Bodyguards Secret

By Cookielove12004

252K 8.1K 1.3K

Nox is a 30-year-old Omega who has spent most of his life hiding. Everyone assumed his status since he was 6'... More

Character Profiles
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 [M]
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 [M]
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17 [M]
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 [M]
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 [M]
Chapter 23 [M]
Chapter 24 [M]
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 [M]
Chapter 29 [M]
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 16 [M]

11.2K 330 77
By Cookielove12004




Alpha Command

3 Days Later

Nox wanted to disappear at this very moment. He couldn't understand how he'd gotten himself into this situation. Why did he say yes?

Hotaru was tying her hair into a ponytail. But it wasn't the reason he wanted to disappear. She was dressed in silky, tight pajamas.

They embraced her entire body, her slender, curvy figure.

'Fuck', Nox groaned internally. Realizing he was staring as well, he looked away.

He was presently sitting on the bed. He was reading when Hotaru entered the room, having just gotten out of the shower. Her blissful scent filled the entire room.

To put it simply, Nox had lost interest in the book.

The last several days have been a horrific paradise. Every day, they ate breakfast, spoke briefly, and slept together. It was both wonderful and terrible.

Her aroma was suddenly everywhere, and Nox's omega cravings were intensifying.

To his astonishment, Hotaru hadn't done anything. She was extremely respectful, not only of his home but also of his pets.

His pets also appeared to adore her. Which left Nox conflicted: if they trusted her, couldn't he?

No. Why should he? They'd be out of one other's lives once the stalker was apprehended. It didn't make a difference.

Nox has spent the last few days investigating his dilemma. He'd discovered a supplier specializing in omega pharmaceuticals a couple of hours away. The only problem was that he couldn't leave Hotaru alone.

He could. He just didn't want to because of his stupid good conscious.

But he also couldn't let her stop him from fixing this problem. Whatever was changing in him was acting fast. Soon it could be unreversible.

Hotaru's weight shifting into the bed caught Nox's attention. He snuck a side eye to see her staring right at him.

He quickly looked away.

"Everything alright?" She asks.

Suddenly not being able to speak, he nods.

"Well, I wanted you to know I haven't gotten any updates from the police. I apologize but I may have to stay longer." She explains.

Nox loathed how he didn't detest that she would stay longer.

"It's fine." He mutters, closing his forgotten book and placing it on the nightstand.

"Thank you, Nox." She smiles. "Your very kind you know, you have every right to kick me out. But you don't. I appreciate it more than you know."

Nox turns his head from her to hide his blush.

He huffs and turns his body to lie down, facing away from Hotaru. Sleeping on the couch sounded way better than having to deal with this.

Tomorrow he'd have to find a way to meet that dealer. It was the only way. It had to be.

He heard a soft sigh and shifted under the blankets. "Good night Nox." She says.

Nox was too afraid to say good night back.


Nox grumbled in his sleep. His eyes shifted from left to right even though his lids were closed. He scrunched his face and turned in bed.

A hand nudged his shoulder. "Nox. Wake up." Hotaru says lowly, to not startle him.

She could see the sweat dripping down his forehead. She wondered what he was dreaming about.

She shook him gently and saw his face contort in fear. Maybe he was having nightmares from his time in the military. Even she could not even imagine what horrors he had to face.

Suddenly Nox shot up, his breath heavy and his eyes wide. He held a hand over his heart as his eyes seemed to cloud.

Hotaru stared in shock at him. It was as if Nox hadn't even noticed she was there yet.

He squinted his eyes shut, and Hotaru saw a tear fall down his cheek. She breathes a sharp breath in. She hated seeing him like this.

Nox's head snapped up to meet her eyes. He stiffened up as if he expected her to do something.

"Are you alright?" She asks, her voice low.

Nox sighs long and shakily. "I'm fine, what did you need." He grunts.

Hotaru's forehead furrowed in anger. Was he going to pretend that nothing had happened?

How often did these nightmares happen?

She shakes her head, "I made breakfast for you. I didn't want to wake you up but you seemed... Troubled."

Nox rubbed his forehead and pushed himself out of bed and past Hotaru.

"It's fine, they were bound to come back eventually." He mutters.

Hotaru saw a sliver of his tanned flesh covered with scars as he stretched. She licked her lips, wishing she could throw her arms around his waist. As she strokes his hair and he puts his head between her neck.

"Thank you." He says, startling her. He purposely doesn't meet her eyes as he makes his way to the door. "For making me breakfast, and for waking me up. "

She couldn't see his face, but she could tell he was blushing.

She walked past and purposely brushed her shoulder against his arm. Feeling his slight shiver as she left the room.

"You're welcome," she smirked.


The breakfast Hotaru made was delicious.

He was mortified that she had witnessed him having a nightmare. It was only one of many incidents from his past. He hated having them, but it was a part of life, and there wasn't much he could do about it.

Today... He had to find that Omega dealer. No matter what.

He scrubbed the last dish and placed it on the mat to dry. "Hotaru, I have somewhere to go to today. Will you be fine here... Alone?"

She was currently playing with Loki as she looked up.

"I'll be fine. You do not need to feel obligated to stay here for me. Although I appreciate you caring about my safety."

Nox's brain blanks for a moment.

"... It is my job." He grumbles, drying his hands.

He sighs and turns to Hotaru. Spot was lying by her feet on the couch, and Chizu and Loki were lying on her lap.

His heart suddenly ached. Why? Because he wished to be with them? To cuddle against Hotaru and his pets... In his nest.

Nox's heart stopped. He suddenly turned away and walked up the stairs—his hand on his fast-beating heart.

He couldn't believe this. He'd just wished for another person in his nest.

This was terrible. It was getting worse. He wanted her, not just any Alpha. He only wanted Hotaru. He only wanted Hotaru to touch, care for, and own him.

Nox's stomach twists at the fact that that concept didn't scare or disgust him as it used to.

He placed a hand on the wall to balance himself. "No one wants you. You'll live your sad pathetic life alone. No Alpha would ever want you. Your disgusting." He spat to himself in a whisper. He was letting her sent drive him crazy. He needed to remind himself of the harsh reality.

He regained his composure and went to take a shower.


Walking down the stairs feeling more composed and aware, Nox headed to the living room.

Hotaru had paperwork around her and was writing something in a journal.

"I'm leaving. I'll be back at 10 P.M.," He announced, grabbing his keys off the counter.

"Shall I feed the pets while you're gone?" She asks.

Nox blinked, "If you can. Thanks."

She only nodded with a smile before returning to work. Nox wondered what she did at work. He was tempted to ask but didn't.

He patted Spot's head and headed out the door, grabbing his coat before he closed the door behind him.

He sighs, walks to his truck, opens the door, and slides inside.

He didn't immediately leave. Instead, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and clicked his notes app. The address for this place was difficult to find. He had to pay money to get it on the dark web.

It wasn't the first time he resulted to the dark web to get answers.

He knew exactly where this place was. So he twisted his keys in the ignition, feeling the car rumble to life.

He backed out of the driveway and drove toward his last and only hope.


Hotaru finished finalizing the returns for her company. She was slightly tired but wasn't sleepy.

She arranged her papers neatly on the coffee table and got up, stretching. She pet the sleeping Spot before ascending the stairs, feeling like having a bath and relaxing.

As she reached the top, she saw Loki.. pawing at the door Hotaru wasn't allowed in. She could only wonder what was inside, but she didn't give it much thought. She walks to Loki and bends down, petting the soft cat.

"I'm sorry, kitty, I can not let you inside. Maybe I could let you inside once I made your owner mine." She smirks. Loki only meowed at her as she rubbed her body against her hand. Hotaru chuckles as she rises back up. She walked into the bathroom and twisted on the hot water. It would take a while for it to fill the tub.

She spotted the full laundry backset and decided to do her part.

She picked up the basket and made her way down the stairs. Nox's laundry room was a little hidden. It looked like a coat closet but was much bigger than it seemed. She set the basket down and opened the washer. She poured the clothes inside and added detergent. It didn't take long for her to figure out how it worked, and soon the clothes and towels were being washed.

Hotaru smiled and was about to walk away when she saw there were clothes in the dryer. 'Nox must've forgotten to grab them.'

She opened the door, and her eyes widened. It was a lot of pink, so much pink. Hotaru was not expecting that. She grabbed a pink shirt that had a cute bear in the middle. Hotaru raised an eyebrow. Had he accidentally put something pink with his clothes, and they turned everything pink? No, that couldn't be it. She'd never seen him wear this or any clothes she saw.

Plus, she'd never seen these clothes. As a matter of fact, she didn't know where Nox got his clothes from. He just left for the bathroom and would come with clothes. But these didn't match the ones he always wore. His clothes were dull, black or grey, not pink.

Hotaru wasn't sure what to do. She would have to move them to wash the dirty clothes. The only thing she could think of was that Nox liked the color pink. The thought made her smile, considering the big, tall man blushing and wearing pink. It matched him, though. Even with how rough and big he was, all Hotaru saw was a soft older man.

She tossed the pink clothes into a basket nearby and placed it to the side. She was sure Nox would notice this and realize she saw this, but she didn't care. She needed Nox to know that she didn't care what he liked or how he acted. She would court him either way, whether he was a beta or an omega or an alpha.

She would like him either way.

Own him either way.

Hotaru made her way back up the steps in the time since the bath was the perfect height for her. She switched off the water and took her clothes off. Her extensive and thick penis dangled between her legs. She'd had to be careful around Nox. Every fiber of her being desired to seize him and mate with him. But she needed him to trust her first.

She hummed as she stepped into the bath. It had been a while since she'd been this relaxed. Being in Nox's home was so comforting; his scent had only gotten stronger these past couple of days. It was like she was living a dream waking up to that heavenly smell.

But it wasn't enough. She wanted, no, needed to own that smell. Have it all to herself.


Nox spotted the dilapidated building as he parked his truck. He took a deep breath before exiting the car. He had to do this. There was no other way.

He marched to the door that was barely hanging onto its frame. He lifted his hand and knocked five times. He waited in silence, holding his breath. Did he get it wrong? Was he too late? Just as he was about to accept defeat, the door swung open.

It was a man. He was short, with an average build. He looked to be in his fifties, with white hair already dawning on his head. He had a rough beard and was wearing overalls with a black shirt. The man's nose twitched, and he looked Nox up and down with confusion.

The man seemed to stare at Nox for a long time. "Wh-what are y-you?" He whispers in wonder, confusion, and fear.

Nox sighed, thankful the person he was looking for was here. "My name is Nox, I heard you sell suppressants. I need help."

The man was still looking at Nox like he was some otherworldly creature. "Uh- yeah, c-come in." He stutters, moving aside. The door was a little short, so Nox had to bend down a little to walk inside. The place was old. It looked like a typical house, albeit covered in cobwebs and dust.

He was guided to the kitchen, where the man gestured for Nox to sit down. He obeyed, the chair whining in protest as he sat. It was old, and Nox was almost afraid it would break under his weight.

"W-want some tea?" The man asks, grabbing a cub from the cupboards. Nox shook his head. He didn't know this man and didn't trust him. Seeing as he had to buy his location from the black market. The man only gave him a shaky shrug, filling the cup with hot tea and sitting across from Nox.

The man seemed so skittish and nervous. He couldn't tell if it was because of himself or that was just how this stranger was. The man took a sip of tea and shivered, "S-so, why h-have you c-come to me?" He asks.

Nox stiffened a bit, unsure to tell this stranger his problem, but he had no other way.

"The.. suppressants I used to use. They no longer work, they originally took away my scent and instincts, but now they no longer do anything. My other side is becoming more prevalent and I can't do anything to stop it. I need new pills or anything to suppress everything... completely. I found you have created a new type of suppressant."

The man listened intently, sipping his tea. "I h-have."

"W-when did they s-stop working?" He asks.

Nox sighs, no use hiding the facts. "When I met a True Alpha."

The man inhales, "Hmm, I-I-" He stops mid-sentence and gets up. Nox watches as he makes his way to him. He contains an inch away, "M-may I test s-something? It w-will not involve me t-t-touching or h-harming you." He asks.

Nox was a little surprised the man even asked. If this would help him get things back to the way they were, he'd do anything. So he nods.

The man gives him a nervous smile. Before he disappears into a different room, it doesn't take him long to return. He had a vial in his hand, and steam seemed to be coming from it. He stood in front of Nox.

"D-d-do you s-smell this?" He asks.

Nox wiggled his nose, flexing it to smell anything. But all he could smell was the old house and a slight whiff of dirt.

"No, I don't."

The man nods, "I-Interesting." He set the vial on the table and sat back down. "Y-you are fascinating."

"Ha-have you reacted to a-any other Alpha's sc-scent?"

"No." He then stopped to think. "Only-Only the True Alpha's scent."

"W-Woah, th-this is g-ground b-breaking. H-how f-fast has the sy-symptoms been p-progressing ."

"A couple of weeks, it's been getting faster." Nox was confused, "I don't understand, can you fix me or not."

The man flinched a bit. "A-ah, well- y-you see. I-I ca-can't fix you." He starts fiddling with the teacup. Nox's heart grew heavy. "Be-because your b-body is al-already doing t-that for y-you."

Nox's eyes narrowed, "What?"

"I-I've ne-never seen anyone l-like you. Yo-you must-ve b-been on suppressants since y-you were young. Your body has become too heavily dependent on suppressants it didn't even react to this smell. This smell is the chemical compound that replicates an Alpha's smell, you didn't react. " He explains, his stutters disappearing as he went on.

"It's amazing really! It's as if your instincts have found a reason to resist the suppressant. It's as if it doesn't want to be controlled. It's amazing! Oh! This True Alpha, whoever this is you must not let them go." He starts tapping his chin, "Your omega instincts have done the impossible, it's imprinting on this True Alpha. I would need to take samples, but I'm sure you don't want that. That must be the reason the suppressants stopped working, your instincts chose their mate and now it's fighting to return your body to its healthy state so you can be claimed!"

"This is so rare! There hasn't been a bonding like this in thousands of years. It was thought to not exist anymore."

He dug into his overalls and pulled out a notebook, a maniac smile on his face. "This is the most fascinating thing I've ever seen. Your scent is off the charts. It's the most powerful scent I've ever smelt before. Suppressing not only that, but your instincts have made them come back stronger and heavier. Suppose you've never had heat before this. Assuming you're 25, maybe 30? Thirty or more years without a single heat. The one to come will be so powerful. It would drive even the sanest of Alpha insane and into a Rut." He starts mumbling on and on while scribbling inside his notebook.

Nox, on the other hand, was... empty. His mind was blank. He didn't know what to do, what to think, or even how to feel.

"So, there is no way to stop this. To suppress everything all over again."

His deep voice seemed to snap the man out of his musings. "O-oh! W-well, no-no! D-definitely not. E-even I-If th-there was, I-It would d-do yo-you no good!"

"T-trying to repress th-these powerful i-instincts could r-result in an h-harsh backlash. I-it could k-kill you."

He downed the rest of his tea. "I-it is n-none of my b-business to a-ask. I-I never do, s-so I'll just say, I-it is still I-impossible for m-me to repress t-them. Y-your instincts have been caged f-for so long. T-their l-lashing out. Th-they are trying to make this process as fast as they can. To return you to your original and healthiest state and at your most fertile for the Alpha they've chosen."

Nox's mind wasn't handling this information well. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I-I have no choice then. I'm this." He muttered, his head down.

The main held up a hand. "W-well that that's not f-fact." Nox looked up at him. The man shivered with what Nox could see was fear. He didn't know what face he was making, but it scared the stranger terribly.

"W-w-well, your i-instincts a-are you! T-they wou-would not just p-pick anyone a-as their m-mate to im-imprint on. Who-whoever this True Alpha is, yo-your instincts knew th-they w-were meant to be your Al-Alpha."

That did not make Nox feel any better. That made him feel worse because now he was a burden to Hotaru. She didn't want him! No one did! If she found out about this, he would not only be fired. She'd destroy him. Why wouldn't she? Who would want him?

Nox stood up abruptly, startling the man. Nox didn't say another word as he stormed out of the decrepit home. The stranger didn't get up to follow, only watching his back as he left.


Nox didn't remember getting in the car or even driving home. He didn't remember what he thought about or the amount of rage and fear he felt. All he knew was that he was sitting in his driveway, frozen. Unable to find a reason to leave his car.

His radio in his truck shone a bright red and showed the time 2:45 A.M. no doubt Hotaru was asleep, as well as the pets. Her day must've gone better than his. Yet another dead-end, and not even one he could recover from. This was it. That stranger told him everything he needed to know and why.

And all he could do what sit down and accept it. His stupid omega instincts would take over his body, his life. Everyone would know what he was now, that he was a freak of nature.

Nox didn't want to stay like this forever. Stuck and only able to accept his fate. He could make the best of this. He had enough money, as much as he hated the idea. He could sell the house and move away to the mountains. Away from humanity, away from everything. He could live out his days with his beloved pets alone, away from scrutiny.

The idea seemed perfect.. so why did his body and heart burn at the thought of leaving Hotaru.

"What is wrong with you." He choked out. "Why are you so desperate for someone who will never want us?" He growls.

He ran a hand over his face, the scruff of his beard itching against his hand. All of this was too much for him to handle.

Finally, after a while, the door to his truck opened. Nox sluggishly exited the vehicle, his body heavy. He shut the door and made it to his door. He fiddled with the keys into the lock, being quiet. He just wanted to grieve in peace and quiet. He didn't want to wake Hotaru or the pets.

Slowly and quietly, he opened the door and stepped in. It was dark and warm inside. The familiar smells of the pets and Hotaru calmed him down immediately. He hated that.

He sighed heavily and closed the door behind him. He stepped out of his shoes and shrugged the coat off him. He made his way to the kitchen and flicked the light on. He didn't feel like sleeping. It wouldn't do him any good. He'd just have a nightmare. He grabbed a cup and started the coffee machine.

"You came home late." A voice says behind him.

Nox jolts and twists around in shock to see Hotaru. He didn't expect her to be awake. How long was she there?! Hotaru was wearing a gown. Her silky skin was on display as it seemed to glow.

Her smell was so close, and all he wanted to do was get more intimate.

He forced himself to turn his back on her. "Traffic," He grunted, watching the coffee pour into the tall cup.

He heard her move, but he didn't look to see where.

"Traffic, at 2 A.M.?" She questions from behind him.

Nox's mind wasn't all quite there at the moment. He didn't respond as he grabbed the hot steaming coffee and chugged it down. The steaming and burning liquid went down his throat. It hurt, but Nox didn't make any notion that it did.

He dropped the cup in the sink and turned around. Using all of his remaining strength, he walked past Hotaru. But his wrist is grabbed. The warmth and contact made him shiver. No, he couldn't do this. He moved to pull her hand away, but his other wrist was grabbed.

He growls as he uses all his strength to pull away, but she doesn't budge.

How? Why was she so strong?

His strength was leaving him as all his mind could focus on was her warm hand and scent.

"L-Let go," He demands, but he stutters.

Her eyes shone, and her face held no emotion. What was she thinking? What did she want from him? Why won't she let him go?

She moved to hold both his wrists in one hand and suddenly snaked an arm around his waist. Nox was panicking now as she pushed him flush against her. He began wiggling against her more petite frame, but it didn't do anything.

His body was sparking and shivering like crazy. He was so close to her. Their bodies were touching!

Slowly Nox stopped struggling, he couldn't anymore, and that was when she released his wrists. Nox's flushed face was full of so many emotions. He couldn't stop it. One tear ran down his cheek and then another. And before he knew it, he couldn't stop the rest.

He soon was sobbing big wet tears, and he didn't know why! He hadn't cried like this in years. Why was this happening now, and with Hotaru no less? She wasn't saying anything and only held him against her.

Her free hand came around his neck and softly guided him down. Before he knew it, he was crying into her shoulder. Her scent gland was right next to his face and consuming him altogether. He was now crying on Hotaru, letting his body weight sink into her warm body.

Why did he resist this? Why was this so bad for him? Why was Alpha bad?

And just like that... Nox broke.

He sniffled and whimpered against Hotaru, rubbing his scent glands against hers. Marking her with his scent, he wanted his scent all around his Alpha.

"Oh, cub." She gasps in surprise.

"Come." His Alpha commands, making Nox's body shiver in pleasure. He didn't want to move, but he had to listen to his Alpha, so he let her guide him to the couch. She moved from him to sit on the sofa, and Nox whined in sadness.

Hotaru chuckled and grabbed his wrist. Nox let out a squeal as he was pulled down onto her lap, his arm around her shoulders. "Alpha." He purred with a few sniffles. Hotaru lifted a hand a gently wiped away his tears.

He leaned heavily against the hand, loving the warmth and scent that came from his Alpha. It made him feel warmth down there, and his heart beat faster. Suddenly he felt a jolt of pleasure that made him moan and cling to Hotaru. He looked down, and his eyes widened in shock. Hotaru had unzipped his pants and held his dick in her warm hand.

This couldn't be happening, but it was, and he wanted it to never end. She wasn't even moving her hand, yet he felt like he'd cum. "Mhmm, please!" He groaned, begging her to do something, anything.

Her chuckle vibrated his entire body, and she began to pump his cock up and down. Nox gasped and choked as she slowly fisted his cock. The pleasure was too much for him. He felt like he was going to implode. Just when he felt like he was on edge, she used her thumb to cover the head of his dick, making him choke out a cry.

He couldn't cum, and he was so close.

"Pl-please, let me cum Alpha." He cries against her shoulder, pleading.

"My little Omega wants to cum?" She purrs against him.

Nox's heart bloomed. She called him her Omega! He was hers!

Nox nodded quickly, "Yes!"

He was surprised when a hand grabbed his neck and pulled him from her shoulder. Their eyes met, and he was being kissed before Nox could tell what Hotaru was doing. His eyes widened as his Alpha dominated and kissed him heavily. He moaned against her mouth, his hand squeezing her soft breast.

Hotaru purred and smiled against the kiss, pulling away and leaving Nox panting. The pumping of his member got faster, and Nox couldn't hold it anymore.

Strings of cum flew from him as he moaned and withered against his Alpha. Everything was just too much, her gentle hands, smooth voice, and soft breasts. Semen landed all over his shirt and Hotaru's hand.

He panted heavily against his Alpha feeling completely exhausted. He had drunk coffee, but it hadn't done anything. His eyes felt heavy, but he didn't want to sleep. He wanted "Alpha." He mewled.

"Shh, my little Omega sleep, tomorrow we will talk. I'm never letting you go, not after this. Your mine, whether you like or not, cub." She declared, petting his hair.

Nox was hers? He wanted that so much, to have her as his Alpha.

With that, Nox let sleep claim him as he purred against his Alpha. Hotaru.

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