By skywriter404

409K 14.6K 4.9K

18+!!!!!!! They both kill, but for different reasons. Keilani Hale is an assassin. She's paid to kill and onl... More

1. s&m ๐ŸŒน
2. power ๐ŸŒน
3. do re mi ๐Ÿช™
4. heathens ๐ŸŒน
5. like that ๐ŸŒน
6. dangerous game ๐ŸŒน
7. glory & gore ๐Ÿช™
8. dont make me๐ŸŒน
9. high ๐Ÿช™
10. sue me๐ŸŒน
11. not allowed ๐Ÿช™
12. praying ๐ŸŒน
13. demon high ๐Ÿช™
14. sacrifice ๐Ÿช™
15. dead to me ๐ŸŒน
16. tag, youre it ๐ŸŒน
17. you should see me in a crown ๐ŸŒน
18. revenge ๐Ÿช™
19. look what you made me do๐ŸŒน
20. dont blame me ๐ŸŒน
21. teeth๐ŸŒน
22. wrong ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
23. bleach ๐Ÿช™
24. dress ๐ŸŒน
25. babydoll ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ”ฅ
26. delicate๐ŸŒน
27. choke ๐ŸŒน
28. murder party ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ”ฅ
29. crazy girls ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
30. call out my name๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
31. i wanna be your slave ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ”ฅ
32. detention ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
33. paradise๐ŸŒน
34. poison ๐Ÿช™
35. gangsta ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
36. streets๐ŸŒน
37. girl on fire๐Ÿช™
38. bad blood๐ŸŒน
39. demons๐ŸŒน
40. say you wont let go๐Ÿช™
41. mirrors๐ŸŒน
43. all we do๐Ÿช™
44. stitches ๐ŸŒน
45. arcade ๐ŸŒน
46. low low ๐Ÿช™
47. boys will be boys๐ŸŒน
48. line without a hook๐Ÿช™
49. 7 rings๐Ÿช™
50. motive ๐ŸŒน
51. redbone ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
52. dont call me angel ๐ŸŒน
53. strawberry lipstick ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
54. kill my mind๐Ÿช™
55. changes ๐ŸŒน
56. like i can๐ŸŒน
57. dead to me ๐ŸŒน
58. dark red ๐Ÿช™
59. best years ๐ŸŒน
60. let me ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ”ฅ
61. atlantis ๐Ÿช™
62. swim ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ”ฅ
63. prisoner ๐Ÿช™
64. all the stars ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
65. woman like me ๐Ÿช™
66. sweet nothing ๐ŸŒน
67. the great war ๐ŸŒน
69. the scientist ๐ŸŒน
70. shirt ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
71. best years ๐ŸŒน
72. intermission; flower ๐Ÿช™

42. chains๐ŸŒน

4.2K 177 91
By skywriter404

-cold to the touch but she's as warm as the devil-

Ciro holds my waist as he leads me into the restaurant. I decided, now that i've taken care of my assaulters, that i'm going to take on other cases. And a lot of them are abroad, so this is my last date with Ciro before i leave for Turkey.

He pulls out the chair for me and i sit down, watching him walk to the other side as he sits down, "You look better than i do in a suit." He picks his menu up.

"I look better than you, period." I pick the menu up. I'm definitely getting a fat, greasy chicken burger.

The waiter comes, i tell him my order and Ciro goes safe with an Italian dish. Champagne is poured and we stare at each other.

How am i going to cope for three weeks without his dick being in me?

We fuck almost every other day.

"You look sad, Hale."

"Im trying to figure out how i'm going to masturbate." I smile, the couple beside us looking at us strangely.

"Pictures will be sent, videos too if you wish." He raises his glass in a toast.

"I do wish." I raise mine, sipping on the bubbly drink.

He smiles, "So who's your first case?"

"Some dude named Hassan killed an entire family while driving under the influence, three kids and a mom. He was put in prison for a month, after, he trashed the kids graves and dug up the moms body. So the dad is paying me to rid of him."

"Why would you trash kids graves for?" Ciro shakes his head, jaw clenching, "Make it painful."

"Of course." I pick up a piece of bread.

"My family were always taught to believe that the dead won't get peace unless they're not disturbed, we won't hold a funeral unless we have all the body parts to the individual dying." He leans back, "Which is why i was so pissed when Kyle trashed Sofia's memorial. If her memorial is ruined, then she's not at peace."

"That's beautiful." I say, i've never heard of anything like that. It makes sense, though. You'd want some one you love to be buried nicely, with no disturbances so that they can rest in the afterlife.

"It is." He looks down, "They're already dead, there's no need to further disturb their peace."

I stay silent until the food comes, then when i take a big massive bite from my burger, i moan loudly. A lot of people stop their conversations to look, i look at the waiter, "This shit is fire, tootsies to the chef."

He laughs, walking away.

Ciro smiles, "You really have no shame."

"Chef deserves his ass ate for making this." I moan again.

He laughs, "You're crazy."

I smile at him, and he pushes his foot against mine gently for the rest of the night as we eat. After we're done, he holds my hand as we walk out of the restaurant.

He opens the door for me, i sit in the car. He walks around the other side and gets in.

We stare at each other, "Wanna fuck?"

"Course." He rides his hand up my thigh, starting to drive. I'm leaving later on tonight so of course i do.

We get back to his penthouse because it was the closest. Our hands don't leave each other's body as we take the elevator up to his dark apartment.

As soon as the doors slide open, he smashes his lips on mine, kissing me deeply as we make our way into the room.

"Oh." I hear someone.

I pull away, a pretty blonde girl stood there, a mini skirt on and a shirt that showed just the underside of her boob.

I could hear Ciro gulp beside me, "Shit."

"Who the fuck are you?" I look at her.

"Serenity, who the fuck are you?" She folds her arms over her chest, breasts pushing up.

"Keilani. Ciro's girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" She scoffs, then shouts something in Italian.

I really, really need to learn Italian.

Ciro let's go of my hand, "Wait in my room for me."

"Who is this?" I look in his eyes. "You've never mentioned a Serenity before."

"Keilani, go to my room." He says calmly.

I roll my eyes, walking away from them and up the stairs. I take my heels off, leaving them to the side and walking into Ciro's room. I even bought a lingerie for tonight. A baby blue one because that's his favourite colour.

I sit on his bed for all of two seconds before walking to the balcony, trying to listen to what they were saying but they were speaking in Italian.

I'm not even horny anymore.

I walk back into his room and change from my suit and lingerie to one of his shirts. My flight is literally in three hours. Three damn hours?

An hour later he walks up the stairs with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

I look at him walking in and turn around so my backs facing him. He sighs, "Really, amore?"

I close my eyes, my makeup still on because i couldn't be bothered to wipe it off.

"Don't pretend to be asleep." He sits on the edge of the bed.

"I'm not pretending. I'm officially tired after you spent an entire hour talking to a girl with her tits and ass hanging out, not explain to me who she was and spend most of our evening with her because my flight is in two hours which means i have to leave in thirty fucking minutes."

He pokes my shoulder, "At least let me explain before you go"

I turn on to my back, looking at him.

"Serenity is my fathers choice."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Arranged marriage, she was supposed to be my wife." He nods his head slowly, "And my father promised me to her father and rule breaking in the mafia isn't quite... right."

"So what are you saying?"

"That her father is in town and threatening to snitch if i don't marry her."


He raises an eyebrow.

"What? You're scared of some threat, Ciro?" I sit up.

"No. I'm not, Keilani. But i have a duty to protect over a thousand men and if any of them get in trouble because of this, i'm going to be the one held responsible and that could jeopardise my place as capo."

"So tell Reign to sort it, and tell that blonde bimbo that you have a girlfriend."

"You already did." He stands up, "Look, Keilani. I'll sort it all out."

"Before or after i come back?"

"Soon." He narrows his eyes, "Don't be mad at me. I don't want you to moan and whine you're leaving."

"What took you so long? I was waiting for ages." I sit up, getting off the bed.

He grabs my wrist, pushing me against the wall, "I'm sorry."

"So what were you doing for so long?"

"Talking. I told her you're my girlfriend, that i don't want marriage." He kisses my lips once.

"And it took an hour to do that?" I push him away.

"And we caught up."

I stare at him, "You left me here to catch up with your betrothed?"

He sighs, "I'm not gonna argue with you, Keilani. I apologise. I got caught up. You don't gotta be jealous."

I roll my eyes at him, walking into his closet and picking up one of my sweatpants. I had some clothes sent here so i didn't have to wear his clothes.

I pull socks over my feet, walking out to see him just sitting there, sipping on wine.

I think i deserve a better explanation.

I tie my hair into a bun, "I'm going. I'll see you later."

"Bye." He says, then sips on his wine.

I'm not even going to fight.

I grab my purse, walking out of the room and down the stairs. The blonde chick was still here, "Leaving?" She pulls one of Ciro's shirts over her head.

My favourite shirt of his.

"Yeah." I don't have time to deal with bitchy girls.

"Good." She sits back on the couch. I look at her heels by the door, clothes folded on the coffee table.

She's staying here.

Of course she is.

I simply open the door and walk out of the penthouse. I slide my heels on while i'm im the elevator and press the button.

It took all of five minutes for Ciro to call me, i accept, "Have a safe flight and call me when you land."

"I will, thank you." I hang up.

Is this our first real fight?

I groan loudly, beginning to drive while i call my momma, "Yes Keilani?"

"Heading to the airport." I say, "Just wanted to let you know."


"And I think Ciro and I are in our first argument."

"Well, it's been eight months i'd really like to think so. Whatever you do, make sure to talk about it instead of just having sex."

"He's letting his supposed arranged marriage girl sleep over, wear his shirt. He left me alone for an hour while he talked to her after i expressed to him numerous times we won't see each other for the next three weeks and then he just gave up." I rant.

"Arranged marriage?"

"Some blonde bitch that's wearing my favourite shirt."

"Aw, you're jealous." She laughs, "Look, call him before you take off. Explain how you feel and let him know."


"You will."

"Why should i? I said i was leaving and all he said was bye. Not to mention he's letting her sleep in my favourite shirt."

"Keilani, call him."

"Fine. I love you, i'll call you when i land."

"I love you too." She hangs up.

I drive to the airport, get everything signed in and my luggage done and then i wait.

I call Ciro and when he doesn't pick up, i don't bother calling again.

I board my flight, connecting my headphones as soon as i do. I play music while they go over the safety and 11 hours later, i arrive in Turkey.

I check into my hotel, meet up with an assassin friend for coffee and then head back to my hotel.

I get a call from Ciro, a facetime. I answer, laying down.

Only, it wasn't Ciro on screen. It was a knife held to his throat while he slept.

Ciro is a light sleeper.

I feel my heart start to rise, "Don't hurt him."

"Stay away from him." A voice says, a familiarly unfamiliar voice. I've heard it before, i just don't know where.

I start screen recording the face time, "I'm not by him, leave him alone."

"Break up with him, Keilani. It was this easy for to sneak pills in his drink while he was drunk with the blonde girl. If i see you with him again, i won't hesitate to kill him." The voice says, full of anger and hatred.

How did he even get in the penthouse?

And how could Ciro be so stupid to not notice?

The stalker is better than i think and i need to evaluate everything that i found about him.

"Why do you want me so much?"

"Because you were supposed to be mine, cupcake. Not his." He turns the camera, the blonde girl laying beside him in the bed. "He can't even stay loyal."

I knew better than to trust this. He drugged them both and probably dragged her there but the image still hurt.

"Mine, cupcake. I will kill him and everyone else that steps in your way if i find out you go next to him again." He holds the knife go Ciro's throat, slicing it slightly.

I hang up, calling Stefan.

"What?" He groans.

"Check on Ciro, right now."


"Stefan, i think someone's after him and i need you to check him." I shout. "Now."

"Jesus, fine. I'll call you later." He hangs up.

I am not going to let Ciro be hurt because of me.

I wait patiently for Stefan to call me back, he does three hours later. "What happened?" I ask, biting my nails.

"He was out of it. How do you know he was hurt?"

"Is he safe?" I ask.

"Yes. He's just getting a shit ton of drugs flushed out of his system, in the hospital. How did you know?"

I take a breath of relief, "I just... i had a feeling." I hang up.

I don't want to do this but i think Ciro's life is more important until i find out who's behind all of this. Then, i'll explain everything.

I get a text message, a picture of Ciro laying in a hospital bed with some of his men beside him.

Then the next message was

'Make it hurt or i'll make him hurt more."

I swipe off the message.

I hate letting people control me but i do need to keep Ciro safe.

Drama tea also i cba to check through this so if there's mistakes idc

word count: 2196

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