Truth In My Lies

By Red_Wr1ting

2.3K 56 22

You ever have that one hot, rude, cocky jerkface in your school that just screams bad news. Tough childhood a... More

1 | Favors
2 | Honey, I'm home!
3 | Business Party
4 |"Pretend it's a mission"
5 | Sex on the beach
7 | Secrets
8 | My Little Visitor
9 | Catching up
10 | Red
11 | Drugged
12 | Safe for her
13 | Locked out
14 |"I'm going home to her."
15| Slit Wrists
16 | Fine stands for Fucked up, insecure, needing help, and emotional
Authors note
17 | Black and white
18 | The boys are here
19 | Costumes
20 | Gunplay isn't always fun
21| Frantic and controless
22 | Undiscovered
23 | Alcohol is my coping mechanism
25 | I care
26| Oops, I wasn't dead.
27 | "Don't let me remember"
28 | Knives and liquor
29 | I promise

6 | Messages

95 2 0
By Red_Wr1ting

Adalia POV

"See you went to a party and nothing bad happened." Alex says in the hall very loudly.

"Can you chill the fuck out. Damn." I groan while leaning my head against my locker. We have one more class before we can go home and my hangover barely faded.

"Are you guys coming over today?" I ask turning around And leaning my back against the locker.

"Can't, I have practice."

"Dance, today." Ri says. I just sigh and put my things away.

"Yeah so I'm going home now." I groan.

"You still have another class." Alex points out like I didn't already know that.

"I'm skipping it." And I walk away before they can protest. I push the door open and walk to my car.

The drive was short considering I didn't go home. I drove to this open field I found a few years ago. My parents came home and I didn't want to see them so I ran away since I didn't have a car yet. It's this huge field of black flowers that I still haven't found the name of. The field has a ledge that I sit at with a small town below it. The lights that come from it give a spectacular view which is why I sit there so often. No one knows about it except one person who I miss dearly.

I sit down on the ledge and look off into the distance letting my thoughts take over. I look over to the board on a stick that's shoved into the ground. A name stands in bright letters. A reminder.

I lay back in the flowers and take one in between my fingers, twirling it slowly. It's pretty quiet up here even with a town below because it's pretty much abandoned. Very few people down there. I drop the black rose down onto my chest and let it lay there. My hand rests on my stomach right below the flower. My hair sprawled out in the grass, needing to be washed anyway. My knees bend at the ledge, letting my feet dangle.

I close my eyes as sleep starts to take over my mind.


"Sophie, I'm home!" I shout placing my keys back into my back pocket. I get no response so I head into the kitchen. I see a white folded paper laying on the counter next to a batch of chocolate cupcakes. I bite into one before picking up the note.

Dear Adalia,

I won't be here for the rest of the week. My absence is due to my father being in the hospital so when you read this, I am most likely on a plane. I left you cupcakes on the counter and chicken Alfredo in the fridge. I made enough to last you the week. I want you to actually eat dear, even if I'm not there. I will be back by Saturday so call me when you read this.

I drop the note down on the counter and dial her number while taking another bite out of the cupcake. She picks up on the second ring.

"Hey, is everything all right?" I say when she answers.

"I don't know and they won't tell me anything and my flight is delayed and I don't know what's happening and I'm having trouble breathing and- " she rushes.

"Sophie breathe with me." I say calmly then continue to take deep breaths with her. She calms down a bit.

"Alright now I want you to slowly talk with me,ok?" I say gently into the phone after putting it on speaker and place it on the counter.

"Ok. My mother called a few hours ago saying that he was just admitted." She says like she's recalling it.

"Did she call you back yet?" I ask.

"No and I'm freaking out." Sophie panics.

"Breathe, Sophie. I want you to call her now and see if she has anymore information. Then I want you to call me back if you can before your flight." I explain.

"Um, ok thank you." She says and hangs up before I get to respond. I sigh and run a hand through my slightly tangled hair.

I really need a shower.

I turn to look at the fridge. I stare at it for a minute before assessing that I'm not hungry. I walk up the stairs and turn down the long hall.

My gaze goes from the empty hall to my pocket where the buzzing device lies. I pull it out my pocket and my eyebrows furrow at the notification. It was an unknown number.

Meet me on Brentwood

Ok so we are not going.

I mean we have nothing better to do.

You mean nothing better than possibly dying? I beg to differ.
We could die

You don't know that.

No I don't but I would prefer to be alive.

And I would prefer not to be alone in this big ass house.

Damn it. Can we please not go?

Already got my shoes on.

After that inner argument with myself I throw my hair up into a messy bun. I stuff my phone in my pocket and down the stairs. Rushing out the door after deciding to walk.

I walk up to the empty alleyway and stop right before it. I turn around and start walking in the opposite direction before stopping again.

Ok, Dals we have two choices.

Go into the alley a dumbass

Or go home a smartass.

Dumbass it is.

"He-" I get cut off walking down the alley when a hand wraps around my mouth and a arm wraps around my waist. They yank me back into a dark corner where you can see the alley but can't be seen. They bring their mouth to my ear while keeping their hand safely over my mouth.

"Stay here and don't move if you want to make it home tonight." The deep raspy voice whispers in my ear.

"Keep quiet. Understand?" He asks. The familiarity of this voice hits my ears. I nod my head and he slowly peels his hand off my mouth. His hands rest on waist as he walks farther back into the corner. Right bed he backs up all the way he puts his head back near my ear again.

"Close your eyes and cover your ears." I do as he says and as soon as my hands fall over my ears a big bang sound is made before that sound continues. The guy leaves away from me as the sounds get louder.

Before I can acknowledge what just happened, I'm on the floor with a stinging pain in my forehead, right near my hairline. There is one more big bang before the whole alleyway is silent. I crouch further into the corner when I hear footsteps walking to me.

"Are you ok?" The deep voice kneels in front of me. I didn't even know I was crying untill I felt a salty tear on my lip. He stands up and holds out his hand. I grab it and he pulls me up into the light.

"Asher?" I say wide eyed. His eyes are also wide but he's not looking directly at my eyes, but my forehead.

"Shit." He mutters and grabs my hand.

"Where's your car?" He asks looking down the empty street.

"I walked." I say feeling slightly dizzy. Why is my forehead so hot?

"Fuck." He says pulling me along to what I'm guessing is his car. He opens the door and I get in. Immediately leaning my head back against the headrest and closing my eyes. I hear the driver's door open.

"Keep your eyes open and don't go to sleep." He says as tiredness hits me like a bus.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?"I mumble struggling to keep my eyes open.

"I don't know. Why the hell were you even there?" He grumbles and starts driving.

"Can we wait until I don't feel like I'm not about to pass out any minute? " I say rubbing my eyes. I feel a liquid dripping down my forehead. I pull my hand away and gasp at the blood on my hand. I look in the side view mirror and see the blood dripping down my forehead.

"Holy shit! I look like I'm in a horror movie." I gasp dramatically. He rolls his eyes and continue driving.

"Where do you live?" He asks.

"Uh, turn here." I point down my street. I look down at my lap and I see a red liquid dripping onto his hand from his leather jacket. I grab his arm and he tenses. Only then do I realize the whole in the jacket.

"Asher you got shot." I gasp.

"I'm fine." He mutters taking his arm away from my grip.

"You're fine with blood dripping down your arm. " I say as he pulls up to my house.

"Yea, and your fine with blood dripping down your face." He says as he gets out the car. I follow his actions and walk towards the door with him behind me. I push it open and run upstairs and Asher slowly follows behind me. I walk into the large bathroom and my head starts pounding. I lean my hands on the counter as black dots slowly cover my vision.

"Shit. Where are the towels and first aid kit?" I hear Asher say faintly.

"Um. First aid kit is on the top shelf and towels are below it in that closet." I point to the small closet near the shower. He rushes over to it and pulling out the two closet.

"Why is it so hot?" I say fanning myself and squeezing my eyes shut.

"Take off your hoodie." He says pointing to the huge oversized hoodie I have on currently. I take it off leaving me in only a sports bra.

"Alright I'm just going to go lay down." I say standing straight up. Fully exhausted.

"No wait, let me clean it and stitch it. Here take this." He says passing me a pill. He grabs my waist picking me up and placing me on the counter. Still squeezing my eyes shut I feel a towel rub against my forehead.

"I need to clean it and stitch it. Here bite down on this." He places a clean towel in my mouth. I feel a burn from the alcohol on my forehead. Then I feel a pinch as the cold needle goes through my skin making me bite harshly on the towel. These actions repeat until he finishes. Asher places a bandaid on my forehead and I open my eyes slowly. My eyes look up to his as he seals the bandage. My eyes flicker to the still bloodied arm.

I roll the short sleeve up to his shoulder and it bunches on the shoulder. I clean the cut before wrapping it in a bandage. His eyes stay focused on me while mine stay on the injury. His eyes study me as I finish up. He stays incredibly tense under my touch. I pull my hand away and he backs up. I hope off the counter and we both wash our hands.

"Um, you can shower or just go to bed. It's late so you can stay here." I smile softly up at him. A blank expression rests on his face.

"I'll go." He says quietly. He turns to walk but my hand wraps around his forearm, to which he immediately tenses.

"No stay. We need to talk in the morning. I'm too exhausted right now." I say and walk away before he can protest. I hear footsteps follow after me as I head to my room.

"Nice room." He says looking around. I just smile and pull a T-shirt over my head. I grab a pair of sweat pants and walk into my bathroom and close the door. I sigh and look up into the mirror. A short strip of medical tape rests on the right side of my forehead, right above my temple. I pull my hair out of the bun and left it fall down my shoulders. I change my jeans into my sweatpants after just staring at myself in the mirror.

I open the bathroom door and see a shirtless guy laid out on the right side of my bed. I walk over to him to see him sleeping. Asher looks slightly peaceful. He looks relaxed but they are still a frown on his lips. I force my eyes away and I turn off the light. I get into the opposite side of the bed and sleep easily comes.
I wake up to the bright sun shining in my room, hitting my eyes harshly. After a few adjustments by blinking I go to get up. A weight on my waist stops me. My brain not fully functioning, I turn my head slowly as an attempt to see who it is before screaming my lungs out for no reason.

I relax when I see Asher's peaceful face but it's not happy. I try to pull his arm off but his soft grip only tightens, making a weird feeling in my stomach erupt. My hands grip his fingers slowly peeling his arm off me. Halfway through, he stirs making me freeze. He turns onto his back as he was on his side. I gently drop his hand onto his chest before hopping out of bed and heading downstairs.
Asher POV

I wake up on a very soft mattress, that is very much not my bed. I sit up immediately and take in my surroundings trying to remember what happened.

I look around the empty room as I get up off the bed. Walking down the stairs, I look around trying to find her. I hear a clatter in another room and I rush in there. I see a curly head brunette eating a chocolate cupcake at whatever the hell time it is now. The light in the kitchen to damn bright so I turn it off, leaving the sun to light the room.

"Cupcake?" She says with chocolate on her face. I shake my head no and lean my hands on the counter.

"Where are your parents?" I ask realizing she's alone in this house.

"Away." She mumbles.

"What time is it?" I ask looking around the kitchen.

"Just turned 7." She says while looking down at her phone.

"Shit." I say walking out the kitchen and going back up the stairs. I walk into her room and grab my shirt and jacket off the dresser. I run back down the stairs and she's standing there.

"Where are you going?" She asks while I put my shirt on.

"I have to go." I slide my arms in the jacket sleeves.

"No we have to talk." She says sternly.

"We'll talk when the time is right." I explain.

"Well how about we make now the right time." She sasses.

"Look I don't have time for this." I say.

"Well then make the time."

"Can you stop with the fucking attitude, Adalia?"

"How do you even know my name?" She scrunches her face up in confusion and runs a hand through her curly hair.

"That's for me to know, and you to never find out." I smirk. She groans and sits down on the couch.

"Can't you just take a minute to explain this crazy shit to me?" She whines.

"This 'crazy shit' takes more than a minute to explain. I'll tell you when the time is right but what I share is not to be shared with anyone else. Understand?" I tell her. She nods. "Now I have to go."

I walk out the door not finishing the conversation. I get in my car and start driving home, skipping school today.


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