The Girl In The Hood

By HayleeMikaelson

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Kate Bishop x Reader (GXG) with some Yelena x reader but it will be a Kate Bishop/ reader endgame. Promise. ... More

Chapter 1: Let Me Tell You A Story
Chapter 2: How It Started
Chapter 3: In This Together
Chapter 4: Caught By Surprise
Chapter 6: You're Dangerously Beautiful
Chapter 7: It's Never Really Simple
Chapter 8: Such A Good Day
Chapter 9: I Lost My Head
Chapter 10: Fear and Pain
Chapter 11: When I Say Jump
Chapter 12: I Had A Day
Chapter 13: I Had A Night
Chapter 14: I Did One Million Stupid Things

Chapter 5: So... A Date?

341 11 2
By HayleeMikaelson

It's been two nights since the incident on the roof top, and y/n wrapping my ankle. I kept wearing y/n's jacket since it was just downright comfortable and warm despite the thin material. 

When I reported back to Clint, he was happy to hear about the new development on the case. I didn't exactly tell him about the letter, since I felt as though it was a little personal, but I did tell him I found out she wasn't from here.

After that he decided he wanted to go on a sting operation to find out more. I might of also told him where y/n might be hanging around at night and we can see if she meets up with Loki or perhaps does some criminal activity. 

That was the plan.

 I was excited to spend my time with my partner and mentor. I was even looking forward to seeing him in action when he decides to fight y/n. I told him about how she stopped my arrows, not once but twice with her bare hands. Clint said he needed to see that for himself. 

I began to get rid of feeling the nerves about the whole thing. I had to stay focus and show Clint I was taking this seriously. I gave myself a pep talk, I stretched and packed some snacks incase the sting operation took longer than what we originally planned. Everything was going perfect. That was until I was getting out of my room and walked into Yelena.

She looked at me but didn't say anything. Her and I have been on the silent treatment since we got home that night. Both of us to stubborn to apologize. Peter says I should apologize and be the bigger person, but I don't want to be. This was my mission and I felt as though Yelena was starting to get in the way of that. What happened to her wanting to help me.

Even when I would mention a few things to Clint about y/n or try to figure out way to catch her, Yelena would scoff and roll her eyes. A few times I caught her mumbled under her breath. Something about 'misunderstanding and judgmental'. I honestly didn't know what to do anymore. And it wasn't like I could tell her to back off either since Clint already made Peter and Yelena my partners when he wasn't with me. 

But still as much as I hated feeling like she was trying to push me away from y/n she was my friend, and I couldn't just ignore her forever. I really did want to work it out with her. 

"Hey, can we talk" I sighed, turning towards her. She looked at me and gave me a tight lip smile nodding her head. I tilted my head looking at her outfit. She was wearing normal clothes. I thought she had a mission tonight. "Going on a sting mission, also?" I asked. That's not what I wanted to talk about but now I was curious.

"A date actually" she slowly nodded. I could tell she was debating on whether or not to actually tell me the truth. But after what happened, it was better than me finding out.

"I didn't know you were seeing someone?"

"It's actually my first date so it's not a big deal" she shrugged.

"Oh, yeah of course. Don't wanna put a label on things before you know if they're a serial killer" I say, scratching the side of my head. "W-who are you meeting with" please don't be y/n, please don't be y/n, please don't--.

"Well, if you must know Kate Bishop, I am going on a date with... y/n y/ln" she said her name with a sly smirk.

"Did you stalk her to get her to go on a date with you?"

She laughed, finding this entertaining.

"No, I'm hoping she's still sitting on the roof top so I could invite her out."

"You haven't even asked her yet. I thought I told you not to sleep with the enemy"

"No Kate Bishop you said, and I quote, wait I think I have you recorded one second" Yelena held up a finger pulling out her cellphone. She clicked the play button and suddenly I hear my own voice.

"You wanna fuck her then go right ahead, I don't care" my voice shouted from the device. She replayed it over and over before laughing and putting it away.

"You did in fact tell me to sleep with the enemy. Remember now." Yelena smirked, walking past me. "Don't wait up" she waved at me not bothering to turn and face me.

Yelena's P.O.V

I knew Kate Bishop was starting to get irritated about everything that was going on. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. For the past year I've watched the archer try to capture this mysterious vigilante who she claims to be causing havoc around the city.

(Uh what are you doing?) .... (What does it look like I'm doing, I'm telling my version of events)... (But this is my story) ... (And now it's mine, don't be selfish Kate Bishop) ... (Selfish, wait how did you even get in here) ... (I am a woman of many talents now hush up, it's my turn to tell the story. Now where was I before I got rudely interrupted. Oh yes, Y/n Y/Ln)

Word got around the avenger's compound about said vigilante taking over the city as a new hero, and everyone was now interested in them. Then they saw her talking to the god of mischief himself and suddenly she was placed on the most wanted list.

Y/n Y/Ln, that's all they have been talking about. Safe to say it was funny to see Kate Bishop running around playing cat and mouse, and hearing about the failed missions. Their encounters from what I first heard was the typical bad guy run-in, but then I started to get invested in it. Kate Bishop would talk animatedly about her in counters, the way she fought and how her archery skills was nothing she had ever seen before. Everything she said made me more curious to say the least.

I guess that's why I wanted to get in on the mission. I wanted to help a friend finally capture her nemesis who she had claimed to be y/n. But I didn't expect her to be soo... attractive and so uncaring about everything around her. Like she was enjoying making a fool out of us. 

The first time I saw her that night, the way she fought and had me on my feet. I thought Natasha was the best fighter, and Clint a great archer but y/n made it look like a walk in the park. And when she pulled off her hood, she smirked my way loving how she had caught me slipping up.

She never misses, is what she said. She smirked. The flash bomb arrow that she shot wasn't what really blinded me, but the girl herself.

Then I saw the arrow shoot at the ledge right next to bishop. Curious, I told Peter Parker to get me the arrow so I could look at it. The address on the arrow was bishop security, Kate bishop's mom's building. She wanted to meet with her, and I would admit I felt something strange swirling around in my stomach. It didn't hurt but it made me feel very weird.

Maybe it was the feeling of a trap or perhaps something more dangerous. I knew Kate would try to go there, on her own if need be. I couldn't let her do that. She was too kind-hearted, trusting everyone to be a good person deep down. So, I took it upon myself to check it out.

The firs night I went, I watched y/n sit on the ledge. She straddled it, one leg dangling over the ledge while the other was bend to her chest. Her back pressed on the wall behind her, her arm resting on her knee as she overlooked the city. I waited for an hour just watching her, but she didn't do anything and by the second hour she reached into her pocket, and I readied my gun just in case.

But instead of taking out a weapon she pulled out a pocket-sized notebook and a pen. She wrote something down before she began to fold the paper into a paper airplane, and she let it fly into the night sky before leaving. My eyes stayed glued to the paper and when y/n finally left I began to look for it.

Thinking maybe it was a signal for her crime partner.

And I found it stuck between a brick wall in an alley way.

I quickly opened it waiting for a super-secret message or some code I could entertain myself with and try to break but instead it just read.

Day 710

This morning I told the flowers what I'd do for you, and they blossomed

I read the paper and somehow a smiled seemed to appear on my lips. I tried to hide it, but it was like I had no control over my actions. The corner of my lips just tugged upwards almost by some mysterious force too strong for me to hold back. 

The next night I decided to see if she would still be there. I snuck out and went back to the roof top, just hoping. And she was. Y/n was in the same position as before, overlooking the city, straddling the ledge as she rests her back behind her. The first hour she just sat back. Unlike last time however she didn't look at the city itself but closed her eyes. Almost like she was taking in the sounds. By the second hour she took out her notebook and pen, wrote something down and created another beautiful airplane. Then she let it fly.

Again, I searched for that paper.

I found it by the sidewalk, almost going into the street. There wasn't anyone around for that quick second it took for me to grab it. I opened it.

Day 711

"They all ask me where do you see yourself in ten years? I honestly don't know because a year ago I wouldn't see myself here and I wouldn't have met you"

I did the same thing the next night and witness the same thing. Rest for an hour on the roof ledge, and on the second hour she made a plane. She would leave and I would find it and read it.

Day 712

Being alone and feeling lonely are two different things.

And the next night


Love letters on the floor oh I really wish you were knocking at my door

And again

day 714

Roses are red, violets are blue, I think I'm in love with you, and even if you broke my heart into tiny littles pieces, I'd still never talk shit about you.

Okay that one made me laugh just a bit.

And again.

This time she closed her eyes once more sitting and waiting. It was cold tonight. It was cold last night, and the many nights before, but y/n never bothered to move a muscle. She didn't shiver or blew her warm breath in her hands. Instead, she took a breath, enjoying the December night before doing the one thing I looked forward to every night. Her paper airplanes.

Day 715

The nighttime is so silent. I feel so calm just writing poems about you while you're asleep. So, I'll keep writing you poetry even when my hands can barely move, and you can't make out the handwriting.

And I read and kept each and everyone. I would re-read them to myself over and over, falling asleep to her words. It was then that I came to the conclusion that y/n y/Ln wasn't as evil as everyone made her out to be. Maybe she was just lonely, who made trouble because she wanted people to notice her.

That night on the roof top, before my plan was ruined by Peter Parker and Kate Bishop, I wanted to try... attempt to be her friend, and maybe something more. I never felt this way about anyone. These emotions all new to me, but I wanted to know what it was I felt and why I only felt them when I so much as thought of y/n.

I guess what confirmed everything for me was when y/n told me she had known all along that I have been watching her. If she was right about that, why didn't she stop me? Why did she continue to let her guard down? And continue to show up on the roof top. Like she trusted me not to hurt her.

I decided to try one more time. Go up to her and try to get her to go out with me, on those things. I think people call those dates. I did some research on them and had asked Natasha to teach me how a date worked. Some ideas, and ways to ask the girl out as well as not be awkward.

But it's hard. Harder than anything I have been through in the red room. You know what my sister told me not to do. She said under no circumstance do I talk about murder or the red room. My 10 favorite ways to break a bone, or how I don't have a uterus. I'm sorry am I just supposed to talk about the weather. That's boring, she's going to think I'm boring.

Nobody knows about it, well except Kate Bishop, but everyone else has no clue about my interest in y/ln. I wanted to keep it that way.

Anyways, tonight was the night, and I was already feeling nervous. My heart pounded in my chest very fast and hard, like it wanted to pop out. I never had that feeling before. I have been on countless mission and have done a lot of life and death risks, but none came close to feeling like I was having a breakdown.

I got onto the roof like the many nights before and just like I had hoped y/n was there. She was dangling her leg and holding her other knee close to her.

"Hi" was the first thing that lift my mouth. I even gave a shy wave. Seriously. Y/n turned her head at me, nodding slowly acknowledging me. She smiled at me before placing her leg back down for it to dangle, relaxing for just a moment.

"Hi" she softly said.

"Can I... join you" I asked. She raised a brow, turning her head back to the city.

"Depends, are you going to try to capture me" she laughed a bit. "Or are you here trying to get information out of me for your partners..." she took a breath. "I'll make it easy for you okay. Let's see... My criminal record, everyone wants to know about that apparently? Well the only crime I've committed was killing it on the dance floor" she laughed. "And being too good looking... Well no actually I killed a few people" she snapped her finger in amusement, before smiling and waving me off. This girl cant take anything seriously can she.

"I don't have a partner, if you must know. I prefer to work alone." I told her.

"Tell that to Kate Bishop and Clint Barton who are 3 blocks behind us hiding on that there roof top." she says pointing her thumb behind her. She took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. Shit did they really follow me here. 

I began to touch every part of my body search for any mic or bug that Kate might have used to track me or record my conversation. Damn I knew I shouldn't have stopped to talk to her. "Don't worry you don't have anything" she says.

"How do you--?"

She shows me a phone like device. She clicks a button, but I don't hear or see anything out of the ordinary.

"This device picks up any elector magnetic frequencies. It can detect a little form of electricity that comes in contact with it. When you showed up it would have told me what devices you had on your person." she said smugly with a thin line smile.

"So, what devices do I have on me?" I asked walking slowly towards her.

"Just your phone. But it's not picking up any interference so your phone is off, as in not recording, calling, and or anything that would give off that you are using it in some way"

"Wow, very smart." I smile. "Is that how you have known I have been watching you for the past week, or how the archers were behind us"

Y/n laughed shaking her head.

"I can't give all my secrets now, can I" she shrugged. "What brings you out this time of night?"

"I actually wanted to talk to you"

"What you want to talk to little ol me, why im flattered" she says in what I like to think was a poor attempt at a British accent. But she still sounded cute. "Whats up yelena, what has you blushing" 

She she could see that. Well no turning back now. I cleared my throat and took another cautious step towards her. 

"So uh, y/Ln. I was wondering if, by any chance you're not doing anything tonight, which you probably are because you're not ugly, or maybe causing more havoc because you're bored, but if for some reason, you're not, would you maybe possibly no pressure if you can't just wondering, you know, would you like to go out with me? Maybe"

I waited for her response. I waited a minute, then another, and another. Ultimately, I was going to take it upon myself to at least sit next to the girl, but I stopped myself when y/n swung her legs to the side, before jumping off the ledge and into the roof top pavement.

"Sure, I'm game?" she said. She placed her hands in her pocket. I wanted to know if she had written another poem. And if so, was she planning on tossing. Y/n just nodded her head almost telling me to follow her.

"Sure, but I'll feel better if you keep you hands out of your pockets" I told her. I mustn't forget who she was. Y/n Y/Ln a mystery.

Y/n slowly took her hands out of her jacket pocket and raised them up. She laughed once more, looking at the direction far into the distance. I couldn't see anything since it was dark, but y/n had that smile. One of amusement. She then, waved.

"So... a drink?" she turned to me with the same toothy smile. "I know just the restaurant. It's very casual. It's very laid back."

Y/n walked around the city while I followed behind. Her hands interlaced behind her head as she looked all around her. Though it didn't see like she was begin paranoid or waiting for someone to appear and try to provoke a fight. She seemed relax and calm, but I felt indifferent. Still nervous about the whole thing. Occasionally y/n would look behind her, taking a glance at me. Like she wanted to make sure I was still following her.

She was complete exposed to me yet didn't care that I could take the knife tucked in my coat and stab her.

She knew I wasn't going to do anything to her. I wasn't of course, but it was still strange. I don't let anyone follow behind me, I keep my guard up, and keep a hand on one of my many hidden weapons. But not y/n.

"Here we are" y/n said turning towards me and pointing to a small restaurant that had outdoor seating and those bright twinkling lights. There were a few people eating outside talking, laughing, as well as a few heaters and fireplaces around. It looked pretty romantic.

"This is casual and laid back?" I raised a brow.

"Who said anything about casual and laid back?" she said nonchalantly.

"You did?" I smiled pointing at her.

"Uh right, what I meant to say is Fancy and uptight."

"Didn't know you were into places like these"

"Back home I loved going out with my friends, and sometimes I loved going on the most extravagant dates"

"So, you're rich?" I asked. Y/n laughed.

"Back home I was a billionaire playgirl"


"What no, gross. I don't like other people. My mentor was a billionaire, and so was another mentor, and so was my... well she's a great friend but she keeps trying to surprise adopted me. She's also crazy rich. I guess I picked up their old habits."

"Surprised adopted you? How does that work"

"She keeps trying to get her wife to kidnap me" she deadpanned.

"She kidnaps you" I said in shock. Y/n stayed serious for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"I'm joking. No, what really happened was one day the friend group were hanging out. Lena and kara were planning on getting married and talking about having kids. I was a kid at the time, orphaned and Lena said, 'when I have a kid, I want them to be smart, well balanced' and here I come with a plate of pot stickers and trip over my own shoelace. That's when Lena looked at me was like 'I want that one' Oliver my mentor tried to stop her, but it was too late she hugged me close and from that day forward--"

"They have been your parents--" I looked at her in awe as she tells her story. Y/n shook her head.

"Nope, everyone is still fighting to adopt me. Anyways come on, let's have a bite, I'm starved, and the night feels nice so a table outside should be fine"

"isn't it a little cold to dine outside" I asked. Y/n pointed to the opposite side of her.

"Your friends might get worried. Beside..." she stopped walking, spinning around on her heel while putting her arms behind her back. "If anything were to happen, two young women eating a nice meal together and sudden two avengers come and crush the party... what would the public think" she chuckled. "This is for my protection to belova, remember that" she winked at me, clicking her tongue to the roof her mouth. "Now, let's get this dinner date started shall we"

(See what you do Kate Bishop) ... (Me? what did I do?) ... (You were stalking us so I couldn't enjoy my date with y/n y/ln) ... (You weren't complaining to me about it when you had your tongue down my girlfriend's throat) ... (She wasn't your girlfriend at the time, bishop. So, it was free game, and if you want to talk about technicalities y/n was my girlfriend first.) ... (That was never confirmed by y/n, and you know it. Whatever, is it my turn to continue my story?) ... (No bishop stops rushing me, I wanna talk about my date) 

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