I Fell For My Geeky Best Frie...

By little_angel_

192K 3.9K 480

Eric and Lori have been best friends since they were in diapers. Lori is the typical tomboy who loves to be a... More

I Fell For My Geeky Best Friend


5K 86 13
By little_angel_

Hey sorry it took so long but here it is; chapter 27, hope you enjoy.

Chapter 27

Eric’s POV

I was tired as hell when I arrived at school the next day. I didn’t even sleep a wink last night. Lori’s words before she left kept replaying over in my head.  “You know for a smart guy, you sure can be dumb sometimes.”  What did she mean by that? Was I missing something? The thought of last night made my stomach turn in knots and the uncertainty of how today was going to unfold made me feel much worse.

I was half awake as I grabbed my books from my locker. Suddenly I felt a hand land on my shoulder causing my heart to almost go into cardiac arrest. I turned around to see Ashley smiling brightly at me.

“Hey you,” she greeted cheerfully.

“Oh hey” I said glumly shutting my locker and turned to head to class. I wasn’t in the mood to talk right now.

“Whoa there, what’s the matter?” she asked pulling my shoulder making me stop. I sighed and turned to face her. How could she ask me what's the matter? She was there last night, she should know. I gave her a knowing look and she had a sheepish smile on her face.

"Oh. Sorry for ruining your date last night," she apologized looking down at her shoes. 

"What I want to know is why you acted so surprised when you saw us there, you knew I was taking her to that restaurant, you were the one that suggested it yourself," I said eyeing her suspiciously. Of all the restaurants why that one?

She looked affronted as she looked up at me. “You think I planned on getting stood up at my favourite restaurant?” she asked appalled. “I honestly forgot I mentioned that restaurant to you.”  I bowed my head feeling like a bigger dick than I already felt.

“I’m so sorry for even thinking for a second you something to do with my dinner being ruined,” I apologized sincerely. She laughed uneasily and waved it off.

“No harm no foul, but did anything happen between you two when I left?” she asked scanning my face intensely as she changed the subject.

"Well she called me dumb," I said sullenly getting a flashback of last night.


"That's the thing, I have no idea." I said frustrated. Things were looking up for us and I was so sure last night was going to be amazing, but instead it went from amazing to a nightmare in a heartbeat.

“Wow she’s got issues,” she muttered to herself. I looked at her eyeing her carefully.

“I think she’s just under a lot of stress,” I defended. She shrugged not saying anymore.

“Can I ask you something though?” I questioned. I’ve been meaning to ask Lori but I never got the chance.

“Sure anything.” she replied cheerfully.

“What did happen between the two of you in the bathroom?" I wanted to ask that night but the look Lori was giving me, I wasn't sure I even wanted to know, though I did found it amusing seeing the two of them standing there looking like wet cats last night.

"I went to check my make up and the next thing I know she snapped and threw water at me," Ashley shrugged. I looked at her unbelievably; ok I find that really hard to believe. Why would Lori just blow up at her unexpectedly?

“Are you sure you didn’t say anything to make her snap?” I questioned. She gave me a hurt look as if I was accusing her. Wow Eric twice in one day. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair again.

“Well you two better fix your problems soon,” I muttered. I don’t want this putting another strain between Lori and I, how am I suppose to tell her I love her if she’s mad at me all the time.

“And I was so sure that last night was going to be the night,” I uttered. “I don’t know if it’s wistful thinking but I'm sensing something from Lori. I think she might actually have feelings for me too.” This was the first time I actually voiced out that thought, but lately I’ve felt at times we shared meaningful moments.

“Don’t you think so Ash,” I asked hopefully. She bit her bottom lip and was silent for a while before she looked up at me rubbing her arm uncomfortably.

 “You know I think things happen for a reason,” she whispered looking up at me. I quirked my eyebrows giving her a wary look wondering where that came from.

 “I think it’s probably a good thing you didn’t get a chance to tell her how you felt,” she continued. 

“What are you getting at Ashley?” I asked feeling my patience wearing thin. Why would she say that?

“Well I saw Lori and Chris hugging the other day.” She stated standing there silently waiting for my response.

“Yeah, so what’s wrong with that? They’re friends now” I replied stiffly.  I could feel my body surging with jealousy.

“It didn’t look like a friendly hug to me” she said slowly scanning my face for a reaction. My eyes snapped towards her and I felt an awful pang in my chest. She sensed my uneasiness.

“I could just be looking into it too much and it could just be a friendly hug,” she said reassuringly.

I wanted to respond but my words were stuck in my throat. I felt her hand land on my shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze. I felt a bit unstable and leaned into her touch. She tugged on my shoulder causing me to turn and face her.

“I want you to know I’m here for you whenever you need me,” she said caringly.

I gave her a smile. “Thanks Ash.” Though she was trying her comforting words didn’t settle the uneasiness in my chest. I needed to fix things with Lori before it got worse.

“I better get going,” I stated turning to leave but she grabbed me and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck pulling me into a hug. This caught me off guard. I’m still not used to Ashley hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her glad to know she had my back. I released my hold and waved goodbye.

As I was heading to class a horrid though entered my mind. What if Ashley was right? Things do happen for a reason. I wonder if last nights interruption was a way of fate telling me not to tell Lori my feelings towards her.

I shook away the thought. No. Lori and I were meant to be together, I can feel it. No one makes me feel the way she does. I feel like when I’m with her I’m whole and complete.

Lori will know how much I love her even if that means I have to shout it on the roof top.


Despite my effort to shake away the unpleasant thought of Lori and Chris I couldn’t help but feel a little paranoid. Thanks to Ashley I’m even more of a slump than before. Even though I don’t think she meant to do that on purpose. She’s just looking out like she said. And to make things worse I haven’t seen Lori once and my heart weighed heavy like an anchor in my chest. I know this seems pathetic but if I don’t see Lori even once, I go into depression. I sighed as opened my locker returning my books.

“Hey,” a small voice appeared causing me to snap my head up and turn to the right. A huge smile broke out on my face as I stared into the eyes of the angel I’ve been thinking about all day.

“Lori,” I exclaimed. It was evident in my voice just how happy I was to see her. She gave a sheepish smile and ducked her head.

“I’m sorry for what I said to you last night,” she whispered playing with the hem of her shirt like she always does when she’s either nervous or ashamed.

The grin I had on my face grew bigger if that was possible and I opened my arms trapping her in a death hug. I was so happy to see her I didn’t care about last night anymore. Nothing mattered, all the worries and depression I had earlier wafted away like a cloud of smoke in the wind.

“It’s ok,” I whispered in her ear. I felt her relax as her hold on me tightened. I burrowed my head in the crook of her neck inhaling her scent as it burned into my memory.

I didn’t want to let go but reluctantly I did. She had a smile on her face and with the way I was feeling I didn’t want to bring up last night’s events at the moment. I was just happy that everything between us was alright.

I shut my locker taking her hand in my mine and walked happily out the school.

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