𓆩♑π“†ͺ My Angel (UN x Male CH...

By kimoco44

23.6K 828 1.3K

My very first world meeting was supposed to be something to remember for ages to come It was a symbol of my m... More

𓆩♑π“†ͺ Im Pregnant!
𓆩♑π“†ͺ My Son
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Letters
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Red lined
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Panic
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Beautiful
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fantasy
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Interesting name
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Searching
𓆩♑π“†ͺBrush 3 Times
𓆩♑π“†ͺ His name
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Texting
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Girls or guys
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Hazy Memories
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Mature enough
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Origami
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Thoughts
𓆩♑π“†ͺ The Hunt
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Confrontation
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Cold breath
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Animal
𓆩♑π“†ͺ The car
𓆩♑π“†ͺ It starts with a lie
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Teacher
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Watching
𓆩♑π“†ͺWelcome to (Y/n)
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fragments of a past
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fragments of a present
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fragments of a...

𓆩♑π“†ͺ Ballet

698 26 57
By kimoco44


Third person POV

(Y/n) smiled as he walked through the door of the now familiar world building. It looked just as busy as it did any other day with people and countries moving about and looking rather busy. He spotted a few countries he had seen from the last world meeting going about their lives; it almost made him jealous how important they looked.
"Alright bro I'm off" Peru interrupted his thoughts and began to walk off only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder. "C-can I come, I'm still not too sure of the layout ya know"

That was a lie. (Y/n) was in fact very familiar with the layout of the building being as though Germany had showed him nearly everything that he could without going against the rules. Though he still didn't know where UN was at this time, and didn't feel too comfortable roaming the building without a clear excuse as to why. That would just be awkward, even if he did find the man.

Peru raised an eyebrow and smirked, pretty much getting what the other was putting down. "Ah so big brave (Y/n) can't hold his own? That's adorable. The boy in question was quick to try and defend himself to avoid embarrassment but was shot down by Peru's snickering. "It's okay mi amor. You can continue to use me as your alibi." His words instantly made (Y/n) sigh in relief. "Thanks I-"
"Ah ah I'm not done" The smirk on perus face grew.

"You can use me as an alibi only if..." He paused, quickly tapping (Y/n)'s nose, "...only if you promise me a favor"
Worry ran through the boy at the mention of a favor, especially a favor for someone like Peru. "O-okay. What kind of favor?" Of course he knew it wouldn't be too extreme, but then again you could never know what this particular country would do.

A pleased look ran over Perus face at the compliance. "You owe me. I'll use it when I need it" He said, then began walking away; (Y/n) finding that as his queue to follow, silently agreeing.

The two walked through the halls, Peru smiling and greeting those he knew while (Y/n) just watched.
Most of the people who greeted Peru simply ignored him, others opted for the quick sympathetic glance. Either way, no one really knew him enough to talk to him, or cared for that matter. "So who's this lucky man that has captured your heart before I had the chance?" Peru decided to start a conversation instantly grabbing the others attention.

"Um- uh... he's... Someone"
"Someone you say?" The look on his face told (Y/n) he could see right through him and unfortunately for him, he also knew Peru wasn't someone who backed down on information. "So who is this 'someone'? Does he have a name?"

"Um... no?"
"No? Never heard of a human without a name" (Y/n) bit his lip. He knew exactly was Peru was doing and decided to keep silent.
"So he's not a regular human then? Good to know"


After a moment of silence between the two, Peru spoke again. "If he's no regular human, that means he's a countryhuman correct? Or am I just reaching"

(Y/n) was practically screaming in his head from uncertainty; he wasn't sure what to do. "N-No-

"Ah so he's no country either is what your saying?"

"No that's not it!" (Y/n) quickly turned to Peru, trying to make him voice sound as believable as he could. "Hm, really now?" By this time, the two had stopped walking and now stared at one another, one of them internally freaking out.


Feeling uncomfortable, (Y/n) began walking again, hearing a small laugh from Peru at the way his teasing was effecting him. "Tu adorable, don't worry I'm done asking questions precioso"

The two walked up a flight of stairs in silence again, coming to a stop at a checkpoint terminal. "You have your keycard or didn't get that yet?" Asked Peru, as the two walked in line to the checking booth. (Y/n) simply nodded and began to get his from his pocket, only to feel nothing there.

"Shit" Muttering, he began checking all his pockets and not feeling anything, slowly he turned back to Peru who has a worried look on his face. "I.. might have left it... at home"

Well fuck

Peru sighed and smiled, "It's okay, I'm sure they can just look up your ID" He spoke as the two arrived in the front of the checkpoint line. "Hello Peru!" A woman with blonde hair and chocolate skin greeted behind the checkpoint booth. "Hola Isabella, I hope your days been well" Peru greeted back making the woman smile, "Yeah, nothing too bad, but make sure you tell your father to lay off. I'm a married lady you know" She giggled and clicked something behind her desk making the checkpoint doors open.

I guess she knew Peru well enough not to have him use his keycard. Upon (Y/n) walking up to the checkpoint, the blonde woman looked at him and frowned, any sign of familiarity instantly disappearing. "Keycard please" She asked while looking him up and down, a look of slight disturbance in her eyes at his appearance. "Um-
"He's a friend" Peru quickly interrupted. "I'm sure he is, but I must see his keycard. You know that Peru"
This wasn't good. (Y/n) glanced at the older man on the other side of the booth, unsure of what to do only to see the same confused and worried look on Perus face.

"I- uh... I don't have it me... is there anyway you can find it in the database or something?" He asked hesitantly.
The woman sighed and began pressing things on her computer. "Name?"
"(Y/n) (C/n)"
As she typed, (Y/n) looked back at the line that was beginning to form. Behind him, a red flagged country glared at him with piercing yellow eyes that reminded him of snakes. Feeling uncomfortable, he decided to look away and wait for the woman to get done. "Hmm" She looked back up at him, "Your all set hun. Next time don't forget your card okay" clicking the button under her desk, the checkpoint doors opened and (Y/n) quickly slipped through, breathing a sigh of relief upon reuniting with Peru on the other side.

"You okay man?" Said country asked at the sight of the younger boys sweaty form. "Y-yeah, just anxious haha" He faked a laugh as the red country from the line walked passed him, purposely bumping his shoulder. "猪头" The man muttered, not even stopping to apologize.

(Y/n) only flinched at the push but he felt as if whatever that man had said was not anything good. "Alright let's go" Peru said, seemingly not having seen the push that man gave (Y/n). "Sure..." He took his eyes away from the man and continued to follow Peru.

A little while later, the two came upon a large door at the end of the "Preforming Arts" Hallway. Classical music was heard from outside. "Alright amigo, here's where we part ways" Peru turned to (Y/n) and patted his shoulder. "I hope you find the courage to talk to that man you like whom I am 1000% not jealous of in the slightest. See you" He winked and placed a friendly kiss onto the boys forehead as he's done many times before. "O-okay..."

(Y/n) watched him walk away and slowly open the large door, the sound of the music being louder for a second and fading as the door closed. 'I didn't know Peru played music?' He thought to himself, slowly walking towards the door when the music stopped and a female voice was heard on the other side of it.

"Pérou, your late again" A woman spoke in a soft voice instantly grabbing (Y/n)s attention. Was that Perus teacher or something? "Sorry, I was visiting a friend. I hope it didn't miss much"
"Non, we were just warming up. Hurry and change and get in line"

(Y/n) opened the door slightly to get a look at what was going on. There he saw a few humans and countries lined up in rows next to bars. The girls on one bar wore leotards and very pointy shoes that made them stand straight up; across from them, a line of boys that wore different version of the girls' shoes stood in odd positions.

Is this ballet?

...wait Peru does ballet?

"Wow" (Y/n) muttered as he saw Peru run over to the boys line, he had now changed into the same outfit as everyone else, and took stance in the back of the boys line. A woman standing in the very front of everyone else quickly walked over and helped him fix his stance to match the others in line. "Okay everyone, back to first position and begin your routine from the top" The woman ran back to the front in a cute light jog that made (Y/n) chuckle. Picking up her phone, she faced her students "Une deux trois commencent!" The music began again when she tapped her phone screen, the students moved along with the music.

(Y/n) watched in amazement as they danced, and jumped; seemingly gliding with each step. It was almost magical. The woman began walking around the room to watch closer, sometimes stopping to fix small steps in her students' movements. As she got closer to the door, (Y/n) could see her face more clear; he now realized that she was the same lady he had interacted with when he went to find his fathers office.

She looked a bit different today being as though she wasn't dressed as formal as before, but just as beautiful as the last time he had seen her. Her (E/c) colored eyes reflected a soft tone as she worked around the room, lightly smiling in a cute manner. "What was her name again?" (Y/n) asked himself as he watched her do a small spin to show a female student her mistake.

"Her name is France"
"What the fuck!" (Y/n) screamed at the sudden voice and felt himself loose his balance, pushing open the door and falling to the ground with a loud thud.

(Y/n) POV

I felt a sting of pain jolt in my elbow as I made contact with the floor. The music in the room shutting off. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" Someone said, seemingly addressing me. "I-I'm fine"I replied, moving to quickly stand as to not further embarrass myself. "Are you sure because that looked like a pretty hard fall"


I knew that voice

Looking up, I made eye contact with the last person I would have liked to catch me eavesdropping on a class of ballet dancers. "UN! Hi!" I shouted again, covering my mouth at unexpected loud tone of my voice. Thankfully, the winged man only chuckled, "Hi to you too (Y/n). He remembered my name... I mean that's not all that impressive but really anything that he does is impressive to me.

"Is everything okay over here" The woman came into my field of vision, slightly gasping at the sight of me on the floor. "Goodness, are you okay darling!" She crouched down to my level and took a look at me. "Yeah I'm fine haha, just tripped is all-"
"Your bleeding!?" Interrupting me, she took my arm and turned it to look at my elbow. Sure enough, a large amount of blood was running down my arm from what seemed to be a cut.

"Oh" I didn't feel the cut, but I knew it would begin to hurt if I thought about it more. "It dosnt hurt, I-I swear I'm fine" Laughing to try and downplay the situation, I saw UNs smile fade at the sight of the blood. "Hm it may not hurt but it could get infected if not treated properly"

I moved to get up and winced when my hand touched the floor. Putting pressure on it must have made me realize how much it actually hurt. "Please be careful" The woman- France said as she took my arm again and helped me to stand. I thanked her and dusted the rest of my clothes off. "Your very welcome" She smiled at me. Being this close to her gave me a chance to take in more of her features; I now noticed that along with her (E/c) colored eyes, she also had a large number of freckles that lightly dusted her cheeks and neck giving her an even more cute like appearance.

"Are you single?" I asked causing her to gasp and cover her mouth in shock. I didn't mean for it to sound so blunt but there was no taking it back now.
"I- uh..."
"Sorry I-I didn't mean..."
The two of us stared at one another in an awkward silence until UN interrupted. "France" He called getting her attention. "I apologize on (Y/n)s behalf for interrupting your class, we'll be going now"

"No no no, it's alright. Things happen" She awkwardly waved her hands in front of her, pulling away from my arm. "Just... I hope you get that checked out and feel better later okay" Now addressing me, she gave one last smile before beginning to walk back to her class. "Sure..."
Before I could meet any of the weirded out glares from the other students, I quickly made my way out of the room with UN.

"Sorry about that" I apologized as he closed the door and began leading us away from it. "It's quite alright, though I should be apologizing for scaring you" Gosh he was so selfless. Taking a moment, I trailed my eyes up and down his form. He was wearing a United National military uniform today; a patch of his Union on the arm of it and dark brown boots to match. Even without anything fancy he still managed to look stunning in the most simplest of outfits. "No I shouldn't have been there in the first plac-"
"Let me see your arm"

UN and I stopped just in front of a large window with a bench beneath it. "M-my arm?" Why did he need that for. "Yes, your arm. Take a seat and let me see" The tone in his voice made this request seem like more of an order, one in which I happily followed and took a seat on the bench, putting my arm out in front of me. Droplets of red painted my pale skin like red paint on a canvas. It almost looked poetic if it didn't hurt to fucking much.

UN took a look at it before his beautiful eyes met mine. "Do I have permission to touch you?
Fuck y-
"Yes" I softly muttered and watched as he placed both of his hands on my arm, one of them directly on the cut. He closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them again and stunning me with the sight of his previously light blue, now completely glowing that same shade of blue.

Before I could even ask, I started to feel a tingle in my arm only to look down and find the cut literally stitching itself together right before my eyes. "What..." I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
After a short while, the cut was all healed and UN closed his eyes again, opening them after to show that they were back to normal. "Better?" He asked with a smile.

"What was that!" Whatever I had just seen was absolutely amazing. UN laughed that beautiful tune and sighed. "I'll tell you all about it later, but for now. I have someone that wants to meet you" Meet me?
Who the fuck would want to meet me?
"Okay then" I got back up and followed UN as he began guiding me in the direction of his office.

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