Nothing shines as bright as y...

By Putelliamson

242K 4.2K 545

Stacy Taylor is an 18 year old promising midfielder playing for the Dutch club Ajax. But when her parents su... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32

Part 15

6.4K 118 9
By Putelliamson

Emma and I were on our way to training, while blasting the music on maximum volume. I could tell Emma was excited. She'd never been to the Etihad Campus before, but she knew that my parents were quite extreme fans of Manchester City.

So when I asked her a few weeks back, which team I should go play for. Her immediate response was 'Manchester City', which did not surprise me at all.

I had actually already made my mind up by then, I just wanted to hear the confirmation from her. That I had made the right choice.

We arrived at the training centre, and got out of the car. I held Emma her hand in mine, because the Etihad Campus was like a maze. Once you'd gotten lost, you'd be searching for hours and hours as to where the hell you were.

And I certainly didn't want to lose Emma out of my sight, so I tightened my grip on her hand and together we walked into the building.

We were immediately greeted by Lucy and Keira, who had also just arrived. They gave me both a hug, and, after, stood awkwardly next to Emma, not really knowing what to do.

Luckily, Emma was a complete opposite of me, concerning social interaction. I could be very awkward and shy. I'd rather avoid situations that could possible put me in an uncomfortable position. While Emma, in contrast to me, is actually very social and can get along with anyone and everyone.

And so, she immediately engulfs both of my teammates in a big hug and grabs their hands so she is walking in between them. This earned a chuckle from all three of us, as we walk to the dressing room.

Just before we entered the dressing room, we walked by the 'chill room'. I gave Emma my phone so she could play some games, and told her to wait for me here. Then, I could take her to the pitch, so she could watch us train.

After we all got dressed and were ready to step onto the pitch, I walked back to the 'chill room' and brought Emma to a bench near the side of the pitch.


Training went well, everything seemed to just fit. And my free kicks were getting better and better. I mean, I'm not a perfectionist, but I do want the ball to go into the top bins, near perfection. And most of them actually did go into the top bins, the others were mostly near the top bins, but just not quite good enough.

After training we all decided to meet up at my house, seeing as I've got Emma I have to take care of. Though, first we all went to our own houses, just to have a bit of rest after yet another hard training.

As soon as Emma and I got home we started playing Jenga, her favourite game. I had already showered at the campus, so I didn't have to worry about that.

I tried to let Emma win, and she did. Not because I let her win, but because she was actually good. I told myself that she won because I let her, but deep down I sadly knew that that was not the case and that I got beaten by my six year old sister fair and square.

We played a few more games, until I heard a knock on the door. Emma was the first one to be at the door, but didn't open it yet. She waited for me to open it, and, expectedly, it were a few of the Manchester girls.

They all came in and gave me and Emma a hug. The ones that were here were Georgia, Ellie, Keira, Lucy, Lauren and Alex.

As soon as Lucy saw the unfinished game of Jenga on the table, her competitiveness got the best of her and she insisted we all played a game of Jenga.

As expected, everyone tried to ruin another one's chance. Except for Emma, she could always play her turn in peace.

To give you a bit of an insight on the level of competitiveness everyone had, here are a few examples of the tricks they pulled off to try and beat the others.

When it was Lucy her turn, Ellie stood up and 'accidentally' bumped in to her as soon as Lucy touched the tower. Making the game collapse.

When it was Lauren her turn, she had a very difficult one. When she had almost completed her turn, Alex made a fake sneeze and distracted Lauren enough to make the tower collapse.

When it was Georgia her turn, she almost had one completely out of the tower, until Lucy faked a yawn, stretching her arms completely and this just so happened to cause Lucy her arm to be completely pushed into Georgia's face. Making the tower collapse, yet again.

But nobody cared too much, even though everyone was way too competitive. The most important thing was that Emma was having fun. And if she was. I'm pretty sure she had the night of her life. It was so good to see everyone making such an effort to make her happy.

After the games we all decided to go out for dinner, which was extremely funny. We all expected a fancy restaurant, seeing as we usually go to one of those. But this time we let Emma choose the diner. And she chose McDonald's. Which caught us all a bit by surprise, but nobody opposed, because frankly who doesn't like McDonald's. Though, I guess this ultimately had became everyone's cheat day.

As soon as Emma and I got home again, she went to bed. It was way past her bedtime, and I was actually quite surprised that she was still awake. Though, as expected, as soon as her head hit the soft fabric of her pillow she was out.

Not long after, I decided to go to bed as well. Seeing as that I've got yet another training tomorrow, and still had to impress Gareth Taylor to show that I belong in the starting eleven.

I decided not to hire a baby sitter after all, and just take Emma with me to the trainings. She wasn't really a bother, because she was, or watching us train very intensely, or playing games on my phone.

Unlike Emma, I did not fall asleep immediately. I couldn't get the game against Arsenal out of my head. Even though, it was still 2 weeks away. I just really didn't look forward to it.

And that was because of one reason, and one reason only.

-hiii everyone. I know it's getting a bit boring now, but next chapters I've got some things planned, so stay tuned!
- I do hope you all like this chapter, even though it was a bit short.
- hope you all have a lovely day and see you soon!


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