So is our love Everlasting, C...

By T3u8e2

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ROYAL AU, a princess of the Sumeru, you'd come of age so your parents thought It best for you to get married... More

About you
The Life of a Princess Chap.1
Dinner Shocks Chap.2
Talks with Nilou Chap.3
Memorable Eyes Chap.5
Kingdom Outing Chap.6
Promise to the Stars Chap.7
Cyno's Truth Chap.8
The Lotus Ball Chap.9
His Bravery Chap.10
Certain Feelings Chap.11
An Intuition Chap.12
Lotus pool Chap.13
Wedding Day Chap.14
Wedding Night Chap.15
A New Home Chap.16
Starting a Garden Chap.17
Love In the water Chap.18
Visiting Nilou Chap.19
Cyno's Summons Chap.20
Worries and Preparations Chap.21
A Temporary Goodbye Chap.22
Having Hope Chap.23
Letters and Visits Chap.24
An Omen Chap.25
A Stormy night Chap.26
Broken Heart and Visits Chap.27
Doctor's Visit Chap.28
The Will to Try Chap.29
A Mother's Care Chap.30
Miracle Chap.31
Celebrations Chap.32
Night Comfort Chap.33
Cravings Chap.34
Tender Love Chap.35
Giving Birth Chap.36
Recovery Chap.37
Calm days Chap.38
Childe's Resolve Chap.39
In the Night Chap.40
The Frozen Kingdom Chap.41
Cyno's Plan Chap.42
His Threat Chap.43
The Tsaritsa Chap.44
The Rescue Chap.45
A Showdown Chap.46
The Coronation Chap.47
Our Life Chap.48 END
Cyno's Birthday *Bonus Chapter*
*Bonus Bonus Chapter*

Meeting In the Garden Chap.4

4.7K 174 200
By T3u8e2

A Few days later....

Today was the day that you'd meet your Fiancé, last night your mother spoke to you In private to prepare you for today and she even gave you comfort for your anxiety, and she even revealed that her marriage to your Father was arranged as well, she spoke bluntly and said at first they couldn't stand each other but soon that irritation and dislike turned into love, you were very surprised but felt better after hearing their love story, she said It would be wonderful If you could start out good with your Fiancé, unlike how her and your Father quarreled all the time but you felt confident that all would be well, at least that's what you hoped 

the sun had risen and Maharet made her way to your bedroom as to wake you up, upon reaching your room she pushed the doors open and stepped inside, before she went over to your bed

she smiled, "Princess, my lady wake up today's the day"

you turned over In bed, starting to rouse and you covered your yawn before sitting up

"so, It is"

Maharet brought your breakfast to you In bed, so you wouldn't be late meeting the general, you thanked her before you started eating, you first had a bite of the steamed oat cake before you had some of the flatbread, Maharet brought you a cup of tea 

"oh, Thank you"

you had a sip, before setting the golden cup down and you continued to eat your breakfast, and when finished you wiped your mouth, and Maharet brought over your dental care 

when finished you sat on the edge of your bed, starting to undo your braid before you stood up and walked to your private bath, once there you undressed and stepped into the waters, Maharet came in as she gave you the face cloth, you wet It before you washed your face and handed it back to her, she then got another as she started helping you to wash up 

she smiled, "so you're meeting the General today"

you smiled, looking at the water "yes, I'll admit I'm a little nervous"

you took some of the Kalpalata petals Into your hands, you then blew them back into the water, 

"I've heard he has a great reputation with the people" said Maharet

you nodded, "I see, Nilou told me that she'd met him once before, she said that he seemed cold at first but he was a kind man"

you soon finished washing and Maharet got the comb, you'd washed your hair yesterday, she dipped the comb into the scented oil as she combed through your long locks, and when finished she got a golden pitcher and poured the oils from your hair, she then dried your hair with the towel before you stood up and another maid came as she helped you to dry off, Maharet brought your robe and you slipped It on as you headed back to your bedroom

Maharet dried your hair again with another towel, afterwards you used the vial of moisturizing serum and you put it all over your skin, afterwards you put on your undergarment and bralette, Maharet then brought over your dress, since you'd be meeting your Fiancé, It was right to dress up In something fancier today, It was a lilac purple with beautiful gold detailing, you slipped It on and Maharet laced the back closed, before you turned to look in the mirror

you then went to sit down at your vanity, you put on some golden accessories that matched the dress, and Maharet brushed your hair before she styled it into a bun, another maid came and placed a golden adornment into your hair, Maharet did your makeup and put It on like usual, when she finished you rose onto your feet and put on your shoes

you then left your bedroom, walking down the halls as you went to the dining hall and inside there were your parents, your Mother smiled and gestured for you to come to her 

you went over, she took your hand "you look beautiful, I'm sure the general will think so too"

your cheeks turned a little pink, your mother then released your hand "The General has presented himself to us already, he's awaiting to meet you in the gardens"

you felt a surge of anxiety, but then you took in a breath "alright"

you bowed to your mother and father before you took your leave, walking out the dining room and Maharet followed behind, "they said he's waiting in the garden"

Maharet clasped her hands together, "oh! wonderful"

you then stopped walking, placing your hands to your heart "Maharet...all of sudden I feel very nervous"

she touched your shoulder, "It's understandable, but take deep breaths princess all will be fine, and besides Lady Nilou told you what he's really like"

you nodded, she then gave you a reassuring smile and you gave a nod before you took in another deep breath, continuing to walk down the hall as you turned to the right, and after coming down another corridor you came to the doors to the gardens, and you pushed them open as you stepped outside, walking as your earrings clinked with each step 

you walked feeling your heartbeat go a little faster, inwardly you were nervous but on the outside you maintained your composure, you made your way to the fountains and there you saw him standing in front of It, his back was turned, upon hearing someone he turned around

you felt your heart skip a beat, and you felt a warmth rise on your cheeks, he had white hair that went a little past his shoulders, wearing a headdress with ears, he had on a black and purple outfit with a black cloak and some golden accessories, he had a very handsome face and his eyes, very fierce but they were like the sunrise that you'd see from the balcony

his eyes widened a little, and he felt a thumping in his chest as soon as he looked at you, his eyes softened, he started walking until he was a few feet away from you, he then got onto one knee

"your highness"

Cyno took your hand into his, pressing a kiss atop it and you felt your heartbeat quicken

you blushed, looking elsewhere "oh, please rise, General"

General Mahamatra looked to you, he then rose onto his feet "Alright"

you smiled, bowing your head "It's nice to meet you,"

Cyno did the same gesture, "no, it's my pleasure to meet you"

you then fiddled with your bracelet a little, "I...we're to be married soon"

Cyno looked to the side, "yes,"

you looked to him once more, his eyes were very much like the sunset and very entrancing, he did have a cold demeanor but also he had a warmth to him, but then he caught your gaze and you both gazed at each other for the moment, just as a gentle smile came to his lips 

your cheeks felt warm again, his smile was like thousands of suns and it was like you'd seen something no one else could, you brought your hands up to your chest as you smiled back

he then gestured, "would you care to walk with me,"

you nodded, and he offered his elbow before you took It and followed him through the palace gardens, and Cyno glanced over to you ever so often with a blush on his cheeks 

Cyno looked ahead, "that color is nice on you,"

you looked at your dress, you then blushed "thank you"

you then started, "I heard new soldiers have joined the royal armies, how are they"

"I can't say for certain, but they show promise and are very spirited"

you nodded, "oh"

Cyno took In a breath, he then turned to you "your highness, I hope that you weren't forced to agree to this marriage"

"I wasn't don't worry, I was shocked for a little but I agreed"

Cyno nodded, "I see"

you then continued walking along, "the Mahamatra clan, I don't know much but I've heard they're a line of great warriors"

Cyno smiled a little, "that is true, and so It is of me, though young I decided to join the army and carry on my family name"

he kept going, "but there's more to It, I wanted to protect the things I care about, I want to fight for those who can't and hold to my truths of what is right"

he spoke with truth and you felt he was very admirable, a little smile coming to your face 

"that's very admirable General"

Cyno's eyes widened a little, a little pink dusted his cheeks "Thank you"

just then you heard a little tweet, Iris flew towards you and landed on your shoulder

you smiled, "Iris, there you are"

Iris chirped and you held out your finger before she perched on It, Cyno started to look

"you seem familiar with It, that bird seems to adore you"

you smiled, "this is Iris, a few years ago she injured her wing and ended up on my balcony, so I helped nurse her back to health and since then she's came back every few days"

seeing you smile, it made Cyno smile as he felt a warmth come to his chest, you were so very kind and caring he thought in his mind 

Cyno started reaching with his finger, and he gently stroked Iris "her plumes are pretty"

"mhm, and for that reason I named her Iris because of the colors though we don't have any of the flowers In Sumeru"

Iris chirped sweetly before she hopped onto his finger, you were surprised as she was never friendly with other people, especially Tighnari but It seemed Cyno was different somehow,

Cyno gently touched the head of the bird, and Iris chirped even more

"It was kind of you to help this bird"

you smiled, looking at Iris "all Life is Important to me, be It a person. Animal or even a plant,"

Cyno nodded, "that's a great thing to live by"

Iris then flew away before you and Cyno continued your walk, and while you walked you discussed many things together, you found that he was very easy to talk to and his views on things were Interesting, not to mention he was very wise beyond his years, he even told you about a few funny stories from when he was off training the soldiers in the wilderness

you giggled a little, "oh my, but what happened to the map?"

Cyno half smiled, "It was with us the whole time, and we had to trudge through the forest all over again"

you giggled even more, "goodness"

Cyno let out a sigh, "they can be reliable at times, if not Irritating"

you were about to say something else when Maharet ran over, she bowed "Princess, General, their Majesties would like to see you In the throne room"

"Thank you Maharet, we're coming" you replied

Cyno gestured with a bow of his head, "after you,"

you went ahead and he soon followed you back into the palace, and you went to the throne room presenting yourselves before your parents, King Xavier stroked his beard 

"(Y/n), General Mahamatra, we've decided that you shall wed within Four months time"

you bowed your head, and Cyno did the same in response to the decree 

your Father then stood up from his throne, "General, after my daughter marries you I expect and hope you will treat her with the utmost care and protect her"

Cyno took a knee, "I won't ever let harm come to the Princess, I promise you"

"Very Good"

a blush came to your cheeks, before Cyno rose to his feet once more and your Mother stood 

"General, we've arranged your quarters In the palace If you may need anything please let us know"

Cyno bowed, "thank you for your hospitality your Majesty"

your Father turned, "you may both take your leave"

you bowed, "Yes Father"

you then turned and left the throne room with Cyno following, and once outside the guards closed the doors, "Princess"

you turned, "hm?"

Cyno held out his hand to you, and you felt warm as you placed your hand into his, though this was your first time meeting you felt truly like you could trust him

Cyno then got onto one knee, looking you in the eyes "I'll make good of my vow, so long as I am here I'll protect you to the best of my abilities"

you blushed, "I know,"

"how do you?"

you smiled, "because I know you're a man of truth"

Cyno's cheeks dusted pink, he then nodded as he stood up before you released hands 

he then cleared his throat, fixing his cloak "Excuse me Princess"

he started away and you watched as he walked away from you, only then did you realize how quick your heart was beating, but then you took in a breath as It calmed and you left going your own way.

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