By avadakedavra_xo

4.5K 115 2

"N-no Steve... no I've told you once I can't do this again..." Mia muttered as she cried, everything display... More

1 | November 1983
2| , over
3 | The Vanishing Of Will Byers
4 | The Search
5 | Lonnie Byers
6 | camera
7 | The Body
8 | Thing In The Picture
9 | Funeral
10 | First Time? โš ๏ธ
11 | The Flea And The Acrobat
12 | Harrington V Byers
13 | Mike, Do You Copy?
14 | Die, Monster, Die
15 | KISSING?!?
16 | Mom
17 | Get Sheet Faced
18 | Polliwog
19 | Forgiven? โš ๏ธ
20 | hooker-esk
21 | Dart
22 | Farrah Fawcett hairspray
23 | demodogs
24 | The Mind Flayer
25 | 'Never Again'
26 | The Gate
27 | Apologies and Confessions
28 | movie
29 | 6-pack
30 | pictures
31 | Interviews
32 | model โš ๏ธ
33 | Dirty Dancing
34 | 'drop him, or your out'
35 | 'Tried now?' โš ๏ธ
36 | The Mall Rats
37 | Cracked the Code
38 | Air Ducts
40 | 'Do You Still Want To Drink that?'
41 | Russians
42 | Interrogated
43 | Plan A
44 | 'ever been in love?'
45 | Ignition Cable
46 | The Battle Of Starcourt
47 | Plaster Cast
48 | 'leave me alone...'
49 | bipolar?
50 | The Cabin
51 | Shower โš ๏ธ
52 | New Jobs
53 | 'I Love You Eddie'
54 | 'See, I Told You... I Love You Too...' โš ๏ธ
55 | Monica... Again
56 | Dad's Funeral
57 | 'Operation Find Mia'
58 | Chicago
59 | Robin's Big Secret
60 | Vacation โš ๏ธ
61 | One Too Many
62 | The Right Moment
63 | The Byers

39 | baby?

39 0 0
By avadakedavra_xo

After carefully planning everything out, the original five made their way to the roof, leaving a walkie with Erica back in Scoops ahoy,

"Ok so, where on the roof again for what reason?" Stiles asked as he leant over his sister, locking eyes with Robin,

"So we can watch the doors, make sure there's no men with guns waiting to shoot the small child's head off" Robin said in a obvious tone,

Mia stood between the boys, shivering due only being in flip flops, short shorts and a thin hoodie.

"You okay?" Steve whispered, trying not to draw attention from the three focusing on the doors,

"A bit cold..." she shrugged, peering over the ledge. He didn't reply to her, only shook his jacket off quietly, gently laying it over her back, making sure it draped over her shoulders before he quickly switched his gaze to the door, acting as if he hadn't just done that. She slowly turned her head, eyebrows furrowed as she just stared at him. Deep down her stubbornness wanted to throw the jacket back at him and tell him to shove it, but she'd decided against being a bitch, her arms flailing around as she stuffed them into the sleeves, taking in the warm embrace left behind. They waited a few seconds to make sure there was no guards still lurking before Robin pressed the button on the radio,

"Erica, do you copy?"

"Mm-hmm. I copy. You nerds in position or what?" She sassily replied,

Robin sighed, sending her friends an eye roll before answering "yeah, we're in position. It's all quiet here, so you've got the green light"

"Green light, roger that. Commence operation child endangerment"

Mia scoffed and leant over Steve, grabbing the radio "yeah hi, can we maybe not call it that?"

"See you on the other side. Nerds"

The five huffed and leant on the wall, keeping their eyes trained on the doors incase someone turned up. No one was trying to make conversation, everyone was too focused. She started feeling nervous, the thought of that young girl crawling through tight air vents, the risk of a big Russian man to point a gun at her was high. She was dying for the static to echo from the radio, and her stupid sassy, loud voice to hurt her ears.


"All right nerds. I'm here"

Robin let out a sight of relief, nudging Steve "do you— do you see anything?"

"Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're excited about"

"Any guards?"


"Booby traps?"

"If I could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps, wouldn't they?"

Robin mocked the girl, "thank you for that," the line went silent for a second, worrying the group,

"I'm in" she hastily yelled, killing the tension,

"Oh god..." Steve breathed out, holding his head in his hands. Then in a matter of seconds, the big doors they where focused on opened, and a small figure, lights on each side of her head like big glowing eyes stepped out,

"Free ice cream for life." She yelled up, her leg bent as she placed a hand on her hip, practically burning holes through the teens. They looked between each other, quickly pushing themselves up to find their way to the loading bay.
Once there the six looked around and stopped at a table near the back, three boxes sat there, two imperial panda, one Kaufman shoes. All Steve had to do was look at everyone, all of them instantly nodding as he pulled out his pocket knife, slicing the tape at the top open, revealing a big metal box, a handle right in the middle. He stuck his hand in, twisting the handle, making the box let out a loud hiss as he pulled up the lid, smoke pouring out before the contents where revealed,

"Ok... that is definitely not Chinese food..." Stiles sighed, his eyebrows furrowed.

Steve took a look at the group again before he grabbed one of the four handles, going to pull it up "uh, maybe you guys should, you know, stand back." He commanded, waiting for the five to step away, but only three of them did,



"Guys, just.. Just step back okay?" He pushed Mia and Dustin towards the others, but they stepped forwards again,


"Step back. Seriously i mean it"


"No!" Mia shook her head, gripping his arm "If you die, I die"

"Yeah, if you die, we die." Dustin repeated, involving himself this time,

"Mia what the hell are you doing just step back" Stiles groaned, going to pull his sister away but she shoved him back, standing her ground next to Steve, her arm spread out to stop Dustin from getting too close,

Steve sighed deeply as he looked back at the two before he shrugged "Okay" And with that he spun the handle, slowly pulling a small canister filled with some sort of green liquid out. "What the hell?"

"What is that?" Mia asked, her hand ghosting the canister. But they didn't get much time to admire as the room literally moved,

"Was that just me, or did the room move?" Dustin asked sceptically,

"nah man I'm pretty sure it moved..." Stiles nodded,

Erica cleared her throat and whispered, "Booby traps."

"You know what?" Robin jumped for the cannister, grabbing it from Steve "Let's just grab that and go." she announced, waltzing towards the closed doors. At the same time Dustin had approached a control panel on the wall, pressing one button continuously, though nothing was happening,

"Which one do i press, Erica?" He asked,

"Just press the damn button, nerd" she called, rolling her eyes,

"Which one? I'm pressing the button, okay?"

"Press 'open door'"

"I'm pressing 'open door'"

Steve shoved his way from beside the siblings who where casually conversing and joined the argument "Just open the-- press the other button!"

"Guys get out of the way so she can push the button--" Robin tried speaking up, but it was no use, Steve and Dustin wouldn't stop bickering and just as Steve slammed his hand on the panel the big red barrier door came down, making Mia throw her hands up in defeat, stalking up next to the tall sailor boy,

"Nice one Harrington" She chuckled just as the room dropped. The lights started flickering and boxes started flying everywhere. They where all screaming and trying to keep themselves up right.

"We're going down! we're going down!"

"Yeah no shit Steve!!" Mia yelled at him, gripping the table in front of the two. The screaming, arguing continued as the room kept dropping and they only got louder and it jolted to a stop, sending Mia tumbling into Steve's chest, knocking him down, and a box falling on top of the both of them,

"My groin." He whined underneath her "You fell on my groin!"

Mia struggled to push the box up, trying not to wriggle around "Shit, Dustin get this box off of us Jesus Christ" The young boy nodded breathlessly and picked the heavy box up, setting it down before offering Mia a hand. She graciously accepted it and once she was up offered Steve the same gesture,

"Shit! Is everyone ok? Is everyone alright?" Stiles asked, frantically eyeing everyone,

"Yeah, I'm great now that i know that Russians can't design elevators!!" Steve yelled once he got Mia stood and stabilised, before going over to the buttons, mashing them

"Steve... I think we've established that those buttons don't work." Mia groaned, her stomach hurting from the box,

"They're buttons. They have to do something!" He yelled again,

Robin sighed, shaking her head "yeah, if we had a keycard"

"A what?"

"It's an electronic lock. Same as the loading dock door. If we don't have a keycard it's won't operate, meaning—"

"We're stuck in here..." Mia rolled her eyes, her head finding Stiles shoulder, resting,

"Just so you nerds are all aware, I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina's, and Tina always covers for me. But if I'm not home for uncle jack's party tomorrow and my mom finds out you five are responsible. She's going to hunt you down, one by one, and slit your throat" Erica yelled, her head frantically shifting from each teen stood in front of her, eyeing Dustin and Robin the most,

Steve took a deep breath, his hands lifting from the box he was resting on "I don't care about Tina! Or uncle Jack's party!" He started yelling, flailing around "your moms not going to be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!"

"Hey, what if we climbed out?" Dustin broke the argument, pointing at the manhole at the top of the elevator. In a matter of wordless seconds, Steve, Mia and Dustin where on the roof of the elevator, all three of them with their heads up, catching the endless height,

"What were you saying about climbing?" Steve asked the younger boy, shaking his head and grabbing Mia's arm "Guess we're spending the night" he sighed, pulling her back towards the hatch,

"Seriously? we aren't even going to attempt anything?" She huffed, leaning onto the sailor boy,

"If you wanna try scale the walls spiderman style, be my guest. but I am going back in there and I'm going to try and get some sleep" he chuckled, slowly pushing her off of him, climbing back into the elevator,

"He might be right Henderson... there doesn't seem a way to get up" She sighed,

"T-there's got to be a way.... i-i mean there has to be an emergency way out right?"

"If it was made my Americans, sure? But i think we've established by the drop, Russians are very practical" Mia patted his shoulder quickly before joining the rest in the elevator.

About an hour of awkward silence later Robin groaned as she stood from her spot, dragging her feet as she walked towards Mia who was half asleep in the corner of the room, her head pressed on top of her knees. As Robin sat she lightly nudged Mia, shooting her a smile as she looked at her,

"Hello?" Mia yawned, her eyebrows furrowed,

"Hi!" She smiled again "So... I'm just going to get straight to the point, I want to know everything that's been going on between you and Eddie" She explained, holding one of Mia's hands in hers,

"Are you actually serious? you want to know right now, with everything that's going on?"

She shrugged and smacked her hands down on her legs "Unless you have anything better to talk about?"

"Anything could be better than talking about my sex life robin!" She whisper yelled

"No... no you see, Eddie, Eddie is a freak and i just want to know.. if he is you know... a freak in the shee--"

"OK! robin seriously? keep your voice down!" Mia quickly rolled her eyes "What exactly do you want to know?"

"Everything! like maybe what happened that first day in starcourt, when we sent him shopping?"

"Right..." She chuckled as she thought back "He just bought himself loads of outfits, i got him to try them on... then after he tried the last one, he had a bag behind his back..." Her face reddened "A Lovelace Lingerie one..."

"You are kidding me right!? he bought you lingerie before you where even dating!"

"Yes." She nodded smally, clearing her throat "I uh, i tried that on... he loved it of course so uh things got slightly heated after that, we made out. But he did this one thing and it really reminded me of Jonathan and I kind of cockblocked him" She chuckled "so yeah.. that night was not one to write home about... But then we came back to starcourt like a few days later or something, went to watch dirty dancing, Steve paid for our ice cream 'cause we where arguing, then we went back to my place... Eddie was smoking a joint and i uh, i wanted to try so i did... and we got so fucking high--" She was cut off by Robins hand coming in contact with her side, "Ouch! what!!"

"You did drugs!"

"Oh calm down, it was only Marijuana! Look at me, I'm fine" She waved her hands around before carrying on "Anyway we where so so close to having... you know" Her cheeks flushed red again "But uh... we only got as far as Eddie leaving a few hickeys since my dad decided it would be a good time to actually act like my dad, so he burst into my room, started yelling and shit... then he told me to choose, i would either drop Eddie or he was kicking me out... I picked Eds... so I kinda live at the trailer park now"

"You moved in with him?" Robin was gobsmacked

"Well... it's way more informal than that... I'm staying with him until my dad comes to his senses" she shrugged

"Yeah but your still living with him!" She freaked out but quickly stopped herself, wanting to know more "carry on!"

Mia let out a laugh "ok well... the next day I was falling out of a high on my first day of work, and that's the day Dustin came up to me wanting me to translate the tape, he left it with me, I went home, started translating, then uh... Eddie might of slightly... urh... distracted me? Started kissing me... and that... that led to our first time. Oh god Robin he is amazing like so so much better than Jonathan... and bigger... way bigger" she blushed "anyway... I uh- that was our first time, it was a little rough, but in a good way! T-then we did again the other night, it was a bit rougher... s-so I think he is going rougher and rougher until he like... involves stuff?"

Robins eyes fell wide "like what?!"

"He has handcuffs on his wall rob... just think about it" she whispered, shaking her head,

"Oh my god!! Your really getting it girl!!"

"Shut up!" Mia waved her off, leaning her head onto her shoulder. The two sat in a comfortable silence, thinking about the conversation they just had and looking at how everyone else was dealing with the situation, Erica was cuddled into a ball, Steve was still pacing the room, dustin was definitely thinking of some calculations of ways to escape.

"Hey... does stiles usually look like that?" Robin whispered, making Mias eyes trail to him, he was sat with his knees up, playing with his hands, and his face displayed a look Mia had never seen on him, it was scrunched, and he looked almost in pain,

"No.... No I don't think so..." she sighed, slowly standing and stretching as she walked up to him, crouching next to him "hey man.... You okay?"

He jumped slightly "I-uh in good, I'm fine..."

"You sure?" She frowned, putting a friendly hand on his shoulder, "it's just from over there you didn't look to good... your face was like—" she stopped talking as she saw the tears brimming his eyes and just pulled him into her, holding him tightly "hey, what the hell man... just tell me what's up? Are you claustrophobic? Scared of elevators? You scared of Erica, 'cause I get it, she's a handful, and a little shi-"

"No uh... it's not like that" he shook his head "i just I really need to go home to be with my girlfriend..."

She let a short laugh escape her lips, "why so you can fuck her? I mean... come on I think you can last like a couple day—"

"Oh fuck you Mia, no, I-I don't need to fuck her... that's what got me into this mess in the first place" he sighed, throwing his head into his hands as she backed away a little, her brows furrowed,

"Ok... I'm probably taking this the wrong way... but please don't tell me what I think your about to tell me..."

"What? That I got her pregnant and I now have a 9 month old baby?"

"7 months!? You've had a baby for 9 months?" She gawked... sitting back,

"Who's got a baby?" Steve peered over the girl on the floor,

"Stiles..." Mia almost whispered, "okay wait wait... start off, who is your girlfriend?"

"Tiffany Brown..."

"Shit and you got her pregnant?" Steve hummed, stiles nodded,

"Why didn't you tell anyone? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Didn't want dad to hear.... And you know... he's being kinda harsh recently" he chuckled slightly "but uh yeah... so, I've got a baby boy... you know he's really cute but-but tonight is meant to be my night with him and I'm stuck in a Russian elevator with you guys!!"

Mia tutted "what's his name?"


"Liam brown?"

"No... we went with Hopper" He cleared his throat "uh, Liam Hopper"

Mia nodded, and stayed silent, taking everything in. But as she let everything sink in she started to panic about Eddie, realising that she was, to his knowledge, missing...

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