
By Meep1111847

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this is a tale like no other, following that of long, long ago. were dragons existed, and so did trolls and d... More

Chapter 1 The mysterious child
Chapter 2 chasing a new dream
chapter 3 the early training
Chapter 4 meeting the king
chapter 5 the new name
chapter 6 Tournament
chapter 7 the first battle
chapter 8 semifinals
Ch.10 A new position
ch.11 royal house
12. The First Day is always the hardest
chapter 13. these feelings are different
chapter 14. a battle?
Chapter. 15 Taboo
chapter 16 containment
chapter 17 appreciated
chapter 18 trial and error
chapter 19 Monkey
chapter 20. Shadow man
Chapter 21 Mistakes
Chapter 22 Noodles!
chapter 23 Jealousy
author's note.
chapter 24 Mystifying
chapter 25 Spider queen
Chapter 26 Extermination
chapter 27 The Talk
Chapter 28 Macaque

ch 9. finals.

618 40 21
By Meep1111847

The big day was here, the finals. Mk was overjoyed to have had the pleasure of being in here. Only three of them left, who was going to win? Mk definitely didn't know. Everyone was already energized, having had magic heal all of their wounds and a hood night's sleep. He walked the halls, his mask lazily on, considering he just woke up. He walked to the bathroom, surprised when he saw his rivals. Red was in a corner, applying makeup to a face we couldn't see. Orange was gawking at himself, both stopped what they were doing to look at Mk.

" wow. Closest I've seen your face." Orange commented, Mk groaned and entered a stall.

" Not a morning person are you?" A unfamiliar voice said, it took Mk a moment until he realized it was Red who spoke. Again, something about him stirred up Mk. He couldn't put his finger on it. Mk finished his business, stumbling out.

" Contestants, please make your way to the field. Contestants, please make your way to the field." The magic made speaker said. Mk groaned, before following everyone out. They all walked out. Mk made his back straighter, fixing his mask. They walked onto the sandy field, hearing the audience roar with great power. Surprisingly, their were signs for each of them. The crowd split between who they were fighting. The first group were the people who cheered for Mk, second Orange thunder, and last group was Red.

" WOOOO! GO MONKIE KID!" Mk jumped, looking up and seeing his fathers and best friend. ( the only one who knew who was under this mask)
Mei smirked when seeing him look at them, Tang started fanboying, Pigsy looked bored. Mk looked away, embarrassed.

"Not use to fans are you,  comrade?" Orange asked, waving to his fans. Mk nodded,

" Hmph, I don't need peasants cheering me on!" Red huffed. After they waved to everyone and were introduced, they went back to their little waiting section. Battles were officially starting. The finals rules were different, unlike the beginning, and semifinals. Three fighters fought. One person would have to fight two, if that one person defeated both other contestants, they would win. If they lose to both other fighters they were eliminated. Then the other two would fight, the victor coming out on top. Apparently, Orange was the one. Because the royal family chose him and Red. Orange's first round was against Red, the air was tense. Red and Orange stepped forward, getting into position.

" Aaaand ....FIGHT!" they charged at eachother, Orange was fast, but so was Red. Orange was better at close distanced attacks, Red was better at long distance because of his fire. The fight was far more vicious than with Mighty. Mk studied both, they were experienced fighters. Mk's arms tensed, excitement coursing threw him. He wanted to fight again. Blow after blow, the battle continued. Neither wanting to lose. After a good 4 hour battle, Red was able to get a good finishing shot on Orange. Causing him to lose the battle. He fell down to the ground, his tail the only thing moving. Indicating he was still alive. " The winner is..Red!" Red posed in pride. Walking back towards Mk, the meds taking Orange.

" Be scared. Be very scared. Peasant." Red scoffed, sitting down and getting healed. A break was called for Orange to heal and become conscious. Mk waited, his heart bumping for his battle. Eventually, Orange came in. His gaze on Mk, he nodded. Mk got up, hearing the announcement. They both went outside, standing on the field.

" What ever happens Comrade. You have made this tournament far more excitable. And I respect you." Orange told him, bowing afterwords. Mk couldn't help but give him a tiny smile.

" I could say the same. How about after this I treat you? As friends, of course." Orange let out a smirk. Both got into a their respective positions.

" Aaaand.. .Fight!" Orange charged at Mk, Mk made it seem as if he was hit to fall, instantly to dope him and twirl his body around on one hand. Tripping Orange, Orange caught himself, Doing a flip. They both came at eachother, fighting eachother with chinese karate. Both were light on their feet, blow showing similar power. But Mk had the upper hand, he played attention to all battles. He knew the Tiger's tricks, and advoided him. Landing more powerful hits. After awhile of fighting, Mk blocked both of Orange's attacks, getting an opening and hitting his right in his face. Knocking him out. Orange fell to the ground, his eyes blank. He was breathing, but it was clear Mk had won. The audience boo'ed and cheered, he could hear Mei the loudest. Mk walked back to where Red was, his arm limp from the tiger clawing it.

" Hmph..not bad." Red said, looking away. Mk plopped down on one of the chairs. Healers instantly coming and healing his wounds. They were given another break. Mk took the chance to gather more energy. He started to meditate, gathering all of his thoughts. He was shaken from his meditation from the announcement, saying it was time for Red and his battle.

" Good luck." Mk said. Giving a thumbs up. Red just scoffed, and walked away. Mk sighed, following.

" Welcome back, lady's and gentlemen. To the final battle! Where we have the fire user Red, and the sleek sneaky little monkey, Monkie kid!" The crowd cheered, " both contestants ready?" Mk nodded, so did Red. " then....FIGHT!" Red instantly fired a powerful blast of fire. Mk closed his eyes, remembering everything his secret mentor, Sun Wukong, taught him. He pulled his staff out, and twirled it just as the fire reached him. It instantly disappeared, Red seemed shocked. Mk charged, using his monkey like abilities to speed up. Rising his 17,550 pound staff, Red shot another unexpected blast. Shooting Mk far away, Mk smirked. How cute of him to think he couldn't do long distanced attacks. He made his staff longer, using it's new size to attack him. Red struggled, but shot fire blasts. One hit Mk, he dropped his staff. Grabbing his face, his mask fell apart in two pieces. Revealing his face. Angry, knowing his dads saw his face. He grabbed his staff, swinging it with all of his might. A huge, strong sandstorm was made. Hitting Red, once it passed. Red's hood was down. Mk gasped, instantly bowing. Panicked.  The person....they were.....

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