Basement girl

By Safiah256

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Continuation of Blue roses More

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369 41 1
By Safiah256

I watched her sign her life in my hand and when we were done we walked to the car and I helped her in the truck and got in. She was grinning like a small girl.
Me: Your grinning is making me blush.
Imo: Sorry.
Me: So wife, what will you like to do?
Imo: I dont know yet husband.
We both laughed at our silliness.
Me: Well there is a carnival close by maybe we can go there.
Imo: what a carnival
Me: Oh my gosh. I started the car, this is going to be fun.
Imo: I hope I like it.
Me: You going to love it.

After i told everyone what happening all the guys wanted to come by. So here we are back in SA going through the plan.
Ntokozo: Nkosazana going to kill us for this
Me: we just tracking the guy nothing fancy.
Ntokozo: but what if you treating him like a thug will make him change his mind and arrest us
Mlu: on what grounds?
Ntokozo: incase you have forgotten bafo thina we are criminals.
Xola: but we don't kill, he go for killers and rapist
Ntokozo: he goes for white collar crimes and we are white collars
Me: can we stop arguing about this. Nkosi says no complaints were logged against him so we safe.
Ntokozo: than why are we surveilling him?
Zola: we always do recon before meeting a person that why!
Ntokozo: but the dude is helping us not attacking and thina sibusy with planning an attack!!
I understood Ntokozo point but I couldn't risk it this being a trap.
Me: You can sit this one out bafo
Ntokozo: and when shit hits the fan have Nkosazana kill me? No thanks, i just hope we don't regret this that all am saying.
Zola: Noted now let get busy before we call a meet up for tonight. I nodded as we got the ball rolling

Iv never been to a carnival and the games and food were amazing. He brought me everything I wanted and allowed me to play every game that I wanted. We were now standing by the gun-shoot pit. If you make certain amounts of shots you win bears.
Me: Ill like to try this.
Nqubekho: Do you know how to shoot?
Me: No but iv watched movies it not that bad.
He paid and they gave me a gun and I stood
Nqubekho: Firstly wife you standing wrong.
The guy who was there was laughing.
Me: Can I do this without an invigilator.
He nodded and I shot the shoots not aiming anything.

Xola and zola were at the ranch. Mlu was a fill in at the secret headquarters of CIA in Durban trying to find anything related to us and Ntokozo and I finally found him at the carnival. He truly was a hard person to track since we tried with a cell only to find that he left it at home so we used traffic cameras only not to see him at all until he couldn't escape the one at the carnival gate so here we are watching a splitting image of my wife laughing and smiling with him indulging her.
Ntokozo: his giving her the childhood she missed. You see his not going to arrest you.
Me: i should be there.
Ntokozo: I know.
We watched and laughed when she was taking shoots and missed. Ntokozo was taking pictures.
Me: She shoots like her mom.
Ntokozo: I was thinking the same thing

He paid again.
Nqubekho: Now can I instruct you?
I nodded,he placed our junk and stuff on the floor.
Nqubekho: Firstly you footing is wrong. He helped me place them apart than he fixed my back a little straighter than he helped me hold the gun properly with my left hand supporting the right hand.
Nqubekho: Now when you pull the tricker breath okay. Let your breath out slowly so the bullet is controlled. Now aim!
I aimed
Nqubekho: now in hale and slowly let go of your breath while squeezing the trigger. I did as he said and I shot aiming on of the bottles the way I screamed jumping up and down. The owner and him laughed.

I could hear her screams from here as she jumped up and down like a kid looking as beautiful as they come.
Ntokozo: wow
He was wiping a tear from her eyes.

I ended up getting a tiny doll. Cause i missed a few things.
Nqubekho: Let me show you how it done. He paid again and took a loaded gun.
Owner: You have experience so ill moved the targets a bit so you get the huge teddy bear.
Nqubekho: Cool
There were people slowly gathering so he aimed at the moving targets and one by one he shot them all within seconds and people were clapping as he got our teddy bear that huge than I. He gave the guy more cash and left.
Me: Yeah you are what you say you are. He laughed making me smile as he wrapped an arm around me kissing my forehead.

I quickly pressed the lock button before he jumped out of the car.
Phila: he kissed her.... he kissed my daughter.
Me: Now getting out of the car in public will get us arrested and we don't want that.
Phila: You saw him kissing her
Me: on her head. It could be fatherly
Phila: Am her father.
He roared.
Me: Am driving you home, i told you this is not on and look now.
As if him kissing her forehead wasn't enough he picked her up on to the truck and before leaving her on the seat he kissed her full on the lips. Am not sure when Phila got out but he was running towards the car with me trying my best to catch him before things get out of hand

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