Tares City

By Shania_Samm

6.7K 3K 917

After being attacked one night during her shift, paramedic Naomi Reid finds herself thrown into the world of... More

1. Solar Eclipse
2. Failure To Execute
3. TCPD's Finest
4. Fates Intertwining
5. Call For Backup
6. Trouble Rising
7. No Sympathy For The Devil
8. Fine, I'll Do It Myself
9. Anonymous Tips
10. Investigations and New Relations
11. Field Trips
12. Blindsides
13. Repercussions
14. Knowing Is Half The Battle
15. What's Past Is Prologue
16. Chaos Under The Moon
17. Thursday
18. When The Levee Breaks
19. Changes In Relationships
20. Someone From My Past
21. The Calm Before Another Storm
22. Situation Under Control
23. Moving On
24. Conversations Had And Heard
25. Life's Patterns
26. Can't Seem To Get A Break
27. So, What Now
28. (un)Human Behaviors
29. Hospital Trips
30. Places
31. The Detective & The Paramedics
32. The Things That Define Us
33. Sean And Kai
34. The Night Continues
35. Jackson
36. The Night That Keeps On Giving
37. We Need To Discuss This
39. The Tip Of The Iceberg
40. Back To Work
41. Back Against The Wall
42. Ever Be Easy
43. This Is Now
44. Foul Play or Fair Play
45. Just Another Day At Work
46. New Developments
47. Heating up
48. Boiling Point
49. Correlation
50. Moon River
51. Start Of Something?
52. Aftermath
53. Another Bad Day
54. Arrow
55. Distrust & Suspicions
56. Another Problem Brewing
57. Pulled Back In
58. Puzzle Pieces
59. Hunters And Lycans Of Tares City
60. Lycans And Hunters Of Tares City
61. Gone Is The Illusion Of Control
62. Dilemmas
63. Plans & Assignments
64. History And Its Domino Effect
65. Darla
66. Good Riddance!
67. Just Live...(Until I Die)
68. Trouble Has Its Way Of Finding Us
69. Fracture & Hope
70. Trouble Rears Its Head Again
71. Conniving Measures: Josh Kennedy
72. Conniving Measures: Quinn Brooks
73. Dead-end Problems
74. Imminent Threats
75. Peace Is Temporary
76. Partners In Crime
77. This City
78. The Road To Trouble
79. The Part We Play
80. Location, Location
81. Getting Closer
82. The Hunt Is on Pt. 1
83. The Hunt Is On Pt. 2
84. Hostile Takeover
85. Xylia
86. Bad Moon
87. The Kennedys
88. Crossfire, Involvement & Rescue
89. Contact With The Dead
90. Coming To Terms
91. Kennedy City
92. A Plan Formed
93. Beautiful Friendships
94. Power Moves
95. The Gang's All Here
96. A Hell Of A Ride

38. Crazy, How Things Work Out

60 14 5
By Shania_Samm


Throwing her purse onto the couch, Naomi turns around to answer the knocking at her door. With a quick look through the peephole, she opens the door, a small smile on her face. "Hi," She says to Jensen as she steps to the side to let him in.

"Hey. Sorry, I'm a little late, had a situation at the gym," Jensen replies as he walks in, his eyes taking in Naomi's loft.

"It's fine, I actually got in a few seconds before you arrived. Hospital stuff took longer than I thought," Naomi explains, walking over to her kitchen area.

"Right. How'd did everything go?" Jensen says in return as he turned to face her – Not taking a seat but leaning against the back of her couch, hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"All good," Naomi begins, "I'm fine to return to work. Stopped by to see Calvin, he's doing better. They removed his tube today, the doctors think he'll wake soon. Dean was there as well, I don't think he's left Calvin's side since they landed in the hospital, really! Their captain moved them to T.C. General after everything went down. Apparently- "

"Naomi?" Jensen calls out interrupting her little monologue.

"Hmm?" She sounds in response, looking up from the dish towel she was mindlessly fidgeting with.

"As much as I'd love to hear about your friends, I'd rather we talk about..."

"Right, right. The whole...you being a Lycan situation," Naomi says butting in.

"Yeah, and the whole...you being not a hunter but knowing everything and willing to fight a group of murderous Lycans situation," Jensen says matching her tone with a tilt of his head.

"You say it like my side's the unbelievable part in this," Naomi mumbles under her breath.

"Oh, it is!" Jensen laughs, having heard her.

"Ha! Said the wolf to the human," She retorts, Jensen, raising his eyebrows at her statement. "Okay, you first. Tell me your story.


"So, Sean is the only Lycan you know?" Jensen asks as Naomi finishes her telling of events that lead to her discovering Lycanthropy. The two of them now sitting on her couch, Naomi with her legs folded under her, facing Jensen. 

"The only one I know of anyways," Naomi replies nodding.


"What? What's that tone about?!" She asks with a scrunch of her eyebrows.

"It's nothing. I'm just amazed at how...well adapted you are. You act as if you've been around Lycans your entire life. Even ready to face off against some," Jensen explains

Naomi nods in understanding, "I guess I had no choice but to adapt. It was easy with Avery and Sean at my side, but it seems like ever since I found out – Lycans are just everywhere. If I stayed in a corner and let myself be afraid, I wouldn't survive this city."

"Let me ask you this," Naomi begins, sitting up straighter, "If I didn't find out the way I did. Do you think...I mean... Would you have told me? That you're Lycan. I mean, I obviously understand, why you didn't. I'm just curious... If...in the future, you would have told me the truth...Or if would it have been your secret to keep?"

"I would have told you," Jensen answers without any hesitance. "There would have come a point where I would know I couldn't keep you in the dark anymore. And I would've told you. Maybe even show you."

"What if I had left?"

"Do you want to leave?"

"No. But what if I did?"

"Not a scenario I want to think about, Naomi."

"...I'm not leaving"

"I know," Jensen replies with a small smirk which brought a blush to Naomi's face.

"Crazy, how things work out huh."



The sound of children's playful screams mixes with the bustle of the city as Arrow steps onto the park's pathway, looking at the park before her. Hargrove Park, a natural landmark to the surrounding communities was a forty-acre estate that had been developed and beautified for people to enjoy. It was outfitted with playgrounds, picnic areas equipped with benches and tables, ponds, and nature trails. Even though it was surrounded by businesses and large companies, the park maintained its peaceful and relaxing ambiance.

Taking the stone-paved path, Arrow heads deeper into the park, a slight breeze rustling the trees that surrounded her – Their leaves falling to the ground one by one. The sun's warmth touches her skin through the sparse spaces between the trees' branches. Spotting an empty bench up ahead, she heads to it - Taking a seat on the mahogany structure with a heavy sigh.

Twice now, her uncle had come to see her – Avidly playing the role of doting uncle. Arrow had to give him credit though, his dedication to the role was impressive. No matter which button she pushed he maintained his façade. But Arrow was no fool – She knew there was an agenda behind it all, she just didn't know what.

Her uncle and whatever he was up to was something Arrow did not want to deal with. Still dealing with her Valentin-related mess, she did not have the energy to take on more on her plate.

Her uncle seemed adamant about her returning to the organization which was something that deeply confused her. The reasons voiced ranged from helping her, keeping her safe, not letting her be alone as the city's Lycans got bolder and more out of control, and looking out for her well-being – All of them sounding suspicious to her ears.

Arrow sighs as she leans back further, tilting her head up to look at the sky and the trees. It was in moments like this that Arrow tended to question her decisions, wondering where it all went wrong. The alternative outcome was if she'd done just the tiniest thing differently. But she knew all she could do was wonder what if, because there was no changing the past. 

The ringing of her phone pulls her attention back to the present. Digging it out of her pocket, she glances at the caller I.D., a little shocked to see the name Dean flashing across the screen.

Answering the call, she brings the phone to her ear, "Hello..."

"Arrow. How are you?"

"I've had better days," Arrow replies trying to keep her voice nonchalant. "But everything's fine. I haven't heard from you in s-"

"I heard what happened, Arrow. I know you spent a night in the precinct's holding cell," Dean says firmly, cutting her off. "So tell me, how are you...really?"

Arrow takes a sharp inhale, a silence forming between them as Dean awaited her answer.

"I-" Arrow begins with a tired sigh. "It's over and done with now. All I have to do is move on and put it behind me. I've been through worse," She replies to him in a whisper.

She hears Dean begin to reply but gets interrupted by a distant voice. He mumbles a "Yeah, thanks," to the person followed by some shuffling in the background.

"Who was that? You at work or something?" Arrow asks curiously.

"No, just the nurse with my meds and-"

"Nurse?! You're in the hospital? Since when?! What happened?" Arrow exclaims into her cell.

"Work got out of hand," Dean replies vaguely.

"What hospital are you at?" Arrow asks, her tone still rising.

"T.C. Memorial. I-"

"I'll be there in ten," Arrow says firmly cutting off Dean's sentence as she rises from her seat.


It was two in the afternoon when Arrow stepped out T.C. General. Walking to her car, Arrow's mind was still on Dean and all that had happened to him - His appearance shocking her when she'd first arrived at the hospital. Beaten, bruised, and exhausted she felt sorry for him and all he was going through. Part of her wished that she could have been there for him but she knew that would've never been possible with all she had going on in her own life. Sitting in her car Arrow lets out a little sigh, a small smile on her face - Feeling lighter after confiding in Dean. 


Arrow spends the rest of her afternoon viewing houses and apartments with her newly hired private realtor. With the aim to move out of her house by next week, Arrow visited a total of five different apartments and three houses thus far. None of her choices seemed like the right fit but Arrow was determined to move. Craving a fresh start in a home without sour memories and its address only known to the select few she'll choose to tell.

With one last viewing for the day, Arrow pulls up to the building next to her realtor's car.
"If you'd follow me," The lady says as she leads Arrow inside and into the building's elevator. "Our final one for the evening. This one is a studio apartment on the fourteenth floor." The two of them step out of the elevator, Arrow following behind the lady as she leads them down the hall. As Arrow waits for the realtor to unlock the door before them, a young woman about Arrow's age exits her place a few doors down - Arrow admiring how her industrial-style door slid to open and close. 

"That one's a loft," Her realtor comments having noticed her gaze. Turning to the woman Arrow realizes she'd gotten the door open and was waiting on her to enter. "If you're interested in lofts I can show you a few around the city. Let's look at this studio first yeah?"

Arrow nods in response before stepping into the apartment. "Oh, wow," She comments as she took in the interior.

"We have your kitchen area, living area. Bedroom area over here with a sliding room divider," The realtor elaborates as she walks through the space. "It doesn't have the guest room you want, but if you consider a sofa bed, it can work." She suggests.

"You might be right," Arrow comments softly as she walks through the area.


"Hey! You three! Hurry up we close in ten!" The rude cashier of the gas station mini-mart yells to Arrow and three people who were also browsing the aisles. Arrow rolls her eyes at his attitude before continuing her search of the shelves. Spotting the chips she wanted, she dropped two into her basket before heading to the register.

Not bothering with pleasantries, she pays for her hints and leaves without a word. As she placed the bags into the backseat of her car, Arrow hears a loud growl cut through the light noise of the late evening. Shoving the rest of the bags in haphazardly, Arrow shuts the door moving to the driver's side. As she opens her driver-side door, another growl sounds, this one louder than the first but not any closer to her location. The sound was loud and distinctive, but there was no one around besides herself and the people inside the store who were too far to hear it.

Heart rate picking up, Arrow retrieves her handgun from her glove compartment, discreetly tucking it into the waist of her jeans. Stepping away from her car, she closes the door behind her, locking it. Sounds of what she guessed was a scuffle made its way to her now, the loud bang o a trash can falling over echoing in the air.

Making sure to act inconspicuously as possible, Arrow begins walking toward where she thought the growls came from.

Hearing quick steps approaching her from behind, she whips her head around sharply seeing the man - A shower from the mini-mart speed walking toward her.

Slowing her stride, Arrow took note of his appearance. Trim build, not overly muscular - Dressed casually in a gray denim jacket, black sweatshirt, and black ripped jeans with black boots. He was tall, Arrow guessing his height to be at least 6'3. In the fading evening light, Arrow could see his eyes were a light brown as they made contact with hers.

"Keep walking," He says to her softly as he reaches her position. Not slowing his stride, Arrow picks up pace, curious as to where this situation was heading.

"You heard it too. I'm assuming you're armed, yeah?" He mumbles to her as they walk - Arrow realizing they were evading in the direction she was originally going.

"Come again," She mumbles back to him no louder than he'd spoken.

"We don't have time to play this game. You obviously heard the growl and know what it was considering your confident stride right toward it. I just want to make sure you're armed. Hunter." He replies as they get closer to the source of the sound, an alleyway between an auto garage and an empty building. 

"Handgun, Yew dipped bullets. Knife, laced with mistletoe. You?" Arrow answers having fully understood the situation.

"Two handguns, both with mistletoe dipped bullets," He replies to her, the two of them slowing at the entrance of the alleyway.

"I'm taking the lead," The man says to her before pulling a gun from his waistband. Aiming it ahead of him, he heads further into the alley, giving Arrow no time to formulate a response.

"Who the hell is this guy," Arrow thinks to herself as she follows his actions.
Sounds of frantic shuffling echo between the walls, the guy coming to an abrupt stop in front of her.

Stepping up to his side, Arrow lets out a shocked gasp at the scene before her. Writhing on the ground, seemingly in pain was a young boy who looked as if he was stuck in a mid-transformation state. His nose, mouth, leg, and his upper chest were that of a Lycan - The areas surrounding it looked like permanently stretched skin.

"What the hell!" Arrow exclaims in disgust, the boy growling in theory direction before writhing some more.

"Your first time seeing this mess?" The guy asks her, tone unimpressed.
"Well, he can't stay here. Do you want to call your people or mine to deal with it? I don't mind either way."

"I'm on my own. No people to call," Arrow responds, still distracted by the boy.

"Hmm." The guy sounds as he pulls out his phone and starts texting.

"What the hell am I looking at?" She asks as the boy began to gasp repeatedly, thrashing more violently.

"You're looking at the effects of L-XV. One of the many effects."

The ringing of his phone prevents Arrow from asking another question, much to her frustration. She watches the boy on the ground as she listens to the guy's responses to his call.

"Why is he coming? He would see the thing when we bring it in. Okay. See you in three." He says into the phone.

"Why who is coming?" Arrow asks curiously, not fully expecting an answer considering she was blatantly eavesdropping.

"The guy in charge," He answers simply not offering more than that.

"Tell me about L-XV," Arrow says glancing at him briefly before her eyes fall back onto the boy who was bow motionless but still breathing.

"It's a messy drug that makes what we do so much more complicated. Have you been living under a rock? It's practically a drug epidemic with his thing," He scoffs at her.

The rumbling engine of a van gets their attention, the two turning toward it. It parks directly in front of the alley, effectively blocking it off. The figures exit the van, heading toward them. "Record time. You're getting faster," The guy calls out to them, one of them laughing.

"Arrow? The other calls out to her, Arrow immediately recognizing the voice.

"Uncle Elm?" She says in shock as he comes into her view.

"Uncle?" The guy mutters beside her in surprise.

"What are the odds?!" Elmann exclaims out loud, seeming pleasantly surprised. "Crazy, how things work out isn't it Arrow dear!"

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