Lost In Ice (Various x Fem. R...

By rainydoesnothing

143K 5.1K 1.9K

Y/n awoke in a bed made of ice that was covered in blankets. Now she's the daughter of a crazed wizard who ki... More

Melted Disaster/Prisoners of Love
Y/n's Profile
Tree Trunks
The Enchiridion
The Jiggler
Ricardio the Heart Guy
Business Time
My Three Favorite People
Memories of Boom Boom Mountain
City of Theives
The Witch's Garden
What Is Life?
When Wedding Bells Thaw
Birthday Chapter
The Duke
Freak City
Stranger in the Ice
What Have You Done
Their Hero
Gut Grinder(s)
Y/n's Profile (Season 2)
It Came From The Nightosphere
The Eyes
Blood Under the Skin
Loyalty to the King
Slow Love
Crystals Have Powers
The Other Tarts
To Cut a Woman's Hair
The Soft Chewed
Her Parents
The Real You
Death in Bloom
Susan Strong
Mama's Cookin'
Mystery Train
Go With Me
The Limit
This Mortal Folly
Mortal Recoil
Adventure #1
Adventure #2
Morituri Te Salutamus
Memory of a Memory
Too Young
Just A Pause
Wizard Battle
Adventures with M/N The Warrior
What Was Missing
The Creeps

Ocean of Fear

2.2K 81 25
By rainydoesnothing

In the dark recesses of the mind, a disease known as FEAR feasts upon the souls of those who cannot overcome its power...

The three known heroes were out chasing a small Fire Newt. Y/n had a wooden bat attached to a belt that held it securely. The newt was gaining ground at a good distance.

"Come back, thief!" Finn called out.

The newt turned his head and spit fire at the three. They quickly dodged the burning spit, though some of it did hit Y/n's bat. The flames were bright and her bat slowly charred into a black crisp. Y/n quickly sheathed the bat and ran ahead of the newt. "Ahh!" she yelled out while running to the nearby water. She threw the bat in the water. It floated up with steam coming off of the burnt end.

She let out a sigh of relief before realizing that her bat was now floating away from her. "Ah, blip! Wait!" she yelled out before diving into the water.

The newt spat more fire at the two boys and they jumped away. "Whoa!" Jake yelped.

The Newt paused and glared at the two. "Stop farting on me! It's gross!" he yelled at the boys. He started to run while avoiding the two adventurers.

"You can't just go around stealing boots," Finn called out.

"Yeah, and you know the penalty for stealing boots. It's poots..." Jake paused to add effect to his words. "On newts." he finished off. The two boys laughed together, ignoring Y/n trying to swim her way out to her bat.

The fire newt stopped in front of the water, trying to think of another way before he dove in and started to swim away.

"He's getting away in that lake!" Finn pointed out, running ahead.

Jake just shook his head. "Dude, that isn't a lake. That's an ocean."

His limbs started to stretch out as he reached for the ocean. A small fart fell out as he barked at the newt.

Finn just laughed and started to copy Jake's baring. "Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! ...Huh?" Finn paused in front of the water. The waves seemed to push him away. They crashed against the sand, making loud splashes.

Finn's vision turned, making everything red. He backed away as a small wave almost hit him.

"Uhh..." Finn's vision went up to see Jake laughing while farting on the newt.

"Poots on newts! Poots on newts!" he heard him yell out.

"No!" the newt swerved away, trying to avoid Jake.

Finn started to laugh and tore his shoes and socks off, leaving them in the sand. "I'm coming, Jake. I'll poot on that newt as soon as I'm barefoot. Uh..." Finn paused once more. The waves seemed eviler than before. More waves crashed around.

Finn fell back and crawled away from the water. His breathing quickened while his stomach erupted in pain."Ow! Why is my stomach going nuts?" he whined out. He pulled his shirt up as a cloud of black smoke came out from his navel.

"Ow!" he winced out. The smoke formed into a face that laughed at his misery.

"Wh-wh-wh-Who are you?" he stuttered out, staring at the creature. (That one Y/n be like-)

"I am the manifestation of your fear," the Feaster paused, making Finn lean back in discomfort. "... fear of the ocean!" he finished off. Finn just gasped at the accusation.

"What? I'm not afraid of lakes, wells, rivers, streams, deep wells, or puddles. Why would I be afraid of-" Finn paused as a wave got near him. He let out a high-pitched scream and he clawed the ground to get away.

The fear Feaster only laughed more. "'Cause, you're a wuss," he stated. Finn glared up at the smoked figure.

"I'm no wuss! I'm the hero around these parts!" he firmly stated.

Feaster only laughed at his misery. "Ha! You're too scared of the ocean to ever be a true hero."

"Not true! I'm not scared of nothin'!" Finn retaliated back. He started to charge at the water letting out a battle cry. He stopped and moved back as a wave crashed nearby, screaming in response.

Finn nervously shook his head and walked away. "I shall conquer my fear," he stated. Feaster just laughed more at the poor boy.

"Yeah, right," Feaster responded back, being sarcastic.

"No! I will. I'll conquer my fear." Finn said, more confident in his words.

"Of course, you will. And I live in a two-bedroom apartment that doesn't smell like vomit," Feaster said while returning back into Finn's navel, laughing while speaking. "...Sarcasm." he ended off before disappearing.

While Finn stared off, Jake trudged up to him, soaked in the salty water. "Dude. Dude, did you see me? I was all like womp, and then I was all like take this! Womp! Womp! And then..." Jake paused his rant when Y/n walked up to the two, equally soaked like Jake.

"Finn, dude, you don't look good. What's wrong?" Y/n asked him, worry in her eyes.

Finn looked down in disbelief. "Guys, I think I'm afraid... of the ocean." he finally let out. One of Jake's eyebrows went up in confusion.

"Say what, now?" He questioned. "How can you be afraid of the ocean?" he questioned.

Y/n just nudged him gently. "Don't worry 'bout that. I got fears! Like enclosed rooms, giant bugs, heights, being a disappointment..." Y/n stopped her rant when she noticed the two looking at her weirdly.

She pouted while her cheeks heated up in blush and crossed her arms, looking to the side. "Just forget that ending." She muttered.

"I need help to overcome my fear. Will you do it?" Finn pleaded out.

Jake pondered for a minute before giving a response. "Um... No... I don't really wanna do it."

"Jake! Come on!" Finn desperately pleaded. He was gripping Jake's legs to try and convince him.

Jake just laughed at him. "I'm just messing with you. I'll do it. Hmm... Where to start?" he started to think of possible ways to help his brother. "Ok. I think we should just take a few steps in the water."  Jake took one of Finn's hands while Y/n took the other "You can hold Jaker and Y/n's hand if you're scared." he tried to ease Finn, who was breathing heavily in fear.

The two tried to walk forward with Finn following, but it only ended with Finn's face planted into the sand.

Y/n just stared down at him, trying not to laugh. "Uh oh..." she mumbled. Jake just sighed and observed Finn's body, mainly the legs.

"Oh it's ok, dude. I see the problem. It's just your feet." Jake bent down and started to take off Finn's shoes and socks.

Y/n now had her arms wrapped around his arms to try and guide Finn with Jake's help." Here we go, Finny boy. . . "

"Boop. Beep. Boop. Beep. Boop. Beep. Boop. Beep. Beep. Boop. Beep. Boop." Jake started to move Finn's feet with his hands. Finn started to breathe heavily through his mouth.

His eyes were staring off while he rambled to himself. "Don't be scared. I shall not be scared." he whimpered.

Y/n saw his expression and nudged him a bit to gain some attention. "It's alright dude, you got this." she gently told him.

"Boop. Boop." Jake was now next to the water. Finn's foot got hit with water for a split second before he started to freak out.

"I'm afraid! Ah!" he screamed. He pushed Y/n back into the water while he jumped up onto Jake's body, hitting him in the process. "Jake, get me out of the water! Now, Jake! Now! Now!" he yelled. Jake inflated his head to avoid the other hits and he dragged Finn far away from the water.

"Hot jam! You're really scared of the ocean. In fact, you're so scared... it gives me an idea." Jake set Finn down, his face covered in hit marks. "Let's start a business of being scared of the ocean!" Jake exclaimed.

"Jake!" Finn whined out in annoyance.

"Ok. Ok. I have a plan to get rid of your fear. We'll start tomorrow morning." Jake started to walk away, but he stopped when Finn started to charge toward the water.

"But I must conquer this now!" he ran while letting out a battle cry. "I'm not afraid of you!" Y/n popped up from the water as a wave crashed down and hit her over in front of Finn. A single drop from the water hit Finn's face and he flinched back letting out a high-pitched squeal.

"I'm afraid of you! I'm afraid of you!" he screamed while crawling backward, away from the water.

Y/n crawled out of the water with a few huffs, "I liked this shirt" she shrugged and proceeded to take her shirt off with a T-shirt underneath, "Oh well!"

Y/n began to shake herself dry, water flying everywhere from her hair. When she finished she smiled, her hair having a blown-out look. But she noticed Finn had crawled further away from the girl.

Y/n rolled her eyes with a pout, "Kinda rude, dude." Y/n walked over to the boys with an upturned nose as she laid her hair flat.

Finn just laid on his back while staring up at Jake. "Ok, yeah. Let's try tomorrow." he sighed, tired from the day.

"Fiiiinn. Finn. Hey, Finn. Wake up." Jake's voice slowly brought Finn out of his dreams.

Finn opened a single eye to see both Jake and Y/n leaning over him. Y/n just gave him a smile, but it was different than her usual expressions.

"Morning guys." he greeted the two.

"Ready for us to help you get over your ocean fear?" Y/n asked him, her head tilting in the process.

"Yeah, man." Finn agreed while nodding his head, yawning from tiredness.

Jake just nodded in return. "Cool... but I can only do this if you ask me." he specified to Finn.

"I'm askin'!" Finn pleaded with the two.

"Then get ready for my three-step plan. Watch your troubles melt away with step one!" Jake exclaimed. While Jake turned to fix some things, Y/n spoke up.

"Remember this Finn: it was so, not my idea." Finn's brow furrowed at her sentence.

Before he could say anything, Jake punched the walls and the flimsy wooden structure fell to the sides revealing the ocean all around them. A part stayed nearby with a wooden paddle sitting on it.

Finn let out a scream at the sight of the ocean. "Jake, are you crazy? This is not an OK thing to do!"

"Hey. Hey. Come on. The ocean is your friend, and you got friends all around you right now. Miles and miles of friends." Jake tried to comfort Finn. It was failing as Finn was struggling in his sleeping bag.

"You're nuts!" he cried out, struggling harder.

Y/n tried to reach out to Finn in comfort. "Relax dude. You're not touching anything. We're just floating along together." After she finished speaking, Jake quickly threw off the blanket that was covering Finn. Revealing that he was roped down. "Jake! I thought we agreed on no chains." Y/n complained, annoyed with being lied to.

"As you can see, Lady Friend, this is rope." Y/n could only sigh as she climbed to the headboard to sit and watch.

" I'll let you out in a second. You just need to calm down."

"Really? Ok. I'm calming down." Finn struggled to talk as he began to hyperventilate.

"That's great. You're doing great. Ready for step two?" Jake asked Finn. By now the young boy was breathing hard. Veins were slowly popping out.

"Yeah, man. I can do it." Finn nodded, unsure of his words.

Jake's arms went around and grabbed a rope end. "Alright, dude. Step... two!" he pulled the rope up and the bed fell apart, now leaving Finn and Jake in the water.

Y/n managed to pull a string, and a hang glider appeared from her backpack.

Finn let out a scream, thrashing around more harshly. "Jake, this isn't a joke! It's touching me!" he panicked.

"Let it hold you, man! Let it hold you like a child!" Jake tried to calm him down, though it wasn't helping with the constant shaking.

Finn could hear and feel his heart pounding. "I'm trying to let it hold me," he whined.

Jake took notice of his uneven breaths. "Control your breathing!"

Instead of listening to Jake, Finn's breathing quickened and didn't support him. "This isn't working!"

"That means we gotta move to step three. Just don't scream." Jake held his arms out and placed them near Finn's head.

"W-what?!" Finn panicked.

Y/n had caught some heavy wind and tried to fly back, "It's okay, Finn! We're right here!" She called out.

When she saw the still panicking teen, she yelled to Jake, "This isn't working," she called out, getting further away. "We gotta pull 'im out!"

"I'm gonna push you underwater with my jowls. Just don't scream. Don't scream." Jake repeated back to Finn. Jake slowly started to push Finn's head down into the water.

"What?!" Finn questioned quickly, but he was ignored.

Jake continued to push him down. "Don't scream. Hold your breath, Finn. You got it, dude!"

Finn felt the cold water hit his skin and he broke free from his sleeping bag. He jumped on top of Jake and started to hit and kick him.

"Get me away, Jake! Now, Jake! Now! Right now! Get-Get me away!" he screamed. Jake was getting bruised up badly.

"Finn! Stop it, Finn! Ow!" Jake winced out. Finn leaned down and gripped Jake's ears, pulling them up to make a sail that caught the wind. Y/n watched as the two flew back to shore.

She started to stir toward the island quickly to follow the two, muttering to herself in annoyance. "I told him.......this isn't gonna work......always leave me behind...."

Finn laughed out when he ran up the shore. "I'm safe! I'm safe! How'd I do?" he turned to face Jake, who was badly beaten up.

"I think we should give up," he concluded, trying to walk away.

Finn was surprised by his answer. "What? I made it all the way to level three."

Jake just sighed "Look, Finn. It's not that I don't want to help you... I just don't wanna get beat up anymore. I mean this," Jake paused to point at his hurt face. " Is my bread and butter. I can't have you messing up my bread and butter, dude."

Finn looked at Jake pleadingly. "You have to help me. I can't do this without you. Or Y/n!" he added on, now noticing the girl show up at the shore with a glare on her face.

"Ok. Fine... but only if you swear not to hit me anymore." Jake made him promise.

"I swear I won't hit you anymore," Finn promised while asking his head.

Y/n threw the glider into the ocean and walked up to the two. "Raise your right hand, and repeat," she said.

"And also swear to only speak in rhymes. Speak in rhymes all the time." Jake added on.

Finn complied with the two. "I swear I won't hit you anymore... and I'm sorry we left you.... for the shore."

Jake just grinned at him. "Yes. Perfect. And since you want more... it's time for step four." he added on.

"What? I thought you said it was a three-step plan... man." Finn questioned, confused with Jake.

"I'm not that good at counting." he laughed while picking up an old and rusty submarine."Come on. Let's go kick your fear of the ocean where the sun don't shine... in the sea cucumber."

The three got inside the submarine that Jake had placed in the water.

Jake was steering the machine down through the ocean. Little fist moved out of the way, scared of the rusty machine."Check it, dude. One hundred percent awesome-itude." Jake said, looking around.

The young girl messed with her overgrown hair before catching sight of the view that was down below.

"Oh wow..." Y/n whispered. She was in total awe of the deep blue sea.

"Yeah. It's pretty math... you psychopath." Finn replied back, his eyes shut tight.

Jake just looked back at him. "You know, it looks way more math if you open up your eyes," he stated before turning back to steer.

Finn slowly opened his eyes, and they widened. "Whoa..." he muttered out. He walked over and stood next to Y/n, both enamored with the fish and plants.

"See, man? The ocean is beautiful. There's no reason to be afraid of things that are beautiful." Jake tried to convince Finn more.

"Hey. This isn't that bad. I'm actually glad." Finn smiled.

Jake looked ahead and spotted something. "Hey, look! A black abyss! Let's go check it out... sauerkraut." he rhymed back to Finn.

Finn saw the pit and froze up. "No, Jake! Turn around! Turn around!" Finn cried out. He could almost see the Fear Feaster laughing at him.

"Noooo!" he screamed out. Y/n tried to pull Finn back.

"Calm down, lil dude. We're okay..." she tried to comfort him.

Jake just glanced back for a second " Saying 'Turn around' twice doesn't count as a rhyme, dude." Finn pushed Y/n back and punched Jake away from the controls.

"Hey, you swore!" Jake complained to Finn. In response, Finn punched him again. "Ow! My bread and butter!"

Finn grabbed the controls and jerked them around to avoid the abyss.

"No, dude! Don't!" Jake cried out.

Y/n fell back from the movement. "Finn, you have to calm down" she yelled, gasping while getting up. He pressed a button and it launched some torpedoes, one hitting an old building that was submerged in the water. The building started to crumble down and it hit the submarine, causing a leak to happen.

Finn started to freak out more while water filled the inside. "Don't worry, dude. Everything's cool. This is the perfect segue into level five." he handed a water suit over to Finn and Y/n. Y/n put it on carefully so that it would work correctly. "Here, put this on," he told the two. His suit was halfway on.

Finn quickly put his suit on with no hesitation.

"Just make sure you don't pull the emergency tab." he pointed out the tag. Finn gripped it and immediately pulled it with no hesitation. "No, dude! I said don't..." Jake's yell was cut off by Finn's suit expanding rapidly. Jake fell back and hit the walls, passing out in the process.

Y/n was caught under a piece of the building and desperately tried to grab at her string to pull it, but her's was cut off from being worn out.

Finn floated up to the top while Y/n and Jake descended down into the abyss.

"Jake? Y/n? Jaaaaaake! Y/nnnn!" Finn called out when he reached the top. He gripped onto a buoy and looked around desperately.

Fear Feaster slowly emerged and laughed at Finn. "Pathetic! You can't even overcome your fear now that your friends are about to die! Your un-heroic body will never let you save Jake or Y/n." he continued to laugh while Finn's worry turned into sadness.

He glanced down at the water. "You're right," he mumbled. Fear Feaster ceased his laughter and stared at the boy, a grin growing on his face.

"What? Really? You think I'm right? Well, that's... that's great!" he cheered. While Fear Feaster was having a mini celebration, Finn pulled out a wrench that was on a board nearby.

"If my body won't let me rescue my best friend, then there's only one thing left to do." Finn held the wrench up in a tight grip. For a minute, he removed his helmet, hit his head, and passed out while the helmet fell back on his head. He sank down while Fear Feaster followed, being attached to Finn's naval.

"No. Wait. No! Noooo!" Fear Feaster cried out. Going deeper within the water grasps.

Finn groaned in pain and slowly awoke to see dark blue all around. He heard Jake groan and saw that he landed right next to him.

"Jake! Jake! Wake up!" he cried out, shaking Jake by his arms. He opened his eyes slowly to see Finn. "You ok, dude?" Finn questioned.

Jake slowly nodded, now coming back to his consciousness. "Yeah, man. Wait... Finn, you did it! You conquered your fear!" Jake exclaimed.

Finn grew confused by the statement. "What?" he questioned Jake.

"You're at the bottom of the ocean!" Jake finished off. Finn slowly realized where he was and freaked out, trying to pull his emergency tab. But nothing happened.

"Maybe we should celebrate on land." Jake said. But before they could do anything, they heard Y/n speak.

"Guys?! I need some help..." her voice mumbled. The two boys turned to see her trapped under some rumble. They both swam over and lifted it up enough to let her slide out. "I wanna go home..." she whispered. She gripped on the back of Jake while his arms were holding onto Finn. He pulled his emergency tab and they all floated up to the surface.

After surfacing, the three made it onto the sandy beach and fell on their backs.

"I'm proud of you man. You did it!" Jake congratulated Finn.

Y/n just smiled at him "Yeah dude, you had real guts down there." She ruffled Finn's hat, causing a few strains to peak out, "What you did was geonomical."

Finn stared out into the sky, a grin on his face. "Thanks, guys," he said, feeling content in himself.

Their happiness was sooned soured by the Fear Feaster that emerged once again from Finn's Navel. "You've nothing to be proud of, boy! You will never get of your fear of the ocean!" he cackled out.

Jake jumped back in shock. "Whoa, dude! What's with your belly button?" he questioned, staring at the smoky being while Y/n covered her mouth in disgust.

"Dude, you need to get that checked."

Finn glared at the Fear Feaster "What the flip, man? I just swam to the bottom!" he argued

"No you didn't, cheater! You just sank to the bottom. You will never be a great hero." Finn started to feel insecure.

He frowned "He's right. I'll never be a hero."

Finn felt his stomach rumble and a black-smoke limousine appeared. The smoky limo parked in front of the three and a window rolled down. "Finn, you are wrong. The mark of a great hero is his flaw." a Wise Man told him. There were two others beside him.

"You know nothing, Wise Men!" Fear Feaster argued back at him.

"Silence, Fear Feaster! We know a lot!" the Wise Man yelled back, making Fear Feaster shrink back.

Y/n's eyebrow raised up. "Why didn't you come sooner with Mr. Smoky around?" she questioned. The Wise Man just sighed.

"Because the limo driver's flaw is being late." The limo's driver's window rolled down to reveal the driver.

"Sorry." he apologized before rolling it back up.

The Wise man started to roll the window up, calling out to Finn. "Farewell, Finn. You truly are the greatest hero of Ooo." The limo started up again and drove into the smoke it was before, returning into Finn's navel.

Finn faced the Fear Feaster with a newfound determination. "It's time for you to go away, Fear Feaster!" Finn gloated.

Fear Feaster seemed surprised. "What? Am I supposed to live in your tummy for the rest of my life?" he questioned.

"Everybody has a flaw... and it looks like yours is smelling like my nasty guts," Finn smirked while Fear Feaster slowly returned into his navel by force.

"Wonderful..." his voice was muffled while he disappeared.

"Glob that's disgusting, Finn."

And so fear is forced deep within the soul of a hero. Conquered... at least, for now...

I will not lie, school has been stressful and it's only the first week. (It's now been like three)

By the time I'm writing this note, I am waiting for a role in a song that has a lot of solos in it. I hope I get a part. I'll update here once I figure it out. Guys I got the solo.

Other than that, I hadn't been motivated to log on using my chrome book or laptop so updates have been a struggle. I apologize for that.

I do love the characters from this show, I've been straying away because of Sideshow Bob from The Simpsons.

Thank you guys for 1,000 hearts!! Oh my goodness, I never thought we would get this far. Love ya!

I changed the title!

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