So is our love Everlasting, C...

By T3u8e2

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ROYAL AU, a princess of the Sumeru, you'd come of age so your parents thought It best for you to get married... More

About you
The Life of a Princess Chap.1
Dinner Shocks Chap.2
Talks with Nilou Chap.3
Meeting In the Garden Chap.4
Memorable Eyes Chap.5
Kingdom Outing Chap.6
Promise to the Stars Chap.7
Cyno's Truth Chap.8
The Lotus Ball Chap.9
His Bravery Chap.10
Certain Feelings Chap.11
An Intuition Chap.12
Lotus pool Chap.13
Wedding Day Chap.14
A New Home Chap.16
Starting a Garden Chap.17
Love In the water Chap.18
Visiting Nilou Chap.19
Cyno's Summons Chap.20
Worries and Preparations Chap.21
A Temporary Goodbye Chap.22
Having Hope Chap.23
Letters and Visits Chap.24
An Omen Chap.25
A Stormy night Chap.26
Broken Heart and Visits Chap.27
Doctor's Visit Chap.28
The Will to Try Chap.29
A Mother's Care Chap.30
Miracle Chap.31
Celebrations Chap.32
Night Comfort Chap.33
Cravings Chap.34
Tender Love Chap.35
Giving Birth Chap.36
Recovery Chap.37
Calm days Chap.38
Childe's Resolve Chap.39
In the Night Chap.40
The Frozen Kingdom Chap.41
Cyno's Plan Chap.42
His Threat Chap.43
The Tsaritsa Chap.44
The Rescue Chap.45
A Showdown Chap.46
The Coronation Chap.47
Our Life Chap.48 END
Cyno's Birthday *Bonus Chapter*
*Bonus Bonus Chapter*

Wedding Night Chap.15

3.7K 95 112
By T3u8e2

*Mature Content In this Chapter*

the wedding feast went on late into the evening, and there were toasts after toasts as well as performances by your relatives, and Nilou even danced as a tribute to you both, It was all great fun and the food was wonderful as well, but as the time went by you realized this would be your first night together, you were nervous but you readied yourself and trusted your husband, and when the wedding feast had ended you and Cyno saw off the guests and your relatives, as well as Cyno's new In laws, In which it was almost a lot for him to take In as your family was big, 

Nilou came to you, giving you a hug "may you and Prince Cyno always be happy, I wish you both a blissful marriage"

you smiled, "Thank you Nilou, you take care"

Nilou then went along to catch up with her Father, as they were last guests to leave Cyno let out a sigh, as he pulled at his attire "Is it over"

you giggled, "yes"

"Forgive me"

"It's alright, you needn't apologize, I know you're not comfortable with a lot of social interactions"

Cyno then took your hand, "are you tired"

you turned to him, "I am, but It's mostly from the weight of my dress"

he smiled, touching your cheek "you were enchanting today"

you held his hand back, but then he brought your hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to it 

"Go on without me, there's something I'd like to speak with Father-in-Law about"

you nodded, you then picked up your skirts as you started away from Cyno as he went to go find your father, you started back In the direction of your bedroom just as Maharet joined you 

"oh there you are my lady, is the General not coming?"

you started, "he is, but he said he wanted to speak with Father for a moment"

"I see"

once in your bedroom you removed the veil from your head, and you went to go sit down at your vanity, you started to remove your earrings and Maharet took your tiara out, 

you then removed your necklace and bracelets, when finished Maharet helped you to change out of your wedding dress and she stored It away neatly, you slipped on your silk robe and washed your face and lips clean of the makeup, and Maharet undid your hair for you 

when finished she went to go put out a few of the lamps in the room, "Tomorrow will be busy with the move, but I hope you'll have a good night with the prince my lady"

you blushed, "Maharet"

she giggled, "I'm sorry, I couldn't help but tease, Goodnight my lady"

Maharet left your bedroom, now you were left alone, you took off your shoes and stood up as you walked over to your bed, just as the doors opened and closed

you felt your heartbeat quicken, but you turned to see Cyno, he was now only In a pair of white trousers with his hair unbound, he started walking over to you and opened his arms, you went into his waiting arms as you rested your head on his shoulder, and after a while you parted a little bit as you looked each other In the eyes, and before you could think to speak Cyno brought his lips to yours as he kissed you deeply, and you melted at his touch while starting to kiss back

you soon parted to breath, but then kissed once more as he trailed kisses to your shoulders, and he held you while he caressed the sides of your waist, his touch and kiss was heavenly 

Cyno then stopped, "Only if you wish to, I'll continue but if not I'll respect that"

you blushed, "I've prepared myself, It's alright Cyno"

"very well then" 

Cyno kissed your shoulders and went to press a few kisses to your neck, you felt some quiet sounds emit from yourself at this feeling, Cyno then picked you up bridal style and carried you over your bed, laying you down as you kissed once more, and he slid your robe off your right shoulder as he attacked that area with his mouth, you ran your hands across his back as he did this and you started tipping your head back, laying your head onto the pillow more

Cyno then stopped and hovered above you, "If I do something you don't like, please tell me"

you smiled warmly, bringing your hand up to touch his cheek 

"Cyno, I love you and I trust you"

Cyno smiled lovingly, "I love you too, I'll only be but gentle"

the air then started intensifying, filling with love and desire, Cyno's sunrise eyes were almost like gold at this moment In the slight darkness of the room, and his pupils were dilated

you kissed once more, and with your permission he unlaced the tie to your silk robe, opening it up as your now bare body was clear to see, he thought you were breathtaking, Cyno got off you for the moment as he removed his trousers, he straddled atop you once more, a blush came to your cheeks now you were seeing your husband fully for the first time

he started to make a trail of kisses all over your body, and when he landed on your breasts it was a feeling like no other, he caressed your nipples with his tongue as you let out soft moans

you brought your arms around him as he did this, and he lavished you ever so slowly

he massaged It over and over, before he moved on to the right side and did the same thing until It was hardened, Cyno then kissed your stomach and went down further as he kissed your inner thigs, and trailed kisses along the sides of your stomach as you felt yourself sigh

but he soon came back up to you as you kissed long, while he caressed your waist

you then wrapped your arms around him, opening up your legs to him In which revealed your intimate flesh, letting out a gasp as you felt him enter inside you, you were no longer a Virgin Princess anymore, It hurt at first but then pain soon went away, and Cyno held onto you as he started the real thing and you became one, he was gentle but at the same time he sped up 

you moaned, arching your back "Cyno...."

Cyno strained as he said your name too, both of you felt your breathing quicken, he leaned down kissing the spot on your neck where the Adams apple would be, you intertwined your hands together, and Cyno caressed your right nipple again with his tongue until it was sensitive, and you couldn't help yourself as you raked your nails across his back due to the pleasure

Cyno got close to your ear as he pressed some kisses to it, but then he strained out a moan as he started going In deeper and you let out a louder moan at the pleasure

Cyno continued to make love to you as it truly became night, and after a while of bliss you soon reached your high together as he climaxed and you felt a rush of Euphoria like no other as you then laid there together with sweat beads on your foreheads, calming down from that bliss, feeling yourself tremble slightly and your intimate area was now sore, 

Cyno put his arm around you, "Forgive me, I may have gotten too brash, did I hurt you"

"Not at all, I'm alright"

you brought your arms around him, and he rubbed your back gently 

"What did you speak to Father about" you asked curiously 

Cyno looked to the ceiling, "Well I asked him about our new residence, It won't be too far from the Palace but a carriage ride will be needed, all your things will be sent there In the early morning"

"I see"

Cyno brought the blanket over you both, "let's sleep now"

you snuggled up to him more, closing your eyes "Goodnight...dearest"

Cyno smiled warmly, "Good night, my love"

you smiled in your sleep upon hearing his words, and Cyno sat up a little bit as he kissed your fingers, soon you drifted off to sleep and Cyno laid back down soon followed suit.

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