the role she was playing in Jeremy and Kennedy's game. 

Tristan could feel himself start to sweat and shake as he waited for the inevitable bomb that he knew Paris was about to drop. This wasn't his first King rodeo and he knew the drill and exactly what was about to happen next. 

Paris stood silent for a second wishing she had any other avenue then what she was about to do, but Jeremy had skillfully cornered with no other option then to move forward her eyes focused on the crowd and Rory specifically who she could she was trying her best to keep it together. 

"So, without further ado, this year's queen is - " 

"Rory Gilmore!" Jeremy interjected practically jumping up and down with glee. 

Paris annoyed ripped the card out of Jeremy's hand.

"MY BAD I may have taken a tiny peek inside the card, hope I didn't spoil the surprise," Jeremy laughed as he walked off to the side his mission accomplished. 

Stunned Rory remained rooted to her spot. There was no way she was going up there - no way. 

But then the clapping and cheering started, and she knew if she didn't go up there all of this would just look worse than it really was. So, what if Presley was back for the night, why should she care - Tristan loved her. 

It was a bravado that disappeared as Rory found herself on stage next to Tristan's ex who she could not help but feel incredibly inadequate next to.

"Congratulations Rory, wear the crown proudly," Presley said sitting it on her head and giving Rory a megawatt smile. 

"Thank you, " Rory said before turning to the crowd to address them. "I'm both surprised and honored." 

The briefer the acceptance the better Rory thought, anything to get this nightmare over. But unfortunately for Rory and Tristan the hits were about to keep on coming as the music came back up and Paris realized she would have to continue her hosting duties to the end. 

"As per tradition will the former King and Queen head to the dance floor for your last dance." Paris said the words catching in her throat.

"What?" Rory said barely a above a whisper the exclamation escaping from her mouth before she could stop it. In return Tristan silently mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' to her.

A part of Tristan wanted to protest to say 'screw this part of the tradition' he didn't want to do this to Rory, but something inside him stopped that train of thought as Presley put her hand in his and began leading him down to the dance floor. 

Rory felt her heart sink at the sight of her boyfriend in the arms of his ex. 

Out on the floor the slow dance music began, and Tristan reluctantly took Presley into his arms as expected while distancing himself as much as possible. 

"Let's not make this awkward," Presley said pulling him in closer. 

"Too late," Tristan said turning his face away from hers as he could feel the warning trembles start.

"You're shaking," Presley said as she ran her hand down his back in a gesture, that she had always known to soothe him. 

"I'm fine. Let's just get this dance over with okay," Tristan told her. 

Presley had expected a little push back from Tristan. She knew she'd broken his heart, but it had been a year. She figured that he would have moved on. This hostility he was showing her made her think otherwise. 

"I tried to tell you that I was going to be here tonight, but you never called me back." Presley said a little disturbed by the familiar feelings she had coursing through her body at his closeness. 

"I have a girlfriend and I didn't think it would be a good idea to be texting with my ex." 

He had moved on. No big surprise there... Presley thought her curiosity peaked at who the new girl might be. 

As the song was starting to come to an end it prompted Presley to say something that had been on her heart for a while. 

"I want you to know that I'm sorry T. I screwed up and I owe you an apology for all that I put you through." 

Tristan could feel his head begin to spin, his thoughts becoming jumble as his skin began to sweat. 

"I have to go," he said letting go of her as if touching her had burned him his next instinct to go where his heart needed him to be. 

In a few quick strides Tristan was in front of Rory holding out his hand to her.  

"Can I have this dance?" 

On stage Paris took her que from him signaling the DJ to stop the current song from playing. "And now it's time for our new Valentines King and Queen to have their first dance. 

And as quick as the other song had stopped a new song started as Tristan walked Rory out to the dance floor, took her closely into his arms and the two began dancing. 

Rory wanted to just let all the questions she had go, but there was too much of her mother in her. She needed answers and that burning desire superseded just letting this moment be theirs. 

"I don't really want to bring this up right now -" Rory began only to be cut off. 

"Then don't." Tristan said his tone stern and unexpected. 

For a moment it shocked Rory into silence, but as was her nature she wasn't silent long. 

"That's not fair. What just happened here tonight was a huge bombshell. I deserve some answers," Rory countered. 

"I know you do, but not here and not right now. Okay?" Tristan knew he was just putting off the inevitable, but he also knew there was nothing he could say to Rory that she was going to like. 

"Just tell me... did you know she was going to be here tonight?" It seemed like a simple question to Rory, but Tristan's reaction told her it wasn't as he immediately stopped dancing and stood to face her. He didn't care that it was public in that moment. 

"And how would I know that?!" Tristan asked. 

Rory wished she could pull back what she'd started but knowing she couldn't she plowed forward instead. 

"I just thought-" 

"What? That I lied to you, that I called her behind your back?" Tristan asked biting back at her unfounded assumptions. 

"That's not what I said-" It was getting hard for Rory to get a word in as Tristan once again stopped her mid-sentence. 

"But it's what you believe, what you are implying. Well... sorry but you got this one wrong." 

Tears started to roll down Rory's face as she stood dumbfounded at how this has escalated so fast into an argument. 

"Tristan-" Rory began to plead but it was too late as Tristan turned and strode out of the dance leaving Rory standing in the middle of the dance floor like he had Presley earlier.

In the cool air of the night Tristan was embarrassed by his actions. He knew he'd picked a fight with Rory that she had no chance of winning and he couldn't quite figure out why. He also knew that he should go back inside and apologize, but he had no idea what he was going to say.

And that was where Paris found him contemplating his next move. 

"I looked all over school for you," Paris told him as she took a seat next to him.

"Well, you found me." Tristan was glad to see his friend. Did he wish it was Rory? Yes, but Paris had always been a rock for him. He needed that now as well... someone on his side. 

Paris as always was perceptive. "I know I'm not really who you wanted here, but she's kind of a mess right now." 

" I don't even blame her. This night could not be more f***ed up." 

"How are you?" Paris asked her concern for his well-being a welcome gift. 

"To be honest. I'm better. I thought I was going to do the panic thing, but it subsided." Tristan said in an effort to reassure Paris. 

"What did Presley say to you?" Paris was curious but aware all the same it was his business. 

Tristan had been really thinking about what had set him off and he wanted to be real with Paris because he trusted her. 

"Between you and me... it wasn't just what she said, the way she ran her hands down my back and the way she pulled me in close to her, it brought back some feelings I thought I'd buried."

"You can't be serious." Paris wanted to give Tristan a good shake to rattle him back to the good side.  

"I know... it's messed up, but you can't say anything to Rory. Okay?" 

"Yeah, no problem, I'm not jumping on that grenade for you, but you know you have to say something to her... right?" 

"Do I? I mean Presley is gone after tonight." Tristan stated hoping Paris would agree and let him off the hook. 

"Do you really want to be that idiot? If you start lying to Rory or trying to omit pieces of your history from her, you will screw up any hope of her ever trusting you again." She deserves the truth." Paris said giving it to him straight.

"Who deserves the truth," A now cleaned up Rory said walking up to Tristan and Paris. 

"I'm going to head back inside and leave you two to talk," Paris said to Tristan. 

As Paris walked away, she turned to see Tristan get up to pull Rory into his arms. She really wanted him to do the right thing, but she had her doubts that he would. Presley had always had a way of twisting his actions to her will. 

Speak of the devil thought Paris as Presley walked outside. Looking for Tristan no doubt. Full of purpose Paris walked straight up to Presley ready to steer her in anything but the right direction. 

"Hey, how's is it going Presley?" Paris asked 

Presley looked a little surprised that Paris was talking to her, they didn't really know each other. "It's going well. You didn't happen to see Tristan did you?" 

"Yeah, I think he and his girlfriend Rory left a little while ago. Is there something I can help you with?" Paris asked. 

"That girl Rory is his girlfriend?" 

"She is. Is there a message I can give him?" Paris asked. 

"Are you, his secretary?" Presley asked a bit sarcastically. 

"No, just his good friend. One who cares about the both of them and would insert herself where needed no questions asked. Do I need to insert myself here?" Paris asked cryptically. 

Presley was not a girl who liked to back down, but the look on Paris' face told her she should, that this was not a battle she was going to win - at least not tonight. 

"Just tell him that I said goodnight. Can you do that?" 

"Not a problem," Paris said standing firm where she was until Presley finally turned around and headed towards the parking lot. 

Jeremy and Kennedy got up off the hood of a car they'd been sitting on and eagerly approached Presley as soon as they saw her walking through the Chilton arch towards the parking lot. 

"Excellent job my friend. Could not have asked for a better outcome," Jeremy said putting his arm around Presley which she quickly shrugged off.

"Seems like you forgot to give me some pretty important information," Presley said glaring at Jeremy now. 

"Not following," Jeremy said playing stupid. 

"Cut the crap Jeremy. Why didn't you tell me Tristan had a girlfriend?!" Presley was pissed and not about to let Jeremy off the hook. 

"Why does it even matter?" Kennedy asked making her presence known. 

Presley turned towards the girl who was a stranger to her. 

"And who are you?" Presley asked assessing the girl who had her attention now. 

"She's one of Tristan's exes and my current fling thing," Jeremy answered not at all caring that he was maligning her. 

"I can speak for myself, " Kennedy told Jeremy before turning her attention to Presley. 

"I'm the girl Rory stole Tristan away from. Now answer my question. Why does it matter to you if he has a girlfriend?" 

"Because I don't like being used, which I see pretty clearly now is what you both did. You brought me here tonight to cause trouble for him when I plainly stated to you that I wanted to fix things with him." 

"He deserves what happened to him tonight," Jeremy stated. He was annoyed that Presley was not aboard with how epic tonight had been. 

"And who are you to decide that? Wait a minute are you hoping you can poach Rory for yourself? Is that what this is about? I mean you are known for rummaging through his rejects, that's where you got her right?" Paris said her finger pointing directly at Kennedy. 

"Rude much?" Kennedy said fazed by Presley's outburst. 

But Presley was far from finished as she turned her attention once more to Kennedy to impart some wisdom. 

"Him I get, he's always been this self-serving jack- a** and a part of the Chilton elite that get away with everything, but you don't seem to know that you are out of your league. Tristan dumped/ cheated on you... boo hoo... let it go. Nobody is sympathizing with anyone but him that some stalker girl can't leave him alone. Do yourself a favor and just move on." 

The car that pulled up at that moment saved Presley from any reaction Kennedy might have had.

"Thanks for nothing Jeremy," Presley said getting into the backseat of the car. The driver closed the door before Jeremy could respond except for a bitter "b****" under his breathe. 

But what could have been just a bad night for Jeremy turned horrible as a hand on his shoulder caused him to turn around putting him face to face with an angry Tristan who without a word landed a punch to Jeremy's smug face sending him to the ground as a horrified Rory stood behind him unable to process what was happening. 

"Stay the hell away from me and Rory! Or we are going to have a BIG problem! Do you understand?" 

Jeremy still on the ground wiped the blood from his mouth as Kennedy came running over to kneel down beside him. 

"Do you understand?! Tristan yelled at him again. 

Reluctantly Jeremy nodded his head and satisfied Tristan turned and took Rory's hand as both of them walked away. 

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