𓆩♑π“†ͺ My Angel (UN x Male CH...

By kimoco44

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My very first world meeting was supposed to be something to remember for ages to come It was a symbol of my m... More

𓆩♑π“†ͺ Im Pregnant!
𓆩♑π“†ͺ My Son
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Letters
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Red lined
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Panic
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Beautiful
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fantasy
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Interesting name
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Searching
𓆩♑π“†ͺBrush 3 Times
𓆩♑π“†ͺ His name
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Texting
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Girls or guys
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Hazy Memories
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Ballet
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Origami
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Thoughts
𓆩♑π“†ͺ The Hunt
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Confrontation
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Cold breath
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Animal
𓆩♑π“†ͺ The car
𓆩♑π“†ͺ It starts with a lie
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Teacher
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Watching
𓆩♑π“†ͺWelcome to (Y/n)
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fragments of a past
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fragments of a present
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fragments of a...

𓆩♑π“†ͺ Mature enough

764 25 40
By kimoco44

(Y/L/N) mean Your language name. Aka the language the people in (Y/n) speak

I want it to sound like Simlish but you get to rename it

Also that song up there is a banger in simlish, listen to it or I'll steal your shoes



America POV

I let out a long sigh and closed the door of my car, soon lying my head on the steering wheel. 'What did I get myself into'
A knock on my car window made me raise my head to look, already knowing who it was. Philippines gave me a smile letting me know to roll down the window, which I did a second later. "Do you really have to leave so soon?" He pouted, resting his head on his arm.

I put on a fake smirk, "Yeah sorry Phil. I got work to do ya know" I could tell he was disappointed by my answer when he frowned and but his lip.
"Okay.... Just make sure to stop by later? O-or at least call me?"

"Yeah sure dude I uh- I promise"

I was 100% not calling him.

His smile made its way back on his face; eyes staring at me with adoration to match. "I'll be waiting Joe" Leaning into the front seat, Phil placed a small kiss on my forehead. "Ang ganda-ganda mo..." He whispered before backing away. "Have a good day!" His almost sunshine like smile never left as I began to drive off, sighing heavily as I made it to the main road, away from the plant filled estate.

'I have a boyfriend now'

That sounded so weird to think, let alone say.
I needed to tell someone, not because I was excited. No. Because I myself could barely believe it. Fishing for my phone, I found it and brought it to my field of vision. "Hey Siri, call Canada" I said out loud hearing her robotic voice let me know she was calling.
After a few rings, the call was picked up and my older brothers voice was heard on the other end.

"America, hey what's up" I could hear the slight confusion in his voice as to why I was calling him so suddenly, but I ignored it. "Hey um yeah I just- remember how I told you I had a date last night"

"...Yeah? Wait what did you do" Suspicion laced his voice at the thought that I had done something to someone. Though not this time thankfully. "Don't worry I did nothing... or- maybe I did do something but I don't think it's really a bad something"

I heard shuffling on the other end of the phone, almost like Canada has decided to get up from previously laying down somewhere. "Okay lay it on me. Do I have to pick you up from jail again or-"
"No no, I just..." My words died as I tried to get it past my lips. To most, saying something like that wouldn't have been that bad, but to me, it felt like having to throw up a ball the size of your fist that was made out of spikes.

"Uh?" The suspicion was rising with every second that went by.
"I um- just"
"Just what? Say it come on"
"Im sorry I just..."
"You just what?! What did you do?"
"I... have"
"You have?"
"I... I think I have a boyfriend"


The phone went dead silent as I pulled into a gas station. It remained quiet even when I parked the car to focus on my conversation, a feeling of worry hitting me hard. "Canada? Still there buddy?"
"When did this happen" His words didn't sound angry or annoyed in any way, though they didn't sound too happy or curious either. "T-This morning... It was supposed to be just a one night thing but..." The image of (Y/n) ran through my head. The sad face he bared when asking me about relationships and urging me to try.

If not for myself than for him as he said... I think

"(Y/n) got in your head huh? It's high time you finally listened" Those words made a small smile make its way to my face. So he wasn't mad, good. "Ha, yeah. The little fuck knows what he's doing"

"How are you feeling though?"

And here we go.

Canadas words hit me somewhere deep in my stomach, causing a ping of guilt, worry, and fear to run through me before quickly disappearing. "I'm okay" I lied. To be honest I was scared shitless, scared that I might mess this up for myself again.

"I'll uh- try to make this work. Don't worry big bro" I smiled before realizing he couldn't see me. "Um... how's (Y/n)" It was about time I changed the subject, this conversation was making me feel awkward. "He's um- he went out with Peru"
"Went out?"
I raised an eyebrow at the mention of that pervert.
"Ah! N-not like that. I mean he went with Peru out somewhere. If I had to guess, they're probably at the World building"


Now that I was thinking about it. (Y/n) had been spending a lot of time there...
"Alright I'll stop by to check up on him then" As I said this, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirrored reflection of my window; the red bites on my white neck being painfully loud and easy to see.

"...After I change that is"

(Y/n) POV

I stared in adoration at the winged man as we neared the large doors to his office. He was walking in front of me, giving me the most beautiful view of his wings... and maybe just a little more as well.
I quickly looked away at the creeping thoughts and felt my face start to burn, maybe walking behind him wasn't a good idea...

"Alright (Y/n) you ready?" UN spoke, causing me to flinch at being pulled away from my thoughts. "I-I- yeah! Im ready" Oh that's right, the whole reason I was here was to meet someone. The thought that anyone would willingly want to meet me was shocking, even more shocking that they somehow knew I would be here today.

Looking up, my eyes met UNs for a split second before he looked away from me, his smile disappearing and a glint in his eye I couldn't quite recognize. "Please don't be intimidated, they don't bite"


Opening the door to his office, I was instantly met with the loud noises of multiple people arguing. Their voices seemingly mixing together making it difficult to really know what they were arguing over. Poking my head in, I could see there were at least four people inside. Two of which I recognize instantly as people I've idolized since childhood.

Sitting on UNs desk was a man wearing the same military uniform as he was. His flag a dark blue with 12 gold stars that formed a circle on his face along with eyes that matched the same gold as his stars. European Union.
I had met him once before as a child but he didn't work with my father anymore so I hadn't seen him in a long time. Currently, he looked annoyed, and was steadily shouting at another Union I knew of.

Sitting on the floor with with a similar, but darker colored military uniform was a man that looked to be around the same age as UN, though he looked slightly younger. His flag was an even darker blue than EUs was, and he had what looked to be a compass etched in white on his face. Though the most shocking and interesting part of his appearance was his completely black eyes with blue Irises. I haven't met this guy before but I knew of him. NATO

He was a Union my older brother was responsible for, and was connected to most of my family. I myself hadn't met him, but America had told me stories of how he used to babysit me.
He was horrible at it.
He also seemed to be in a heated argument with both EU and a well dressed unknown man sitting on one of the many couches in the room. There was a smaller woman with him but she didn't say anything.

"I just don't see how you can even try and make that-
"Realistically it's not your decisio-
"Why is this top of your list of concerns-
"Can you listen to reason!"

Voice after voice seemed to overlap one another causing me to simply stare at them to try and piece together what they were saying. Looking at UN, I could see his confusion as well. "Excuse me!"
His voice boomed over everyone else's, silencing them instantly.

I felt my stomach churn as their eyes met my frame. The feeling leading me to stare at the floor; that is until I heard quick footsteps and someone viciously grab hold on my hand, pulling me into a handshake. "It's so very nice to meet you Mr. (Y/n)!"

The unknown man spoke, his voice dripping with confidence. "Uh-
"Please come, have a seat" A hand was placed on my back leading me towards the couch he had just got up from. The woman who hadn't spoke was now standing worth her head bowed. Who were these people?
"Now now..." EU got up from UNs desk, "let's not scare the boy." His yellow eyes were trained on me like a dog. It sent chills up my spine in an already uncomfortable situation. "Ah. My apologies (Y/n)- can I call you (Y/n)? Good. The man gave me a wide smile even though I didn't answer his question. Looking down I noticed he was still gripping my hand in a handshake. "S-sure..." I lightly let go of his hand and took a seat on the couch. "Oh where are my manors!" The man sighed dramatically, "Let me introduce myself"

The woman came to stand next to him as they both began to introduce themselves in an overly formal manner. "My name is Tang-gue Cho. President Cho."


Mr. Cho motioned to the woman next to him. "This fine woman here is my wife. Please call her madam Cho."

From the corner of my eye, I noticed UNs silent footsteps as he made his way over to me. "(Y/n)" UN grabbed the man's attention for a second. "Mr. Cho is your president."


"He's one of your country's largest leaders. And now that your mature enough to have a say in your government, it's finally time for you to take a trip there. With me and Mr. Cho as your escorts of course" UN smiled at Mr. Cho who gave a wider one back. "That's right, and I'm glad to know you already understand (Y/L/N). Though it's to be expected from the country of (Y/n) himself!"


I felt my head spinning with confusion at that realization that I not only had a president, but I also had my own language... that I was unknowingly speaking at this very moment...

"What the fu-"
UN quickly snapped his hand over my mouth with an exaggerated laugh and a forced smile. "Haha our dear (Y/n) here has a good sense of humor doesn't he!"

Did he just call me dear

Mr. Cho let out a laugh at the scene. "It's quite alright, I'm sure this must be a shock for him to take in"
A small scoff was heard on the other side of the room.
My head turned to the person in question.

Now standing and staring at me with intimidating pitch black eyes; NATO had his arms crossed and wasn't shy about what he had just said. "E-Excuse me?"
"You heard me. What kind of country doesn't know basic things about it's own nation"

A small feeling of embarrassment ran over me. I mean yeah he was right but he didn't have to point it out. Where was this coming from? "Uh" UN cleared his throat in an attempt to defend me from NATOs comments. "(Y/n) is still very young in the aspect of a country. Give him time and he'll learn" The winged man made his way over NATO and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We all must on start somewhere right?"

UN's face held a look of sympathy and only made NATO roll his eyes. "If this kid thinks he's getting a chance at joining any of our unions he's gonna have to smarten up real quick. I thought you said he was promising-"
"Okay that's enough" UN interrupted NATO's rant and clasped his hands together with another forced smile. "We are going to be kind to one another and have a civil discussion about the future of (Y/n)'s nation and alliances. Is that clear"

You could tell by the way he said this that it was supposed to be rhetorical question with the only answer being yes. NATO on the other hand already didn't seem like the type to care about orders, even if it was from someone with more authority than him. So as expected, he just crossed his arms and walked away, taking a seat on the floor again.

This time, it was EUs turn to laugh, which he did and decided to make a show of it as well. "You just can't keep your mouth shut huh"
"Sh - sh- shut the f- f - fuck up!" NATO shouted, his voice distorting in an almost robotic way that caused a unsettling feeling in my mind. Was that supposed to happen?

EU began laughing harder, only stopping when he caught sight of UNs overly happy smile and sinister eyes staring back at him. "U-uh- so anyway (Y/n)" He addressed me. "Your here today because your country decided it was best for you to start making choices in your government, as well as deciding which, if any, Union there is that you would like to join or apply for."

Eu began explaining a run down of simple and basic economical decisions that would have to start being made by me as I was now 'mature in age' making me wonder why I didn't know about any of this sooner. "As of now, the country of (Y/n) is being protected only by your allied family member; that being The United States, Great Britain, you get the idea. But you aren't apart of any unions, that includes United Nations"

UN picked up a few papers and handed them out to both me and Mr. Cho. "These are lists of the unions and nations who are willing to become allies with you. It's just a general run down and what not"
Looking down the list, I could see information about different nations that I didn't even know bordered my own. Was I that disconnected with my own country.

I felt UNs hand on my head and looked up to see his soft blue stirs telling me to calm down. "I would suggest taking the time to read them as well as not worrying too much about it. You are allowed to ask for help if you need it" He spoke softly, almost as if he could sense how I felt.

Mr. Cho handed the papers to his wife with a laugh only an older man like himself could muster. "This is wonderful, just wonderful. The people of (Y/n) will be pleased to know your choices young (Y/n). You will be making your country proud!"

"Yes but let's not worry him" UN cut in. For reason I felt slightly happy that he did. This was beginning to become a lot...

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