The Prodigy and the Band Girl...

By IWAEHypeMan

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Nagae Riku, heir apparent to the prestigious Nagae Family, what people don't know, he is one of the greatest... More

Bio(Update v2)
Gensokyo Girls Info Pt. 1
Gensokyo Girls Info Pt. 2
II - Offer and Gift
III - Start of School and Reunion
IV - Confirmation and Proposal
V - Gathering and Reveal
VI - CiRCLE and Answers
VII - Truth and Agreement
VIII - Response and Stand-in(Revised)
IX - Return and the New OG
X - Practice, Exams and Group Stage Begins
XI - Results, Plans and Secrets
XII - The 2nd day and a Very Close Call
XIII - Attack and The Girls Arrive at Stockholm!
XIV - The Future World Fes Begins! OG vs Team Spirit! A rematch on both sides!
XV - Riku's Day Off and Recovery
XVI - OG vs Thunder Awaken - Riku and Tenshi
XVII - Hinanawi Tenshi and Roselia's Invitation
XVIII - The Grand Finals and the Battle Awaits
XIX - Departure and the Long Way Home
XX - A New Problem and the New CiRCLE
XXI - To Each Others Feelings and a Night in the Pub
XXII - Project SEKAI and the Live Begins Now
XXIII - A Deal and a Childhood Outing
XXIV - Breakfast at Dawn and Riku's Challenge
XXV - Dragon vs Turtle, Danmaku Debut and the Meetup
XXVI - The Hotel Performance and the Return Home
XXVII - CiRCLE's New Members and Relationships Revealed
XXVIII - Riku and Kaguya - A Bond Rekindled
XXIX - The Engagement and the Celestial Family's Plan
XXX - Riku, Rinko and Miyu
XXXI - The Frog Goddess and the Black Cat

I - Return.......with the Boys and Promise

330 9 1
By IWAEHypeMan

A/N: Since TI10 True Sight is tonight, might as well put this out. And quick cause a storm is about to hit my place, may god help me and my family........probably the 4th storm for the past month and a half......

Arena Națională, Bucharest, Romania

October 17, 2020

The International 10 Grand Finals

The arena was on their feet as they witnessed the beginning and what they didn't know. It also marked the end of one of the greatest dynasties in competitive music history.

Host 1: 2 years ago, they created a miracle!! Last year, they silenced all the doubters!! Now we can say, they are THE band!! They are now, the greatest band of all time in competitive music history!! OG!! Your TI10 champions!!!!!

Cheers can be heard across the crowd when he announces the winning band who won TI. The five men who were named champions were in tears after winning their third TI in a row without changing much over the previous three years. It shows that the bond they share is unshakable even in the face of adversity throughout the years.

Host 2: OG gave their all in this tournament from day 1, giving no chance on who they face. Dominated in the Group Stage. In the Main Stage, they 2-0 Team Secret. 2-0 Invictus. 2-0 PSG.LGD and they just 3-0 Team Spirit with no effort at all. OG made history just now, a perfect record in a TI Main Stage not even dropping a single song.

Host 1: N0tail, Ceb, Topson, SumaiL and Iku. These 5 brothers, defied all odds, silenced all the doubters and now, they made their mark in TI history as the only band to take their 3rd Aegis in 5 years since the founding of this band. Once again ladies and gentlemen, your TI10 champions OG!!!!!

As the five men hoisted the Aegis together, the cheers became louder and the celebration began, marking the conclusion of The International 10, which will be remembered as the TI in which a stand-in, a producer, a king, a prodigy, and the betrayed brother won their third and last Aegis.

3 Months Later

January 17, 2021

Riku POV

I, Nagae Riku, am now on a private plane owned by the Nagae family on its route to Japan from Portugal. The issue is, I'm with the rest of the retiring OG.

Two weeks before my travel to Japan, our leader, Johan, aka N0tail, decided that the band would take a long-term holiday to celebrate our third win and retirement.

Everyone agreed, and as they were deciding where to go, I suddenly blurted out that they should go to Japan with me. I'm going back to Japan, so I may as well take them there on vacation.

Another reason for this is so the organization can find a location to hold a bootcamp for OG in the case that a tournament takes place in Japan.

Everyone agreed, and the band left for Japan. Fortunately, Johan has people he can trust to operate OG while he is elsewhere, although they will get some work from time to time because N0tail and Ceb are co-owners of OG.

I just woke up from my nap and looked out the window, and it's already daylight. I checked my phone, and it was 10 a.m.

I notice Sumail and Topson are still asleep. N0tail and Ceb were awake, managing files for OG using the tablets they had.

As I settled into my seat, I was greeted by Ayabe, who handed me a cup of coffee.

Ayabe: Good morning Riku-sama. How was your sleep?

Riku: Fantastic. Got some of the best sleeps that I had in a long while. Thanks*takes coffee from Ayabe*

Ceb: Riku, good morning. You finally woke up.

Riku: Morning Ceb. So, what are you and Johan checking at?

Johan: Just something that me and Juan will do once our vacation is finished.

Johan gave me the tablet and, I took a look at it and I was surprised on what the content was.

Riku: The Monkey Business Show..............a podcast?

Johan: Yup. We were thinking that every week we'd have a special guest from another band and speak about, you know, anything. From our debut to how we adapt and change during our performances, to the craziness we face on a daily basis. That is basically it.

It's good, not gonna lie; having a podcast will be a good change of pace from the seriousness of the competition.

Riku: It's a good idea, can't wait to watch it. Make sure I get a chance to be there okay?

Ayabe: Riku-sama, we're about to land at the airport. Please prepare the things that you need.

Riku: Ok. Wake Jesse and Topias up, tell them we're about to land.

Ayabe: Understood.

I got up from my seat and get ready while Ayabe wakes up Topias and Sumail.

Haneda Airport, Japan

30 minutes later

Minutes have passed, and we're all awake, refreshed, and prepared. The jet finally landed in Japan.

Riku: I'm home at's been 8 years since we've been here right Ayabe?

Ayabe: Indeed it has Riku-sama.

As we were having our casual talk, a limousine approached us. The driver of said car got out, and greeted me with a bow.

???: Welcome back to Japan, Young Master.

Riku: You are.........Aizawa right?

Aizawa: It's good that you remember me. Now that you have arrived, the master has assigned me to take you to the mansion.

As Aizawa finished, one of the suits (A/N: I received the male version, while Kokoro received the female) approached me and assured me that they would take care of my baggage and transport it immediately to the estate. I agreed and headed to the car. So I and the boys got into the car, Ayabe sat beside me, and we drove to the Nagae Estate as planned.

40 Minutes Later

It's been 40 minutes since we left the airport, and I've noticed some changes since I arrived. Johan and the others were enjoying the view, assuming this was their first visit to Japan.

What piqued my curiosity the most was the huge amount of live houses. Ayabe noticed me glancing at the live houses and stated.

Ayabe: It seems after OG's win at TI8, well....more likely you, the rise of Live Houses and bands has increased for the past 3 years. As of now, there are at least 700 Live Houses across Japan.

Riku: That much?

Ayabe just nodded at my answer and I just continue looking at the city through the window.

I was gazing out the window. There, I saw a young teenage girl with pale skin and big, slanted violet eyes. She has long black hair styled loosely after a hime cut; heavy bangs across her forehead with straightened sidelocks that reach past her shoulders.

When we passed by, she and I made eye contact for a moment before I looked behind the car and saw she was already far away. Ayabe and the boys noticed me doing that and approached me.

Ayabe: Riku-sama, is something the matter?

Riku: Nothing. It's just that... I just saw someone that I knew long ago.

Sumail: Someone you know my guy?

Riku: Yeah, she's been one of my friends since I was a kid. She's good with the piano, though.

Ayabe: Shall I stop the car so you can see her?

Riku: No need to do that. My gut tells me that we will meet again, and I am sure of it.

I just sat back and returned to our usual stuff. I'm sure we'll see each other again......Rinko.

??? POV

As I was walking home with my friends after band practice, we came across a limousine, as it was about to pass us, I managed to take a look at who was at the back. And what I saw was a boy who has short dark violet-blue hair that reaches at his nape, heterochromic eyes, red on the right and gold on the left.

Just as it passed by us, he took a look at me, and I followed his line of sight until the car was already far away from us. Those eyes, that hair. I'm not mistaken.....he's back. After so long, he's finally back.

As I was in my own world right now, someone woke me up to reality, and it was my friend Yukina-san, the vocalist and leader of Roselia. The band that I am with right now.

Yukina: Rinko, who were you looking at?

Rinko: E-Eh!? Yukina-san!?

Yukina: Sorry to surprise you so suddenly, but you were spacing out after you had been looking at that car for a while now. Was that someone you know?

Rinko: Y-Yes. I used to know him back when we were kids. He's the very reason that I began playing the piano, besides my mother.

???: So he good?

Rinko: I-Imai-san? Uh.....yes, you could say he's a good musician........I think good would be an understatement to describe him.

???: What do you mean by that, Shirokane-san?

???: Yeah. How good is he Rin-Rin?

Rinko: Hikawa-san, Ako-chan. What I mean is, he is considered a prodigy, back when I was young, I have won multiple music contests but him, he has won 3 times more than me, there was one contest where we get to participate together and...........

Yukina-san asks me as I try to remember what happened back then.

Yukina: And what happened Rinko?

Rinko: He won. He won the competition like it was nothing. I was overwhelmed by the music he played, it's was a performance given by god.

Everyone was in pure shock as I told them on how good he was, I can't blame them, I'll be the same as them when I hear it the first time.

Lisa: He's that good? I mean, knowing you, you would've quit playing piano after that right?

Rinko: Yes, I almost gave up on piano......

Sayo: Then-

I cut off Hikawa-san as I continued.

Rinko: I was about to......but, he came to me after the contest and said that my music is very different from the others. He then taught me some piano techniques, we hung out often, and after that, we became fast friends. Until........

Y, L, A, S: Until?

Rinko: Until he decided to go overseas to pursue his career in music. I was 9 back then and he was 11; he was the best friend I ever had, I was sad that he was leaving but, before he left, we made a promise.

Lisa: A promise?


9 Years Ago

Haneda Airport

Rinko: Are you sure you have to go Riku?

Riku: Yeah. If I want to step up my skills as a musician, I have to take it to the next level. I have to go overseas to learn more about their music and make my own.

Rinko: How long will you be gone?

I asked this to Riku while i held back my tears.

Riku: Hmmmmmm.........I don't know how long I'll be gone, but.........then how about this.

Riku took something off from his neck and it was his necklace that he won in the arcade that we went. Riku told me that he asked his grandfather to customize it to his liking.

Riku: Let's make a promise. You and I. I'll give you this necklace, and I'll let you keep it. But only if you become a better pianist than you are right now, and I become a professional musician when I get back. You can return that to me.

I just stared at Riku while he held his necklace right in front of me. As he said that he promised to return. So I took a necklace with a smile and promised him this.

Rinko: I'll take care of this, I'll become a better pianist, and one day I'll return this to you......that's a promise.

End of Flashback

Rinko: And after we made our promise, he left for France and I continued to improve my skills on the piano and that promise still stands to this day.

I took out the necklace that Riku gave me and showed it to them.

Rinko: I've held this for 8 years. And If what I saw earlier on was truly him, then the time to fulfill it has come. I'll show him how much I've improved and return it to him.

I said that with pure confidence and this is the first time the girls have seen me like this, the usual timid girl brimming with confidence.

I know that my current skills won't reach him yet, but I want to show him how much I've grown for the past few years.

Yukina-san comes close to me and gently puts her hand on my shoulders.

Yukina: Is that so? well how about you show it to him, once we get into Future World Fes? That will be the perfect place to show him how much you've grown. Rinko, as the leader of this band and also your friend, I will support you on this one.

Lisa: Yukina's right, Rinko. We'll support you all the way. I mean, who knows? He might devote himself to Roselia if he heard us play.

Sayo: I might disagree with Imai-san's take on the latter, but I have your back, Shirokane-san, I'll help you anyway I can on your promise.

Ako: That's right, Rin-Rin! We got your back, so don't worry too much.

I am so happy with what my friends said to me. They will help me fulfill my promise to him. I am so happy that I started to cry. I cried in joy that I have friends that I can trust.

Rinko: Everyone....*sniff*...thank you so much...*sniff*.....

Yukina-san and the rest gave me a group hug to calm me down. Now I' more confident than ever, I'll do my best so Roselia can enter Future World Fes and fulfill the promise I made years ago.

And I know we'll see each other very soon.

Lisa: So, what's his name, Rinko?

Imai-san asks me for his name. I said his name with the brightest smile that I could give.

Rinko: Riku. Nagae Riku.

A/N: Ok, so this is over 2,000 words....probably the most I have so far as I am still a beginner.

I'll be doing the 2nd chapter once I get some ideas, cause I write this on the fly and whatever comes into my head. Once finished, I double check in case something is wrong.

The 2nd chapter might be longer cause TI11 is approaching and I might have little to no time writing so sorry in advance.

So, I thank the people who managed to read this and please feel free to comment on what I should do to improve this story, it means a lot to me cause again, this is my 1st story.

And with that, I am out, thank you so much for reading this and hopefully wait for the next one. I am outtie 5 bagillion...........YEET!!!!

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