By skywriter404

409K 14.6K 4.9K

18+!!!!!!! They both kill, but for different reasons. Keilani Hale is an assassin. She's paid to kill and onl... More

1. s&m ๐ŸŒน
2. power ๐ŸŒน
3. do re mi ๐Ÿช™
4. heathens ๐ŸŒน
5. like that ๐ŸŒน
6. dangerous game ๐ŸŒน
7. glory & gore ๐Ÿช™
8. dont make me๐ŸŒน
9. high ๐Ÿช™
10. sue me๐ŸŒน
11. not allowed ๐Ÿช™
12. praying ๐ŸŒน
13. demon high ๐Ÿช™
14. sacrifice ๐Ÿช™
15. dead to me ๐ŸŒน
16. tag, youre it ๐ŸŒน
17. you should see me in a crown ๐ŸŒน
18. revenge ๐Ÿช™
19. look what you made me do๐ŸŒน
20. dont blame me ๐ŸŒน
21. teeth๐ŸŒน
22. wrong ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
24. dress ๐ŸŒน
25. babydoll ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ”ฅ
26. delicate๐ŸŒน
27. choke ๐ŸŒน
28. murder party ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ”ฅ
29. crazy girls ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
30. call out my name๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
31. i wanna be your slave ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ”ฅ
32. detention ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
33. paradise๐ŸŒน
34. poison ๐Ÿช™
35. gangsta ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
36. streets๐ŸŒน
37. girl on fire๐Ÿช™
38. bad blood๐ŸŒน
39. demons๐ŸŒน
40. say you wont let go๐Ÿช™
41. mirrors๐ŸŒน
42. chains๐ŸŒน
43. all we do๐Ÿช™
44. stitches ๐ŸŒน
45. arcade ๐ŸŒน
46. low low ๐Ÿช™
47. boys will be boys๐ŸŒน
48. line without a hook๐Ÿช™
49. 7 rings๐Ÿช™
50. motive ๐ŸŒน
51. redbone ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
52. dont call me angel ๐ŸŒน
53. strawberry lipstick ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
54. kill my mind๐Ÿช™
55. changes ๐ŸŒน
56. like i can๐ŸŒน
57. dead to me ๐ŸŒน
58. dark red ๐Ÿช™
59. best years ๐ŸŒน
60. let me ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ”ฅ
61. atlantis ๐Ÿช™
62. swim ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ”ฅ
63. prisoner ๐Ÿช™
64. all the stars ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
65. woman like me ๐Ÿช™
66. sweet nothing ๐ŸŒน
67. the great war ๐ŸŒน
69. the scientist ๐ŸŒน
70. shirt ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
71. best years ๐ŸŒน
72. intermission; flower ๐Ÿช™

23. bleach ๐Ÿช™

6.9K 233 91
By skywriter404

-i'm not a hateful person, you bought out a different version-

"Ciro, is your fatass gonna get up or not?" Stefans big mouth wakes me up, i open my eyes at the exact time he walks into my bedroom, "Get up."

"Fuck off."

"Look, great you finally got laid but we have shit to do. The load is coming in today."

"Send Doug, i can't be bothered."

"Get up, for fucks sake." He flips my lights on.

I open my eyes a little, "I'm going to kill you."

"Do that after the load comes in." He walks out of the room.

It takes me at least twenty-five minutes to get out of bed. My body was heavy with guilt, i can't believe i fucked her like that and then just left her there. I never do that.

I spend my sweet ass time in the shower, washing off my sins from the night before, her hair tie is still wrapped around my wrist.

I keep it on there, drying myself down and picking out one of my more expensive suits. I add my coin cuff links, then walk out of my bedroom and into the library room.

My clothes were still laying on the floor. I look at the chaise, my heart racing as i do. I shouldn't have did that to her, not while we were both in a state.

I look away, my eyes landing on a silver tube. I bend down, picking up the lipgloss that must have fell from her bag.

Well, at least i'll have a reason to see her again.

I look at the chaise one last time, my eyes focus in on a stain.

I crouch down, wiping the red stain at the end of the chaise. This is too far away to be the blood from her shoulder.

My stomach drops as i realize what it is.

It's blood.

Because of how hard i fucked her.

I just left her here afterwards. I didn't clean her up like i usually do, i didn't offer her food or water, i didn't offer her a shower or to sleep in my bed. I just left her here.

"What's taking you so long?" Stefan calls out.

I look at the very evident blood stain, biting my inner lip. Oh god, i just fucked this up worse than it already is.

After everything she went through and i was too caught up in my own pride to see if she was okay?

I grab the book that holds the cash in it, opening it to reveal the pages cut out and replaced with a cardboard box. I pull the wad of cash out, walking out of the room.

I dump the cash in Stafans hand, walking down the stairs and getting in the elevator.

"Woah, what's on with you man?"

"Just shut up, i'm hungover." I lie.

He gets the message though and shuts up until we get downstairs to meet some of my other men.

Her bike is still here.

How the fuck did she get home?

Is she even at home?

I start to worry. She most likely was in a vulnerable state which meant anyone could have picked her up.

I take my phone out of my pocket, "Excuse me." I walk out of the building, walking straight to her bike. I call Comet.

"Coin." He yawns, "What can i do for you?"

"Is Keilani home?" I ask quickly.

"Yeah, she's asleep. Want me to pass a msssage?"

The relief i felt.

"Is she okay?"

"She seemed a bit upset but she probably just seen a dog die or something." He laughs, "You coming round later?"

"Maybe." I hang up, walking to where Stefan parked his car.

We have an important gun shipment coming in today, i need to be there to sign the papers, and also make sure the sellers die before they leave the country again.

Stefan walks to the car, sitting in the drivers seat, "Snipers already there but he's saying we might have problems."

"What problems?"


For fucks sake.

"Hurry up."

He drives us to the coast where the shipment is coming through, a shipyard. The guns are being smuggled from Italy but nobody can know they're here.

I spot the ship at the docks, there's only a small amount today, 5,000, usually there's more.

I load my guns, stepping out of the vehicle. My men follow me, one of the elders in front of me to lead the way.

I can see the guy wearing a yellow hi-vis jacket, writing on a board. "Vincenzo." My elderly calls out.

The man looks up and his eyes don't meet mine, they look behind me and up, as if someone's up there.

I pull my sunglasses out of my blazer, putting them on. "Let me do the talking." I say to my men, and then we're standing in front of him.

He had sweat beading on his forehead, hands shaky. "You seem nervous." I slide my hands into my pockets, "Why?" I walk behind him, the sunglasses provided a shield for my eyes as i look to where he was previously looking.

We have a snitch on our hands.

I can see the gun on the balcony of another ship, the FBI have already arrived.

Which likely means he's wired.

I walk back around to him, facing him. "How's your mamma?"

"É ancora malata." He clears his throat. she's still sick.

"And your wife?"

His eyebrows furrow, "Are you going to take the guns or what, Coin? I'm not here for small talk."

"Guns?" I raise an eyebrow, "What guns?"

"Capo-" I hold my hand up to silence my underboss.

"Stop playing with me, Coin."

"You called me here because you wanted to talk about payment for your mothers medical bills, we didn't discuss guns." I smile.

"Vai all'inferno, Ciro." He slouches, "I have a family." Go to Hell

"Was it €15,000?" I ask, the price i was paying for the guns, "More or less? I'll take care of the bills."

"Ciro, just take the guns and leave, man." He shakes his head.

"What guns?" I look behind me, looking at Stefan, "Guns? Do you know about guns?"

"No, capo."

"Then why did you bring four men to a money discussion?" He raises his voice.

"You didn't specify, i just assumed." I smile, "So i bring protection."

"The guns are in the bottom of the ship." He takes a step out of the way, "Go."

"I'm not interested in guns, Vincenzo. I'm wondering how your mamma is."

"Just kill me. Coin. I can't go to prison knowing i'm a snitch."


"Uh oh, hottie Hamada is on his way." Stefan says from behind me. I turn around, looking at him. Hottie Hamada? What the fuck?

"Hottie Hamada?" I raise an eyebrow.

"What Reigns wife calls him, i thought it was funny." He smiles.

"I can't believe you have the nerve to joke about this." Vincenzo says to Stefan. "Kill me. I'm not going to prison being a snitch."

"Yes you are, Vincenzo." I step out of the way, watching Hamada and Da Rosa walk this way. "Ah, agents. Were you trying to set me up, Vincenzo?"

"Kill me, Ferrari." He shouts, reaching for my gun. I let him, he raises it at me but the agents raise theirs to him.

"Drop the gun, Vincenzo."

Vincenzo cries, "Per favore non farlo." please don't do this.

I grab my gun off him, pushing him back, "Avresti dovuto pensarci, Rio si prenderà cura di te." I slide my gun back into its holster. You should have thought about that, Rio will take care of you.

Rio is going to have a fucking field day with this stupid fuck. He's one of my men in prison, notorious for taking care of snitches.

"Give me the gun, Ferrari." Hamada arrests Vincenzo.

"I have a license, Hamada. Get a warrant if you want my gun."

He looks at me, "Just give me the damn gun."

"Sorry, daddy." I hand him my gun, the tip pointing down. "Can i go? I have shit to do."

"No." Da Rosa calls out.

"We don't have any means to arrest you, so go." Hamada gives an annoyed look at Vincenzo, pushing him to Da Rosa.

I simply just walk away, Stefan runs to me, "How'd you know?"

"He was acting strange, call my brother and tell him we didn't get them. Tell him to send them to Reign and i'll pick them up from New York."

"Where are you going to go?" He hands me one of his guns.

"I think i fucked up something with Keilani and i want to check if she's okay."

"She tried to kill you?"

"I didn't say i was going to forgive her, i said i'm going to check if she's okay." I get in my car. I do exactly that. I drive to the Hale house, not even knocking before i let myself in.

No cars were outside but her bike was, so someone must have left it off for her.

I walk upstairs to her room first. She was laying on her bed, a hot water bottle rested on her lower stomach, curled in a ball.


She's usually quick to pick up on a lot of things, movement especially.

Her eyes don't move from the floor as i step into the room.

I can't leave her alone like this while there's a stalker after her.

"Keilani." I call out.

Her eyes flick to me and she wipes her eyes quickly, sitting up and putting a smile on her face, "How did you get here?"

"Don't act, baby."


"Don't be fake around me, amore." I put my hand in my pocket, pulling out the lipgloss. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine." She smiles.

She's fake.

"So why are you crying?"

"I wasn't-

"Don't lie to me, Keilani. I don't like liars." I stand at the edge of her bed. "I hurt you."

She looks dead i my eyes, "Nothing a man hasn't done before." She says, choking on her words.

I nod my head, "Who was it that wanted me dead?"

"I keep information sealed." She takes the lipgloss out of my hand, "Don't worry, i paid them back. You're off the hook, Ferrari."

I grab her jaw, "Did i make you bleed?"

She grabs my wrist, "Don't overthink it."

"Did i make you think of things?"

She looks into my eyes, "I would have asked you to stop if i wanted to-"

"I wouldn't have heard you if you did-"

"I didn't." She lets go of my wrist, "Don't overthink it."

I let go of her jaw, "Why is your stomach sore?"

"We don't do small talk, Coin. Look, i'm sorry i tried to kill you but we have no business with each other anymore." She says maturely, "You fucked me, you got what you wanted, let's call truce?" She holds her hand out.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." I ignore her call for truce.

She still tried to kill me.

I can't let that slide.

"It didn't-"

"It did enough to make you bleed."

She looks down, "What do you want me to say, Coin?"

"Just tell me the truth." I take a step back.

She smiles, "You made me feel like how they made me feel." She chokes on her words, "Toward the end. When you just left me there... when you pulled my hair and told me to shut the fuck up." She wipes her nose. "It reminded me of them."

I need to work on myself.

"It wasn't my intention."

"I know. You were mad. But i don't blame you, i could have stopped you if i wanted too. I didn't." She shrugs, "Can you close my door on your way out?"

"Why didn't you, Keilani? Why didn't you stop me?"

She lays back down, "I don't know."

"What are you doing here?" I hear her friend Kaleb.

"He was just giving me back my lipgloss, he's leaving." Keilani answers.

I turns round, looking at him, "You should lock the door next time you leave."

He just stares at me.

I look back at her before i walk out of the bedroom.

Guilt was the only thing i felt.

i wanna take a pic 🥰

when the male lead holds himself accountable for his actions instead of blaming other people >>

ciro is my baby i love him

word count: 2086

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