Their safe haven

By everlove2069

403K 8.7K 3.7K

After her mother's and step fathers death, Evelyn must move in with her 7 older brothers who she had no idea... More

More info...
Chapter one🫶🏼
Chapter two🫶🏼
Chapter three🫶🏼
Chapter four🫶🏼
Chapter five🫶🏼
Chapter six🫶🏼
Chapter seven🫶🏼
Chapter eight🫶🏼
Chapter nine🫶🏼
Chapter ten🫶🏼
Chapter eleven🫶🏼
Chapter twelve🫶🏼
Chapter thirteen🫶🏼
Chapter fourteen🫶🏼
Chapter fifteen🫶🏼
Chapter sixteen🫶🏼
Chapter seventeen🫶🏼
Chapter eighteen🫶🏼
Chapter nineteen🫶🏼
Chapter twenty🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-one🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-two🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-three🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-four🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-five🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-six🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-seven🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-eight🫶🏼
Chapter twenty-nine🫶🏼
Chapter thirty🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-one🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-two🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-three🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-four🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-six🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-seven🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-eight🫶🏼
Chapter thirty-nine🫶🏼
Chapter forty🫶🏼
Chapter forty-one🫶🏼
Chapter forty-two 🫶🏼
Chapter forty-three🫶🏼
Chapter forty-four🫶🏼
Chapter forty-five🫶🏼
Chapter forty-six🫶🏼
Chapter forty-seven 🫶🏼
Chapter forty-eight🫶🏼
Chapter forty-nine🫶🏼
Chapter fifty🫶🏼
Chapter fifty-two🫶🏼

Chapter thirty-five🫶🏼

4.9K 106 56
By everlove2069

Evelyn's pov
(Her outfit is above!)

It's been about a month and a half since Rain left and it's also been a month since shit hit the fan. Everything is settled now and everyone is somewhat relaxed.

I woke up to all of my brothers practically jumping on me. When I say 'brothers' I mean the twins who decided to literally jump on me. I threw a pillow at Luca and told them to get out which caused a whole World War Two in my room at six am.

Now I was walking downstairs in black sweats and a hoodie since today is the coldest it's been in a long time. Once I got downstairs to the kitchen I saw Marco and Romeo talking while Alessandro and Luca were on the phone speaking in hushed whisperers.

I threw my bag on the table and dragged my body over to Marco. "Mom. I'm tired." Marco laughed and patted my head while placing a plate of food in my hands. "It's from all that damn training Nick puts you through. I will beat him up for you in a bit kiddo." I smiled at Alessandro and nodded my head in agreement.

I've been training with Nick since Leo couldn't and he has been a total dick the whole time. I told him one day that I was on my period and he said "that sucks get on the mat." And he made me do thirty pushups! So if Alessandro is saying he will beat his ass for me, I'm going to take the offer.

Romeo walked over to me and lifted my plate from my hands and lifted me in the air. I got confused until he started to shout. "Tanti Auguri! My baby sister!" I had to put two and two together to realize that he said happy birthday in Italian and I smiled at him.

Marco lifted me from Romeo's arms to his and kissed me on my cheek. Suddenly I was being tossed around among all of my brothers who decided to join this torture party circle. Luca was the last one I got thrown to and I shook my head.

His lips slowly tilted upwards as he placed a gentle kiss on the crown of my head. "Tanti Auguri sweetheart." I smiled as he gently placed me back on my feet. "February 15th, 2006! I remember the day like yesterday." I laughed at how dramatic Marco was being and he glared at me but slowly smiled.

After a quick breakfast, I pushed my plate away once I was full and looked up at Romeo. "What is everyone's birthday?" Romeo's head shot up from his phone as he smiled at me like I had just asked who wanted candy.

Romeo spoke first while keeping the same smile on his face. "August 17th, 2003." I frowned at the date, I missed it. Marco poked my side and I looked up and smiled at him. "September 9th, 1999. Don't forget it." I shook my head as he held out his pinky which I enclosed with mine. Angelo spoke up but he mumbled it so it was a bit hard to hear it but I did. "December 13th, 1998." I chuckled and shook my head while looking at his sunken expression.

I turned my gaze to Alessandro and he pointed to himself making me nod my head. "Shit. October 30th, 2001." I looked at him with wide eyes and he smiled. "Yep, almost a spooky baby." I laughed and looked over at the twins. Sergio spoke up while Salvatore shrunk in his seat. "April 4th, 2004. And we have the same birthday." Salvatore took the honor of smacking his head and I shook my head at the dumbness that I know and love, aka Sergio.

I looked over at Luca and he shook his head. "Not going to happen." I gaped at him and stuck out my bottom lip while making my eyes water. "Stubborn kid, July 6th, 1996." I smiled at him and he glared at me. "So Luca I know we have school but I was wondering if we could be late, just for today?" He looked at me like I was crazy so I stuck out my head and pulled my eyebrows together in confusion.

Romeo got up from his seat and rounded the table to my side. "Hun, we weren't even planning on going to school today." I started to shake my head but Romeo placed his hand on my head and made it go up and down instead of side to side.

"No I have to go to school, I literally can't stay here. I will actually die if I stay home all day." Marco and Alessandro gasped and Angelo of all people got up and held his chest. I love times like these, where the adults actually act like themselves. I love it.

Luca grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze making me turn to him. "You deserve a day off, we already planned everything." I blinked at him for a few minutes and then slowly smiled while shaking my head. They were crazy and I knew that, but this crazy..this was a different scale.

Angelo came over to my side of the table and lifted me out of my seat and ran out of the room. I threw my head back and started to laugh as I saw Sergio and Marco arguing about who gets to have the day with me. Angelo ran all the way to his room and he finally set me down once we got to the closed dark door.

I'd never been in his room so I was a bit nervous but I was also excited. Once he opened the door I gasped while looking at the gorgeous room that was viewed in front of me. His walls were a dark green and it almost looked like a greyish-green type color, he had a wooden bookshelf with books and music of all kinds adoring it. His bed sat in front of a large window and his bed was like a light brown color that mixed well with his room, it smelled like warm coffee and pie and gave off a homey vibe that I loved. It is very Angelo.

I watched as he dragged me into his room and walked over to his music section. "You listen to Deftones? Lana Del? Adele? Or Sam smith? Slipknot? Metallica?" As he was listing off the artist he was looking through his disk collection while turning his head to me every once in a while. I smiled and shrugged while plopping down on his soft bed.

His shoulders dropped as he took and deep breath and let it out slowly. He slid a cd into his little stereo in the corner and walked back to the bed where he decided to join me.

After a few seconds, a woman's voice came through the stereo and it was calming and relaxing. "I love this song, to be loved." I turned my head and saw Angelo closing his eyes and humming the song while tapping his fingers on his chest.

I had one question on my mind and I finally turned to him and asked him while he opened his eyes and looked at me with a small smile.

"How long?" I took in his confused state and cleared my throat to explain. "How long did you guys look for me?" His expression turned soft as he turned his whole body to me. His lips slowly twisted up into a small gentle smile.

"Till the day we found you, we never gave up." I looked at him with wide eyes and he chuckled while nodding his head. "Yeah, you kept ducking under the radar every time we got close." I wasn't ducking, Simon and my mother hide me under the water.

I nodded and crawled over to him and placed my head on his chest. "Sorry I was hard to find." Angelo chuckled and started to rub my head. "It's alright kiddo, we have you now and we won't ever let you go." I smiled and shoved my face into his chest making him laugh.

Time skip🦋

We must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I looked at the clock and it read twelve twenty, I turned to Angelo and shoved his chest. "Wake up." He grumbled and rolled over so his back was facing me.

"Angelo! How dare you?!" I took a pillow and threw it at his head and he picked it up and threw it back at me, successfully shocking the hell out of me.

I gaped at him and got off the bed and grabbed my phone. "Wanna play, let's play." A few seconds later Salvatore walked into the room and Sergio was behind him with a scary grin.

I nodded my head to Angelo and Salvatore nodded at me while walking over to his bed. Sergio placed a black wig on Salvatore's head and I mentally told myself to ask Sergio later why he had it. I tapped Angelo's shoulder and he turned over and I quickly ducked under the bed.

Two seconds later we heard a loud yell making us cackle like witches. "What the fuck?!" I started to die of laughter and Sergio was my closest victim so I started to slap his shoulder as he wheezed. I pointed upwards and we both dry laughed which made the whole thing funnier.

I felt someone grab my shoulder and pull me up and I screamed while laughing. I put my legs around Sergio's neck and dragged him with me because if I die I'm going with at least one of my brothers. Sergio tried to unravel my legs but I held him tighter as Angelo pulled me onto the bed and I laughed so loud that I almost peed.

Angelo tried to glare at me but he was smiling like a geek. "No..stop laughing you, little troublemaker." I laughed harder when I turned my head and saw Salvatore fixing the wig that looked like a mop.

"Help..." I felt Sergio tapping my thigh and I slowly unraveled my legs and let him breathe.

The door opened and Marco walked in with Alessandro right behind him. Marco had something behind his back and Alessandro had that evil smirk on his face. Angelo lifted me up by my arms as if I didn't gain twenty pounds already being here for three months.

"Angelo. Put me down right now, I'm seventeen I can walk!" Salvatore walked over to me and shook his head while grabbing me and flinging me over his shoulder.

I decided to play dead so I put all my weight on him and stuck my tongue out as he walked out of the room. Sergio shut the door behind us and Salvatore walked over to my room.

"Hey, do you think I will ever be married?" I looked back at Salvatore and he glared at me.

When we got to my room I still didn't have my answer but Salvatore sighed while placing me on my feet. "Sadly yes, you are very lovable, but you are stubborn and a bit stupid and you stink." He smirked as I smacked his arm. I turned and opened my door and gasped.

Balloons were everywhere and my bed had mountains of bags and boxes. I walked into my room and saw a small white note on my desk. I smiled as I picked it up and read it out loud to myself.

"To Ev, chicken, kiddo, Evey. We all hope you have an amazing day and we will make sure that you never stop smiling. You brought sunshine into our souls and we will forever be thankful for that. We all love you and we are all very proud of you for every achievement and accomplishment that you've achieved while being here. -Love your brothers. Ps. Sergio stole your blanket again." I chuckled while wiping the tears that decided to fall while I read the card. I really do love them.

I smiled at my closed door and sat on my floor since my bed was taken. There was a small knock at my door and then my door slowly opened as Alessandro popped his head into my room. "Get ready kiddo. We leave in forty minutes." I was going to yell at him but he quickly shut the door.

I groaned and got up from the floor, I walked to my closet and tried to think of an outfit to wear that would be cute but not too revealing. I turned on my closet light and there was a note on top of a box that sat on the white sofa that I have in my closet.

I picked up the letter and smiled at how thoughtful my brothers were, as I opened it my smile fell but my eyes burned with tears.

You will look great in this, trust me. You look gorgeous in everything you wear, happy birthday worm. -R

"Rain." I looked around my room as if he would just pull from the shadows and pull me into his arms. I hated that he did this, he left and didn't even say goodbye.

I threw the note down and opened the black box, once I opened the lid I threw it on the ground and looked down at the pretty outfit. It was like a white crop top but it tied in the front, it also had a floral skirt that had tiny flowers on it with a small slit that came up about mid-thigh. I lifted it to my body and realized that it was a perfect size in everything.

I grabbed a white bra with matching underwear and put the outfit on. Once I had the outfit in place I looked in the mirror and the small smile that I had on my face fell as I looked at all the scars that littered my body. My bones still stuck out slightly and there was a perfect line across my stomach from when Simon got mad all of those nights.

My door was opened and I heard a small 'aww' making me turn and look at Marco. I waved him off as he started to look at me with that mom's face. "No pictures Marco, I'm serious." Marco sighed and then nodded while still smiling at me like I was the most precious thing in the world.

I looked down at the skirt and started to pick at it. "I should change huh?" Marco shook his head and grabbed my hand to pull me back into my closet. I slid the note and box under a few shirts as Marco looked through my shoes.

Finally, he turned and held up a pair of white heels that made me immediately shake my head. "Oh come on! Put 'em on!" He pushed me down on the bench and started to put the shoes on my feet while nodding to himself. "And...perfect!" He kissed my forehead and I smiled.

I pointed to my scar and shook my head. "Marco I can't. I don't like that everyone can see my scars." His face turned into one of pure concentration as he looked around my room for a bit till he saw my scissors and walked over to them.

He opened his suit jacket and I saw a plain white t-shirt under, I was about to ask him what he was doing but he started to cut his shirt into a crop top.

Slowly I started to see his exposed torso and my eyes almost bulged out of my head at the size of his muscles that I was still secretly jealous of.

He bent down to his knees and grabbed my hand, he placed it on his stomach and I felt a few small scars. "We all have them, we all have stories. If you don't feel truly comfortable and if you don't feel good then don't wear it. But I think that you look gorgeous and if it makes you less nervous I will wear my shirt like this all night, I have no problem doing that." I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I pulled back and I looked into the mirror and saw Marco standing behind me with a crop top, one that showed all of his scars, I looked back at myself and smiled. "I'll need a jacket, it's a bit cold out." Marco smiled and grabbed a fluffy black jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders.

Before we left I ran to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and straightened my hair, Marco helped me with the hair part. I threw on some mascara and lip gloss and smiled in the mirror at the lively girl that was looking back at me.

Marco grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs while I was struggling to keep up in my heels. Once we got downstairs all of my brothers smiled at me and even Luca gave me a small nod and smile. Sergio walked over to me with his mouth open and I chuckled when he pulled me into a hug.

I pulled away and grabbed my backpack, I took out my Chance by Chanel perfume and grabbed my phone out of the front pocket before placing it back on the hook. I turned and all of my brother's eyes were on me. I felt a small pit in my stomach as Romeo walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

We all walked out of the house and each of my brothers took off their coats and put them over my shoulders making my shoulders sag. I looked at the new guard and he looked around Rains age, he had dark skin with short curly hair and he had deep brown eyes as he looked over at me. I smiled and he nodded and looked away.

Luca opened the car door for me and I quickly got inside the warm car. Everyone quickly followed and I had Romeo on my left and Salvatore on my right. Romeo was nice and placed his legs to the side while Salvatore decided to spread his legs like an animal. Any other time I would of let it go but I decided today I was not going to be normal, I opened my legs so that they would hit both of them and held the slit of my skirt closed.

Romeo shoved my knee and I moved it out of the way, Salvatore tried to do the same but I threw my arm over his chest and sighed. "Seatbelt safety 101!" I grabbed the seatbelt and he grabbed it from my hands and clicked it into place.

Alessandro from the front seat turned and shook his head at my position while sighing and telling Luca what I was doing. Luca glanced back at us and reached his hand back and slapped Salvatore's knee and mine making both of us sit normally. I leaned over and shoved Salvatore with my shoulder. "Jerk." Luca glared at me through the mirror and I threw my hands up.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" I looked at both of my brothers who were now holding their noses and I tried to hold in a chuckle. Marco leaned over the seat and rubbed my shoulders making me melt into his warm hands. "You, my sweet sister are going to be the death of us." I smiled while closing my eyes and enjoying the gentle massage that Marco gave me.

The car stopped and I tried to look out of the window but Salvatore put his hand over my eyes. "Is this a Febreze commercial?" I heard a few laughs and chuckled as Salvatore pulled me out of the car.

Once he removed his hands my head tilted upwards and I looked up at the tall glass building. I looked back at Luca and I said the first thing that came to my mind. "It's gorgeous. What is this place?" I was lightly shaking due to the cold and Marco ushered me inside the warm, dark building.

With one small click, the room lit up with a beautiful yellowish glow that came from a crystal chandelier. It was a giant ballroom but it had a few tables and a hostess stand. Suddenly a young woman stepped out from the back and smiled at me. "Right this was Ms.Leone." I had to hold in my cringe at the name and just walked hand in hand with Sergio.

The woman led us to an elevator and we all crammed into one. I took the time to look at the woman she was in her mid-twenties with long blonde hair that reached her mid back and she was a bit taller than me. When she turned to me she had hazel eyes with full lips and a sharp jawline. She looks like a Victoria's Secret model, with a bright smile she stepped to the side and let us walk through the now-open elevator doors.

I looked around and gasped as I looked at the dimly lit room, the only light that came in was from the buildings outside, snow fell so peacefully and I silently thanked the lord that it waited for us to be inside before it started to snow. There was a large table in the middle of the room that had a few candles in the middle giving off a bit of light but not too much.

This was perfect, this made my whole day. I turned and the only people that were in the room were just my brothers. I opened my arms and Sergio took the opportunity and pulled me into a hug. "Don't cry." I shook my head and snuggled into his neck.

I looked up at everyone else and glared at them. "Get your unhappy asses over here and hug me before I jump out the window." Alessandro chuckled and pushed Sergio out of the way and pulled me into a hug.

I purposely head-butted his shoulder but I was soon humbled by his muscles. I held my head in my hand and he laughed. "You okay?" I pushed his head and he just laughed harder, the deep sound filled the air and I found myself biting back a smile.

Everyone else hugged me and then we sat down. "This has to be the best day ever." Everyone just smiled while we ate our lunch. I got the pasta *Italian name* and it was really good but I couldn't for the life of me say its name right.

Luca placed his fork down and turned his head to me. I looked at him as he slowly pulled something from his jacket making my eyes go wide.

"Luca no." My heart stopped as I looked down at the beautiful diamond necklace. Luca nodded but I shook my head. "Evelyn it's a gift. Take it." I shook my head but he just placed it in my hand and shrugged.

"Thank you." They all nodded and I slid down my chair to try to digest the food that I forced myself to shove down my throat.

Yup, best day ever.

--(Fun fact: I got a stuffed animal and I need a name for it.)--


Word count:3929

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