Truth In My Lies

By Red_Wr1ting

2.3K 56 23

You ever have that one hot, rude, cocky jerkface in your school that just screams bad news. Tough childhood a... More

1 | Favors
2 | Honey, I'm home!
3 | Business Party
4 |"Pretend it's a mission"
5 | Sex on the beach
6 | Messages
8 | My Little Visitor
9 | Catching up
10 | Red
11 | Drugged
12 | Safe for her
13 | Locked out
14 |"I'm going home to her."
15| Slit Wrists
16 | Fine stands for Fucked up, insecure, needing help, and emotional
Authors note
17 | Black and white
18 | The boys are here
19 | Costumes
20 | Gunplay isn't always fun
21| Frantic and controless
22 | Undiscovered
23 | Alcohol is my coping mechanism
25 | I care
26| Oops, I wasn't dead.
27 | "Don't let me remember"
28 | Knives and liquor
29 | I promise

7 | Secrets

88 2 1
By Red_Wr1ting

Adalia POV

A month.

It's been a month.

I haven't seen Asher in a month. He sort of disappeared after he left my house in a hurry. He hasn't been at school either. So while I've been very anxious and letting my thoughts get the best of me, he ghosted.

He hasn't contacted me untill 10 minutes ago telling me he was coming and to be ready. I'm happy he finally showed that he still existed because I was going insane but did he really have to text me at the asscrack of dawn?

I think sleep is a very important factor of Adalia.

Yes I referred to myself in third person. Don't judge.

Anyway, I just slipped on plain black leggings, an over-sized white tee shirt that says 'main character energy', along with my socks and black converse. A gold nameplate necklace with the A engraved in diamonds, gets secured around my neck. Tucking my phone in the pocket of my leggings, I grab my keys and head downstairs.

Since it's early and Saturday, Sophie is most likely not awake because I don't actually get up until like 12. I mean why get up if I could just stay in bed all day?

I text her telling her that I would be back in a bit.

I mean this shouldn't take too long.

Just as I close the front, a loud motorcycle pulls up right in front of my house. I walk towards it as he turns off the engine. Taking off his helmet, he runs a hand through his hair.

"Motorcycle, tattoos, and what else, mafia?" I count my fingers as I state the things that makes him our classic bad boy in a mocking tone.

"Not quite." He tilts his head getting off his bike. "Ever road one? If not you better learn because I don't have the time or patience."

"You're grumpy yet your the one who woke me up at the asscrack of dawn. " I say walking away from him back to the front door.

"Where are you even going?" He says speeding after me.

"Just come." I say walking back in the excessively spacey house. I hear footsteps behind me as I walk through the house. I open a plain white wood door that leads to the massive garage. This garage has way to many vehicles than my parents need. Most of them haven't even been used yet.

"Damn. That's alot cars." He mutters standing in the doorway. His leg is crossed as his arms are folded over his chest. The tight short sleeved shirt rest slightly wrinkling under his hands. The black jeans are low on his hips. If he were to raise his arms, then I would see his v-line. My eyes meet his after slowly checking him out. He must have realized that because a cocky smirk rests on his lips. I snap my head around towards the shiny black motorcycle I'm walking towards.

"You like my bike?" I say lifting the white helmet off of it since he only had one. I turn back around to see him taking a picture of the license plate of one of my dad's cars.

"What are you doing?" My eyebrows scrunch together at his actions. His eyes snap back up to mine. He stuffs his phone into his back pocket and breathes heavily.

"Nothing. What were you saying?" He sighs.

"Weird. I said do you like my bike?" I move out the way so he can get a better view. His eyes widen slightly and he strolls on over to the black motorcycle. He runs his fingers over the metal slowly.

"Nice." He mumbles. It stays silent as he turns his eyes away from the bike to meet mine. The eye contact gets tenser as the silence seems so loud. His blazing grey eyes study my blue ones as if trying to find something. His eyes move around but never leave mine. I decide to break the suffocating silence as well as eye contact.

"Well, let's go." I turn towards the door. He doesn't start walking until I reach the doorframe. He catches up pretty quickly due to the his long legs. Asher's tall but he seems just about 6 foot.

"How tall are you?" I say what was on my mind. That tends to happen from time to time and it isn't always a good thing.

"6'0." He mutters quietly. I hum in response and we walk back out the front door. Asher speeds up so that he could get to the bike before me. Turning it on as I put on my helmet. He puts on his before reaching his right hand out towards me. I hesitantly grab his hand with my right and throw my left leg over the bike seat. He lets go of my hand just as my arm wraps around his torso, making him tense as usual.

His hands rest firmly on the handle bars and the loud engine roars. Hopefully not waking up Sophie. He starts the bike and my grip tightens slightly as he speeds up. I look around at the lights in the city faintly across the water. Currently we are driving on a long ass bridge that seems never ending.

On a normal day I would enjoy this but my curiosity is getting the best of me. I try to block out my thoughts by focusing on my surroundings. My shoulders feel light as the ends of my hair that falls out of the helmet blows in the harsh wind. The sun is barely awake yet and in my opinion, I shouldn't be either.

Asher takes a turn into a separate path. The street is empty and full of forest. The trees seem to be dark though. The vehicle comes to an abrupt stop on the side of the unoccupied street. I let go and start taking off my helmet just as he gets off, careful not to kick me. I place the helmet down and run my hands through my hair as he just watches. When I turn my head he looks down at the suddenly interesting pavement. I roll my eyes and get off the seat.

"Planning to murder me, Asher?" I joke trying to get rid of the slight tension. He turns on his heel and starts walking deeper into the trees.

"Yep." He says seriously. My lips part a bit as I look at him in shock. I think of taking the bike and leaving, but remembers he has the key. My feet slowly follow after him even though my mind completely objects.

Why didn't you learn the first time, Adalia?

When you die, don't be upset that you got killed because your dumbass keeps going to unknown places.

After what seems like a while of walking I finally break the silence.

"Are we lost?" I whine. He rolls his eyes at me.

"No." He scoffs at the assumption.

"Is it far?" I ask looking up slightly. He's only a few inches taller than me so it's not that big of a height difference. I'm 5'7.

"No." He murmurs.

"Why do you keep answering with few words? You do know sentences exist." I ask curiously.

"Because I prefer to do that then participate in unintelligent conversation." He says speeding up.

"Better." I smile proudly over the fact that he used more than one word. Asher turns his head slightly and glares at me. I raise my hands in defense as I speak.

"Who pissed in your cereal?" I mutter to myself quietly. My eyes lift from the ground as his footsteps slow. My eyes land on a big grey house. Burn marks all over the outside of the wood, indicating that it's been in a fire. The house looks abandoned and empty. Like no living thing has been inside for years.

"So you are planning to murder me?" I confirm quietly as he starts walking again. He ignores me and opens the door, leaving it open for me.

"Do you happen to think that there is a wheelchair or one of those things that old people use at Walmart, because those are cool and I really don't feel like walking back." I ramble. He turns his head and looks at me like I'm crazy, I shrug and look around the house. The house is different from the outside. The inside looks lived in and has proper furniture as the outside looks abandoned. Quite the deception.

"Are we going to talk here?" I ask examining the room slowly. He nods and walks away. I follow after his long strolls untill he leads into an empty room.

A bed with a black comforter laying on it. The room is clean looking like it hasn't been used. There is a huge wood desk facing the wall with papers spread out on top. A chair that looks like it spins is faced towards the door. He watches me take in every detail of thime room before taking a seat at the desk. He turns away but turns back immediately as I plop down on the amazingly soft bed. His eyes run all over before he rips his gaze away.

"Is this your room?" I tilt my head at him as he takes a pen and places it on the edge of his lip. His focus is on the paper laid in front of him as his hair falls onto his forehead. He takes his palm and places it directly into his forehead and his fingers grips his hair in frustration.

"Yep." He speaks.

"Are we going to talk or..." I trail off and wait for him to start.

"What were you doing there?" He drops the pen and grips the desk as he spins around in the chair.

"I got a text." I say realizing how stupid that sounds.

'I told you were a dumbass, Adalia.' my annoying self conscious reminds me.

"From someone you know?" He assumes with his face scrunched in confusion.

"No." I mumble quietly and turn my eyes to the wooden floor.

"Can I see it?" He asks after a while of extreme silence. I look up at him and he gestures to my pocket that stores my phone. I sign in and open the message. Handing it to him his eyes watch my every movement. He reads over it and places my phone on the desk. He grabs his pen and starts writing. I get up and lean over his shoulder trying to look at the paper.

"Whatcha doin?" I mumble. He tenses incredibly. He turns around quickly before I can process it. He pushes me by accident and I fall back. I brace myself for the fall but it doesn't happen as a arm wraps around my lower stomach and pulls my chest to his.

I sit on his lap and my eyes widen, as his stay on mine. His face is emotionless like he can't figure out an emotion, too overwhelmed with them. My breathing slows down but my heart paces only quicken. The eye contact is incredibly tense and his eyes flicker down to my lips as my tongue sticks out to moisten them. He keeps his eyes on them before the grey meets the blue. My chest pressed against his feeling as he probably feels my erratic heart beat. It wasn't until my eyes slowly trail down his face that I realized how close we were. My arms wrapped around his neck and I didn't even realize until now. Asher's arms are wrapped safely around my body, his hands sliding down my back slowly and trail down to my waist. I don't know who was leaning in but both of us were closer than before. Our eyes glued to each others lips not even aware of what was happening. The tiny bit of air between us mixing at our breathing.


My hands push his shoulders and get off his lap. As I hit the bed his eyes watch with amusement clearly splattered on his face. I roll my eyes and turn towards the door. As on que a guy walks in but stops just as quick. He smiles brightly as his eyes flicker between me and Asher. He smiles impossibly brighter and he rests his gaze on Asher. He glares at the happiness on his face and turns around to look at his face.

"What do you want Jai?" Asher groans.(pronounced Jye)

"Oh, nothing." The dark haired boy smiles."Who's she?"

He smirks and walks over to sit next to me. His arm goes around my back and rests on my shoulder.

"She's somehow connected." Asher mutters and looks around the unorganized papers. The arm immediately slips from around my shoulder and the caramel skinned boy backs away from me. Hands raised in front of him like protection.

"Is she E.S.?" He sputters disgusted. Asher looks up at him like he's an idiot. Frankly, a look I've quickly gotten used to.

"Do you really think I'd have her in my bedroom if she was E.S, dumbass?"Asher looks as if trying to figure him out. Jai lowers his hands as he mutters a silent 'oh' and takes the seat next to me. Regaining his previous position.

"So she isn't E.S.?" Jai confirms and he doesn't respond.

"What's E.S.?"

Jai freezes and looks at me shocked. He blinks a couple times before turning to Asher, who has his back to us.

"So you have a random girl in your room and she doesn't even know anything yet?"

"She's not random." Asher defends. Jai smirks at that but keeps quiet.

"So what's E.S. again?" I reask my prior question. Asher spins around to face us, his gaze resting on Jai's arm for a while before he realizes it. He looks up at us before speaking.

"So there is two groups. E.S. and W.S. Which stands for west side and east side. The person that sent you that message is East side. We're west side." Asher explains.

"So no Mafia?" I question.

"Not Mafia. Gangs. But it pays the same." Jai says as he stares absentmindedly at the wall. Asher hums in agreement.

"Interesting. But um, what does that have to do with me?" I ask as I lift my gaze from the floor as Asher is still staring at Jai's arm that rests on my shoulder. As if feeling my eyes he looks up. He sighs deeply before spinning around in the chair.

"I don't know."

"Cool. I guess." I just respond as my mind draws a blank.

"Well I'm going to go." Jai stands up. He looks around and sticks his hands in his pockets. He looks down at me and bends so his mouth is near my ear.

"You're the first girl to be here."

My eyes widen slightly at his comment. He stands straight up and his big brown eyes stare down at me as i just look up, noticing the small tattoo behind his right ear. To my view it's unreadable. Asher watches the exchange as Jai turns on his hill and walks out.

"What'd he say?" Asher asks curiously. I smile at him before responding.

"Oh, nothing. So uh, if we know why I was there, why were you there?" I tilt my head as I stand up to retrieve my phone.

"It was supposed to be an exchange of items. But you showed up so it didn't happen." He watches my every movement.

"Oh."I look down at the time and see it's only 9. I look down at the message from Sophie which is basically just an ok.

"What items?" I say checking my messages.

"I can't tell you that."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know what you know." He mutters and my phone dings in my hand. My eyebrows furrow at the message in confusion

Sophie: You have a visitor.

"What happened?" Asher holds his hand out for my phone as I ignore it and stuff the device in my pocket.

"Nothing. Uh, can we go back?"

"Sure, I guess." He speaks quietly and rubs the back of his neck. I walk out first and he follows. I would say that I'm a very observant person so I remember the same way we came from. Walking into the living room, Jai sits there with another person. A guy who seems about my age but the height would throw you off. His pitch black hair gelled back if it was blocking the rings in his face. The eyebrow ring right above his right eye, a stud nose ring, and a ring right on his lip as he nibbles on it, playing with the metal between his teeth. The appearance would see frightening, but seeing as he's talking to Jai, I don't believe he could be.

"We're going to head out. I should be back later, but I gotta check something out." Asher says from behind. His deep voice not as quiet. The newcomer nods but his eyes don't leave me. I run my hand through my curly hair as an attempt to push it back. His eyes follow the motion.

"Who's little bit?" The raspy voiced guy nods up towards me.

"Lilah and Cameron's daughter." Asher speaks from behind me making all heads snap towards him.

"How do you know my parents?"

"Background check."he shugs.

"Well that's not creepy at all." I mutter sarcastically.

"Well I wasn't just going to bring some random person here without knowing anything about them. I'm not dense."

"Damn those are some good genes." I turn my gaze towards the stranger who looks me up and down.

"That's what I'm saying." Jai chuckles copying his actions. They do this first bump thing where one first goes on top then hits the other while going down then repeat the action going up. My eyes flick to the multiple rings on his fingers.

"Well enough of this." Asher sticks up his middle finger before grabbing my hand and pulling me after him. I get this weird feeling in my stomach that I force myself to ignore from his touch. He pulls us out the deceiving image of a house and through the forest of trees. He not once let's go of my hand until we get to the bike. The ride is silent not that there would be room for conversation anyway. His muscles are tense in desperate need for relaxing.

A massage would be good for him.

Pulling me out of my thoughts, the ride comes to a stop in front of my luxurious house even though I would rather be anywhere else. I get off the bike and and Asher looks at the house with a puzzled look on his face.

"What are you thinking about?"

"What's rich people's obsession with windows. I mean all mansions have all these glass windows like every where. There is seriously more glass then actual wall."He says examining the glass making me laugh. His gaze rips away from the house and towards me. His teeth sink into his bottom lip as if biting back a smile.

"Alright, I got to go." My laughter slows.

"Just text me if anything new happens-" he gets cut off by the engine of a car pulling up behind his bike. The car isn't my parents so it confuses me of who it is. My face is even more confused when the head of light brown hair comes into view.


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