Sang's Break GA+SB

By Em6298

62K 3K 395

Sang is the Academy's Ghostbird. Graduated at 15 after being saved by Dr. Roberts, Sang becomes an incredible... More

Prologue Continued
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty

1.4K 75 21
By Em6298

I groan in annoyance; a loud ringing bringing me out of a groggy sleep. Slapping my hand around the side table next to me, I grip onto the rectangular device. I squint enough to slide the green icon before balancing the phone on my cheek. "Hello," I croak.

"Hey Sang! Sorry to wake you." Kayli's voice filters through the speaker.

I wipe at my face and let out a soft sigh. Corey snuggles closer into my back, his head resting above mine. "It's alright, I should be getting up anyways. What's up?"

"Can I stay with you tonight? Whitney will be on my ass if I come back drunk."

I laugh breathily, "She still gets on you about it?"

"I threw up in her laundry basket one time! She's had a grudge towards me ever since."

I chuckle at the memory. Kayli had rushed to the bathroom only to mistakenly make it into Whitney's room. Her poor laundry basket didn't stand a chance. "I can pick you up too. I'll see if one of the guys will drive us back."

She sighs in relief, "Thank you! Can't wait to see you tonight."

"See you soon." I disconnect the call and settle into Corey's arms. He tightens his grip and I tilt my head back to meet his gaze. "Hey," I whisper.

He kisses my forehead, "Hey, Sunshine."

"Can we stay here today? I don't want to get up."

He smiles, "I can't. I have some Academy stuff to complete before tonight. But I can make up for not staying."

I giggle and shift closer to his face, "How so?"

"Like this," he whispers before capturing my lips with his.


I laid in bed for another hour after Corey left. My sheets still had his sweet peppermint smell, and I couldn't convince myself to move. That was until Luke called me, the troublesome duo demanding I come over. More like Luke asking sweetly and Gabriel ordering my presence. No complaints from me though. I feel giddy knowing that they want me around.

Changing into something presentable, I meander over to Gabriel's place. I'm stunned at the interior. To no surprise, Gabriel's creative liberties aren't reserved when it comes to his own space. Intricate murals line the entryway and the living room. I feel as if I've stepped into a forest. Deep green trees and natural shrubbery overtake the walls. With a closer look, birds, deer, and squirrels can be seen in the forest, taking residency in the trees, and scavenging for food. I run my hands along the masterpiece, soaking in the details. Gabriel's gaze bores into me. I can feel him gauging my reaction, but I'm simply taken away.

"This is incredible," I whisper. "Reminds me of the woods behind my old house."

I escaped every day to the trees. Walking the trails, climbing the branches, watching the animals. I spent hours in there, wishing I could be as free as the local creatures. It was my only escape, away from the suffering at home and loneliness at school. My eyes begin to mist a bit and I glance over at Gabriel.

His cheeks are slightly tinted, and he gives me a strange look. "It was inspired by the forest behind Kota's and Nathan's houses. I still know all the trails behind Sunnyvale Court like the back of my hand."

I inhale sharply and look back at the mural. All this time, they've been closer to me than I expected. Before we can say anything more, Luke comes barreling down the hallway, picking me up and swinging me around. "Cupcake! I've missed you so much!"

I giggle as he sets me down, "I missed you too. What did you two want to do?"

He wriggles his eyebrows, "Why, jump your bones of course."

Gabriel plucks me from Luke, pulling me into his firm chest. I inhale deeply at his new scent of smoked honey, releasing a deep moan. Flushing bright red, I smile embarrassingly at him. "Sorry, but you smell so damn good."

A cocky smile corrupts his beautiful face, and his eyes darken into what I can only deem a ravenous hunger. Gabriel's hold on me becomes a firm grip, hugging me tightly to his body. My eyes don't stray from his sinful gaze; a fire ignites deep in my core, begging for his desire to fan my flames. I lick my lips in anticipation and he watches with amusement. His face inches closer to mine and my breathing becomes deep and ragged. Just when I expect his mouth to land on mine, he turns his head and licks my cheek.

"Mine," he claims.

I grip onto him desperately. "Meanie!" I wail.

He laughs melodically, a rich baritone. "As much as I want to devour every inch of you right now while Luke watches," I look back at the blond model catching his mischievous smile, "we wanted to talk to you about something."

Glancing between the two, I try and decipher the situation. I also want Gabriel to take me right here on the carpeted floor, but the two seem serious about their conversation. I smile and move to their couch, sinking into the plush cushions, "Okay."

They flank my either side on the couch. Sitting close, but not quite touching me. I bounce my attention between the two, waiting for someone to say something. It's quiet for a moment, the two nonverbally conversing with their eyes, before they settle on their decision.

"Cupcake," Luke starts. "You're comfortable with Raven and Corey's relationship, right?"

And Owen and Sean's. I nod, unsure of what his point is.

Gabriel shifts uncomfortably next to me. I grab his hand in comfort but still acknowledge Luke. He makes a face, as if unsure of what to say. "Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Gabriel and I are struggling."

I look at him confused, "With Raven and Corey's relationship?"

"No, with ours."

"What's wrong with our relationship?"

"Nothing!" He palms his face, "I'm only making this worse. Let me explain."

"Luke and I are interested in exploring our sexualities," Gabriel interrupts. "Before we met you, Sang, we had been damn close to becoming more than friends."

"As Gabriel said, we want to try something new. He's damn attractive, and I want him."

"And what do you want from me in this situation? I'm more than comfortable with you two leading whatever relationship with each other that you desire, as long as I'm still a part of it." I smile at Luke and Gabriel; pulling Gabriel's hand to my mouth, I kiss it.

"That's all we ask for, Cupcake. We want you to be in the loop. For now, I think we're both only looking to satisfy our sexual desires, but maybe it turns into something more. We want you every step of the way."

"I'm happy that you told me. Will the others be aware, or would you like to keep it private?"

"It won't be a secret, but we don't need to go announcing it to the fuckers," Gabriel comments.

I nod. "I get it. Thank you for talking to me. I'm happy that you trust me."

They grin and swoop in to kiss my cheeks.

Gabriel's POV

She's so fucking perfect. Since the day I met Sang, she's had my heart. Stunningly beautiful, smart, and damn impressive. I don't know what she sees in me. Compared to my brothers, my skills are remedial at best. Sure, I can make her look like a Goddess—which she should be worshipped as such—but what can I really do for her?

I don't know.

But to hell with that. She's already mine, and I'm hers. If she's deemed me worthy, then so be it.

Looking at her now, cuddled up to Luke—content as can be—I know that I love her. She didn't even flinch when I said I wanted to sex it up with Luke. She took it in stride, shrugging off the fact that I want her boyfriend's dick in my mouth, and simply asked how she can help. I fucking love her.

When she admired my art earlier, I had the urge to paint over the whole thing and start over. To create something that deserved her admiration. Until I saw the look on her face; her eyes were wide, taking in every detail, her lips parted. I could tell how much she loved it, how much she loved my artwork. Her fingers caressed the trees as if she expected to touch the rough bark. Her green eyes were practically glowing, and my fingers itched to recreate them on paper. I fucking love her.

"Gabriel," her sultry voice whispers.

"Yes, Trouble?" Trouble she is. I rock a hard on as soon as she steps in the room.

"Do you want to go shopping? I want a new outfit for tonight."

Fucking hell, I'm going to burst. Luke looks at me amused, as if understanding the situation I'm having. "Fuck yeah. Let's go."

She blinds me with her angelic smile. She could bring down the most sinful men to her knees, and I'm begging to be one of them. Bounding from her seat, leaving a sad Luke behind, she strides towards the door. "Well, let's go! We don't have all day, and I have a feeling we're going to need the extra time."

I've been wanting to take her shopping since I stormed into her apartment. Sang has style but having her wear clothes that I choose...I take a shuddering breath. Erotic.

Luke slaps me on my back, "Come on buddy. I bet we can have some sexy Sang time if we get back soon enough." He gives me a wink before chasing after our blonde vixen.

Sang's POV

Gabriel and Luke took me to the mall in the richer neighborhood. I protested that the regular mall works fine, but Gabriel argued that I deserve only the best. He's right, and that's why I have fourteen men that were handcrafted by the universe as my boyfriends, but I still argued that it wasn't necessary. Gabriel didn't take no for an answer though, and now I'm standing in a custom shop that doesn't even have clothes on a rack.

Luke stands next to me, swinging our entangled hands. His eyes flick around the store, taking in the minimal details. Gabriel is excitedly talking to the attendant, describing exactly what he's looking for. She's paying close attention, only interrupting his tangent to add ideas or ask questions.

"I don't know why we're here. I don't need anything that fancy for tonight," I sigh.

Luke laughs and looks down at me, "Gabe doesn't care. I doubt we'll be leaving with less than ten outfits today."

I groan and lean my forehead into his arm, "What did I get myself into?"

"If it makes you feel any better, you're making his day. He's been dying to take you on a real shopping trip."

I'm glad that I can offer something that makes him happy. I still don't understand what they all see in me. Sure, I'm impressive on paper, but I'm not exactly a people person. In my twenty-one years, Kayli is the only one I could ever refer to as a friend. They all have had each other for years, some knowing each other for almost their entire lives. And what do I have? Photographic memory and baggage.

"Trouble, come here! We're ready for you," Gabriel beams.

I smile, give Luke's hand a squeeze and walk to the fitting room. I can't doubt the reasons why they may want me. I need to trust that they know and trust that their emotions are as valid as my own. I have no doubt that they have the same twisted doubts as I do. I'll prove to them that they mean everything to me. I'll prove that I love them, and I will hope that they love me too.


"Meanie," I whine. "Please. We've been at the mall for four hours. We agreed two stores ago on my outfit for tonight!"

"One more store, Trouble. I want to get you more bathing suits." He flits through the rack, picking some up with a critical eye before dismissing it or keeping it in his growing bundle.

I turn to Luke with pleading eyes, and he simply returns with an amused face. "I haven't eaten anything today, Gabriel. I can't wait any longer." My stomach growls loudly in affirmation.

"Fine. I'll make this quick." He shoves at least eight suits into my arms. "Try these on and then we'll go."

I trudge to the room, dropping the bundle onto the bench. One after another, I pull on the suits. Many of them can barely be referred to as bathing suits. They're mere strings with just enough fabric to cover the goods. But I can't argue with Gabriel's choices, they look good. Really good.

I'm admiring the orange set that cups my breasts, but offers both cleavage and under boob, when the man himself knocks on the doors. "Sang, are you covered?"

"As covered as I can be." I open the door to let him in, but step behind it to cover my body from onlookers. I don't care if the guys witness my scarring; however, I don't need curious gazes from strangers.

Stepping inside, I hear his sharp intake when he sees me. I catch the mumbling, "Fuck me."

"Goddamn, Trouble. I can't let you wear this."

"Why?" I frown and look down at the bathing suit. "I think it's cute."

"No, I can't let you wear this around anyone else." He practically growls the sentence, his voice an octave lower. He grabs my hands and yanks me to him. Our bodies pressed tightly together; he kisses me. It's hungry and urgent desire. Folding our tongues together and bruising my lips, I grip onto him to stabilize myself. His hands trace my bare skin, reaching for any part that he can. I whimper at the sensations. My skin lights aflame behind the trail of his hands. Finally, he pulls away and I'm gasping for breath. "We're buying this one," he pants.

I nod mutely, still dazed and out of breath.

"Fuck it, we'll get them all. Get dressed so we can feed you and then devour you." He squeezes my ass roughly, pulling away and exiting the fitting room.

I slump against the wall. A faint smile curls my lips as I brush my fingertips on the swollen skin. I can still feel him against me, the ghost of his desire touching me.

Luke's POV

Sang exits the fitting room glowing. I smirk knowingly, having witnessed Gabriel's exit and noticeable bulge. She skips over to me, looping our arms and leading us to the checkout.

"Ready for lunch, Cupcake? Still hungry?"

She nods, a faraway look in her eyes. Something that I easily recognize as a daydreaming face. I chuckle lightly. I understand what my brothers mean when they say I look like I'm on another planet sometimes. She looks like she's frolicking with unicorns and rainbows.

Gabriel waits for us at the register, winking at Sang when he takes the bathing suits from her. Her face flames and I watch that blush creep down below her shirt. I wonder how far it goes.

Exiting the store, we walk at a slow pace. Sang has both of our arms looped through ours. Gabe and I carry her bags, a small amount by Coleman standards. A broad smile rests on her face and she's still glowing. My eyes are locked onto her—I can't look away from her ethereal beauty. Gabriel referred to her as a Goddess once before and I agree. She's the Goddess of Sugar and Love. She's sweeter than the richest chocolate. I'd sacrifice all my candy stashes to North just for her to say my name. I love her more than any sweet on this planet, more than my fated love to chocolate chip pancakes.

Her smile stutters and her eyes flash with something close to fear. We catch her as her steps stumble, and I look around for what could have deterred her from her once happy state. I don't see anyone other than the elitist figures that stroll without a care in the world. None are glancing our way.

I look to her again to see where she's staring and follow her sight to a window. The costume store displays intricate mannequins with custom designs. The only off-putting part being the masks they all wear. None of them match the costumes, so it's a peculiar design choice. Gabriel and I look at each other with confused expressions, questioning what happened.

Sang shakes herself from her stupor and pulls us back towards the exit. A smile is plastered on her cheeks but it's not the same as earlier. Her eyes are flickering around, and suddenly I'm on alert. Gabriel seems to catch on too and is worriedly looking at Sang and the surroundings.

We make our way quickly to her car. I hop in the driver's seat, having been the one to drive us earlier. She's visibly shaken but is putting in the effort to look calm. My eyes meet Gabriel's again in the rearview mirror, before looking at her again. When we pull onto the road, her body begins to settle.

"Sang," I press softly, "What happened back there?"

She lets out a nervous laugh, "I'm sorry. I kind of have a fear of masks. It's embarrassing, I know."

Gabriel gives me a look that he doesn't believe her, and neither do I. "Cupcake, do you trust us?"

"Yes," she replies without hesitation.

"Are you sure that you're only scared of masks. There's no other reason?"

She chews on her bottom lip. Her eyes are warring with emotions. "I'm not ready to talk about it," she says quietly.

"Okay," I say. "Will you talk to us when you're ready?"

"Iwill. I promise. Just not right now, please." She begs. My heart aches at herdiscomfort. I want to pull over and take her into my lap. To hold her close andpromise that she'll always be safe with us, but I know that she'll come to uswhen she's ready to talk.

A/N: I started grad-school this week. I will try my best to publish chapters as often as I can!

How do you think the boys and Kayli meeting will go? I want to hear your thoughts! <3

Did you enjoy the new POV's? I'm hoping to add more of the guy's perspectives for y'all. Especially Raven's ;)

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