So Long, Therese I

By AngelaClaireJV

8.5K 390 52

Just another mother x daughter. A comfort story as it is. TW: Mentions of Abuse, Self-harm, Sexual Assault Th... More

That Girl
Attitude Problems
A Nobody
Our Time
New Home
Past Unwinded
Fallen Angel
Mommy's Bug
What A Mother Does?
Just Fine
Diamonds And Heartaches
You're Safe Bug
A Night Of Sorrow
Promises, Promises.
The Bereavement
Pretty Coincidences

Lavender And Pain

828 28 6
By AngelaClaireJV

Amber's Pov
Tw: Abuse

My insides rejoiced as I headed to the house of my best friend. Jane Williams, like me, Jane has one parent which makes it even for the two of us, nevertheless, we have been best friends since the first day we ever met.

Jane carried me through tears and laughter, we were together, we were inseparable. She was my listener and I was her fighter. She listens when I needed someone and I thank her for always having my back, I was the fighter, the one who'd always take her side and fight for her no matter what happens.

I knocked excitedly as I waited for someone to open the door. At first, I thought it would be Jane, but it was Mrs. Williams. The wonderful lady greeted me joyously as she realized my father would let me join her tonight.

Being a person who was always here I didn't need a tour to find Jane. Honestly, it was just Jane, Mrs. Williams, and me for dinner.

Today was Mr. Williams's second death anniversary, I sincerely feel bad for them, especially for Jane who I've seen suffer the most.

To me Mr. Williams was a great guy, he was a friend of Martin, but he was a better father figure than Martin to me ever was. While Mrs. Williams was preparing food for us, I crept to my best friend's room.

"Open the shitty door." I say idly as I stared blankly at the 'knock before you enter' sign that was stuck through her door.

"Well, good morning," I say as the door opened revealing Jane who looked exactly like she just woke up. She just woke up, my girlie sleeps in the day and wakes up at night. No wonder she looks like a vampire.

"Hello, perfectly disgusting bitch." She groans as a huge yawn escapes her lips, that's what we can call a normal conversation for the two of us. I entered her bedroom and immediately sat on her reserved couch, only for me of course.

"Why don't we help your mom? She's already tired of your 16 years of existence, helping her might lessen the pressure, you know." I watched as she paced back and forth to fix some unwanted mess she had caused the night before.

Jane was, well Jane was gorgeous. Those gleaming blue eyes, her hair of lavender, (if you've read Girl in Pieces, the hair color is based on Ellie.) her smile that would hold someone in a trance, she, she was my definition of beauty. I'm not in love with my best friend but she's just effortlessly pretty.

"I tried helping her earlier, she didn't want me to touch any of her work. Girl, she hates it when I do something around here." Jane rolled her eyes, suddenly her mood exchanged when something went inside her mind. Having the unexpected energy, she rummaged through her drawers.

"What are you up to?" I raised an eyebrow as my gaze followed her every movement.

"I'm looking for something, ok, hold on." Finally, she caught hold of a small Polaroid picture. She held it closer to me and there I grinned at what I saw.

"What's funny?" Jane's smile immediately turned into a frown. She was holding a photo of the woman I crossed paths with earlier, next to her was Jane, an ecstatic Jane.

"That's the woman I almost stole from today." I giggle, the thought of that Angelina never left me since earlier.

"You stole from Angelina Jolie?" Her eyes grew wide as she looked at me with pure bewilderment.

"Almost, didn't know she was guarded," I muttered, only to leave Jane rolling on the floor with laughter.

"What a loser, what made you think you could steal from a celebrity?" Jane snorted trying to contain the rest of her laughter. I was dumbstruck for a moment.

"A celebrity?" I repeated, the moment when she pulled me into her arms, the feeling never yet left me. Why was she so... Mothering?

"Yeah, how come you don't know Angelina Jolie? So tell me, how did it go?" Jane eagerly asked I didn't care who she was, but a little bit of me wanted to come across her once again.

"Well, first she asked me to take her to Madame Gracielle's where I almost didn't agree to do so, then I took her purse, ran to where I usually would, I got caught by her bodyguard, we talked, she saw my scars, she hugged me, gave me $200, then she left. Nothing special." Having the urge to lie down on her bed I did. A small moan escaped my lips as my back hit the soft comfortable mattress.

"Nothing special? She hugged you! Ohh my god Amber, you are so stupid." Jane lay beside me and ran through her phone.

"Yeah? She gave me her card too." I grinned even more, searching through my pockets, my hand felt the piece of paper Angelina gave me.

"I'm gonna cry, you're stupid enough to realize how lucky you are, show me!" She sat up to snatch Angelina's card from me and scanned it with her eyes that were overly incredulous.

"Amber, she signed it!" The lavender girl squealed. She returned the paper to me and her back fell to the soft mattress.

"Let me tell you this. I. Do. Not. Care." She slightly smacked my leg as she was still unable to recover from her thoughts.

"You know what? Let's go, help mom."  Jane finally decides as she stands up and I could easily predict how the room started spinning.

"That's a sign to sleep early." I also stood up to get myself ready to go down and help Mrs. Williams.

I knew what Jane meant when Mrs. Williams didn't want Jane to do any work, even right when we tried to help, she immediately said it was fine. I had to insist and finally, she agreed only by giving us the lightest work.

She had Jane set the tables and I was told to help her. An hour later everything was ready, the three of us sat on a round table where all of Mrs. Williams's prepared food.

"It's a surprise your father let us have you for dinner, sweetie." Mrs. Williams beams at me with the sweetest voice.

"I did something in return." I sadly responded.

"What is it this time? Did he force you to drink? Did he hit you again?" Mrs. Williams asks worried, you could always see how much she cared about me. Almost like I was her daughter. I just shook my head, I hated it when people talk about how Martin treated me, I just hate how it all come's back to me.

"He told her to steal again and guess what? She was stupid enough to steal from Angelina Jolie, she gave her 200 though."  Jane answers, her mouth stuffed with as much food as she could contain.

"Angelina?" with the mention of Angelina's name, Mrs. Williams was left speechless, perhaps it was like something had hit her.

"Is there something wrong? Are you okay Mrs.Williams?" I ask as the woman who was too stunned to do or say something.

"Yes, I'm fine. Have you tried the mac and cheese? I tried something different with the sauce." She responded finally leaving her trance, it was unlikely for Mrs. Williams to do so. I nodded as the mac and cheese filled my plate.

"You know it's much better if you lived with us." Jane continues, she was slim, but the amount of food she eats in a day could cause me heart attack.

"I would have been here a few years ago if not only my father hates the fact I still go here." Now is surely the time when I needed a topic change.

"You know you're always welcome here- who's that?" Our heads turn to the door as a loud aggressive knock was heard. It seemed a little threatening to knock on someone's door that harsh, Jane was scared. I was too, but I didn't want to be obvious.

Mrs. Williams stood up to see who it was, she then opened the door to reveal Martin. A heavily drunk, anxious, and frustrated Martin Chavez.

"Martin! It's a surprise to see you, would you be glad to join us for dinner?" Mrs.Wiliams says, her voice shaking, she knew something was off.

"Is, uh, Is Amber here?" He asks, he looked worst than ever and rather too anxious. Mrs. Williams nods and calls out to reveal me.

"Yes, father?" There I stood with Mrs. Williams's hand resting on my shoulders. She knew something was gonna happen.

"Come home, kid. I've got to tell you something ." Martin looked pitiful, he wasn't the usual guy that I know every day. He wasn't the grumpy, impatient Martin I know, he looked... Kind.

"You can just tell me now?" By that, Mrs. Williams's hand held onto me tighter, but with just the flash of Martin's eyes, I knew it was better if I went home.


"Get me some water." Martin orders as he closed the windows and curtains, closely peaking every single minute.

I obeyed, although with a sigh I wish I could be with the Williams longer. Martin didn't want to tell me anything, he wanted me to come home.

Returning with the glass of water, I unintentionally tripped into the muffled carpet, spilling the contents unto the floor. Martin immediately saw my wreckage.

"I'm sorry, I'll just clean this up. I'll get you another one." I whisper under my breath already scared of the fact he noticed.

As I ducked to grab the cup of water, I felt a sickening pain as Martin's foot landed on my face, I felt blood gush through my nose, and I then lifted my shirt to wipe the blood off.

Although, felt Martin grab my hair causing me to look up and meet his eyes, those cold blue eyes pierced through my thoughts.

"You don't think I've heard everything you've said about me to that woman? You ungrateful little pest." He growled at my face, he grabbed me by my chest and threw me to the wall causing my back to collide with it. I had to issue a small groan as it had hurt badly.

Martin came towards me and pounced on my stomach making me gasp for air. I closed my eyes and prayed this would now all end. Just when he was about to pounce on me again, I heard the click of handcuffs.

"Martin Chavez, you are under arrest for the crime of kidnapping and physical assault. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." A deep voice was what I heard, my vision was a blur as I sat up and wiped the rest of the blood off my face.

When my sight was back I saw two figures come towards me, two women. The surroundings was filled with bright flashes of light. The other woman was a familiar face. It was none other than... Angelina? I could only guess that the other one was her sister because of the same brunette features.

"Ohh, my baby." She cries out, kneeling on the floor and gently touching my cheeks.

"Are you okay my Therese?" Angelina asks once again, there she pulls me closer to her, into another full embrace. I could feel her warmth against me, her scent gradually grazing my nose, her hand gently caressing my back. I felt how tight she held me though I didn't want to let go, she was a sense of comfort that I didn't understand why. She held me closely to her, make me feel safe than I ever did my whole entire life. I looked up to see the woman smiling down at me, tears were streaming down her beautiful face.

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