Temporary Affair (slow update...

By KvngIvyy

120K 10.4K 4.2K

Formerly titled "dear you" ______ 32, Tremaine Maverick needed help around his office. Especially after his... More

c a s t
one | dose of caffeine
two | shell shocked
three | lack of better words (filter)
four | takin' shots
five | stylish trickster
six | the who's who.. pt1
seven | the who's who.. pt 2
eight | certain circumstances
nine | friendly invitation pt 1
ten | friendly invitation pt 2
eleven | clashing
twelve | up in the air pt 1
thirteen | up in the air pt 2
fourteen | livin' it up [filter]
fifteen | a amorous proposition
sixteen | deal breaker pt 1 (filter)
seventeen| deal breaker pt 2
eighteen | checkmate
nineteen | know your worth
twenty | peace offerings
twenty one | pushing thee blame (filter)
twenty two | leftovers
twenty three | truth be told pt 1
twenty five | night cap
twenty six | all night long
twenty seven | risquรฉ
twenty eight | hide & seek
twenty nine | back to square one
thirty | take notice
thirty one | private show pt 1
thirty two | private show pt 2
thirty three | shot caller (filter)
thirty four | getaway
thirty five | foolish tiff
thirty six | an us-ship
thirty seven | doing a good deed
thirty eight | date night pt1
thirty nine | date night pt2
forty| date night pt 3
forty one | opening up [short]
forty two | making it official
forty three | anticipation
forty four| taking chances pt 1
forty five | taking chances pt 2 (new)
forty six | uninvited guest (new)
forty seven| bringing out the best (new)
forty eight | rich $hit pt 1
forty nine | rich $hit pt 2
fifty | vacay mode
fifty one | airing it out
fifty two | in the moment (short)
fifty three - on the table
fifty four - setting the record straight
fifty five - not so alone (filter)
fifty six - in your arms (filter)
fifty seven - finding forgiveness
fifty eight - moments with you pt 1(filler)
fifty nine - moments with you pt 2
sixty - all about you
sixty one | lover's den pt 1

twenty four | truth be told pt 2

2K 179 95
By KvngIvyy

Stevie tossed over on her stomach, turning her head to the right to look around, she quickly had to shield her eyes from the sunlight pouring in to the large ceiling to floor styled windows of Tremaine's loft, where she ended up crashing after the incident with David. "Ugh--" She groaned lowly.

"Morning," The rasp tone caused her to jump.

Stevie slowly pulled her body up on her arm. Staring around the room, her eyes landed on Tremaine. Who moved around the bed into her view. Standing there quietly for a moment, he focused his immediate attention on fixing the brass cufflink on the end of his dress shirt. "How you feeling?" He asked finally glancing up at her exhausted face.

"Okay... How long have I been sleep?" Stevie asked giving a soft yawn, as she tossed over onto her butt in order to sit up completely.

"Two days, on and off," He stated as he moved to grab his watch from the night stand on the side of the bed where she sat. Clasping it on his wrist. He took a seat on the side of the bed.

Gasping she bucked her eyes, shocked at his response. "Two.. Two days? How.. what? I've been here two days?" She stammered, apparently still somolent.

Tremaine nodded with a light laugh. "Yup, two days, I didn't want to disturb you honestly, you were sleeping quite good, besides I figured you needed it after the shit at the auction, speaking of, again Stevie I apologize for what I said--"

She shrugged it off. "It's fine I'm over it, but I need to get up and get home, change clothes, I've missed two days of work. That's going to put me way behind," She pulled at the blanket to remove it from her person.

"No," Tremaine voiced stopping her, standing up he pulled the blanket back up over her. "You're going to take the rest of the week off, you clearly need to Stevie,"

She disagreed almost immediately.
"I can't, I won't, we have alot going on this week--" She attempted to move the cover again.

Tremaine frowned as he pulled the threads back up to her waist. "I'm your boss, you can't argue with me. You're taking the rest of the week off, Stevie, I can manage in your absences, I promise you that. You need to take some time for yourself, relax, a'ight?"

Stevie idly twirled her thumbs. Abashedly shrugging her shoulders, she shook her head. "Okay... Whew this is.. weird, I've never had anyone tell me to take time to myself or relax, ever. I've been working since I was fifteen, taking care of my sister since we were younger than that. With a father situated in Guatemala in the army and a mother suffering from bipolar syndrome and schizophrenia, I kinda didn't have a choice --" She laughed somewhat, she lifted her hand to swipe away the tears dropping down her cheeks. "Sorry.. I know you don't want to hear my sob story,"

Tremaine shook his head as he reached over swiping a stray tear from her cheek with the pad of his thumb. "No, no it's cool, Stevie. Listen I kind of plan a day for you. Nothing major just a few things to help relieve some of your stress, and to hopefully cheer you up. David is going to take me to work and then come back and get you to take you to your apartment to shower and change, then take you around for the day. And he has a list of everything, so you don't have to do much but show alright? Also, the spare keys to lock up are on the kitchen counter downstairs--" He lifted his arm to check for the time.

"Shit.. I gotta head out, look, not sure if you'd want to come back and crash here for the rest of the week? But you can, I won't bother you, if not I'll just shoot you a text or call later okay?" He stood up grabbing his blazer which laid across the foot of the bed.

Struggling to process everything, Stevie simply nodded. "Okay,"

"Good, see ya' later, shorty," Gripping the headboard above her head, Tremaine leaned over towards her unconsciously pecking her forehead.

Turning away from her he headed for the staircase. Pausing for a moment, he then began jogging down them to the bottom level of the suite to exit.

"What the hell just... Happened..." Stevie sank down in the bed, huffing puzzled at the small interaction that just took place, she slide down until she was laying flat on her back. Yanking the expensive thread over her head, the cordiality Tremaine displayed had thrown her for a total spin.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" Stevie nervously scratched the back of her neck. "Did you say a ful.. Full spa treatment? How-- How much is that?" Stevie chewed on her nail as she stood at the front desk of the spa David dropped her at.

"So you're booked for a --" The receptionist typed on her computer. "Okay Ms. Calhoun, you have a 30 minute tension reliever message, mani/pedi, clay & herbal facial, a sauna sitting, warm stone therapy, whirlpool, a salt scrub and seaweed wrap, which includes thee vichy shower, and lastly the body polish, which brings your total to $1,374 dollars,"

"What?!" Stevie blurted out scaring the young woman.

Laughing uneasily she shook her head. "Yes.. yes ma'am, but no need to worry. Our system shows that everything has already been paid for. So just give me a second? And I'll have someone come up and take you back to change and start your pampering," She smiled at Stevie before picking up her phone receiver to make a call.

"Okay.. One thousand three --" The amount was making Stevie nauseous just thinking about it. Sighing she slipped her phone from her purse to call Tremaine.

It rang a few times before he forwarded her call to his voicemail.

"It's Tremaine Maverick, you've reached my voicemail, clearly I'm busy. If it's important leave a name and number.."


"Tremaine are you outta ' your mind? Almost two thousand dollars.." She smiled at a pair of women strolling passed her. Stepping aside out of the way. She lowered her tone. "-- Almost two fuckin' thousands dollar's? On me? Why? I can't pay you back for this--"

"Ms. Calhoun your masseuse is ready for you, if you'll follow me back this way?" A young woman dressed in a beautiful blue scrub with the spas logo stitched on it approached her.

"Of course," Stevie ended the call and slipped her phone back into her purse. Adjusting her strap on her shoulder, she nodded allowing the employee to lead the way.

"Yo, this shit is tight, holy shit," Stevie balled her fist to her mouth. Moving further inside her private massage room, she looked around the space analyzing thee gorgeous, luxurious decor.

"This is fancy, fancy, okay--" She chuckled, still, trying to fathom how she was currently indulging in such lavishness at someone else's expense.

There was two soft knocks at the door. "Ms. Calhoun?"


The door cracked open, a head peeked inside. "Afternoon, Ms. Calhoun, I'm Alonzo I'll be your masseuse, is that okay or would you like someone else?" He asked standing in the opening in the door frame.

Stevie smiled. "You'll do just fine,"

"Good, I'll go warm the oil, you can disrobe and cover with the towels there, I'll be right over in the next room, so once you're ready? Just give me a shout,"

Stevie smiled shaking her head. "Alright,"

With that he exited the room shutting the door back. Stevie took the private duration to strip from her robe, grabbing the towels up, she took a seat on the massage table. Resting on her back, she covered her nudeness. "Okay I'm ready --" She assumed she voiced loud enough for him to hear.

A few minutes passed, when she heard the door open. "Alright Ms. Calhoun, would you like anything special to enjoy your massage? To set the mood in order to relax? Some like the lights lowered and candle's instead, music, rain sounds,"

"Music would be nice, sure, got any young nudy?" Stevie asked.

The young man laughed. "This is the first someone has asked for young nudy, I more so get Adele, Taylor Swift, but yes, I can play that if you'd like,"

Stevie laughed herself. "No, no I don't want to come in being all hood and shit, lil nudy's music isn't really the spa relaxing type anyways, how about Alina Baraz?"

"Sure whatever you'd like, Ms. Calhoun,"

Stevie spent the next 30 minute's receiving what she would label a well rounded, earth shattering massage, Alonzo's strong, skilled, hands alleviated year's worth of stress and tension settled in her body, within such a small amount of time.

Afterwards Stevie went on to receive the rest of her pampering treatment. Once done she was given a few token's in a goodie bag before leaving, which included some skin care product's, nail care kit and a bottle of the spa's private labeled champagne. "Thank you for letting us pamper you today, Ms. Calhoun, hope you enjoyed your visit and plan to return again in near future,"

Stevie felt like a million bucks walking out of that spa. "Thank you I will," She'd been waxed, plucked, wrapped, rubbed down and polished throughly. She couldn't reminisce the last time she felt that restored and harmonious. She could get use to this opulent type of self care, if it was going to replenish her confidence and mood as it has, it surely beats her little homemade Greek yogurt mask by a long shot.

Stepping outside of the salon, Stevie gripped the handle of her gift bag, as she was all smiles when she saw David, Tremaine's driver there waiting for her. "David! Hi you wouldn't believe the stuff I did in there!" She hurried over towards him.

Smiling he lifted up from resting against the passenger door. "So you enjoyed yourself, Ms. Calhoun?" He inquired preparing to open the back door for her.

"Did I? David, I got a vichy shower? To wash off thee salt scrub and it felt like heaven, ah, I have to come back again, it's a must! Oh, here, a little something for you," Stevie handed him the bottle of champagne.

He quickly rejected it. "Oh no ma'am that's for you,"

"David, take it and stop being so formal, you know I don't like ma'am! It makes me feel old, here, take it," She insisted offering him the bottle once more.

"Thank you ma.. Stevie," He took the champagne from her. Once she was inside the car, he shut the door and made his way around to the driver side of the car.

"So where to now? Tremaine said you had a list?"

T. Maverick

You don't have to pay me back.. I didn't do all of that for you to pay me back, Stevie. I'm simply helping a friend out. Okay?

Miss Mouth 😩

Fine, thank you again. I really appreciate it! I'm feeling way better than I have in a while, I feel replanted, lol 👏🏾

T. Maverick

*Liked the message*
Good 👍🏾 to hear that! Yo, send me a picture when you get your hair done. But I gotta conference call, ttyl.

"Get my hair done... David where are we going?" Stevie asked addled.

"Uptown, the next thing on the list is a hair appointment, everything okay did you need to stop somewhere before hand?" He peeked back at her through the rearview mirror.

"No.. No, everything's fine," Stevie settled back into the seat, crossing her legs, she sat staring at her freshly manicured nails. "This luxury shit ain't so bad, okay, Tremaine I see why you like it so much," She snickered immaturely to herself.

It took twenty minutes to reach the hair salon where Tremaine set up the hair appointment for Stevie, not only did he book the appointment himself, he arranged and had the style and color he wanted already picked out as well, he hoped it wouldn't upset her, instead, prayed she'd just go with the follow, but knowing the rebel Stevie was, he didn't think his plan would work out too well.

"Alright, mama, here you go. So what do you think?" The hair stylist turned Stevie around in the chair to face the mirror.

Slowly Stevie blinked her eyes open to look in the mirror. She didn't know what to expect when she was told that Tremaine had already picked out the style and color for her beforehand. But she remained optimistic, I mean how bad could it be. It was only her natural hair here being taking for a mysterious adventure.

"Oh... My, God," He bottom jaw dropped drastically. Staring wide eyed at her reflection, her eyes stared in amazement at the pink ombre colored hair sitting on top of her head. "It's... Pink!" She chuckled covering her mouth.

"Oh no you don't like it... Your husband said you wanted to try it out--"

Stevie dropped her hand from her mouth, shaking her head she smiled. "No, no, I actually love it! I look, fuckin' good! Wow, I've always thought about dyeing my hair this color for years, just to scared to actually go through with it, whoa!" She was smitten with herself, as she primped, turning her head left and right in the mirror admiring her new hairdo and soft makeup beat.

"Good I'm glad you like it, and you do look absolutely beautiful, Mrs. Maverick, you husband was right, pink is your color," The stylist smiled at Stevie through the mirror. Making a few touch ups to her hair.

"He isn't my husband, he's my boss,"

"Boss? And he not only booked the appointment, he picked out the style and the color? Girl, if he isn't your husband he should be. I have married women who come in my studio all the time, and first thing say is their husbands didn't even notice their hair was done, child, please," Trina laughed as she fixed one of Stevie's curl's.

Stevie smiled as she shrugged her shoulders casually. "He was just trying to cheer me up that's all, but we're just friends," She told her searching through her purse for her phone.

"Mhm, me and my husband started off as friend's too. We're two kids, a mini van and three dogs in now, we'll be married eleven years this October," Trina smacked her lips laughing. "Oh cuse me' love," Trina walked off to answer the phone.

Stevie took some time to snap a couple pictures, she was bound to share them on social media to showcase her new style, when she found herself spontaneously sending three attachments to Tremaine, even though he'd asked to see her hair earlier anyways, now, she felt readily to do so.

3 attachments:

T. Maverick


Stevie sat watching the three little dots flicker. Chewing on the corner of her lips, she couldn't understand why awaiting his response was making her so nervous and demure.

Sighing she got tired of waiting and decided to close out the thread. Tucking her phone away in her purse, she checked herself out in the mirror, when she heard Trina making her way back over to where she sat.

"So you really like it?" Trina got a few pictures of Stevie for her salon's promotion page.

"Yes! You did you thing, ma, I absolutely love it. It's giving me strawberry shortcake, it's giving, period," Stevie boasted jokingly. "You bugged for sure, sweet's," Stevie assured her.




"Yo' no way! No fuckin' way!" Trina yelled causing Stevie to jump at thee loudness of her voice.

"He just tipped me, three times! That's a grand, ya' boss just tipped me a grand for laying ya' hair out and your makeup. He says he loves it! Yo, sis if you don't give that man some good, good. I'll divorce my husband and do it for you!"

Stevie laughed as she stood up preparing to leave. "Thank you again, you really did do a bomb ass job,"

Trina danced around smiling. "Of course I always want to make sure my customer's leave happy. And listen you're welcome back anytime, and I mean anytime, your boss as well, Mr big spender,"

Stevie laughed as she made
her way to the door. "Thank you," Exiting the shop, she again smiled to see David, Tremaine's driver patiently waiting for her.

"Wow you look beautiful, Stevie," David complimented kindly.

"Thank you, David," She got ready to climb into the backseat, suddenly struck with an idea, she stopped and glanced at David. "Could we stop at the nearest market? I need to pick up a few things,"

"Sure of course,"

Stevie climbed into the backseat. Once David made it to the driver seat, the two were off again on ride. This time to the nearest market.

Update 😩 ... Alright goodnight I'm off to bed! Got work in am..

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