My New Hero

By KenleyCopeland

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Taking place shortly after the events of it's prequel; My Old Hero, Izuku and Katsuki agree that they want to... More

1: Plot Line
2: You're Pitiful
3: Sting
4: Hurt and Pain
5: State of my Head
6: Cry me a River
7: Caught in a Lie
8: God sent me as Karma
9: Sweet Chaos
10: When the Rain Stops
11: A Little Space
12: Unnatural
13: Inferiority Complex
14: Line 'Em Up
15: Lucky One
16: Blind Love
17: Effort
18: Good Luck, Bad Luck
19: Savior
20: Learning
21: Good to Me
22: Warning!
23: From Hell with Love
24: Fighter
25: Damage
26: What Can I Do?
27: Yours
28: Shivers
29: Electrified
30: The Feels
31: Nightmares
32: Torture
33: Demons
34: I'm Here
35: Fever
36: Think About You
37: Say Me Cute
38: Privacy
39: Icy
40: Blind and Frozen
41: Lovin' You More
42: Wet
43: Earned It
44: Christmas Day
45: Hot Enough
46: Troublemaker
47: Facade
48: I'm Gonna Show You Crazy
49: Playdate
50: Reason
51: Clockwork
52: Dice
53: Sunshine
54: Fearless
55: Doubt & Trust
56: Vicious
58: Turn Back Time
59: Beastmode
60: Odd Sense
61: Alive
62: Strike Back
63: Invincible
64: Reason
65: Finesse
66: Paradise
67: Touch
68: Suspicious Camouflage
69: Villain
70: What I Want
71: Mr. Blue Sky
72: Step Up
73: Superhuman
Epilogue: The Feels for My Crush

57: Resonance

57 3 0
By KenleyCopeland

"You can take my life... BUT PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM! PLEASE LET HIM GO!!!" she exclaimed as tears streamed down her face. 

Dean was speechless with her simple plea, but then he smirked, and the greenette knew exactly what he was about to do. 

"I see... your wish is my command."

She watched as Dean swiftly released Katsuki from his grasp, and she watched as the blond vanished from her sight. 


"My my, you were so specific to say that you'd give up your life for him, but that didn't help when you told me to release him. Seems he'll be the one to lose his life first, beats two birds with one st-" 

While he was monologuing, what Dean didn't notice until the last second, was a Dark Green fluffy cat run past him and jump straight out the window. 

"What was-" 


Dean looked back at where he expected to see the greenette to be standing, but somehow she managed to turn herself into a cat, break free from the iced floor and jump straight out the window. 


As she was falling, she could see the blond just feet from her, so she poofed back into her human form and tried to push herself to get closer to him. 


"Deku? Are you crazy!?!? Why'd you jump out the window after me?!" Katsuki yelled. 

She reached her arms out and somehow managed to grab the small blond and a smile grew on her face. 

"Thank goodness, I caught you." 

"THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT!!! Why'd you jump out the window after me?!?!" 

"BECAUSE! Because it's my fault that this happened, and I wouldn't forgive myself if you got hurt. I'll take the pain for letting this happen to you, because I promised to protect you." she said happily as tears fell out of her eyes. 

"Deku..." She pulled him into a tight hug. 

"I love you so much that I'm okay getting hurt to protect you." she mumbled.

The blond could feel how scared the greenette was as they were falling and getting closer and closer to the ground, but he didn't want this to be the way things went. He clenched his hands into fists to the point that his hands were shaking with fear and anger inside, as the greenette continued to hold his close to her chest. 



She slightly released him as he looked up at her and smiled. 

"I love you too, and I'll protect you too." 

That caught her attention as she didn't know what he meant, but as they were approaching the ground, she could feel some kind of heat and smelled something strong and almost burning. 

'It doesn't matter what I feel or smell right now, as I'm going to protect Kacchan like he's always protected me.' she thought as she closed her eyes and accepted fate.

"It's been a couple minutes since the fall, do you believe they're finished?" Alex asked. 

"More than likely, I just can't believe that girl would do something so stupid as to jump out a window and go after him. And here I thought they'd be a real threat and try to do something to me. Hmph, what a foolish pair of imbeciles to think that sacrifice will really save-" 

Dean looked out the window and instantly stopped talking as his eyes widened and his complexion turned pale. 

"What? Are they not there?" 

"N-No... How did... How'd that happen?" Dean muttered. 

"What is it, Dean? Tell me!" 

"I don't understand... How is that possible?" 

"Arg- If you don't tell me, I'll just look myself! What's so difficult for you to just tell me what you se-" 

Alex pushed Dean away from the window and looked herself and she stopped mid-sentence and felt her heart drop.

A large crowd of people swarmed the area, as there was a large cave-in in the ground and smoke covered the air. But after closer inspection, the sight of someone standing in the cave-in was seen, and then it was certified of who it was when spiky blond hair was seen. 

'What happened? I thought we were about to hit the ground and-' 

"Heh- Good thing I tried to force myself to use my quirk." 

The greenette recognized the voice and looked up to see Katsuki, and he was back to normal. 


"You okay, Deku?" he asked with a smirk. She couldn't help but blush, and only eventually did she realize her husband was holding her bridal style. 

"I-I-I'm fine, Kacchan."

"I don't understand! They were supposed to die from the fall, but how did they manage to do this?" Dean said with confusion. 

"My quirk... How did he break my quirk? Ah- wait, if he broke the quirk, then that means-" 

Alex turned back from the window and her eyes widened when she saw that Katsuma was back to being a child again. 

"Yay! Mama and papa are okay!" Katsuma exclaimed. 

"Impossible, no one's ever broken your Clockwork before, so how did they do it and survive the fall in time?" Dean asked, and Alex felt herself starting to tick like a bomb. Her eyes dilated with anger as she bit her bottom lip with fury. 


"Ah- y-yes?" 

Dean knew that Alex was about to lose it just from her swift change in the tone of her voice. 

"Watch the child, I need to take care of his parents for good." Alex demanded as she stormed out of the room. 

'Geez, she's just as scary as Emra or Hayley, especially when things don't go her way. But I never thought this would happen, now it appears that what Dean is coming to fruition.' Dean thought.

"Are you sure you're okay, Kacchan?" 

"What d'you mean?" 

"Well, it's just- You were just a kid moments ago, and now you somehow turned back to normal and could stop us from the fall. I just- It seemed like it was practically impossible for you to break from Alex's quirk, that's all." Izuku explained. 

She stood there confused and worried, but those feelings faded once she felt his hand rest on her hand and petted her, and she looked up to see that casual smirk on his face. 

"Like I said, I'll protect you, and I meant it." he stated casually. 

"Ah- hmph, I'll never doubt you, Kacchan."

"How dare you." 

The couple went from having a sweet moment to then getting back to focusing on what's at hand. They looked in front of them to see Alex storming up to them. 

"I was impressed that you managed to get out of my Decline, but it's unheard of for anyone to break my Clockwork like this. For that, I'll make sure both of you lose the time that's in your body's for good." Alex stated with a menacing gaze to them. 

"Looks like we finally get to fight, I've been waiting for this." Katsuki smirked as he cracked his knuckles. 

"Careful Kacchan, you're not in your hero suit, and we'll have to make sure not to get trapped by her quirk again." 

"Don't gotta tell me twice."

"Those two really are nothing but trouble, and here I thought fooling them would work. But it doesn't matter since Alex will be able to take care of them since I can't." Dean muttered. 

"Lemme go, meanie!!!" Katsuma yelled. 

"Hm? Ah- I almost forgot that now I gotta take care of the brat who's just like his father." Dean noted, glancing at Katsuma with a cold gaze. 

"My mama and papa will beat you, you big meanie!" Katsuma blurted out as he stuck his tongue out at him. 

"Oh really, and what makes you so sure that your mom and dad can do that?" 

"Because I saw it! They get really scary when something happens to me! Mama and papa will kick your butt!" Katsuma spat. 

'That's right, Damian told me those two almost went berserk when he kidnapped this brat. Looks like I've got another plan up my sleeve to make those two can't get their happiness.'

"Time Balance; Decline!" 

The couple glanced up to see a clock over their heads, but the second it began to glow, they both jumped away from the area and didn't get hit by the attack. 

"Like we're gonna fall for that one." Katsuki bragged as he shot explosions right at her. 

"That won't work. Clockwork." Alex muttered as she swiftly waved her hand in front of her and caused all the explosions to vanish from thin air. 

"What? How'd you-" 

"Like all things, there's a beginning and an end to it, and my quirk allows me to bend time to my will." Alex stated. 

"Ah- She must've rewinded the space around her and caused your explosions to vanish, Kacchan." Izuku noted. 

"Like I'm gonna let you use my quirk like it's yours!" Katsuki yelled and practically threw more explosions at her. But Alex was unfazed as she waved her arm again and the same thing happened again. 


"Like I told you, all things have a beginning and end to it, and your explosions are no different. Now, Time Beams!"

Beams of bright light appeared out of nowhere and started blasting the two of them. 

"Where'd these come from?!?!" 

"Damnit, stupid time chick. Take this!" Katsuki yelled, as he slammed his hands down onto the ground and caused his explosions to go through the ground and erupt under her feet. 

"Time Balance; Rewind!" Alex rested her hand onto the ground and simply reversed the ground before the explosion ever hit her. 

"Why you-" 

"Your attacks won't work on me. Temporal Slicer!" 

Waves of wind blasted towards them and started slicing them to bits. Neither could dodge the attack since they weren't visible to the eye, and even when Katsuki tried to use his explosion to stop the waves of wind, it would only turn his explosion to dust. 

Katsuki felt the wind pushing his body, but after a certain point of getting pushed, he suddenly felt all the attacks fade to nothing. It was like he was out of the barrier, and that's when the blond realized right away why his attacks weren't working.

The attack finally stopped and both Izuku and Katsuki were covered in wounds while Alex remained calm and collected and not a scratch on her. 

"Have you two accepted defeat?" Alex asked. 

"'Huff' 'Huff' Deku." 


"Let's run." 

"Eh? Ack!" 

She felt his strong grasp on her arm and pulled her to follow him and they started running away from their opponent. 

"Kacchan! What're you doing? Why're we running away, we need to fight Alex!" Izuku yelled. 

"I know, but I just thought of a plan that'll help us beat that chick."

Note: Hello My Little Emeralds!

It took me longer to write this chapter for some reason, but I managed to get it done, and the next chapters gonna be good!

Gonna post 2 more chapters later today!

Leave a like and comment down below!

Happy Reading from me, My Little Emeralds!

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