Therapy - Drarry βœ”οΈ

By SettleDown1D

263K 8.2K 10.5K

The one where Harry and Draco reconnect on the Hogwarts Express, and liquid luck seems to come in the form of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 8

10.1K 321 400
By SettleDown1D

It was Saturday once again, which meant it was time for their first joint healer session. If it wasn't for Felix, Draco didn't think he would've made it out of the eighth year dorms.

"Malfoy, are you sure that you want to come? You don't have to if you're not ready yet."

"I know that I don't have to do anything. These feelings are very complicated and it's her job to get paid to figure them out."

Laughing, Harry threw his arm around Draco's shoulders.

"That's the spirit! Really though, if you're ever uncomfortable and want to leave, let me know. We need a code word. Or maybe a specific phrase?"

"Hmm. How about 'Draco is my favorite person?' I feel that has a nice ring to it," Draco teased, winking at Harry.

"While that is a true statement, it needs to be easier to slip into a casual conversation. I can't continuously sing your praises, you'll get an even bigger head than you already have," Harry replied with a snicker, dodging the playful hand Draco threw his way. "What if I ask if you want to play a seeker's match? We can use that any time, it's normal for us."

"When did you finally grow a brain? I'm impressed, Potter."

"I've simply been extracting your brain cells while you're asleep."

"Honestly? I bet you could find a way to do that. You're smarter than you give yourself credit for, you know."

"Oh. Thank you."

"I'm ready now. Let's go."

When they arrived in front of Healer Athena's door, Harry watched Draco tilt his head down and take a calming breath. Telling Felix to sit, he gently grabbed both of Draco's hands, and whispered, "hey."

Draco looked up, and Harry saw the emotions flicker across his face before he schooled his expressions.

"It's okay, I promise you. No matter what happens, it's you and me yeah? There's next to nothing that you could say that would make me abandon you Draco. It will be okay."

Hearing Harry say his first name was enough for Draco's eyes to water, and he pulled Harry into a tight hug.

"I promise too," came his choked reply.

"Let's do this, together."

Harry knocked on the door, and if Healer Athena was surprised to see Draco accompanying Harry, she didn't show it.

"Boys, come in please."

Draco sat in the seat next to Harry, his foot anxiously tapping. Felix placed his head on Draco's knee, forcing him to stop the nervous habit.

The healer addressed Harry for a few minutes, the conversation contained in a privacy bubble. She passed Draco some forms in regards to consent and other legal matters that he read thoroughly, absentmindedly petting Felix as he finally signed his name in the indicated spaces. Handing the papers to the healer, he sat back in his seat.

"Mr. Malfoy, what are your intentions with Harry?"

"Healer Athena-," Harry began, outraged.

"Draco, please. Mr. Malfoy is my father. I hold no ill intentions, but I understand why you wouldn't believe that. I've given you no reason to trust me. You've never met me before and try as you might to stay partial, I'm sure what you've heard of myself and my history makes it hard for you to trust me.

I didn't go out seeking Potter if that's what you're asking. I quite literally stumbled into his train compartment, and he invited me to accompany him on the ride to Hogwarts. I think he recognized the panicked look in my eyes and took pity on me, because he could see some of himself reflected in my expression. So, we talked on the way to Hogwarts. He offered me cookies in true Potter fashion, and I was able to thank him in person for saving me.

We began talking things out slowly, and I suppose that was really when it hit me that he sees me. He's always seen me. He asked me why, gave me his guesses, and I confirmed them. Then he showed me some of his muggle inventions. They were truly quite fascinating. He gave me some of those little sticky papers. Post its? And then a pink pen, my favorite color. We shared some laughs, it was very unexpected, but nice.

He walked me out of the carriage so that we didn't have to face Hogwarts alone. Protected me from a flying piece of parchment," Draco continued with a snort. "I thought that was the end of it, you know? I navigated the castle alone for the first few weeks, trying to make sense of my new reality. None of my friends came back to Hogwarts you see. Potter came back to the tower one day and found me furiously pacing and bleeding. Then I met this pretty boy over here," Draco cooed, scratching Felix between the ears, "and everything changed.

We kept talking, kept meeting up. I promised Potter that I would have his back because I knew he had mine. Then Felix took a liking to me, and here we are.

For some unbeknownst reason Potter decided to trust me, and I do not take that lightly. After all that happened, he was still able to see the good in me that I wasn't even sure still existed. Do not misconstrue my words. I've changed for me, not for him or anyone else, but his support gives me hope that maybe one day others will see that I've changed too."

"Excellent Draco, this complete honesty is all that I ask for. Your telling of events matches up closely with Harry's, and it's nice to get the opposite perspective to be able to see the full picture. I apologize if my methods seemed too harsh straight from the get-go, but this is always how I begin with my patients."

"Believe me, I've been on the receiving end of worse questions."

"That is something we will unpack in time, if you so choose. For today, I'm quite interested in your relationship with Harry, and subsequently Felix."

"Harry and I are good friends, and Felix appears to have taken quite a liking to me. I'm not sure why, if I'm honest. He's able to pick up on my emotions similar to the way he does with Harry."

"Tell me Harry, does Felix behave this way with anyone else? Ron or Hermione for instance?"

"No, but to be honest we haven't been around them very much. He does pick up on a few things with Luna, but in different ways. She takes him hunting for magical creatures so they've bonded in that regard, but nothing emotionally."

"So you would say you spend most of your time with Draco?"

"I would, yes."

"Interesting," she murmured, scribbling down some notes. "Tell me Draco, what was your first encounter with Felix?"

"After Potter dragged me into his room when some younger students broke my nose. He sensed I was upset and came over to comfort me."

"So Felix initiated the initial contact, not yourself?"

"That would be correct," Draco confirmed, rubbing his hand along Felix's back. "I told Potter my injury was nothing and Felix immediately knew I was lying and nipped at my hand. Potter told me that Felix was magically bound to him and his magic, and that's what confuses me about the whole exchange. If he's sensitive to other people and their magic, shouldn't he have avoided me?"

"Theoretically, yes. From what I've gathered, and stop me if I'm overstepping, but you and Harry have similar trauma correct?"

"I would say so, yes," Harry agreed, already knowing where this conversation was going.

"Felix latched on to me because I've gone through similar experiences to Potter?," Draco asked in confusion.

"Amongst other things that will make themselves known in due time. I can't be quite sure at this stage, and that's something for the both of you to figure out.

I will say that as he's such a young dog, he's more sensitive to powerful emotions. As I understand you two have had quite the rivalry, and I'm sure Felix could sense the strong shift in feelings between the both of you as you began to work through your history. That compared with the sheer strength of your combined magics would be enough to cause a double bond."

"I knew it!"

"Well, thanks for sharing your insight Potter," Draco muttered, still trying to process all that had occurred.

"I didn't think I was right, it's almost unheard of to have a double bond to this degree."

"Draco, have you ever tried using Harry's wand for casting?," Healer Athena redirected.

"No, I haven't. I've only briefly used my mother's wand, but of course it wasn't the same as using my own."


"Try Lumos," Harry suggested, handing Draco his wand.

Draco's eyebrows shot up at the feeling of magic coursing through Harry's wand, much similar to his own.

"Lumos," he whispered, eyes widening at the brightness in front of him. "You won my wand's allegiance," he continued, trying to wrap his head around all that had happened today.

"This is quite interesting indeed," Healer Athena murmured, continuing on with her notes. "Yes, I think we'll end it here for today."

"Because Potter won my wand I can use his? That's not how it's supposed to work."

"It's the bond I think," Harry offered, head tilted in thought. "Our magic seems to have somehow intertwined to an extent. It's quite curious."

"That's one way of putting it."

The end of the session seemed to be a blur to Draco, and he was thankful that it was only a few minutes longer after the revelation. He vaguely remembered setting another appointment for two weeks out, and that was that. They were waiting for Healer Athena to return with some final paperwork when Harry spoke up.

"Back to my place?," Harry offered.

"Merlin, I need a bath."

"Is that an invitation?," Harry teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Save your flirting for another day, I'm still processing. I need lavender," Draco replied absentmindedly.

"I know where to take you, we'll use the floo to mine and then apparate out."

"Whatever you say Potter."

They collected their paperwork, bid farewell to the healer, and used the floo to Harry's, where they were excitedly greeted by Kreacher.

"Is Masters coming every weekend? I is doing the preparing!"

"I can give you another shopping list?," Harry offered.

"Summon me when list is done."

"Are you hungry? We can pick up lunch while we're out and then I can make dinner?"

"Sounds good."

They decided on their two meals, and once Kreacher had left, Draco grabbed the hand Harry extended to him, and prepared himself for the pull of apparation.

"You know Potter, if you lean into the pull you'll have an easier landing."

"I'll remember that for next time, thank you. Are you alright? That was a lot for session one."

"Let's talk about it over lunch, yeah? Where did you bring me? Are those bath bombs?!"

"It's some kind of self care store. You mentioned this kind of stuff helped you so- oh."

Draco had excitedly thrown his arms around Harry's neck, hugging him tightly as he laughed.

"This is even better than what I got the last time we went out. Come on!"

Harry allowed himself to be dragged about the store, because Draco Malfoy was holding his hand. He even let Draco use tester products on his face, whatever that meant, after he muttered cleaning spells. Harry gave his opinion on scented candles and essential oils, as well as whatever Draco asked of him.

"You're the perfect shopping partner you know?"

"I just stand here and hold things."

"Don't be daft. You know the best stores and give me your honest opinion. If I don't look good in something or I'm taking too long you'll tell me. You're even starting to learn the things that I like and helping to speed up the process. It's a perfect partnership."

"I'm always happy to help," Harry replied, smiling softly at Draco.

"You should let me cut your hair one of these days."

"I just let you smear unknown substances onto my face and shove things under my nose. Let's take it day by day shall we?"

"Fine. I concede. For now at least. Have you been using the new hair products I bought for you?"

"The shampoo and conditioner, yes."

"Really? It doesn't seem to be doing much. I'll have to try a different brand."

"If you say so."

Draco made his purchases, and then they stopped to pick up lunch on the way back to Harry's.

"So, the session?," Harry asked, picking up a pair of chopsticks.

"It was an abrupt start, I'll tell you that much. She didn't seem surprised it was me."

"Our rivalry was pretty infamous, I'm sure she had an inkling that was confirmed the moment we showed up."

"And this whole double bond business? You're okay with that? Felix is your dog after all."

"It's nice I think, to feel so close to somebody when there's no ulterior motives. If Felix was able to bond with you, that means that while he may not have liked everything he could sense, he knows that you have a good heart, and that's what matters to me."

"Salazar you're such a sap."

"I'm just being honest," Harry replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm still not good at articulating my feelings," Draco warned.

"I can tell how you feel in other ways. When your guard is down you're very reactive. Like right now? You're eyeing my food," Harry teased, watching Draco side-eye his food container for the upteenth time.

"I am not, I'm merely observing!"

"Then open your mouth and observe."

Draco thought he would die on the spot with Harry feeding him. Harry, of course, didn't seem to recognize the level of intimacy.



"We can just share you know. I don't mind."

"Maybe I don't like to share?," Draco challenged, trying to regain the upper hand in the conversation.

"Oh I know you don't. That's why I'll just take what I want," Harry retorted teasingly, snatching Draco's container out of his hand.

"Those are hexing words Potter."

"Try me Malfoy."

"Please I'm a Slytherin, I'll try you when you're least expecting it."

"And I'll be ready," Harry replied with a teasing grin.

After eating, Draco excused himself to take a bath, and Harry decided to play with Felix in the backyard.

When he came back in to change some time later, Draco called out to him.


"Can I borrow some clothes? Did I leave any of my new things here last time?"

"Let me check!"

In reality, Harry had cleared out a drawer and part of his closet for Draco. He just didn't need to know that right now. Harry grabbed a bundle of clothing and knocked on the bathroom door. It opened just enough for Draco to reach his arm out.

While Draco was changing, Harry decided to take a quick shower himself. When he emerged a few minutes later, Draco clicked his tongue at him.

"Really Potter? I must teach you proper drying charms if you insist on doing that to your hair."

"You're more concerned with my appearance than I am."

"I see your potential."

"Is that supposed to be insulting?," Harry asked, wrinkling his nose.

"I feel better about myself when I look good. All I'm saying is that if we fix up your hair some you might feel better."

"Maybe," Harry replied with a shrug. "Hermione cut my hair once and it didn't go well."

"Yes, well, Granger is only just learning how to properly take care of her own hair. I've known how to take care of mine for years."

"Oh are we just gonna pretend first and second year didn't happen?"

"Of fuck off will you?"

Harry couldn't help but laugh, and Draco had his head turned, fighting off a smile.

"Help me start dinner, yeah?"

"Only because you're begging for my help," Draco retorted, a fond look on his face.

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