Sang's Break GA+SB

By Em6298

59.7K 3K 395

Sang is the Academy's Ghostbird. Graduated at 15 after being saved by Dr. Roberts, Sang becomes an incredible... More

Prologue Continued
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Eighteen

1.4K 89 5
By Em6298

           I groan when I hear knocking at my door. Kayli shuffles under the sheets, "Want me to get it?"

              I rub at my eyes and sit up, "No, its fine. I got it."

              Pulling myself from my warm sheets, I trudge to my front door. I smile as I swing it open, "Hey Core, what's up?"

              Corey, in all his glory, beams with a beautiful smile. I gratefully look him over; his fitted t-shirt and jeans are doing him every justice. I feel a twinge of insecurity at my lack of dressed state. He doesn't seem to mind though, as his eyes wander over my body. "Hey, sorry to have woken you. I wanted to see if you were going to be free on Friday. I'd like to take you on your birthday date."

              A rush of excitement fills me. "I'm free all day! I'd be glad to spend it with you.

              His body relaxes, "I'll have Gabriel prepare your outfit."

              I grin at him, and he returns it. Shuffling comes from behind me, and his eyes lift from mine. Surprise and concern flit through his features and I turn to see Kayli walking over in her panties and t-shirt. "Spitfire, who is at the door?"

              She wraps her arms around my waist, hugging me from behind. "Kayli, where did your pants go?"

              She giggles but doesn't answer. Corey looks back and forth between us confusion and hurt are clear on his face. I clear my throat, "Corey, this is Kayli, an old friend of mine. Kayli, this is Corey, a friend and someone that I'm dating."

              Corey relaxes a touch but is still tense. "Kayli, nice to see you again."

              Kayli's grip has tightened around me, and she snuggles close into me. "Yeah, nice to see you. I thought you were dating Mr. Blackbourne."

              "I am. You two know each other, then?"

              Corey nods, "Yes, we do." Seriously? No elaboration?

              The silence thickens in the space. I can feel Kayli's stare on Corey, and he simply looks to me. Seconds tick by that feel like hours. "Well then, would you like to join us for breakfast? I am making pancakes."

              His kind smile returns, "As much as I would love to Sang, I have an assignment. I just wanted to swing by and check your schedule."

              I grin, "Hey Kayli, can you go get the ingredients out."

              "Sure thing, Spitfire." She squeezed me one more time and left for the kitchen.

              I grab Corey's hand and tug him to me. He happily obliges, smiling down at me. "I'm excited for our date," I reach up and peck him on the lips. "Will you be able to spend the night after?"

              He leans down and kisses me slowly. I nearly sigh when he pulls back. "I'll stay over after. We can enjoy our time alone, then." He kisses me once more before walking backwards to the door, "If I don't see you sooner, I'll see you on Friday." With a wink, leaves me stunned at my entryway. I'm on cloud nine as I enter the kitchen. These boys make me feel all kinds of fuzzy and warm.

              Kayli leans against the countertop, watching me. She doesn't say a word when I start prepping the pancake batter. I barely even notice she's there. I can't stop thinking about what our date is going to be like and how our evening after will be spent. The smile on my face won't dissipate. I know how sweet Corey is, and I expect nothing less than his nerdy and cute personality to take over.

              "So," Kayli interrupts my daydream. "You're dating Corey and Mr. Blackbourne? Isn't it weird since they're on the same team?"

              I shake my head, "Actually, I'm dating all of them."

              She looks at me surprised, "Really? You were never interested in long-term relationships before, and now you're dating fourteen men? What happened?"

              I laugh and shrug. "I know! It sort of worked out that way."

              "Just be careful with them, Sang."

              I look up from my prep-work and smile, "I'm really happy to see where it goes."

              "How did it all happen? Who did you meet first?"


              For the next two hours, I tell Kayli everything. We eat breakfast and talk about each of the guys and how I met them, and how I learned who they were. I explained how it was mostly Dr. Roberts' scheming, but it felt so natural with them. She listens to every word and doesn't remind me at all of the Kayli I used to know. Instead of being jealous, she's excited and engaged in the conversation.

              It is so refreshing to have a girl friend again; I didn't realize how much I missed this. I was sad when I told her I needed to get ready for my shift, but she promised to keep in contact.


              My week flew by. My shifts went by quickly, and a lot of my evenings were spent with most or all of the guys. Kayli stuck to her word too. We were constantly texting each other. Some of the guys were curious too since I rarely used my phone. I explained that I've reunited with an old friend, but I'd love to have them meet her.

              Now, it's Friday! I barely slept a wink. Gabriel came over last night with the clothes I'm supposed to wear today, and I'm stumped with the Hawaiian shirt. It's really cute, but I can only associate it with tourists. Matched with the white shorts and sandals, I'm persuaded to believe it's a beach day.

              I decide to keep my look simple, braiding my hair into two and deciding sunscreen and lip gloss would be enough. Corey is easy to please, and I know he'll appreciate me no matter how I look. After my breakfast, I sit in anticipation on the couch.

              Texts between Kayli and Sang:

Kayli: Hey, Spitfire! Ready for your date?

Sang: Yes!!! I'm so excited

Kayli: What are you 2 doing 👀

Sang: Not sure. He said its a surprise

Sang: The only clue I have is that we have matching Hawaiian shirts

Kayli: Sightseeing?

Sang: Omg that would be so cute

Sang: He's such a sweetie. I could see that

Sang: Are you free tomorrow? My boys are curious of who my new friend is and I want yall to meet

Kayli: Yes! Let's go get some drinks with them

Kayli: There's this great tapas place we can go to

              Text between Sang and the boys:

Sang: Hey! Tapas tomorrow! I want yall to meet my friend

Kota: Everyone's schedule is open

Gabriel: Fuck yeah! I've been curious all week about this mystery person

Luke: "Emphasized Gabriel's message"

North: I'll be there, Sang Baby

Axel: I'll make the reservation

Sang: Can't wait 💖

              I silence the messages, knowing that they'll flood the chat. A knocking comes from my door, and I check the time. It's a bit early for Corey. I open the door to find him in a matching outfit, his cerulean blue eyes are shining with excitement. I don't stop the grin that breaks my face.

              "Wow," is all I say.

              "You look very pretty, Sang."

              I giggle, "You look quite handsome yourself, Core. The sunblock on your cheeks was a nice touch."

              "What?" His hand raises slowly to his cheek, wiping off the sunscreen and looking at the residue on his fingers. "That's embarrassing." His hands rub into his cheeks vigorously; it only seems to be spreading the more he rubs. I laugh and pull his hands away, replacing them with my own. His flustered look melts my heart. He stays still as I rub in the lotion, and I can feel his eyes burning into me. I focus on my efforts and beg my raising blush to go away.

              "There! All rubbed in." I pinch his cheeks and pull my hands away.

              "Thank you."


              The sun is high in the sky, and for an October day, it's quite warm. Corey and I are hand-in-hand in downtown Charleston. The streets are surprisingly busy with tourists. The peak season is typically during the summer, so its strange to see so many people. "What are we going to do today?"

              "We're having breakfast, then we're going on a tour."

              "What kind of tour?"

              He gives me a knowing smile and shakes his head. He leads us further up the road until we reach a quaint café. The interior is reminiscent of a library. Large bookshelves climb the walls. Wood finishes garner most of the space, complimented with the dim golden lighting. The air is rich with coffee and floral undertones. Corey escorts me to secluded booth that is plush with pillows. Not soon after he sits next to me, a waitress arrives with menus. Although the store is mostly known for its coffee and open library, their breakfast is not to be dismissed.

The waitress leaves us to mull our options and I cuddle in with Corey. "What would you recommend?"

"To drink, I think you would enjoy the iced white mocha and lavender latte."

"Wonderful, and for breakfast?"

"Their breakfast potato hash. It's breakfast potatoes, sauteed bell peppers and onions, with sausage gravy and a sunny-side up egg on top."

"Perfect, and what are you getting?"

"Iced peach tea and their American breakfast."

"Sounds delicious! And what's the tour we're doing?"

"The haunted jail." He pauses, "Wait!"

Too easy. "Thank you for telling me Core, but I thought you were keeping it a secret!"

"You tricked me!" He glares at me, with no heat behind the look.

"I recall no such thing."

"You distracted me, and then asked me so I would answer."

"And why would I do that? I appreciate surprises."

He continues to glare at me until we're disrupted by the return of our waitress. He orders for the both of us and I can't help but giggle when she leaves the table. He sighs dramatically but kisses the top of my head, "Sorry for ruining the surprise."

"I'm still excited! I've never been on a haunted tour before."

"This is one of the most known in Charleston. It's one of the original jails, and quite known for the many tragic deaths that occurred there. Since you like scary movies, I figured you'd enjoy it."

"I hope it's scary. Do you think we'll encounter real ghosts?"

He shivers and a pinched look overcomes his features, "I sure hope not. Scary, sure. But ghost interactions? I think I'll skip."


              Breakfast was fantastic. My coffee was sweet, and my meal was rich with savory flavors. Refreshed after our food, I bounce out of the café with Corey in hand. He directs us towards the tour location and I'm buzzing with excitement. I'm partially hoping for a ghost encounter; although, I don't see myself acting bravely at the face of a spirit.

              The outside of the establishment is dingy with a vibrant sign that glows 'Ghost Tours.' The outlook of the building is clearly staged to look warred with time, but with a keen eye, the building is well taken care of. I guess tourists don't believe that scary places can look the same as every other typical building. The inside is just the same, with dark lighting that creates peeking shadows around the room. The inside reminds me of 'The Addams Family' if it had a low production budget, and yet it has an ominous energy in the room. Two teens sit behind a theater style window, where couples and families are lined to buy their tickets. I move to get in line behind a rowdy family, but Corey directs me to a connecting entrance, that is both the starting point and a gift shop.

              "Don't you think we should wait until after the tour to look at overpriced themed gifts?" I query, "Or at least until we buy our tickets?"

              He reaches into his pocket and pulls out two printed tickets, "We have them already. And we're browsing to kill time. The tour guide will arrive shortly." He picks up a stuffed toy of a prisoner, "Maybe you'll find something you want."

              I snort. "If I did, it wouldn't be a jail doll." I pick up a t-shirt that says, 'I survived the Charleston Jail' in a cursive font, "Now this, absolutely."

              We both laugh and continue through the store, grabbing the most ridiculous items we can find and showing the other. The store begins to crowd as more guests arrive. A whistle calls our attention to the lobby entrance, where a staff member stands. "Welcome friends to the Charleston Jail Tour! Are we ready to meet some ghosts today?"

              Corey and I give each other knowing looks; he wiggles his fingers at me as if he was a ghost coming to grab me. The tour guide directs our group to follow, and Corey and I stay near the back. Our guide is loud enough for us to hear, so we can enjoy the exhibits at a slower rate this way. The tour begins through a side door in the gift shop, leading us to what would be the sheriff's office.

              Corey grasps onto my hand, keeping me near his side. He's tense but intrigued by the verbal knowledge and staged office. We wind through the space until we're directed downstairs. The stairway is damp and cold, the stairs are made of dark stone which is barely noticeable by the faint sconces that line the walls. The stairs alone are terrifying, and I can't help but feel eyes on me. A glance around shows no one else other than Corey paying me any mind, but a shiver still runs down my spine.

              Corey's warm hand rests on my lower back. "Are you okay," he whispers.

              I nod, "Yeah. It felt like someone was watching us." A tremble inkles into my words before I can stop it.

              He blanches and hurries us down the steps. The people around us are oblivious to our plight. We continue to hang back, although Corey refrains from keeping me further than an inch away. "Core, are you okay?"

              "I felt the watching too." He breathes out.

              My back is ramrod straight. My senses are on edge now. "Okay, nothing too strange for a haunted jail. Right?"


              I laugh nervously, continuing to absorb the tour without interest. Our guide brings us further into the jail. This time leading us into the jail cells. We make it halfway through the hall when the lights cut out. A few people scream at the darkness that blankets us.

              "Please remain calm!" The tour guide directs. "It is common that the spirits interfere with the lights." A flashlight clicks on where his voice resonates. "Please, come this way."

              The crowd shuffles forward, but I'm ladened in place; my eyes frozen on a glowing mask that rests on a fake skeleton. It's glowing form is typically white, a traditional Italian mask. Volto. Its bland features remind me of every encounter I've had with its owner. Volto. Their unknown identity named after their mask. They've haunted me over the past few years, tormenting and stalking me, but haven't seen them in over a year.

              I faintly hear Corey talking to me, but my eyes stay on the dreadful mask. It has to be a coincidence. I rip my eyes away and make a brisk walk towards the exit where the guide directs the crowd. Corey is on my heels, his confusion reaching me in waves. My breathing is heavy; I try to remain calm.

              What can I feel?

              What can I taste?

              Images flit through my mind. I'm gasping for breath but continue my trek.

              What can I smell?

What can I see?

              Tears dilute my vision. The world feels as if it's tilting while my lungs claw for air. No matter how much I inhale, air doesn't fill my chest. Arms wrap around me tightly, compressing my arms to my chest. I focus on the person who holds me. Their grip is tight, and their muscles are firm. They're offering a lot of heat to my body. Then, I smell the peppermint. His peppermint. My body loses its tension and air fills my lungs painfully. I sag in Corey's arms, not noticing that I'm trembling.

              "Sang," he pushes my hair away from my face. His concerned image fills my view, "Are you okay? What happened?"

              I nod weakly, "Do you think I should buy the 'I survived' shirt?"

              He chokes out a laugh, "Yeah, I think we should."

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